Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #3

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What about this idea? What if VW drives the orange car to a supermarket lot or other location (storage facility) where she stashed a van with supplies. CW then drives the van, following VW to the place where they abandon the orange car and the two drive off in the van together.
IMHO very plausible (minus the storage facility due to the cameras) although I’m not entirely convinced about the amount of trust they would each have had to have to split up. She would have had to have left him with ZERO money to trust him to pick her up, but he would have also had to trust her to appear with the money and not the cops. If their relationship is solid enough to split up, then IMO it is solid enough for him to keep her alive long term. Is it? Who knows IMHO.
I truly believe their same last names are just a coincidence. Last names aside ……

Could she be his birth mother? Or believes she is?
I asked this and similar questions (could he be a child of her ex-husband who he adopted out or didn’t raise?) probably enough to annoy people on here early on. So I’m with you on turning over every rock. But over time, the theory faded because it seemed less likely that Frances White and Pat Davis etc. wouldn’t know about her having a child at that age or there being a possible relatedness. Not that people haven’t kept secret love children a secret from their parents and not that parents haven’t covered up the truth for their kids. But all in all it seemed like too many hoops would have to be jumped through to make that true.
On all things about this, I'd tend to go with the "horse, not a zebra" theory. In other words, the most direct, easy and likely thing is more likely what went on. It's not nearly as interesting as the other though lol.
It's always possible that they have help from his brother...

The brother sounds dead to me, MHOO.

But waiiiit this article also states that the actual jail protocol of two deputies was created a few years ago specifically based on Casey White himself trying to escape! I would be interested to learn more about this attempted escape. Vicky would have been present for it. I need more information!!!!!
IMHO very plausible (minus the storage facility due to the cameras) although I’m not entirely convinced about the amount of trust they would each have had to have to split up. She would have had to have left him with ZERO money to trust him to pick her up, but he would have also had to trust her to appear with the money and not the cops. If their relationship is solid enough to split up, then IMO it is solid enough for him to keep her alive long term. Is it? Who knows IMHO.
I see what you mean but I feel like they were in it together and had each other’s lives in their hands the whole way.

Besides even if they split up, she could’ve kept the firearms and money on her so that he’d have incentive to reconvene together. Also, as others pointed out, he may have wanted to stay with her because he realized she could better disguise herself and retrieve supplies down the road where he might stick out more.

Once they pulled the trigger on this escape, I feel like she had already decided to trust him or she wouldn’t have thrown her life away on him.

But I do think that logic will backfire eventually.
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...well her bought sexy lingerie so I’d say no. Hope she bought him a bra for his moobs
Speaking of, he looks to me like someone who had gained a lot of weight at one time, then lost it. So perhaps what his mother said about him confessing to the murder just to get transferred to a facility with better food was true lol.
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The brother sounds dead to me, MHOO.

But waiiiit this article also states that the actual jail protocol of two deputies was created a few years ago specifically based on Casey White himself trying to escape! I would be interested to learn more about this attempted escape. Vicky would have been present for it. I need more information!!!!!
That’s the story about them discovering Cw had hidden two shanks in the bathroom and planned to take a hostage, I think.
It's always possible that they have help from his brother...

Omg...this gets more bizarre, so many trackless things going on here, as in way too many wild things to comprehend at an overall level.

Ex-girlfriend commits suicide - that case re-opened yesterday. His half brother missing. All his convictions he is in for...

Then an apparent exemplary employee of nearly 2 decades gives up everything for Casey Cole White, just mind-blowing, fries the brain trying to put all this together... feels like a bizarre movie I'm watching play out.

I see lots of bizarre cases here, this is beyond anything I've ever come across. No speculations, just astounded by it all.

Hoping no-one get hurts here - unlikely at this stage but it's possible they will be apprehended without anyone getting hurt, one can hope and wish!!!

Thanks for the link.

All, moo.
Per Sheriff on CNN:

"Obviously someone assisted them, or they stole a vehicle. Or they left on foot, or they got a ride. Car was cleaned out, nothing left in vehicle."
Or they had another vehicle stashed, as we have been discussing for this entire thread. Is this the same Sheriff that let them get away?
Do you think that they're still moving or do you think that they're just holed up somewhere waiting for time to pass? From the videos that Brian Entin posted, it seems like the police have no clue.
The story's so big by now we would have more information about sightings if they were on the run, right?
IMO I tend to agree with the second option. With the pandemic and all, it's so easy to get groceries and stuff delivered without interacting with anyone, though I hardly believe that scenario would last long. This case is so fascinating, but maybe that's because I'm using it to procrastinate studying for exams.

