AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 7

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Exactly. I can't wait to see the news report on Monday. I want to see how Chessie explains how Brittney's cell phone can ping without a battery. It becomes obvious that someone is altering the truth.

We really don't have an eye witness that Donnie even picked up Brittney other than Chessie saying so. Let's make a list of all her fibs with the latest being that she recognized the cell phone battery by it's scratches.

The gun with two bullets was doozy. Wanting to spend the reward money to bail out Derek. Not having any contact with Baby P. Not knowing Brittney was molested as a child. Showing up to support Wendy at her hearing. Saying Derek escaped his bond because he wanted to see his brother when he was actually at a meth house. That Brittney loved to walk 40 miles. Brittney's back pack, was it pink or was it teal?

It's so obvious.

Oh, and that she always had two bullets in her gun. Always. That seems like a strange, specific statement to make. "I only have two bullets at all times." Nope. Why did Chessie say this to the media?
Wasn't it said that BW had a brand new phone? Does anyone else remember that?

Wish I could find exactly where I read it, but what I recall is that BW had just recently gotten off of DH and WH's cell plan before she vanished and bought her own pre-paid phone.
Wish I could find exactly where I read it, but what I recall is that BW had just recently gotten off of DH and WH's cell plan before she vanished and bought her own pre-paid phone.

ETA: Whoops! People already answered this one way better than I could. Please ignore! :)
I click "thank you" often...sometimes I think too often, sometimes I think not enough. I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you who post here. It's an honor to be in the midst of such caring folks, here at Websleuths. (Wish I had a dime for every time someone put into words what I could not :))) You are the best!
The scratches on the phone...

Just my thoughts...
This is bad, but when I saw the thing about the scratches, I had to laugh (kind of bitterly). I have had a blackberry for about 2.5 years. For approx 2 of those years I had problems with the phone "freezing" and I couldnt even reboot it by pushing the power button (not the one on the screen). The only way I could get it to respond was to take the batt out of the back...which after the first few times turned into prying it out with whatever was handy...key, pushpin, back of earring, etc etc. And that's the only way I know to get scratches on your darn battery.
The scratches on the phone...

Just my thoughts...
This is bad, but when I saw the thing about the scratches, I had to laugh (kind of bitterly). I have had a blackberry for about 2.5 years. For approx 2 of those years I had problems with the phone "freezing" and I couldnt even reboot it by pushing the power button (not the one on the screen). The only way I could get it to respond was to take the batt out of the back...which after the first few times turned into prying it out with whatever was handy...key, pushpin, back of earring, etc etc. And that's the only way I know to get scratches on your darn battery.
You're not alone. Others have problems with the battery, and they have to remove it and re-seat it pretty often. But when I recalled reading it was supposed to be a brand new phone, it struck me odd that it would be scratched up, and that CW would know it. :dunno:

ETA: FYI for anyone who's been following Hailey Dunn's case and hasn't heard the news, her remains were identified today. :(

2013.04.26: Hailey Dunn's remains found March 18th, 2013 - Page 8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Im curious to know WHAT KIND of phone she had (make and model). Odd *someone would recall a battery being scratched but not the type of phone. Or 2 bullets.. Just throwing that out there.

I have an iphone and I could never remove the battery. Before getting an iphone in 2010 I had blackberries and google phones.. while I could remove the batteries I had no real reason to.
Im curious to know WHAT KIND of phone she had (make and model). Odd *someone would recall a battery being scratched but not the type of phone. Or 2 bullets.. Just throwing that out there.

I have an iphone and I could never remove the battery. Before getting an iphone in 2010 I had blackberries and google phones.. while I could remove the batteries I had no real reason to.
I don't remember offhand, but I think it was posted last year. I'm reading the quotes gliving found, and they say she had a new SIM card, not a new phone. Hmm... Looks like I remembered incorrectly.
I guess what I'm getting at is what kinds of "smart phone" (which is what was quoted as her having) now a days --- has a battery that's easily removable? That's a sincere question. Bessie I think I heard about the sim card too. That she went from on a plan to pre-paid. Some companies you can do that by simply purchasing a different phone or sim card. I'm just curious on the phone and cell phone provider. Even if she had pre-paid, she still had a cell provider. If she could keep the phone and only get a new sim card, then it's the same company she had on a contract. Now we know with the information LE provided, that she was in contact with DH still and why she had to go from being on their plan to her own.

They knew she was being looked at by LE and they all conspired to look as though they went their separate ways. I just wonder who's plan it was to do this. I think (JMO) there was someone really influencing Brit. Someone came up with "plans" and ideas.. and I don't think it was her. Funny how no matter what possibility I come up with, I always find WH at the center of it. Well, her and DH and CW. The three of them just keep popping up in my head as holding the key to where Brit is. So many questions that have such OBVIOUS answers.

