aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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ITA. NOTHING about this trial deserves "celebration."

Throughout, I’ve tried to put myself in various mind sets: TA’s, JA’s, TA’s family/friends, JA’s family. At times, I even find sympathy for JA, given TA’s actions (and those of his close-knit circle of friends). Yes, I know. Not a popular opinion, but it’s my opinion. Worth TA’s death? NOT. DOUBLE NOT. However …
*Snipped by me*
I would suggest you become acquainted with "anti-social personality disorder" (aka "sociopath), "narcissism", and just a brief overview of "borderline personality disorder". (BPD sufferers, not trying to offend).
Then, take a good look at JA's history of "morphing" to suit her surroundings. Look at her ability to LIE without missing a beat.
What JA is can't be fixed, by medication or therapy. She is wired differently.
Travis' friends SAW that. That doesn't make them immature, cliquish, whatever. That makes them OBSERVANT. That shows they are concerned for the well being of their friend. It's not a "Mormon" thing, a "Young Adult" thing, it's common sense.
TA dumped JA while she was still living in Calif. She sent TA an email saying someone was "stalking her", that she was scared, blah, blah, blah. The "Mystery Man". She moved to Mesa with no job prospects, no place to live, NOT because of this fictitious "stalker", but to control TA.
Etc, etc, etc............

I am Ex-Mormon, my dad is BPD, Narcissistic/Antisocial PD. So I know many of your "assumptions" are your "opinion" without any real life experience or knowledge.

I think you might just want to watch the whole trial, check out the "Armchair Psych" thread here on WS, and take a look at court documents that have been posted here....

I don't think this is a celebration, more of a sigh of relief for people who have felt the Justice system was failing. JMO
When Jodi gave her infamous FOX news interview post verdict, she referred to having offered a plea in her case. Does anyone know how she tried to plead out in this case?
I realize that many of us have concerns over juror #8 being on DrD but would like to make a comment that is unrelated those concerns.

I am deeply touched by juror #8, I heard the regret and disappointment he felt about getting removed from the jury, and I believed his sorrow when he expressed his belief he had failed the Alexanders. And as so many of you fine sleuthers have said, he and these jurors have taken their responsibility with grave seriousness.

This juror has truly brought home for me how much pain, suffering, and devastation JA has heaped upon so many people. She has victimized and re-victimized so many people in so many ways. I for one am pro-death penalty and this, among other reasons, is why.

I just want to thank each and every Alexander juror for their sacrifice and their service.

May the jury finish this difficult journey for justice and truth, and find JA appropriate for death row.
:dunno: not a lot of time to fit a sheet into the scenario based on the timing of the photos.
Then again the cut seems like it would be easier face down.
Glad I will never need to find out for myself!
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When Jodi gave her infamous FOX news interview post verdict, she referred to having offered a plea in her case. Does anyone know how she tried to plead out in this case?

she wanted to plead to 2nd degree or less
I liked Juror #8.

Jodi's busy bee crap irritated him, too.
He didn't buy the pedo allegations at all.
He asked at least one of the wonderfully snarky questions.

Smart guy. Smart enough to know better than to drive while snot-slinging drunk.

He made a mistake. One that seems to have impacted him greatly. It's between him and the courts. He gave THIS CASE his all, was there everyday, taking notes, asking questions, and feels like he let the Alexander family down. Can we lay off the snark about his private life? Juror # 8 is not on trial here.
Does anyone know what Jodi's aunt said on FB about Travis' sisters? Sorry if this has been asked and answered.
I find it extremely satisfying to know that this vile murderer is in closed custody tonight, and will only be able to leave her cell for 1 hour a day, unless she's in court.

Although she's now eligible for the death penalty, which, according to Arizona state law she deserves, I feel that it would be a more grievous punishment for her to spend the rest of her life in jail (since she says that longevity runs in her family), knowing she can never leave, can never travel to any of those 1000 places to see before you die. Every day in prison would be torture for her. She deserves to suffer for her horrendous crime, IMO.

I think spending the rest of her natural life in prison would cause her more suffering than being put to death.

IMO, death is too good for her.
*Snipped by me*
I would suggest you become acquainted with "anti-social personality disorder" (aka "sociopath), "narcissism", and just a brief overview of "borderline personality disorder". (BPD sufferers, not trying to offend).
Then, take a good look at JA's history of "morphing" to suit her surroundings. Look at her ability to LIE without missing a beat.
What JA is can't be fixed, by medication or therapy. She is wired differently.
Travis' friends SAW that. That doesn't make them immature, cliquish, whatever. That makes them OBSERVANT. That shows they are concerned for the well being of their friend. It's not a "Mormon" thing, a "Young Adult" thing, it's common sense.
TA dumped JA while she was still living in Calif. She sent TA an email saying someone was "stalking her", that she was scared, blah, blah, blah. The "Mystery Man". She moved to Mesa with no job prospects, no place to live, NOT because of this fictitious "stalker", but to control TA.
Etc, etc, etc............

I am Ex-Mormon, my dad is BPD, Narcissistic/Antisocial PD. So I know many of your "assumptions" are your "opinion" without any real life experience or knowledge.

I think you might just want to watch the whole trial, check out the "Armchair Psych" thread here on WS, and take a look at court documents that have been posted here....

