Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #3

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That would be Brian is an excellent recap of all we know so far.

Wait…why would a lawyer tell a store employee not to comment on whether or not a fugitive had been in the store?
There's a link posted here from a reporter named Brian--something? on Twitter. He shared some interesting supposed sightings of her at local businesses prior to the escape.
Brian Entin? I’ve been following him since the Gabby Petito case. Here’s a link to the video on his Twitter: Brian Entin
Seems like she may have went to an adult store and the men’s section of a department store
Sorry if this is formatted, weird I’m on mobile.
So I confess I’m one who dip in.

So hopefully not being repetitive:
Is there any news on past interactions between VW and CW?
I figure with hindsight, co-workers would help fit the pieces together on how this relationship developed.
My own personal theory is that it started like, “OMG we have the same last name!” But that’s just MHOO. Lol.
Agreed it’s a crazy pivot for her to make late in life, though it wouldn’t be the first time a relatively law abiding citizen got pulled into a darker life. Prison staff have been manipulated many times. She had stayed connected to her ex-husband and his family through the years so I suspect his deterioration due to Parkinson’s and his eventual death in January 2022 could’ve been part of what made her vulnerable to a breaking point.
At this point I don't believe that she had always been such a law abiding citizen. She just never got caught. Remember, she joined the county sheriff's office relatively late, at least 31/ 32. She may have been a party child with a relatively dark side before that then put on a show to get the new job. Her first husband used drugs, perhaps she did as well? Maybe she made extra money smuggling contraband to prisoners under the inept eyes of elected sheriffs?

I think her Miss Perfect and Innocent image was for show. I mean who would suspect anything of the waddling grandmother aged simple woman? I halfway expect her waddling to straighten out like Keyser Soze's limp did.
That would be Brian is an excellent recap of all we know so far.

And a brilliant link to Newsnation's recap, including people who knew her, where she bought items etc..

Using this Newsnation channel link from Youtube for those outside of the

Wait…why would a lawyer tell a store employee not to comment on whether or not a fugitive had been in the store?
They might not want to be liable for it if someone took action on a sighting and it turned out to be wrong? They also might not want to draw negative attention or safety concerns to the business.
That would be Brian is an excellent recap of all we know so far.

Referring to the article, the guy who said that “Nobody is surprised” was apparently “wrongfully terminated” in the past (Vicky was his boss) so he would definitely have an ax to grind. He even admits she is cunning though. I hope they include that termination, whoever writes the book about this later. Ha.
So I confess I’m one who dip in.

So hopefully not being repetitive:
Is there any news on past interactions between VW and CW?
I figure with hindsight, co-workers would help fit the pieces together on how this relationship developed.
Haha. Welcome back! By the way, I myself think it’s fine and normal to — as people have said — dip in. The only reason I have time on my hands and can follow along with every post now is because I’m sick in bed and can’t do much else. Just as long as you don’t come in and start criticizing factual statements from people who actually have been following along closely which you’re not doing. So good for you!!!

I haven’t seen a lot of specifics since they initially said the two had been linked since 2020 and had spoken over calls during his time at the prison.
That would be Brian is an excellent recap of all we know so far.

Shingstar, I have to complement you on being ready with the helpful links! I rarely know where to find things I’ve read.:)
Wait…why would a lawyer tell a store employee not to comment on whether or not a fugitive had been in the store?
If she was in an adult store the last thing that store wants is for it to get out that person 'xyz' was shopping. There is a premise of privacy when you go there. Business will drop if people think they aren't discreet. Personally, I dont care if they dont say anything to the public as long as they are telling LE.
If she was in an adult store the last thing that store wants is for it to get out that person 'xyz' was shopping. There is a premise of privacy when you go there. Business will drop if people think they aren't discreet. Personally, I dont care if they dont say anything to the public as long as they are telling LE.
I didn’t think of that. Solid point, Jellybean96.
At this point I don't believe that she had always been such a law abiding citizen. She just never got caught. Remember, she joined the county sheriff's office relatively late, at least 31/ 32. She may have been a party child with a relatively dark side before that then put on a show to get the new job. Her first husband used drugs, perhaps she did as well? Maybe she made extra money smuggling contraband to prisoners under the inept eyes of elected sheriffs?

