"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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So tell me, did anyone predict that the DT would throw GA under the bus??? And I don't mean recently, I meant way back when?

Not really. Given a choice of family members I thought it would be CA. MOO

jmhoo but this was no accident. The SA will prove this. I would wish the defense luck in proving an accident but I don't wish them a thing...


jmhoo but this was no accident. The SA will prove this. I would wish the defense luck in proving an accident but I don't wish them a thing...


I agree - was just reading the theories and wondering how the cholorform would fit in.

I think she did it - my hubby thinks Lee did it?? But I think she wanted to party and not grow up and ended up ODing with chloroform.
I think she did it and the duct tape was applied after the fact to make it look like a kidnapping when the body was found.
Any defence along these lines would not work on me if I were a juror. Even supposing all these things were true, I believe that no matter what anyone does to a child it does not give that child carte blanche to grow up and harm or kill other people. One of the arduous burdens of being a victim is having to take responsibility for healing yourself (with help if it's available, of course) instead of taking your pain out on others. It can be a long, slow process, and it's not fair that someone should have to spend their time healing because of someone else's actions, but the sad truth is that the burden of healing belongs to the victim and no one else. And no victim of abuse gets a free pass to do something far worse to another child. It's evil nonsense to claim otherwise.
I also think ICA's family have put themselves into an extremely vulnerable position with all their obfuscations and shenanigans, and while I dearly hope for justice there is a possibility the jury will be so confused they will end up believing false conclusions. The jury will NOT be to blame if this happens. Lying is a dirty and dangerous business.
So tell me, did anyone predict that the DT would throw GA under the bus??? And I don't mean recently, I meant way back when?

yes....early on i remember someone who predicted it.....and the poster has said it a few times that i have read.....i dont remember who though....but is/was a poster that posted often.....and was/is a great poster :)
Any defence along these lines would not work on me if I were a juror. Even supposing all these things were true, I believe that no matter what anyone does to a child it does not give that child carte blanche to grow up and harm or kill other people. One of the arduous burdens of being a victim is having to take responsibility for healing yourself (with help if it's available, of course) instead of taking your pain out on others. It can be a long, slow process, and it's not fair that someone should have to spend their time healing because of someone else's actions, but the sad truth is that the burden of healing belongs to the victim and no one else. And no victim of abuse gets a free pass to do something far worse to another child. It's evil nonsense to claim otherwise.
I also think ICA's family have put themselves into an extremely vulnerable position with all their obfuscations and shenanigans, and while I dearly hope for justice there is a possibility the jury will be so confused they will end up believing false conclusions. The jury will NOT be to blame if this happens. Lying is a dirty and dangerous business.

If KC is to be found guilty of murder, there are several aggravating factors:

It was premeditated, especially if she killed Caylee out of spite or due to her own abuse-she thought it out and made a decision
She killed a child in her care under 12
She killed that child in the commission of felony child abuse
Caylee was vulnerable to her mother

If the mitigating factor of KC having been abused is enough to overcome the factors above, I guess I just don't see it.
God forgive me for saying this. After hearing the "Mitigation List" and that her family didn't protect her and sexual abuse, it got my mind thinking. What if she claims that it was her Grandfather that abused her when she was younger and her parents didn't protect her. The fight on Father's Day is because CA took Caylee to see him and something inappropriate happened, or KC got scared that CA would get custody of Caylee and she wouldn't be able to protect her. KC doesn't want her parents in court to hear all the details.

Remember KC saying "don't worry, I didn't say anything". Remember CA getting very upset with LE when they wanted to go talk with her father and said she would stop cooperating with them. Would she throw Grandpa under the bus? :truce:

This sounds like a Very likely scenario for the DT to use in the penalty phase, but I can't see how they can use it in the guilt phase, unless they include as part of their "ugly coping" reasons. But it doesn't explain how Caylee died or why ICA hid her "disappearance" for those 31 days.JMO
Boy, I sure hope they don't go down the "grandfather" (KC's grandfather/CA's father) abused her. That would be an "aha" moment, but AGAIN...doesn't give a person a right to murder an innocent 2 year old little girl.


If KC's really going after LEE...I can see how the AF claim of the parents not being there to protect her and being a pawn (was that the wording?)...as being part of the story:

Note, story (of which I do NOT believe):

Lee abused KC growing up. She finally spoke up and GA/CA didn't believe her and therefore, didn't protect her from further abuse. Why didn't they believe her? HELLLLOOOOOO, they knew she was a pathological liar for years. So, why would they believe her? They could go on the stand, defend themselves by stating they had years of examples of KC lying, so they didn't know it was actually true. Poor them! "Had we known...if only we had known!" Victims again!

Then they can get on the stand and profess their love and support for KC because they feel bad for not believing them when she needed them. There! They're in her good graces.

However, poor Lee is left hanging alone...............


