AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 7

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I've gone back and forth so many times.

Eileen, despite what Brittney's family believes, LE agrees with you that Brittney is alive.

"Mobile police said they follow leads and keep in contact with Wood's family. But right now, she is considered a missing person. There isn't a criminal investigation involving the missing teen.

"All indications are... is that she is out there somewhere just not coming forward," said the Mobile Police Department Spokesman Chris Levy.

"Maj. Anthony Lowery, spokesman for the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office, said Friday that deputies checked the area around Waterworld Road on Wednesday and Thursday, but found nothing.
“The road runs parallel to Interstate 10 and is a few hundred yards, at best, off the interstate,” he said. “We don’t know if she was with her cell phone or if she passing through on the interstate
Lowery said that deputies have not found any witnesses who recall seeing Wood in Baldwin County.
“We don’t have anything to lead us to believe that she’s in Baldwin County,” Lowery said."

I can understand the family's distrust of law enforcement given their chosen lifestyles. However, knowing what I know now, if I had to make a choice of who to believe, I'll take the one wearing a badge. Fool me once...!!!

Im with you on this one!
Ill go with the badge also!
I agree Scott seems to be gliding under the radar and I hope someone is talking in the background to help find Brittney! He was very close to DH and their kids.
IIRC would stay with DH in Styx River and at DH's house in Fairhope. He does seem like the one in the family that has it together....except he also has the rape/sodomy/incest charges just like the others.

IF he does in fact have it more together than the others and IF in fact he has info about Brittney, then I would hope that he is smart enough to see that continuing to stand by the rest of the family is not worth it. If he wasn't directly involved, but has information that would help, maybe he would be wise enough to work out a lesser sentence in exchange for providing this information.
I agree with the pills theory; and actually an addiction to opiates can be quite easy to hide. My close friend/former co-worker C hid one for 3 years following 2 car wrecks and botched plastic surgeries from wreck and had to TELL her partner of 6 years she had a problem and he had NO CLUE- she rarely missed work or school, was never unkempt and dressed very nicely, and they had more than enough disposable income for, say, 2500 a week not to be noticed at all. Her pills were all rx'ed and legal (except the massive amount she used- taking up to 450mg of oxycodone a day miraculously never changed her looks or skin, though looking back at pics her pupils were always invisible; but that could be explained by the flash in a camera, etc.) C had a very happy ending there as she is now married to her honey, a great new mom, and drinks socially with no problems. Not all addicts are the same; some are better than others at keeping their ***** together for longer (though it all falls down in the end) and some may be addicted to one substance but not all, says the man w too much knowledge- my fiancé is an alcoholic who would swig hot Taaka vodka every am in his 150k car the second he'd leave his mansion and run his mega-million business with no one but himself knowing for 10+ years. He has been clean over 2 years and I am incredibly proud to even know him. I myself have dabbled in drugs but by the Grace of God never developed an addiction (I was more of a party-drug user). In my opinion and after asking the future Mr, Brittney may have been a "dumpster addict", taking whatever she could to escape the pain that lied below; and while I can see some of the effects of her using she still looked quite healthy and beautiful to me. Just very jaded IMO.
My darling said she looked "loaded" in several photos, particularly the one in the white shirt. Wish they hadn't chosen that one, as was previously was stated: if she IS on the run she may not have access to cosmetics, regular showers, etc to look that way. I look for her face when I see young street kids, they are very common in my city (and am living downtown while putting the finishing touches on our dream home Uptown, it has been a year-long process and a PITA) Nola is relatively close to Mobile so it's possible? I'd rather see her on the pole in a ratty club or homeless and strung out or even on the run bc she was involved in the abuse rather than buried alone in the cold.
I asked my good friend JP who is an avid hunter (the man has cameras trained on his stands so when deer pass videos are sent to his cell!) if he had seen flyers to look out for remains, etc at any local hunting stores. He said "Not Here"
In thinking along the lines of rehab, there ARE places for women (and people in general who need help) to go confidentially to receive shelter, counseling, financial education and planning services, substance abuse treatment, and a path to independence. I know of a few (Restoration House for youth up to 21 and Lindy's Place for women who are getting clean or leaving abuse, and Odyssey House and Bridge House for the lost men) in my city alone. There are also countless underground houses for victims of abuse. All of these places DO NOT tell LE where these people are and hold their clients' confidentiality dearly unless the cops show up with a warrant. As Brittney is legally an adult and as LE has reminded us "she has every right to go missing/disappear" that does open up a hopeful possibility in my mind.
Alas, I am afraid she is not utilizing such services and has "disappeared" for good. I wish I could go back to early May last year and warn her of what was happening and what options she had; then again, don't we all. :(
As always, JMO :)
What do you think Dr_Watson? TIA

In the beginning, I thought the "pining" ex boyfriend who shot BW's baby daddy might be a possible suspect. But IIRC, he had a pretty solid alibi.

