aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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I have learned my lesson, let me wait until after is all over I do not want a Cindy Anthony again compassion point!

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From what I understand if Ma Arias were to say anything that contradicts her statements given previously to Flores, she could well be impeached. I would think that her atty's would advise her accordingly.
Now that it's clear to everyone -- including the jury -- that it was nothing more than yet another attack on Travis Alexander by Jodi Arias, I'd like to see HLN stop with the sex tape altogether. Nobody needs to hear another single, solitary syllable of that tape ever again, IMO.

Amen to that, today was the last day I will ever listen to JVM because of her playing that tape. There is absolutely no reason for it!
Amen to that, today was the last day I will ever listen to JVM because of her playing that tape. There is absolutely no reason for it!

Exactly! She's pissing me off! She plays the tape every single day!! And for no good reason! Grr! :banghead:
I don't believe they ever laughed at the victims family. WE have no idea what they were saying or thinking or what they were going through. We are seeing snap shots on tv. NO way is that an accurate depiction of what is going on..

They are human. They get to laugh and smile and twitch and whatever..

They are twins, for all we know one of them was commenting on the other ones underwear that day... But whatever it was they are not guilty of anything more than being related to the CFJA.

Anyone who can crack even one tiny smile at their own child's death penalty murder trial is inhuman to me.
I can just picture the witnesses for Jodi:

Alyce "You need a time out, Mr. Martinez!" LaViolette

Dr. "Fog/I BEG your pardon!" Samuels

Donovan "Tweet" Bering

Gus "Too Skeevy to Come Up With a Quote" Searcy

Who have I missed?

Her BFF: I have known Jodi all of my life. She's really a nice person. She came to my wedding and didn't even hurt a fly that's invited to the event.
JA's attorneys have been preparing for this phase since the beginning. They knew they would get to this phase and they knew (or at least assumed) their client would be facing a DP sentence. None of this is a surprise; they telegraphed their knowledge all the way through with their various motions. It isn't all JA coming up with the content of the motions--her attorneys are likely making these suggestions (like limiting family statements to video). They've been there before so they know how this goes.
Maybe this isn't the place to say this and it certainly should not be part of jury deliberations but I really think that the only chance for Jodi Arias to have any comprehension that she has done a terrible thing is for her to get the death penalty. It just might save her soul. I would like to think that she's capable of repentance but I am not holding my breath.

I wonder if time on death row will make her see that she wasn't abused and this didn't have to happen. How she can avoid the fact that she wasn't abused just dumbfounds me. She's with women who've lived very hard lives and know what it's like to be beaten. Jodi's life is far from that. I've watched her try to "work" this jury. I wouldn't put it past her to get pregnant in jail. It happened with Diane Downs when she broke out for a few days. And there are dumb jail guards. Anything for attention and special treatment. I'm sure she has a soul, but something tells me she doesn't hear God talking to her because there's too much going on in her head. Some really do find God on death row. I don't see how anyone could handle that life without faith. I know she's excommunicated from her church now, but I'm sure some are still trying to reach her. Her life is not the responsibility of her Mom and Dad. They just bare the burden of it. I don't see how anyone can help her now.
Jodi ultimately claimed self defense, meaning she killed Travis. The premeditation came to be with all of the evidence surrounding the event.

I understand that - during this past week while JA has been in the psych ward on suicide watch, I've been watching hours upon hours of trial videos, as well as media interviews and police interview videos.

