Aggravation phase #2

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Victim impact statements on tape .... AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. It will be denied. I feel very confident that it won't be granted!! JMO

If it's not denied, that court will be picketed by victim's and victim's advocates from all over. They fought hard in court for the right to be able to testify for their loved ones. To be able to take the stand and state their pain, to make their loved ones real people for the jury. They won't give up this right easily.
I have a story to tell about a patient who was on suicide watch. This was when I was a Student Nurse serving a clinical rotation in a forensic psych ward. Which is a locked ward within a locked ward within a psychiatric hospital. The patients are mentally ill folks who have committed a crime of some kind. The goal was to get them stabilized on medications and then release them to jail.

Patient begins raving. Four huge orderlies "assist" him to the "rubber room". Student nurse sits on chair outside the locked door to the room peering in at the patient. Student would watch for 30 minutes, then another student takes over. This goes on all day. Constant one-on-one human surveillance.

During my 30 minute watch period the patient squatted, pooped, and then came over to the door with feces in his hand and smeared it back and forth over the window glass! I yelled for my Supervising nurse. She said "Oh, yeah, they do this all the time. So we can't see them. I'll call for the orderlies."

So, this is the kind of place where Ms. Arias now finds herself. And she thought she was SO smart......


I would have to say Jodi's plan finally back fired on her. I bet she wishes she had not done that interview now. Let us count the reasons:

-forced to wear an Extra special gown :floorlaugh:
-no pencils anymore
-forced to move to different "hotel"
-having someone stare at her every 30 minutes and maybe give her a pffffttttt every now and then :floorlaugh:
All of that behavior wouldn't actually be that different from the high jinks they get up to when court is out of session. Let's see, six days til court. We are in for some hysteria to be sure.

Here's a puzzle for the armchair psych thread. If HLN were a personality disorder, which one would it be.

Histrionic, easy peasy.
If Little Jodi REALLY wanted to assert herself . .

#1 Fire her attorneys
#2 Get new attorneys
#3 Go to #1

It worked for Charles Ng, psycho serial killer in California, and turned out to be the longest, most expensive trial in California history up to that time. $20,000,000 and 8 years, comes to mind, but I'm not sure.



Charles Ng - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I read a case wish I could find it, but the guy ran the bill up so high not 20mil. that the judge made the prosecutor and the defense settle.
In Arizona, when an Officer of LE is called out for someone in a mental state where they are a threat to themselves or others, it's a Title 36. Other States have them under other titles or statutes.

The individual is put in a Psych facility for 72 hours, at which time they are evaluated by 3 separate psych Docs, who give their diagnosis to a Judge (if it is an involuntary commitment) who will decide if that person is fit to be released or needs future meds, assessment, and/or confinement, etc. and is no longer a threat to themselves or others.

I'm not going to go search through Az Criminal Law and the duties of the Sheriff for anymore substance, but if they follow similar protocol, CFJA more than likely has to be subjected to the 72 hour hold/evaluation process before she can return to Estrella. Her attorneys probably asked the court for a 72 hour delay so CFJA could go through the evaluation and get back to a "normal" jail environment (Estrella) before proceeding with the aggravating circumstances. (It sounds silly, but inmates have rights.) THAT would explain the sealed court proceedings.

CFJA made the statement she would rather die than serve life in prison. Sheriff Joe would have been remiss in NOT taking that as a possible suicide threat and took the appropriate action.

We also know that Dr. Horn is unable to testify on Monday and Tuesday, thus the Wednesday court date.

This is the only valid reason I can see why court was postponed.:twocents:
Murderer ja may think that by fast forwarding the remainder of this trial will somehow give her the Last Word. It won't. The Alexander Family will be able to go on every news station and talk show forever to talk about Travis. She will never have the last word.
It's easy to get off a jury, just raise your hand and say you believe only Ragnar, god of war can judge and punish. You'll be out before lunch.

I'm ashamed to admit in my younger days as a single working Mom...I just couldn't get stuck on jury duty I said this in answer to a question that had something to do with discrimination : " All short people look the same to me " ... Dismissed.
My husband just said "who is this shouting woman? She looks like Michael Jackson's long lost cousin." RE: JVM.