This makes it all the more frustrating. If a ton of people online who've never met this family (at least when this all began) could speculate and see past the BS that a few people were tossing out .. why can't LE? Why aren't they as aggressive in the search? the first few days she was missing the people who were being shady - were being shady for a reason. There was a falsified rumor that she was seen in the hospital when DW was there. There were people begging to know how to get into her voicemail, facebook and anything else that had a password. stories have changed in small details about when she left the house. It really REALLY bothers me.

I can't even imagine how it is for her father, step mother and daughter. My heart goes out to them.
The scratches on the phone...

Just my thoughts...
This is bad, but when I saw the thing about the scratches, I had to laugh (kind of bitterly). I have had a blackberry for about 2.5 years. For approx 2 of those years I had problems with the phone "freezing" and I couldnt even reboot it by pushing the power button (not the one on the screen). The only way I could get it to respond was to take the batt out of the back...which after the first few times turned into prying it out with whatever was handy...key, pushpin, back of earring, etc etc. And that's the only way I know to get scratches on your darn battery.

I had the same problem and ritual with a blackberry I once owned. I hated it. With that said, I still would not be able to recognize the battery. Stand alone nor from a cellphone battery lineup. I know for certain my husband would not know. I think it is fair to say there are a lot of cellphone batteries out there with scratches on them. What makes one scratched battery more identifiable than another? Did Brittney scratch a smiley face on her battery? Fingerprints are just about the only identifiable marker I can think of and I don't believe LE took it to that level.

If Brittney at one time shared a cellphone plan with DH and WH it is quite possible all 3 of them had the same make/model of phone with the same battery issues that could create scratches. Who can say the battery found didn't once belong to either DH or WH? It could explain why Brittney's phone was pinging w/o a battery, because the battery found did not belong to her. I don't know, something tells me the battery allegedly found in DH's car was an afterthought. Someone who wanted to convince others the battery belonged to Brittney.
Where are you Brit Brit????

All the lies, so many lies. Why would your own mother lie? Repeatedly? This case makes my stomach literally hurt.
Wasn't someone who found Donnie in his truck claiming all over FB that he shot himself with a rifle? Brittney's gun, best I recall, was not a rifle.

Bumping (my own post) to see if anyone else knows/remembers this.
Bumping (my own post) to see if anyone else knows/remembers this.

I remember hearing that too. I remember thinking how you would actually hold a rifle to kill yourself. I can't remember where I read it though

~Team Brittney~
I remember hearing that too. I remember thinking how you would actually hold a rifle to kill yourself. I can't remember where I read it though

~Team Brittney~

The shotgun/rifle notion came from Jane Velez Mitchell's program.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: "This is Brittany`s uncle, Donald Holland, the man Brittany was said to be visiting before she disappeared. He is dead now. Just as she was reported missing, he kills himself with a shotgun. Now Brittany`s parents don`t know what to think. Listen to this."

Family members later changed it to Brittney's handgun.
The shotgun/rifle notion came from Jane Velez Mitchell's program.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: "This is Brittany`s uncle, Donald Holland, the man Brittany was said to be visiting before she disappeared. He is dead now. Just as she was reported missing, he kills himself with a shotgun. Now Brittany`s parents don`t know what to think. Listen to this."

Family members later changed it to Brittney's handgun.

Has it been said by the police that he was shot with brittneys gun? Or just "family members".
The shotgun/rifle notion came from Jane Velez Mitchell's program.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: "This is Brittany`s uncle, Donald Holland, the man Brittany was said to be visiting before she disappeared. He is dead now. Just as she was reported missing, he kills himself with a shotgun. Now Brittany`s parents don`t know what to think. Listen to this."

Family members later changed it to Brittney's handgun.

I went to the link and the first line of the transcript was something about is it ever ok to spank your child. Whoa.....then I realized the first part had nothing to do with Brittny's case.

I do remember there was some confusion initially about the type of gun on a family members social media site. But this is considered rumour and not fact as LE stated it was Brittney's hand gun. (I hope it's ok to mention this. If not then MOD please snip)
Has it been said by the police that he was shot with brittneys gun? Or just "family members".

That's a very good question. I can only find one original article stating LE said it was Brittney's gun.

"Investigators confirm the Raven .25-caliber handgun Holland used in the suicide belonged to Wood."

This is the original mention referencing LE that says it's Brittney's gun. Every other article cites this Fox News article. I hope LE checked for fingerprints or some other way of identifying it was Brittney's gun. Because if the info came from Chessie or Wendy, I'd take it with a grain of salt. It's obvious to me that Chessie sold out her daughter in favor of other family members. I wish we could get Stephanie's opinion if it was Brittney's gun. Anyone who saw Brittney with the gun besides Chessie's side of the family.

Detectives said Brittney's cell phone battery and handgun were found in Donald Holland's car after he was discovered with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

WHOA! First I have ever seen that says her handgun and cell battery were found in DH's car after he was discovered with a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head!

So her handgun was just found in his car? But he killed himself with a shotgun? NOT Brits gun????

ETA: SORRY.. Article just says gunshot wound.. NOT Shotgun as I thought it said... too early to be posting. Sorry all.

I really hope we get more answers tonight!
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