AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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I know, I've read that article, but this article dated the next day states they are still looking at the possibility.


A federal prosecutor in Alaska told the New Hampshire Union Leader that Keyes, 34, was not believed to be in New Hampshire during Cass' late July 2011 disappearance. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Feldis said investigators tracked Keyes' travel through credit cards, plane tickets and rental cars.

Records show he was in Alaska when Cass disappeared in late July.

"Our investigation indicates he was not in New Hampshire at that period of time," Feldis said.

Sounds fairly definitive to me. I suspect that while the FoxBoston article is dated Dec. 4, it probably aired the day before.

But anything's possible, I suppose. It doesn't sound like he tried to hide his tracks.
I agree with carbuff. I think Celina is not a victim of IK. Hope they find her killer soon. Sweet child deserves justice!
Another possible victim of IK. I don't know if there is a thread here for Richard Ingram. If so, I'll post it there also.

According to this timeline, he traveled to California in 2009. Also noteworthy, he obtained a fishing license in Alaska in May 2006. Can fishing licenses be used state wide? Wonder if he had a hunting license?


Human remains found by gold miner in remote southern Oregon

MEDFORD -- A Jackson County sheriff's spokeswoman says authorities are working to identify human remains found in southern Oregon by a man mining for gold.

Spokeswoman Andrea Carlson says the gold miner reported his find to the sheriff's office late Saturday, saying the location was remote and could only be reached by foot.

Deputies pinpointed the location of the remains near the Central Point foothills. A deputy medical examiner and detectives recovered the skeleton on Sunday.

Carlson said Monday that work has begun to identify the remains. If dental records are complete and there is enough evidence, deputies may have an ID in a few days. If a complete DNA analysis is needed, the process could take a few months.

Human remains found by gold miner in remote southern Oregon

MEDFORD -- A Jackson County sheriff's spokeswoman says authorities are working to identify human remains found in southern Oregon by a man mining for gold.

Spokeswoman Andrea Carlson says the gold miner reported his find to the sheriff's office late Saturday, saying the location was remote and could only be reached by foot.

Deputies pinpointed the location of the remains near the Central Point foothills. A deputy medical examiner and detectives recovered the skeleton on Sunday.

Carlson said Monday that work has begun to identify the remains. If dental records are complete and there is enough evidence, deputies may have an ID in a few days. If a complete DNA analysis is needed, the process could take a few months.

Very possibly a victim of IK, imo. We know he traveled to Oregon. Once the remains ID'd, perhaps we will know when this person disappeared (if he/she was reported missing) which will allow us to cross reference IK's whereabouts from the timeline.

The Talking Dead - Serial Killer Israel Keyes' Defense Team Still on the Case
By Bill McAllister

ANCHORAGE - It has been more than a month since confessed serial killer Israel Keyes committed suicide in an Anchorage jail cell, yet Keyes' legal team is still fighting on his behalf.

You could call it dead man litigating...

...Meanwhile, the blood-soaked note that was found with Keyes' body has been analyzed by the FBI in Quantico, Virginia, and the message has been deciphered.

Local FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez said the agency is likely to release the contents this week or next.
Look forward to reading the note but it probably won't answer any questions. It will probably just make more.
Saw this documentary on ID & noticed some similarities of Keyes. Doctor Dirk Greineder, was convicted of the murder, but there were two other murders with the same mo nearby...


(Snipped-read more)
7/30/2006 7:41:51 PM ET

WELLESLEY, MASS. — To live in Wellesley, Massachusetts— a venerable Boston suburb, home to an exclusive women’s college— is to have arrived in taste and understated style.

In a town like this, murder is most often a safe encounter in the true-crime section of the little book store on Central Street.
But what happened in the woods by quiet Morse’s Pond that day wasn’t the shivers of a good fireside read, it was the stomach-churning real thing, a blunt and brutal killing, a bludgeoning and stabbing, of one of the town’s respected citizens.
On Halloween, no less.

