aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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I totally see it from your (and others) perspective, as well. Being isolated on death row would definitely cause her to suffer, but it would also provide her hope & comfort, since she claims that she wants to die, and claimed that death is "ultimate freedom".

Life without parole will not give her any hope at all of attaining "ultimate freedom" any time soon, since she's only 32.

I don't care whether or not she receives the death penalty or LWOP. I only hope that she's miserable for as long as possible before she leaves this earth.


I think though she is just playing mind games about wanting the death penalty.

If she get LWOP, then she can blame the jury for not giving her what she wanted.

If she gets the DP, then she can brag that she got what she wanted.

She becomes the center of attention, once again. Blech!

I truly believe death scares her more than she leads on. IF, and this is a BIG IF she has any belief in the LDS religion, she knows what lies ahead for a murderer in the after life.

I know about the LDS faith, and her after life will not be pleasant.
I listened to Juror 8 tonight on DD. I was so impressed. I have lost a Family member to a drunk driver and I am the first to fight that fight. However this is about Justice for Travis. Sometimes good people do bad things. Nobody was injured or killed. He just seems to me like a really nice person who made a really stupid decision. He is paying now emotionally and the Court will deal accordingly. As it should be.
I didn't see ANY point to the pedophile allegations about Travis. That was low, without ANY evidence and completely irrelevant. It didn't have anything to do with the subject at hand. Nothing.
However, I also thought that the salacious details of Jodi's sexual history were irrelevant. Was it really necessary for us to hear the shrink on the stand tell us at what age she first performed oral sex?
What purpose did that serve? Is she atypical of the average American girl in terms of her sexual history? NO.

The whole concept and presentation of sexuality in this case was disturbing and made me think that we haven't evolved much since the 19th century.
Condemning Jodi for being a murderer was appropriate, but making her out to be a Jezebel and a *advertiser censored* was unfair and inappropriate. Clearly, she and Travis had a mutually satisfying sexual relationship that was hard for either of them to turn away from.
The fact that she is painted unfavorably for the sex is bothersome to me....hate her for the killing. That is what this trial was about.

I might add that my reactions are as a discerning woman.......I just don't like the old double standard about sex.
The jury has decided that Jodi is a murderer.....that is reason to condemn her, the rest was completely unnecessary and offensive to me on many levels.

Jodi and her DT are the ones who made this about sex. They were trying to say Travis used her for sex that he had forced her into, which was abusive, so she killed him after this extended form of abuse.

I agree this was a murder case and the sex should have been secondary, only enough to show they did in fact have a relationship and no more, but this was turned into a sexcapade circus because they had basically nothing else by way of defense. And the salacious sexual abuse worked for Casey Anthony, so the DT figured why not try it here. MOO.
I didn't see ANY point to the pedophile allegations about Travis. That was low, without ANY evidence and completely irrelevant. It didn't have anything to do with the subject at hand. Nothing.
However, I also thought that the salacious details of Jodi's sexual history were irrelevant. Was it really necessary for us to hear the shrink on the stand tell us at what age she first performed oral sex?
What purpose did that serve? Is she atypical of the average American girl in terms of her sexual history? NO.

The whole concept and presentation of sexuality in this case was disturbing and made me think that we haven't evolved much since the 19th century.
Condemning Jodi for being a murderer was appropriate, but making her out to be a Jezebel and a *advertiser censored* was unfair and inappropriate. Clearly, she and Travis had a mutually satisfying sexual relationship that was hard for either of them to turn away from.
The fact that she is painted unfavorably for the sex is bothersome to me....hate her for the killing. That is what this trial was about.

I might add that my reactions are as a discerning woman.......I just don't like the old double standard about sex.
The jury has decided that Jodi is a murderer.....that is reason to condemn her, the rest was completely unnecessary and offensive to me on many levels.

But the whole point and narration of the sex issues and double standards were solely brought up by the defense and JA.

THEY brought up the unfounded and offensive pedophelia.

THEY wrote the narrative of Travis being sexually abusive towards CMJA in the phone sex tape, which they played over and over and over.

THEY tried to make him out to be a sexual deviant and a monster with sick perversions and insatiable sexual appetites and fetishes who forced JA to do all sorts of things she unwillingly participated in to please her abuser.

THEY basically accused Travis of rape (he woke her up by having sex with her).

THEY tried to say it was he who introduced anal sex to the relationship.

THEY tried to say she was the innocent partner who was corrupted by him at the home of the Hughes, that he forced her to have sex the day of her baptism, and in alleys in his car.

THEY tried to turn him into a sexual monster and make the jury despise him.

It became necessary to show that she was sexually experienced, comfortable, and aggressive with other boyfriends. That doesn't make her bad. I'm all for women being dominant and sexually secure in mutual relationships, but the moment you turn on a man and accuse him for a reason like framing and blaming after you've killed him, you've lost your right to keep your private sex life private.