I think her Miss Perfect and Innocent image was for show. I mean who would suspect anything of the waddling grandmother aged simple woman? I halfway expect her waddling to straighten out like Keyser Soze's limp did.
I agree. I will be floored if she comes out as a squeaky clean as people think she's been. For sure, she is taking contraband into the prison. And yeah, that limp? I bet its gone and she's perked right up.
At this point I don't believe that she had always been such a law abiding citizen. She just never got caught. Remember, she joined the county sheriff's office relatively late, at least 31/ 32. She may have been a party child with a relatively dark side before that then put on a show to get the new job. Her first husband used drugs, perhaps she did as well? Maybe she made extra money smuggling contraband to prisoners under the inept eyes of elected sheriffs?

I think her Miss Perfect and Innocent image was for show. I mean who would suspect anything of the waddling grandmother aged simple woman? I halfway expect her waddling to straighten out like Keyser Soze's limp did.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some low level stuff like smoking weed or whatever. But my read is she raised cows and lived in a small town and genuinely led a fairly normal life that eventually didn’t feel fulfilling enough. I don’t expect a drastic double life story to come out. I think she started breaking down a new path when she became attached to CW and as her ex-husband was dying. We will see though! Anything could happen!
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some low level stuff like smoking weed or whatever. But my read is she raised cows and lived in a small town and genuinely led a fairly normal life that eventually didn’t feel fulfilling enough. I don’t expect a drastic double life story to come out. I think she started breaking down a new path when she became attached to CW and as her ex-husband was dying. We will see though! Anything could happen!
If she had a criminal record, it’d be out at this point. So if she kept an entire double life under wraps over decades, she’s even smarter than anyone here was saying she is!

I think it’s more boring than that. She lived a fairly average life clocking in and out for years. Her ex dies and maybe it causes a re-evaluation or crisis of some kind, like you said, and she starts getting braver and dabbling in things that feel exciting. And she develops unhealthy conclusions about CW — he has no one, he never had a chance, I could be the one person that stands by him and helps him become who he as meant to be. Once she convinces herself there is some sort of justice or nobility in helping him, she is off to the races.
If she was in an adult store the last thing that store wants is for it to get out that person 'xyz' was shopping. There is a premise of privacy when you go there. Business will drop if people think they aren't discreet. Personally, I dont care if they dont say anything to the public as long as they are telling LE.
Good point.

Long ago, I worked at a hotel and was told not to give out any info. about who was staying there unless the person asking was LE, for the same type of reasons.

And, in this case, LE could have also asked employees at places VW may have shopped at to keep it quiet, since it's involved in an ongoing investigation.
If she had a criminal record, it’d be out at this point. So if she kept an entire double life under wraps over decades, she’s even smarter than anyone here was saying she is!

I think it’s more boring than that. She lived a fairly average life clocking in and out for years. Her ex dies and maybe it causes a re-evaluation or crisis of some kind, like you said, and she starts getting braver and dabbling in things that feel exciting. And she develops unhealthy conclusions about CW — he has no one, he never had a chance, I could be the one person that stands by him and helps him become who he as meant to be. Once she convinces herself there is some sort of justice or nobility in helping him, she is off to the races.
Good point that her criminal record would’ve come out. Usually a week after something like this happens, other people start to come out and talk about a person’s “other life” if there is one. Tyson Johnson is the only one I know of who has even suggested she has a dark side. So I’m paying attention to see if more comes out to corroborate that. But I think it might’ve been @Kitagrl who pointed out he might have a chip on his shoulder since he said he was wrongfully discharged.

In most cases, the truth eventually comes out and then we will know.
You could be onto something here. The storage facility that I'm seeing is called I-65 Storage. Look at the aerial view on their website's homepage - looks like lots of RVs parked in their rear lot. If she purchased an RV earlier and stored it there, they could have driven the orange car to this facility, and picked up the RV. Each of them now driving one vehicle, they head toward Bethesda to dump the orange car and head out in the already-stocked RV.

I think this is an important observation.

Maybe rented a storage unit and put a vehicle in it. Looks like a well-organized newer storage facility with a gate and CCTV cameras.
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