Chief Terry Cunningham, Wellesley Police: They tell me that there appears to have been a homicide in one of our recreational park area at the pond.
If you were one of the regular dog walkers who used the 46-acres of the park, you probably would have had a nodding familiarity with the couple in their 50s, the people with the German Shepherds.
You might not have known that the man, Dirk Greineder, was a distinguished doctor, affiliated with Harvard, an expert on allergies.

Det. Jill McDermott: I was in my office here at the police station and I had my radio on when I first started responding. A woman was hurt. A woman had hurt her back down at Morse’s pond.
But the woman found lying just off the trail wasn’t a back injury: May Greineder was dead. Her head battered with a blunt instrument, her chest stabbed, and her throat slashed.
Farmer: She was nearly decapitated. She was cut with a knife from here, all the way around—uh, gaping—two, two and a half inch wound.
Murphy: Some evidence of a sexual violation?
Farmer: Her blouse had been pulled up, and her pants had been pulled down.

A murder in the park in Wellesley—a doctor’s wife—was a full-scale alert at the police department.
This was the third person killed in a county park in the last year.
And the reporters arriving at the closed-off crime scene were well aware of that violent pattern. They smelled a big story.

So, he ran to the main road that cuts through the park.
Right there, he told police, someone caught his eye, someone running down the road just across from where he emerged. He went after the figure he thought he’d glimpsed.

Less than an hour later, the police secured the crime scene.
Chief Cunningham: We wanted to be able to lock that area down. We knew immediately that physical evidence was going to be extremely important.
A murder in the park in Wellesley—a doctor’s wife—was a full-scale alert at the police department.
This was the third person killed in a county park in the last year.

Forensic specialists measured the drag marks left by May’s body, another identified footprints, then, just a few hours later, they got a big break.

A police dog hit on a storm drain in the park concealed from view by autumn leaves.
Chief Cunningham: Once they cleaned it off and lifted the lid up, they looked down four feet at the bottom of the storm drain, the knife, the hammer and one of the gloves. My common sense told me that there had to be another glove and it had to be somewhere down here on the scene.

But finally, four months into the investigation, the district attorney announced that they had made an arrest in the brutal killing of May Greineder.
Not a serial killer stalking the parks, not a stranger psychopath, but a Harvard doctor: Dirk Greineder—emminent allergist, father of three, constant companion of his wife May— was charged with her first-degree murder.

Chief Cunnigham: We followed every lead that we could, we went in very direction that it took us to and it kept bringing us back to Dirk Greineder.
An accomplished doctor, a prominent member of the community, a model father, but also a man with a secret life and ferocious appetites.
It was all about to spill out in a New England courtroom.
The arrest of Doctor Dirk Greineder for the brutal killing of his wife sent shock waves through the town of Wellsely.

Have there been any more murders in that area with the same MO since the doctor was arrested?

The Talking Dead - Serial Killer Israel Keyes' Defense Team Still on the Case
By Bill McAllister

ANCHORAGE - It has been more than a month since confessed serial killer Israel Keyes committed suicide in an Anchorage jail cell, yet Keyes' legal team is still fighting on his behalf.

You could call it dead man litigating...

...Meanwhile, the blood-soaked note that was found with Keyes' body has been analyzed by the FBI in Quantico, Virginia, and the message has been deciphered.

Local FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez said the agency is likely to release the contents this week or next.

Who is paying for his legal fees? What a waste of tax payers money, imo.

He's dead. He confessed. Period.
Have there been any more murders in that area with the same MO since the doctor was arrested?

I live in the area, and no, no there haven't been. At Greneider's trial, the prosecution claimed that he had set his wife's murder up to look like the other woman's murder (Irene Kennedy?) so the other murderer would be blamed, and the evidence supports that.

They tried to tie both Greneider and Irene Kennedy's murderer to the third death, but as far as I know nothing ever came of either effort.
Who is paying for his legal fees? What a waste of tax payers money, imo.

He's dead. He confessed. Period.