Now I believe that BW went to see DH and either accidentally overdosed or something happened during a drug deal gone bad (or rough sex?) or ?? Whatever it was, something bad happened that night and BW was killed, whether on accident or on purpose...and DH committed suicide because he couldn't deal with her death (and guilt??) and the impending child incest/rape charges...he was already facing jail...I think DH truly cared about BW (in a sick, incestuous, drug induced kind of way) and her death pushed him over the edge...the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak, and he committed suicide. I don't think he was planning to kill himself. I think he thought he could worm his way out of the incest charges (that is why he recorded DK in the "act" - to cover his arse should the $@#% hit the fan). I also believe that other family members were either present that night and/or know exactly what happened to BW....of course this is just my opinion:)
Watch the video on this link. It states 4 crucial things I think (at least I) am missing or forgetting

A) FOX10 states that BW was last known to be with DH (using LE sources)
B) AND states she was last seen being picked up by DH! (Thought she couldn't get a ride? Also IIRC she was supposedly spotted getting into a white vehicle like DH's)
C) in the exact next scene, CW states that "she (Brittney) was last seen walking out of her yard (why the bald faced lie, Chessie? Obviously LE has told you differently)
D) DH had made several suicide threats PRIOR to the day he shot Brittney's gun into his skull. The man obviously was suicidal, perhaps bc he knew his dirty ways were catching up to him. The fact that he had made prior suicide shows that his suicide was most likely premeditated. It should also dispel any theories that BW came over/he killed her/he felt guilty/killled himself or that Brittney OD'ed(an addict's body can handle a lot once they develop tolerance anyway)/ he panicked/he shot himself. Also should dispel that Brittney shot him and ran. I just don't see that happening.
Eileen730, your posts have made me raise my eyebrows quite a bit and second/third/twentieth guess myself again and again. Thank you for your input and different way of seeing things. Perhaps she did get the Hell out of Dodge. Or was involved in some way and threatened to turn state's evidence for immunity. Why did CW not disclose she had in fact spoken to Brittney after she disappeared (re: the call) TJ and DW were locked up at the same time, were they caught together and locked up for the same time.. So many arrests. SO MANY LIES. And why in the hell was WWH so insistent that BW hadn't been to the Styx River house or anywhere near Donnie even after this MSM report using info from LE disproved that? This news segment was released 7/23/12! Her and DH (or at least not DH) were NOT "in Fairhope with the boys" all night! CW, why were you so insistent to Brittney that she was not in trouble and no charges were filed?! LE had already said she was an adult and had every right to "go missing". (Hell, I even did it a few times during my prior tumultuous relationship; but I just rented a room on his card and charged it up bc he would do a lot to piss me off. 4-5 days at the spa with my phone off and I'd be fine; however he knew I was leaving bc we'd be fighting and could track our AmEx)
This case makes me grateful that the most difficult things I am facing with my family is that my younger sister dropped half her classes in college bc she turned into a wild child after 19 sheltered years and moved out.

As for what kind of 19yo girl carries a gun? Well I did, and my younger sisters do. At 18 I carried a pearl handle Colt .25 in my purse and a Sig 40 in my car/apt.mI was a college girl on the Dean's List and Dance team- But I also partied in NOLA a lot on the wknds staying at my parents condo and even worked at a gentleman's club for a period behind their back. (they know now and we agree, it is what it is) It is more common than you'd think for parents to give their daughters "protection" once they are out on their own, at least in the South, especially if their daughter is attractive or the family has wealth. My fiancé and I have a large collection of guns including an AK-47 (gasp!) and we are squeaky clean in our dealings. However, I don't feel like this was Brittney's case at all. Her lifestyle required it. My point is just that 19yo girls having pistols is not so uncommon in the South ESP if they visit high-crime areas and/or are attractive and/or have money.