The defense brought the sex stuff to the table and Juan responded. I condemn her for her hypocrisy when it comes to sex and these most horrible accusations that she had the nerve to level against the man she murdered. Sex was a weapon for her at multiple times in life and during this trial.
She used sex to control and manipulate Travis, especially/including the day she murdered him.

JW: "So when a person is dead, they don't feel pain right?"

Dr. Horn: That's right


JW: "So you never talked to Travis?"

DeMarte: "No because he was dead"

WILMOTT: "So you can't talk to dead people"

DeMarte: mmm NO you can't because they are dead!

Why is JW so focused of the "death" part. Is she in alternate reality believing Travis is still alive? As in Jodi' mind.
I didn't like it as a concept within the trial at all. I wasn't commenting on which side it came from. "Cough cough"......I knew it was the defense that made the distasteful allegations of Travis and the defense psych who gave us the TMI about her history.
I would need to reread the transcript or listen to the proceedings to know who posed what questions to her and about her.
I do think that the defense team was correct that Jodi was Travis's "Dirty little secret" --they hit a home run on that one but it didn't make a dang bit of difference in terms of the crime which is what the case was about. was HER attorney who said all those things about her sex life...oh, and the convicted killer! It wasn't the Prosecutor. You are correct, the trial should about her murdering Travis 3 x's over, but HER TEAM made it about sex, lies, sex, lies.

I'm so happy it turned out to be the wrong defense. The convicted killer should have just told the truth and begged for mercy. JMO
I find it extremely satisfying to know that this vile murderer is in closed custody tonight, and will only be able to leave her cell for 1 hour a day, unless she's in court.

Although she's now eligible for the death penalty, which, according to Arizona state law she deserves, I feel that it would be a more grievous punishment for her to spend the rest of her life in jail (since she says that longevity runs in her family), knowing she can never leave, can never travel to any of those 1000 places to see before you die. Every day in prison would be torture for her. She deserves to suffer for her horrendous crime, IMO.

I think spending the rest of her natural life in prison would cause her more suffering than being put to death.

IMO, death is too good for her.

I think both LWOP or death (which would take an average of 12 years to get to) will be horrendous for JA. As long as she is locked up, to be executed or not, is a blessing for society. From my knowledge of prison life, she will not do well in GP if put there. She will be miserable regardless of the outcome.
The thought that will continually run through her head for the rest of her life will be "None of this is my fault, society feels the need to persecute those of us with higher intelligence." I don't think she has the ability to even believe that any of this was her fault, EVER. Juan nailed it, "It's not her fault, dontcha know."
This is going to sound so cliché but I really do mean this. I've been trying to 'do better'. I have been here for so long, watching the trial, crying with all of you over the horrific brutal murder of Travis Alexander. I have posted like so many of you, what a wonderful man he had been. I am glad to know of him, and so sorry about how I came to know of him. But I do think of him every day. And I want to be more like he was. I have a biting tongue in real life and I've used it here to post VERY negative things about JA. I've made comments about others too, but with much less disdain. For all of us who now love and admire the Alexander family, I think we should make a conscious effort to practice what Travis preached. I don't want what he brought to the world in his short time to fizzle out. It only takes one person, doing good to another, who does it for another, and another. That is what Travis's legacy should be about.
I have to say, that if I died tomorrow by any means, I would be so proud to have the things said about me that were said about Travis. He mattered to so many. I want to matter too. I'm going to do something kind, every day. I'm going to make the people I interact with feel that they matter too. I won't ever forget Travis Victor Alexander. In his horrific death, he makes me want to do better. Because he has made me 'know better'. God bless him and his wonderful family.

Wonderful, wonderful post. I completely agree.
MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 6m

Daniel Freeman told #abc15 he emailed defense back that he's not against #jodiarias getting DP for killing close friend #travisalexander

MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15

#jodiarias Defense listed Kim Ross - Fellow inmate & Patricia Womack as sentencing witnesses + Daniel Freeman (confirmed he was notified)

This is Kim Ross, who was Arias's cell mate at some point.
If she does get to have her coloring book tomorrow, while one of the Alexanders is speaking would love for them to bang on the table and say to her..LOOK AT ME!
I listened to Juror 8 tonight on DD. I was so impressed. I have lost a Family member to a drunk driver and I am the first to fight that fight. However this is about Justice for Travis. Sometimes good people do bad things. Nobody was injured or killed. He just seems to me like a really nice person who made a really stupid decision. He is paying now emotionally and the Court will deal accordingly. As it should be.

I guess that's what I meant to say. :blushing:
She probably has on tennis shoes. I have seen her hurdle shrubbery before...<shudder>:scared:

She was hurdling WHAT?!?! :floorlaugh:


PS- I am only on page 2, if someone has already done this bit...apologies! :blushing: But again, could not resist!
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