I don't think this is a celebration, more of a sigh of relief for people who have felt the Justice system was failing. JMO

AMEN to this fantastic post!!

You nailed it, all of it!
When Jodi gave her infamous FOX news interview post verdict, she referred to having offered a plea in her case. Does anyone know how she tried to plead out in this case?

She tried to BLACKMAIL the State and Travis's family by offering 2nd degree murder. It was not a plea offer, it was a blackmail offer. You should read's sickening.
I understand that - during this past week while JA has been in the psych ward on suicide watch, I've been watching hours upon hours of trial videos, as well as media interviews and police interview videos.

I don't understand the OP regarding what a parent would do if their child confessed to them that they had committed premeditated murder, since I haven't seen any evidence that JA admitted to her parents that she committed premeditated murder.

I think you are adding JA into the question when the original poster did not qualify the question or responses as being about original question regarded you and YOUR children, not JA and her mother.
*Snipped by me*
I would suggest you become acquainted with "anti-social personality disorder" (aka "sociopath), "narcissism", and just a brief overview of "borderline personality disorder". (BPD sufferers, not trying to offend).
Then, take a good look at JA's history of "morphing" to suit her surroundings. Look at her ability to LIE without missing a beat.
What JA is can't be fixed, by medication or therapy. She is wired differently.
Travis' friends SAW that. That doesn't make them immature, cliquish, whatever. That makes them OBSERVANT. That shows they are concerned for the well being of their friend. It's not a "Mormon" thing, a "Young Adult" thing, it's common sense.
TA dumped JA while she was still living in Calif. She sent TA an email saying someone was "stalking her", that she was scared, blah, blah, blah. The "Mystery Man". She moved to Mesa with no job prospects, no place to live, NOT because of this fictitious "stalker", but to control TA.
Etc, etc, etc............

I am Ex-Mormon, my dad is BPD, Narcissistic/Antisocial PD. So I know many of your "assumptions" are your "opinion" without any real life experience or knowledge.

I think you might just want to watch the whole trial, check out the "Armchair Psych" thread here on WS, and take a look at court documents that have been posted here....

I don't think this is a celebration, more of a sigh of relief for people who have felt the Justice system was failing. JMO

Think she whispered I have a migraine.

He//, Jodi IS a migraine!! Grrrrrrrrr.

Not that I like her defense team so much, but let's face it, peeps, they had nothing to work with.

It's like your final in art class and your assignment is to do a rendering of Jodi Arias who is in front of you sitting on a stool. She is wearing a black and white prisoner's uniform, and she has a bloody knife in her hand.

You have your canvas, but the professor gives you a brick & a broomstick as your paint and brushes to do the likeness. Time starts now!
ITA. NOTHING about this trial deserves "celebration."

Throughout, I’ve tried to put myself in various mind sets: TA’s, JA’s, TA’s family/friends, JA’s family. At times, I even find sympathy for JA, given TA’s actions (and those of his close-knit circle of friends). Yes, I know. Not a popular opinion, but it’s my opinion. Worth TA’s death? NOT. DOUBLE NOT. However …

ALL involved exhibited, at times, immature behavior: JA’s stalking/obsessiveness … TA and friends driving off as JA ‘runs’ after them … Friends delivering a “don’t see her again” message to TA while JA is a guest in their home … Digging in JA’s backpack (without asking for her permission) to ‘lighten her load’ before a hike.

Okay? Let’s say you’re JA (shudder) … but try it on for size. You have NO ego, except that which others confer. You have no money, no status, and no power, except by way of those with whom you associate. Your SINGLE power resides in your SELF-image: socially, a soft-spoken, artistic “spiritual and soulful” being; privately, a “sex-kitten” and a “tiger” in bed. That’s it. That’s all ya got.

Now, you ( JA) try to find a new ego, as a Mormon; as TA’s “future wife.” He dumps you. You move to Mesa, chase TA. And the under-30 ward in Mesa essentially ‘shuns’ you.

She became a “moth against the flame.” Then, instead of flying away, she ruthlessly extinguished the light that was Travis.

… I’m not excusing her ability to commit this brutal, bloody murder. THAT part of her, NO one can forgive.

Just sayin’, maybe religiously-bound societies of young people need more guidance by elders … no matter the religion … if – for no other reason – they need to protect their inexperienced young people from “mentally whacked” people. And those same young people need to know the difference between being a “clique” and a “welcoming” spiritual wellspring.

‘Cuz … there is no question in my mind that JA – armed with her knives, 9 mm, and vengeance – was ready to kill the Hughes; Deanna; and any others in that social group who “wronged” her.

This is a time for reflection. And, yes, reverence. Not celebration.

Our justice system works. Is this a time for "dancing in the streets?" I'm sickened by that thought.

I absolutely do celebrate this justice that has been done so far. I celebrate because I have a deep reverence for justice for victims. I take it very, very seriously. When justice is not served, it is agonizing and undermines my faith in mankind.
He made a mistake. One that seems to have impacted him greatly. It's between him and the courts. He gave THIS CASE his all, was there everyday, taking notes, asking questions, and feels like he let the Alexander family down. Can we lay off the snark about his private life? Juror # 8 is not on trial here.

I hear you. I agree with all you have said here. I was by no means being snarky. Nothing funny about people getting killed by drunk drivers.
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