At this point I would rather see Brittney in a jail cell than out somewhere in the cold just rotting away, as harsh as that sounds. She would be warm, safe, around people, fed, and away from the drugs and drama. That's IMO a hell of a lot better an where she was. And she would most likely be released while still quite young and there are many programs to prepare her for re- entry. I personally hire several ex-felons (non-violent or RSO) for security and hospitality for my event company, and a few are among the best ppl I know. My darling introduced me to them through his recovery group. They show up on short notice/work hard long hours bc it is so hard for them to get legal work and they are trying to their lives back Right. A 6'3 tough as hell multiple-offender and I shared a cry when he told me he was molested at age 7 by one of the many men his "mother" brought around. To me it beats life on the run and looking over your shoulder constantly to just COME CLEAN and take the consequences. That goes for the entire family. You cry you want your daughter back? Then do like you said in the beginning and tell the TRUTH. Sadly, I suspect you know just where Brittney is, Chessie, and you are covering your tail. But your drug-induced "I'm a great mom, my family is innocent and the truth will come out" little phase won't last long, sweetheart. This case is too big. It can make a DA or ADA's career.
I need to get ready for work, have a coffee and a cigarette, and watch the sun rise. I like waking up early so I have my mornings in peace. The SB is killing me. I fell asleep at 7pm and had to be moved into bed (don't know how my baby will be able to do that in our new home, our master suite is the 3rd floor of a 160 year old home w very steep steps and we are having trouble restoring the elevator lol he got the house for a steal, the improvements and decor are killing us though and close to what we even paid for it)
As always, JMO. :)
In the beginning, I thought the "pining" ex boyfriend who shot BW's baby daddy might be a possible suspect. But IIRC, he had a pretty solid alibi.

Now I believe that BW went to see DH and either accidentally overdosed or something happened during a drug deal gone bad (or rough sex?) or ?? Whatever it was, something bad happened that night and BW was killed, whether on accident or on purpose...and DH committed suicide because he couldn't deal with her death (and guilt??) and the impending child incest/rape charges...he was already facing jail...I think DH truly cared about BW (in a sick, incestuous, drug induced kind of way) and her death pushed him over the edge...the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak, and he committed suicide. I don't think he was planning to kill himself. I think he thought he could worm his way out of the incest charges (that is why he recorded DK in the "act" - to cover his arse should the $@#% hit the fan). I also believe that other family members were either present that night and/or know exactly what happened to BW....of course this is just my opinion:)

Thanks Dr. Jones! My theory is fairly in sync with yours.

A couple of points you made are new to me. Could you please provide further info/links to substantiate or point me in the right direction? Thanks!

1) Re pining ex-bf: you wrote: "he had a pretty solid alibi" - What was it/where was he?

2) Re DH and DK: you wrote: "that is why he recorded DK in the "act" - to cover his arse should the $@#% hit the fan" - I had not read that there was a recording of DK in the "act". Could you provide info/links to the article?
I've gone back and forth so many times.

Eileen, despite what Brittney's family believes, LE agrees with you that Brittney is alive.

"Mobile police said they follow leads and keep in contact with Wood's family. But right now, she is considered a missing person. There isn't a criminal investigation involving the missing teen.

"All indications are... is that she is out there somewhere just not coming forward," said the Mobile Police Department Spokesman Chris Levy.

I can understand the family's distrust of law enforcement given their chosen lifestyles. However, knowing what I know now, if I had to make a choice of who to believe, I'll take the one wearing a badge. Fool me once...!!!

The above article "Brittney Wood family wants investigation Family wants a criminal investigation" with the quotes was written:

Updated: Monday, 23 Jul 2012, 10:14 PM CDT
Published : Monday, 23 Jul 2012, 3:01 PM CDT

This article "Search continues for missing woman Brittney Wood" was written four months later:

Updated: Tuesday, 20 Nov 2012, 8:34 AM CST
Published : Monday, 19 Nov 2012, 11:47 AM CST

Brad Dennis with KlaasKIDS said volunteers understand the task at hand.

"They understand we are looking for Brittney. But Brittney went missing wearing a tank top, blue jean shorts, and white flip flops. Those are also items we are looking for," said Dennis.

The 10 volunteers searched about 30 acres all with one mission: to find Brittney Wood. Hanke said the location is based on cell phone records of Brittney's late uncle, Donald Holland.

Dennis said the search was planned for Monday based on information gathered from an investigation by Mobile Police.

The Rangeline Road area was spotlighted by the Mobile Police Department, according to Dennis.

Brad Dennis doesn't wear a badge but IMO his word is as good as gold.