Don't know, just thinking cyber-outloud :waitasec:

Yep. With no unpaid personal assistants to help him out. I have no pity for him. There were mountains of evidence that Casey was guilty and Lee did not care a bit. He betrayed Caylee and he's reaping what he sowed. I hope he can try to redeem himself.
God forgive me for saying this. After hearing the "Mitigation List" and that her family didn't protect her and sexual abuse, it got my mind thinking. What if she claims that it was her Grandfather that abused her when she was younger and her parents didn't protect her. The fight on Father's Day is because CA took Caylee to see him and something inappropriate happened, or KC got scared that CA would get custody of Caylee and she wouldn't be able to protect her. KC doesn't want her parents in court to hear all the details.

Remember KC saying "don't worry, I didn't say anything". Remember CA getting very upset with LE when they wanted to go talk with her father and said she would stop cooperating with them. Would she throw Grandpa under the bus? :truce:

Well, Casey was searching the internet months before Father's day for ways to kill someone. That will be hard to overcome. Interesting theory you are developing though.
This may have been discussed before, I searched but could not find anything.

This is my theory on the sawgrass apartment form filled out for Zenaida.

In my opinion, it is possible, and I wonder if the police checked it out, could someone at the apartment complex worked with the Zenaida (who filed a defamation suit against Casey) and who right away within days made a point of saying how harasses she was on the Internet.... could they have planned it all (maybe with the help of disreputable lawyers) so that they could file the suit? Early on, the news was reporting that Casey had a wealthy family.

Someone at Sawgrass actually filled out the form, the phone number was wrong, .... do they have video of zenaida at sawgrass on the day the form was completed? I think the form was completed in JULY... as part of this plan to file the defamation lawsuit.

Casey did not benefit from the form, it makes no sense for her to have done it. (well none of what she says makes sense) I think if Casey had done all this planning then she would have reported Caylee missing so that her planning would have meant something.

Of course all this is just my imagination, none of this is fact.

I cannot remember what I read about the videos other than the Police telling Casey the video shows she did not go wait for caylee at sawgrass....
Millac- the more I think about it I too think grandpa. Which is why CA has done soooo much to cover for ICA
She does not want the secret out. I joked that CA and ICA and Caylee were sisters. Maybe Caylee was CA'S sister? THAT WOULD NE A SHOCKER! I really wouldn't even be able to stomach that tho

Millac- the more I think about it I too think grandpa. Which is why CA has done soooo much to cover for ICA
She does not want the secret out. I joked that CA and ICA and Caylee were sisters. Maybe Caylee was CA'S sister? THAT WOULD NE A SHOCKER! I really wouldn't even be able to stomach that tho


And Caylee did look an awful lot like Cindy. However, I don't even want to think that could be possible, at this point.

Question for you all... someone asked that if the defense was going to claim accident, how would they explain the chloroform. What I want to know is, how do you all think they would explain the duct tape in an accident scenario?

As far as Casey testifying, at first, I was starting to believe Brad and MN that she would take the stand. However, I noticed the defense was really emphasizing to the potential jurors that they should not consider her not taking the stand as proof her guilt. There was one time where Baez asked one of the potentials if they would require Casey to testify in order to consider that she may be innocent (or something to that effect). Either the defense is not planning on putting her on the stand, or they are trying to get a feel of whether they should put her on the stand (or not), based on what these potential jurors say. JMO, of course.
My AHA moment was when I was watching the jury selection and witnessed ICA constantly cleaning the table. I always thought that George cleaned the inside of the trunk, but now I think Casey was very capable of that.
My AHA moment was when I was watching the jury selection and witnessed ICA constantly cleaning the table. I always thought that George cleaned the inside of the trunk, but now I think Casey was very capable of that.

Interesting. I still think GA did it,because Casey was not in the let me take my time and hide evidence frame of mind. She seemed pretty sure it would all go away.

She hid nothing else correctly so I dont think she cleaned the trunk either or she would have hide Caylee better. Althou if GA had hide Caylee body I dont believe that roll of duck tape would have been in the house. police 101 and all.
Maybe they're trying to decide whether to even put on a defense.

Maybe they'll just rest and claim the State didn't prove their case...and just say "if you believe she did it (but the State didn't prove it), then here ya go...this is why she acted like she did." Basically a brief blending of the mitigation phase into the guilt phase.

If they don't put up a defense, that would surprise me. That would be a surprise, but not an "aha."

I don't know. I think they've been counting on an "aha" or "shocker" story, and now they're realizing that may not be a good defense. Personally, I love it. Maroons, all of 'em :great:
Its my understanding that DNA test were done by investigators already that rules out GA and brother as Caylee's father. My best guess is that they will say its accidental and use all the excuses about her upbringing to explain how she behaved AFTER Caylee went "missing" Regarding the Nanny, was the name Zanny ever used prior to when Caylee disappeared? Zanaida had visited the apartments and it seems Casey got her name from that, but for years who did family think the nanny was? So odd. I think the family is very disfunctional. Would be interesting to know who Caylee's bio dad is.
My 'AHA' prediction.

At opening statements, Baez will stand up and waive his right to opening statement, telling HHJP in front of all the jurors, "I've got nothing, Judge." at which point everyone's jaws will hit the floor, and we will all go, "Yes, this makes sense."
I think Baez is a terrible lawyer. He should have pleaded this out months ago. It would have been in her best interest to plead it out before they found the body, but I think Baez is too greedy and egotistical to have done that.

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