Edit: fixing a typo
Anyone feel kinda sorry for VW? I mean she doesn’t seem to have a large network of friends. She isn’t conventionally attractive. She never found love other than her drug-addicted ex. I read somewhere recently (can’t remember where) that she really didn’t speak a whole lot. What did that big lunk say to her that made her feel like this was what she wanted to do with the rest of her life? Did he tell her she was pretty? Did he make her feel noticed? I dunno. It makes me sad for her. I want to read the book already. When are they taking pre-orders? Lol.
I don't think she is that smart. She may be the smartest person where she worked a far as the evidence so far indicates.

A smart person would know how this is going to end.

Her injury or death- highly likely
Her "boyfriends" injury or death- moderately likely
Injury or death of a law enforcement officer- possible
Happily ever after- zero chance

The reality is that everyone dies. Maybe she decided going out in a blaze of glory or "high" in love is better than a slow, agonizing death that old age can bring (like what she surely observed with her ex-husband with his Parkinson's). I just watched my own mom through an agonizing death (two types of stage 4 cancer). It's rough. It's brutal. Maybe to VW, a shorter life with a quick end may be immensely more appealing. (Also, how good are long-term healthcare options in her town if she had stayed on the straight and narrow? A bad illness can quickly bankrupt someone even with insurance. I think she has thought about all this a long time and if she has that nurturing/mothering instinct some have mentioned, she's probably seen some loved ones and friends go through bad medical times, with all the ensuing potential problems -- insurance problems, treatments that harm as well as treat, loss of income, loss of mobility, painkiller addiction, etc. -- and perhaps decided she would not go out that way herself.)

What am I on about? ha. If this was the case and he had to escape her that would be utterly nuts.

Something like the film Misery.

I had to laugh because I thought about Misery pretty early on in this case. If she chopped off his feet, he'd be shorter and maybe less noticeable.

Yes, that's kind of a morbid joke on my part. Lol and MOO. :oops:;)

I agree that an employee who VW fired might not be the most reliable character witness about her lol.

I also think there could just be a lot of gray area here. VW's bosses liked her a lot, it seems. But in many workplaces, there's "by the book" and then there's "how things really go," and this jail seems to me to operate far more on the "how things really go" side of that equation. (And I don't think people on the outside typically care all that much about what goes on inside jail, as long as it STAYS inside the jail).

VW's superiors imo also have a vested interest in making this seem like the perfect employee suddenly gone bonkers rather than talk about the quality of supervision THEY were doing over this jail and her, when that was THEIR job. For ex., they have a long, extensive list of escapes from that jail.

Apparently, this jail was known to be loosely run and VW was the assistant director of it- a loosely run jail. So I think it's entirely possible that she was both highly regarded there AND that she was also on that slippery slope of not doing things by the book for some time, until it finally went too far and culminated in this disaster.

Of course I don't know any more than any other outside observer but personally I'd just find the "slippery slope" theory more likely than the "sudden crazy turn" theory.

Great post. Very likely, imo.

I think she's smart and clever. I think she thought about this a long time and put her experience, observation, and knowledge to use. So far, they have been successful.

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Do you think that they're still moving or do you think that they're just holed up somewhere waiting for time to pass? From the videos that Brian Entin posted, it seems like the police have no clue.
The story's so big by now we would have more information about sightings if they were on the run, right?
IMO I tend to agree with the second option. With the pandemic and all it's so easy to get groceries and stuff delivered without interacting with anyone, though hardly believe that scenario would last long. This case is so fascinating, but maybe that's because I'm using it to procrastinate studying for exams.
My two guesses are that either they are right under their noses in a remote cabin, or they are soaking up the sun on the beaches of Mexico lol. I don’t feel like there’s too much middle ground! (Watch them end up in like Las Vegas or something haha)
On all things about this, I'd tend to go with the "horse, not a zebra" theory. In other words, the most direct, easy and likely thing is more likely what went on. It's not nearly as interesting as the other though lol.
Agreed. That’s why I think she is an average, mostly law-abiding woman who hit a midlife crisis and was vulnerable, leading her to fall for a criminal. And that she just planned out the steps of the escape with the same sorts of skills she used to organize employees’ work shifts or schedules for transporting inmates. It’s also why I imagine them being in a remote hideout in a rural or mountain/woods type of area because that’s just more practical to pull off than Mexico.

I don’t deny we could some day learn the story had some sensational turns (a middle aged woman with a secret double life; an inmate with a network of deep cover crime operatives including his brother) but come on. They probably just made their best effort to plan things out and get out of town to lie low before anyone was looking for them. And that’s where they are right now in my opinion.
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