I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that her disappearance is categorized on the ABI website as INVOLUNTARY. I think that is a pretty clear statement "from a badge" that she didn't suddenly decide to leave town.
I know it's been debated to death, however...Just out of curiosity, How is a person's absence from their life/family explained to everyone if they are taken into Witness Protection? Anyone know?
Something that greatly concerns me is the perpetuation of the idea that Brittney chose to run away. I don't mean here per se as this is for the most part a private arena to discuss theories and such... I primarily mean in a more public forum via social media and MSM.

It is no wonder that the public has lost interest in assisting with the search for Brittney. Look at what her mother and her mother's family have brought to the table alone. The sex crimes investigation has taken the spotlight. CW wants DW out of jail (again), "to help". (holding my tongue & fingers there)

Look at what LE had stated in the beginning and their tight lipped responses since then. Everyone with any kind of common sense knows that the first few hours and days are critical to finding a missing person whether they are alive or dead. Not to mention the clock ticking on evidence becoming lost or degraded.

I place a lot of responsibility onto the shoulders of LE for not emphasizing the seriousness of nor admitting the suspicious circumstances within a week or two of her disappearance. In fact, they have yet to state publicly her disappearance is categorized as INVOLUNTARY. If that doesn't rise to the level of "foul play is suspected" I don't know what does.

In addition, Crimestoppers should also be ashamed of themselves for denying the standard reward funds available for other Missing Persons - simply because there is "no evidence of foul play". Any physical evidence that may have been available in the beginning is likely long gone or destroyed. Not taking an Involutary disappearance as "evidence" or at the very least "suspected foul play" as a worthy consideration is unconscionable.

End rant... as usual all of the above is JMO.


Here are a few article snippets out of many that are available through a Google search concerning the impact of public & media perception of involuntary missing persons vs. runaways:

"Television stations reporting on missing persons who have chosen to voluntarily slip away run the risk of depreciating the seriousness of other missing persons cases that merit news coverage because the absence is unexplained or worse."

"When the public’s perception that the broadcast of a missing person’s case could end up being the story of a runaway teen and no more, there is the potential for a concerning tune-out factor."

"The manpower and resources needed to track them, as well as the perception that they will eventually return to their families by themselves, have made them a difficult enforcement problem. Unfortunately, while away, they are likely to be exposed to adverse and exploitive influences including drugs and prostitution."

"Because she elected to leave the foster care home on her own -- they couldn't find any forced entry or anything like -- they termed her as a runaway, and the media is not very interested in following up on runaway cases," Bentley said. "I am having a very hard time getting anyone to listen."
It is exhausting putting any thought into this/these case/s at this point.

I'm just feeling disgusted with the whole lot of them - and yes, I'm lumping them all in now, all of them!

I may just have to bow out and wait for justice to take its course.

And, I hope punishments are widespread and severe.

I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that her disappearance is categorized on the ABI website as INVOLUNTARY. I think that is a pretty clear statement "from a badge" that she didn't suddenly decide to leave town.

Good point FootballMom. I see on their site they have 3 categories for missing adults. Unknown, Involuntary and Endangered. It's a bit of a relief to know LE does not consider Brittney to be Endangered.

Further reading shows an involuntarily missing adult is labeled as such when family members and friends are concerned about their welfare. Not necessarily an endangered person, but someone who is not in contact as they normally would be.

Thanks for the info!
I have never believed that Brittney just ran away. Who takes off wearing just flip flops and jean shorts. She would have taken favourite items and anything of value, and certainly would have taken her gun.

She had no vehicle, no money (as far as we know) and no means of support.

I’m convinced something happened at DH’s place that ended up in her death. Brittney was fairly small and he could easily have managed to dispose of her by himself, under the cover of darkness.

The question is, whether anyone other than DH knows what happened or was somehow involved. He may or may not have kept the details from his wife, after all, the gun he used was so small that he didn’t die instantly, and he may possibly have recovered from the head wound. If he had confessed and then lived, that would not be of any benefit to him. Also, although he was a bad father (that’s putting it mildly) he may not have wanted to confess a murder to his wife, and risk that she may tell the kids at some point. On the other hand, it doesn’t seem as if he cared about anyone except himself, so who knows …
It's at the tail end of the video she cited.

Aaahhh... thanks for that. I only read the article but just went back and watched the video.

Per Andrew Perez from the video, "Deputies say Holland made several threats to end his life prior to meeting them. His wife was the first one to call 911."

