aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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I think for me it would totally depend on the circumstances surrounding the killing, and the evidence. I would certainly encourage a plea bargain of a lower charge e.g. manslaughter with a relatively limited period of time in jail (10 yrs). But it would all hinge on the circumstances. If I was mama arias, I would have encouraged a plea bargain for LWOP.

I'm a woman too, and I'd tell my child to take their chances, roll the dice and pick A. If they end up in prison for life anyway -- they deserve it.
OK so far on Twitter after court we have a shout out to DV victims (T-shirt BS) and we have the prisoner invoking religion and god's forgiveness. I think we can see what will be coming up in mitigation.

Jodi is trying to be a good christian, by helping DV survivors, God forgives .. can we get a 'thou shalt not kill' up in here .. I so hope she goes there, just quietly, I will enjoy watching Jodi preach to the jurors about what they should and shouldn't do.

We posted at the same time...and have the same take, it would seem. The only shot she has with it is if the jury listens and concludes she's nuts.
I am posing a question. If your child planned and committed a homicide, admitted doing it to you, would you
A) Encourage them to go to trial pleading not guilty or
B) Have them plead guilty and accept LWOP

I just had this conversation with my husband, and he said A. I said B. Just curious if it is a role thing, a gender thing or if I am alone in my thinking. Thanks

I'm a woman and I voted B.
Just getting through part 1 of the aggravation phase of the trial. Samantha is suffering a hellish nightmare. I feel so bad for her barely controlled sobbing.

If Juan is wrong about the sequence of events, there's not a darn thing Jodi can do about He's probably right, though. Every time he gets it right about something particularly bad, Jodi shakes her head, no.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 2m
Spoke with Stephen Alexander and Chris Hughes. Told them sorry for timing of #JodiArias interview. Both told me they were happy I did it.

I doubt they told him they were happy about his timing though. JMO, I think TH got so much guff over his timing that he finally realizes he was a bit premature in airing it.
Hey great news, I just got a text alert saying the jury found CMJA eligible for the DP !

lol... timely on the text, timely...
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 2m
Spoke with Stephen Alexander and Chris Hughes. Told them sorry for timing of #JodiArias interview. Both told me they were happy I did it.

I doubt they told him they were happy about his timing though. JMO, I think TH got so much guff over his timing that he finally realizes he was a bit premature in airing it.

We will find out if they did say this if/when they do an interview after the trial
Just saw the video of "Jodi-in-stripes" . . . it came 35 minutes into Jane's show for anyone who has it recorded.
What do you all think of JA's mother saying this is the beginning of the end?

She saw the beginning of the end long, long ago. Since I don't have any productive or positive words for Sandy Arias, I'll just zip it.

I will say I think there is no way on this planet she didn't see a day like this in this chick's future. She's just been in denial while the winds gathered force.

Well, she has turned on her previous lawyers. Only a matter of time. Jodi is coldblooded, but she does like her revenge.

I don't think this is a little or insignificant matter. In JA's world, she is a living, breathing person with thoughts and feelings. Everyone else is just furniture, to stay in the background until needed, to move around as she pleases, and discard when their use is done.

Anyone who gets close to JA, ends up with chaos and trouble. Look at the fallout for ALV and DR. Samuels. Nurmi and Wilmott will end up under the bus as well.

Anyone who thinks they can outsmart her, or tangle with her will end up under that bus.

Nurmi showed surprising intelligence by keeping his distance and ignoring her during the trial. I imagine Wilmott thought " if I act like I like her and that she is my friend, the jury will assume she is ok and not deserving of the DP". Obviously things have changed and Wilmott now realizes her mistake.

JA will need a basis for appeal. Ineffective counsel is probably her first gambit.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 2m
Spoke with Stephen Alexander and Chris Hughes. Told them sorry for timing of #JodiArias interview. Both told me they were happy I did it.

I doubt they told him they were happy about his timing though. JMO, I think TH got so much guff over his timing that he finally realizes he was a bit premature in airing it.
I'll believe THAT when I hear it from one of THEM - not TROY.
He already has what he wanted - a little too late to suck up now.
Thank you; so well spoken and truthful!!

WS is a victim-friendly site and our victim, TRAVIS, is receiving JUSTICE!

I am a Victim's Advocate. I work for a local Police Department. I am an actual victim of Domestic Violence, twice actually, by two different people. I am quite clear on the definition of a Victim.

I just also believe that this situation deserves Reverence, and there is nothing wrong with that. Many people have been victimized and traumatized by what happened. I'm sorry that I had a different feeling besides celebration.
if she gets many appeals can she get? and how often does AZ carry out DP? anyone know?
We will find out if they did say this if/when they do an interview after the trial
Why would he bother to apologize ?? He's never admitted he did anything wrong.

I hope he is remembered for this specific claim to fame (or not) forever.
I'm a woman too, and I'd tell my child to take their chances, roll the dice and pick A. If they end up in prison for life anyway -- they deserve it.

A lot - a whole lot - would depend on the circumstances of the crime. E.G. - if I had a son, and he killed the person who killed my grandchild, even that would be one thing. Go for the trial. If said son, however, say, just killed a neighbor who was playing music too loud - plead guilty and take the best plea bargain you can get.

Here's a question: do you think Jodi's mother ever really believed the abuse excuse?

I think that for a while she was believing her daughter but that now she knows the truth.
Ooooh, I don't want to miss that! Was that on the beginning of Nancy Grace's show? I am still watching my recording of Jane.

I saw it several times on JVM.....not sure now as we are watching the baseball game...GO CARDS!!
I agree that inmate Arias was stone faced when the verdict PROVEN was read...she is absolutely imo medicated to the legal limit allowed. Buy I pity the jailor who is the target of her rage laden, venomous tirade when her drugs wear off.
ITA, what else could they do? They had to drug her to keep her from making the impossible worse, if that's possible.
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