I don't understand the OP regarding what a parent would do if their child confessed to them that they had committed premeditated murder, since I haven't seen any evidence that JA admitted to her parents that she committed premeditated murder.
I am posing a question. If your child planned and committed a homicide, admitted doing it to you, would you
A) Encourage them to go to trial pleading not guilty or
B) Have them plead guilty and accept LWOP

I just had this conversation with my husband, and he said A. I said B. Just curious if it is a role thing, a gender thing or if I am alone in my thinking. Thanks

I think for me it would totally depend on the circumstances surrounding the killing, and the evidence. I would certainly encourage a plea bargain of a lower charge e.g. manslaughter with a relatively limited period of time in jail (10 yrs). But it would all hinge on the circumstances. If I was mama arias, I would have encouraged a plea bargain for LWOP.
HLN has been showing footage of ja being taken back to stripes and leg irons and waist chains......I have so been looking forward to seeing it. But, guess what she was strutting her stuff!!
And by Donavan......... that is the one that I'm thinking of yes? The one that is.....her friend and is lovely.......that Donavan , right? The one who may or may not have been a supermodel in a former life......that one ? :)

All you say is true. :notgood:
Jodi will take the stand .. as if she'll miss her last chance to speak with her audience.

On that .. if she does get DP is there a chance she'll do media at the courthouse before being led away? It'll be interesting to see when JSS lifts the ban.

Wouldn't twitter be a form of media????
I can just picture the witnesses for Jodi:

Alyce "You need a time out, Mr. Martinez!" LaViolette

Dr. "Fog/I BEG your pardon!" Samuels

Donovan "Tweet" Bering

Gus "Too Skeevy to Come Up With a Quote" Searcy

Who have I missed?

Her BFF: I have known Jodi all of my life. She's really a nice person. She came to my wedding and didn't even hurt a fly that's invited to the event.

The ever-loving lord ("Well, I still love her")
JA's attorneys have been preparing for this phase since the beginning. They knew they would get to this phase and they knew (or at least assumed) their client would be facing a DP sentence. None of this is a surprise; they telegraphed their knowledge all the way through with their various motions. It isn't all JA coming up with the content of the motions--her attorneys are likely making these suggestions (like limiting family statements to video). They've been there before so they know how this goes.

I disagree. Only now during this last phase, are they even will to consider that she actually had Borderline Personality Disorder. They could have used that in her defense, but they said it wasn't true until now.
From the very beginning, Jodi Arias believed she could charm & manipulate Detective Flores, as well as everyone else she contacted prior to her arrest as she attempted to construct an alibi.

When that didn't work, she thought she could charm & manipulate the public (and a potential jury pool) in her media interviews after she was arrested & charged.

When that didn't work, she thought she could charm & manipulate the jurors during this trial.

I think this depraved, savage murderer has lived her life believing she can charm & manipulate anyone & everyone, because she's had previous success in charming & manipulating others throughout her life.

Thank Goodness this jury is intelligent & has not been manipulated by the likes of Jodi Arias.

Great post - thank you for eloquently stating what I was thinking. :seeya:
I predict that this jury comes back with a death penalty verdict within half a day or less and here's why: All they needed to do to take the question of death off of their plates was to find that even though the murder of Travis Alexander was horrible, it did not rise to the level of exceptionally cruel. Easy peasy. Done. Move on to sentencing -- likely LWOP. But, they didn't. If you factor in whatever time they spent eating lunch, this was a lighting fast finding for cruelty. IMO, this jury has signaled that it is ready, willing, able and eager to give her the DP.
HLN has been showing footage of ja being taken back to stripes and leg irons and waist chains......I have so been looking forward to seeing it. But, guess what she was strutting her stuff!!

Anybody gotta clip?
I think she'll go with the jury. I don't see her sticking her neck out for Jodi.
There would be an uproar if the jury came back with the DP & JSS overturned it and the position of judge is very political.

This might already been addressed, but an article posted in several threads indicated Az. changed law whereby the Judge can not overrule a death verdict by the jury.

I'll try to find article...
Sleuthers, for those of you who wanted to see inmate Arias in her prison stripes and shackled at the ankles and wrists, JVM just aired video of it. She was being returned to the jail in all her convicted glory.
HLN has been showing footage of ja being taken back to stripes and leg irons and waist chains......I have so been looking forward to seeing it. But, guess what she was strutting her stuff!!

Oh maaaaan! I missed it! And I have so been looking forward to the first episode of "Jodi In Chains!"
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