It is my interpretation that Wendy was the person who notified the deputies of the alleged threats to end his life. Considering the source...
Good point FootballMom. I see on their site they have 3 categories for missing adults. Unknown, Involuntary and Endangered. It's a bit of a relief to know LE does not consider Brittney to be Endangered.

Further reading shows an involuntarily missing adult is labeled as such when family members and friends are concerned about their welfare. Not necessarily an endangered person, but someone who is not in contact as they normally would be.

Thanks for the info!

I don't believe it is limited to just friends & family making the determination that there should be a concern about their welfare.


The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for individuals reported missing who:

have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability—EMD);
are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered—EME);
are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim—EMV);
are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary (Involuntary—EMI);
are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile—EMJ); or
are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other—EMO).

EMI—Entry of a person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating that the disappearance may not have been voluntary, i.e., abduction or kidnapping.

"Information about your missing loved one may be entered into the national database, National Crime Information Center (NCIC). A report may be taken, but there are specific criterion for missing persons to be entered into NCIC. They can be entered into NCIC only when the missing person has a physical handicap or mental disability, if they are missing involuntarily (kidnapped), if they are a victim of a catastrophe or if they are in some way endangered."

Suspicious Circumstances (Involuntary)
Child or adult who is reported missing, and the circumstances give rise to believe that:
 foul play may be involved,
 the person is a danger to self or others
(due to mental, physical, or emotional
condition), or
 the disappearance is out of character for the individual and no known reasons can be determined

Example: A woman who is 8 months pregnant and lives with her parents is reported missing when she does not return home from a shopping trip and is last seen getting into a vehicle and leaving the parking lot with two men.

Child or adult who is reported missing, but there are insufficient facts to determine the circumstances

Example: A man is reported missing after he failed to return home in a reasonable amount of time after taking the family dog out for a walk.

Voluntary Missing Adult
Adult who is reported missing, but who has left of their own free will.

Example: A woman who is otherwise very dependable is reported missing by her employer after the woman failed to report to work for three consecutive days and did not answer her phone. It is later determined that the woman moved out of her apartment on her own without telling anyone or leaving a forwarding address.
I know it's been debated to death, however...Just out of curiosity, How is a person's absence from their life/family explained to everyone if they are taken into Witness Protection? Anyone know?

Quoting myself, to add why I think something along these lines may not be too far off.

WHAT IF (in theory and JMO.. (today)) there is a much larger case going on? I spent some time today reading articles about MULTIPLE cases of Child *advertiser censored* tried in and around Baldwin County since 2010 (including a teacher and an Assistant County DA).
(See search results from below) *advertiser censored*/index.html

What if, in all the images collected, it shows someone that may have recently had a run in with the law (which we were told about, but I don't think we ever found record of anywhere) and LE recognized our girl as a victim? MOST of the articles I read at were cases tried in Federal/US Court, and it wouldn't seem so far fetched to me, to place a witness in PC while bringing the possible makers/leaders of some huge child *advertiser censored* ring down. It would explain why LE was adamant about BW not being connected with the sex ring case, being investigated for months before she disappeared, based on victim testimony. Could also explain DH's suicide.. if the two were really as close as everyone has mentioned, perhaps he was given a heads up before she met with some Feds to go away?? Purely opinion and theory on my part.

IF this theory were true, NO ONE would know that she was taken awaiting testimony, right?
Feel free to shoot it full of holes, then I can move on to more crazy ideas :)

As always, JMO n stuff
FootballMom, do you think Brittney is dead?

Most of the time I do. Still, if there is one little chance that she did take to the hills away from Tillman's Corner, I hope we can open to that. In fact, if the family gave mention that she might be in i.e. bumtruck South Dakota hanging with a biker gang, people might just keep an eye out for her.

But when her own family and friends tell the public they think she's dead, who do they suppose will want go out to look for an 8 month old corpse?

Anyway, if I choose to hold out that maybe just maybe she's out there, I hope you won't hold it against me. :seeya:
Not so sure they are getting any answers even with the big chief gone.
with him dead you would think they would spill the beans but they have not.

It would be very easy to blame everything on Donnie Holland!

Just wait....something may shake loose yet. There's still a lot of trials to get through and possible long sentences to face, and the incentive to talk may make someone squeal.

DH is involved somehow. He had her gun. She was with him at some point. My gut feeling is maybe they had a fight over drugs or money or sex.
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