That couple on JVM. Oh, my gosh! Did anybody get their names? I want to add them to my prayer list.

I am now in search of another box of Kleenex. God Bless Juan Martinez!

Sandy and Rudy Padia (Sp? on last name)
You may be correct - however, would Arias make it this easy? Look at the trial - we are approaching five years since she slaughtered Travis Alexander. Five years is a long time - if Arias wanted to make it easy, why not plead guilty to First Degree Murder, waive her right to a jury, ect.

Stating that she would plead guilty to second degree murder after she slaughtered Travis Alexander was cruel - The letter that Arias wrote to the State regarding pleading guilty to second degree murder was equally cruel.

I cannot imagine that Arias - a person that has made "everything" so cruel for almost five years - making it easy.

I hope I am wrong - I hope that you are correct - I hope that Arias is asking for the Death Penalty - and that Travis Alexander's family and loved ones were smiling / happy today.

Yeah, and then we'll spend 6 weeks or months getting thru the waiver process, and at the last moment to bail out, she will say, "No, I changed my mind. I want to LIVE!" And the whole circus will begin anew.

This is a borderline personality disorder working her magic. Or a psychopath. Take your pick. She will think up new and interesting ways to f@*! the system as long as she has breath in her and a beating heart.
I have a question. If JA was really suicidal before the trial, if she really wanted to die.

Why did she cry when the jury found her guilty? Wouldn't she be happy and smiling?

She doesn't want to die. She wants life in prison. Because she wants time to pass. Because she probably has in her mind that she can "do good" in prison and maybe win some brownie points with God before she dies. And most of all she doesn't want to face Travis for a long time.

I've been trying to imagine what the jury thought today. They just went thru the guilt or innocence phase, a very hard time for them. They had to steel themselves to come in today and face making a life or death decision. Then they come to court and sit a while, then are told to go home. Do this again next Wednesday. I can't imagine what they are thinking. Possibly when they get home they will hear something. Maybe about her being in psch ward, maybe about her being suicidal. But they have watched her in court everyday. They have seen her smile. They have seen her drawing and busy. They have seen her angry appearance at some of the witnesses. But they haven't seen her look depressed.

She doesn't want to die, she wants control. She lost control and knows that the jury hates her and she cant change her mind. Since she can't stand losing the battle (which is why she killed Travis) She is willing to convict herself to death so that no one else can do it. In her mind that would mean she has won. Jodi's mind is a crazy place.
Ok, we got some info. Dr. Horn not available next Monday and Tuesday. But Beth started saying something about them bringing in each juror, one by one, to discuss the schedule and...JVM cut her off! Ugh!

Dr. Horn not available until Wednesday - c'mon, his clients aren't going anywhere, they're real patient people. :floorlaugh:
Got it. Thank you! :seeya:

So she was not only on suicide watch; she was taken to a psych WARD. wow.

Psych ward isn't really a good term for the cells where inmates are held under increased monitoring, safer surfaces, isolation and given clothing that can't be used to injure themselves. Yes, it's for patients who have expressed suicidal ideation but stating in an interview she preferred the DP over LWOP doesn't exactly meet the criteria for 'suicidal'. It's not as if she's receiving treatment as patients in a real psych ward in a hospital would be.
She doesn't want to die, she wants control. She lost control and knows that the jury hates her and she cant change her mind. Since she can't stand losing the battle (which is why she killed Travis) She is willing to convict herself to death so that no one else can do it. In her mind that would mean she has won. Jodi's mind is a crazy place.

I agree, she'd rather win than live.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh Hell!

I just got Jury Summons for US District Court!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Fla. they don't let you know what case you'll get you just sit in a big room like cattle fill out the form, then they call you to get questioned by attorneys. Then they tell you if you can go home or go back to the big room. If I were you if it's a high profile case I would find a way out because if you vote guilty some people want to kill you, if you vote not guilty some people want to kill you.
Chris Hughes ‏@cshughes 5m
I do not know anything about what happened today in the #jodiarias #travisalexander courtroom. :(
Beth just showed what is called the prisoner's morning pack. The plastic bag included bread, peanut butter, juice, fruit. Huge amount of food. But, I am wondering how big is that plastic bag? Will it fit over JA's head. jmo
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