While I agree about payment, I think it is more about finding out just who he really did kill and did not. Have no idea where payment comes from, but then I am one that has no understanding of money, it is an illusory-but has become-a necessary god.

I really think it is about finding out and letting families know. At least I hope so.

Don't think his note will say much. He just wants his daughter's forgiveness I'm sure. He did not want what he knows will be found to get to her, and that is just how many he killed, raped, and whatever else. I'm going to say it again, to include children, or any other heinous crimes he committed. (He left a trail somewhere that is easy to find or there would be no suicide, or he just knows what a horrible death by another is like.) I hope she can find the best therapist or best friend in the world and is okay eventually.

Very possibly a victim of IK, imo. We know he traveled to Oregon. Once the remains ID'd, perhaps we will know when this person disappeared (if he/she was reported missing) which will allow us to cross reference IK's whereabouts from the timeline.

I think this missing person may fit the remains found. She disappeared from Central Point, which is the area the remains were found in the foothills there. I don't think she was a victim of homicide. She probably just became disoriented.


Since the remains were found in an area where it is only accessible by foot, I doubt Keyes or another possible murderer would carry the body into such a remote spot. It would have been very difficult to do. Just my opinion for now . . My opinion may change if and when new info comes forward.
While I agree about payment, I think it is more about finding out just who he really did kill and did not. Have no idea where payment comes from, but then I am one that has no understanding of money, it is an illusory-but has become-a necessary god.

I really think it is about finding out and letting families know. At least I hope so.

Don't think his note will say much. He just wants his daughter's forgiveness I'm sure. He did not want what he knows will be found to get to her, and that is just how many he killed, raped, and whatever else. I'm going to say it again, to include children, or any other heinous crimes he committed. (He left a trail somewhere that is easy to find or there would be no suicide, or he just knows what a horrible death by another is like.) I hope she can find the best therapist or best friend in the world and is okay eventually.


Not sure I understand how they will find that out. His legal team will obviously not say anything. I agree the note is probably useless. LE continues to look for possible victims so why does he even need someone representing him at this time? He confessed to the murders we know of and the FBI is quoted as saying there are 11 or more victims and they admit they may never know.

Maybe I'm missing something.
I think this missing person may fit the remains found. She disappeared from Central Point, which is the area the remains were found in the foothills there. I don't think she was a victim of homicide. She probably just became disoriented.


Since the remains were found in an area where it is only accessible by foot, I doubt Keyes or another possible murderer would carry the body into such a remote spot. It would have been very difficult to do. Just my opinion for now . . My opinion may change if and when new info comes forward.

Do we know if the remains were officially identified? TIA
FBI seeking information about 'travels, activities' of dead serial killer arrested in Lufkin

"Investigators suspect Keyes' rental vehicles became stuck in a muddy, rural area, possibly near Cleburne, Texas between February 12 and 16, 2012," the press release said.

Investigators are looking for anyone that might have helped Keyes or come in contact with him during that period. In that time frame, he is believed to have been driving a rented, blue 2011 Kia Soul with license plate CN8 M857. If anyone has any information, he or she should call the FBI's hotline at 1-800-CALL-FBI.

I wonder why they are so interested about what he was doing between Feb 12 and 16. :waitasec:


If You Spotted Serial Killer Israel Keyes in North Texas Last February, the FBI Would Like to Speak with You


The FBI's Dallas office sent out an alert this afternoon seeking information about what Keyes' activities as he passed through through Dallas and Glen Rose areas between February 12 and 16.

Keyes admitted that he traveled through Azle, Aledo, and Cleburne during that period. Investigators think his rental vehicle, a 2011 Kia Soul, might have become
stuck in a muddy, rural area outside Cleburne. They also think he stopped by the Post Oak Cemetery near Glen Rose.

The FBI wants to talk to anyone who saw Keyes or his vehicle during that time. Anyone with info can call the easy-to-remember 1-800-CALL-FBI...
That doesn't sound good. Who's missing from that area in those dates?
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