AL AL - Danniella Vian, 24, Mobile, 17 Jul 2018 #2

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I'm leaning towards Car 3 being a stranger to Danni. What's odd is that Car 3 knew to disable the GPS in the car. I don't think she left voluntarily with the people in Car 3. My guess is that Car 3 had at least two people, Car 2 (Danni) was intercepted as she was leaving the Shell station, Car 3 disabled the GPS, one of the Car 3 people drove Car 2 out of the Shell station.

I'm very curious to learn whether the GPS had an antenna on the exterior of the car. That would explain why Car 3 knew there was a GPS in the car. Also, the car had paper tags, which is a clear message that Danni is a new owner of the car.

So, Car 1 leaves, Car 2 sits there for a minute, and when Car 3 pulls in continues to hang out? In the lost phone theory- she should have seriously been right behind Car 1 because it's not like she was looking down at anything and didn't realize Car 1 had left already. From what I've read, Car 3 wasn't blocking her in, so if it was a stranger- why sit there? I think in the fight or flight instinct- flight takes over.
What if they drove from The Dublin to Ollies, where DW assumed Danni would stop, and where he intended to continue on and drive home?

Why it is possible that they went toward Ollies, I can't see it being very feasible for them to head to the Interstate to go to the Shell station as there are plenty of side roads to get you there much faster.


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This would be the typical route if you go down I65 and the route I would have taken at that time of night.

That makes sense if the Shell station was their intended destination. The route takes 14-15 minutes, and their trip lasted 20 minutes (10:45 - 11:05). What if the intended destination was:

The Dublin --> Ollies --> DV stop at Ollies --> DW continue driving home

It's just that I'm not ready to exclude Ollies from the route just yet, especially since there's no clear indication that DV and DW were planning a rendezvous at any location.

The missing phone explains the stop at the Shell station, and the found phone at The Dublin corroborates the missing phone story. What doesn't make sense is why Danni was following DW at the Shell station.
That route completely excluded Ollies, and would that assume that DW and Danni never intended to go to Ollies?
Depends on which story you believe. If you look at the timeline posted earlier in the thread, he says he was going home and she must have gotten confused.
Here is the timeline posted by JDT in JDT's official group:

On Tuesday, July 17th, Danniella went off to meet RC at Dublin’s to celebrate her purchase of her new Car. Danniella met up RC, who also Had two friends MK & DW with him. They stay there for a few drinks, and then decide to head to Ollie’s. RC & MK head out first. Danni and DW were traveling down the interstate 65S, in two separate cars, DW leading. Danni flashes her lights and DW, and he pulls over at the Shell Station on Government Blvd/Hwy 90. Danni makes DW aware that she has lost her cell phone. The video shows what appears to be two cars pulling into the parking lot at 11:05 pm. Two minutes later, one car appears to leave. The other car stays parked. At 11:08 another car pulls in, and both cars are parked. Until 11:24 when they both leave. No indication of which way each car left. With the darkness of the video, you could not tell if anyone left either Car, or how many passengers were in each car. DW and Danni we’re headed back to Dublin’s, to search for Dannis phone. Danni never makes it to Dublin’s, according to DW. JT was told DW showed up at Ollie’s around 12:00 and stayed for a few minutes, and Danni never showed. DW also had a rental car, which he had after coming back into town from work. He returned the rental car around 1:00 am and then headed home.

Wednesday July 18th 7:30 a.m. Dannie’s MIL gets a phone call, it was DW saying that he has “this girl's” phone and he happened to see some pictures of a baby on it and thought that she may really need to have that phone. Leading to believe he didn’t know who she was. Like she was a Stranger to Him. JT (MIL) told DW to just take it to where she works PFChangs and drop it off there they will make sure she gets it.
At 9:00 am, JT called the apartment complex where Danni lived and asked them to put a note on her door for her to call her.

Before 12:00, Wednesday DW calls JT again stating her son (TT) had called Dannis phone, expecting to speak to Danni. That’s when DW had let TT (JTs son/Dannie’s babies father) know what had happened. DW was calling concerned about Danni. ***After he was asked to turn the phone in to her job that morning. He then offered to meet up with JT to return the phone to her, but JT decided to wait to hear from Danni first.
Jt went to the apartment complex around 4:00 pm And the note was still on the door. JT assumed Danni was hanging out with friends, and didn’t expect to see her until Thursday, July 19th, when her daughter returned from out of town. She had made plans to stay the night with JT and her daughter Thursday night, at JTs home, and never showed. At this point JT knew something was wrong. Danni never missed these opportunities. Ecspecially with her daughter.

At 7:30 am, Friday July 20th, JT receives a phone call from DW, as she’s walking out the door to file a missing persons report. Expresses his concerns, and agrees a report is necessary, and then meets JT at the police station. While waiting in the lobby, waiting to file the report, DW explains what had happened that night to JT. JT asked DW, “why were you on Hwy 90, when Ollie’s is right down the street from Dublin’s?” DWs response was, “I was actually headed home, and Danni must have gotten confused thinking I was headed to Ollie’s and followed me” Danni knows exactly where Ollie’s is, as she has worked there before.
The police station is on Airport Blvd, but JT and DW were sent to the Harold Johnson building on Government st. This is where the missing persons liaison is located.
DW had handed over Dannis phone to JT at the first police station.

DW got to the Harold Johnson building, before JT. As JT arrived, DW was giving his report to the Liaison. After DW was done, DW left, and JT then gave her report and handed over Dannis phone.

At 11:20 am, JT was contacted by one of Dannis friends, that stated Danni didn’t show for her shift at 11:00 am. While still sitting in the liaison office.

A part of DWs statement was that he returned to Dublin’s and was searching the Parking lot for Dannis phone, and a employee walked out and asked if he was looking for a phone Bc she had found one on the back of a car and turned it into the bar. He retrieved her phone from the bar and waited outside 20 mins, when she didn’t show up. He left. This was on the night of her disappearance.

Since then there has been NO contact with DW. Nor any of the others Danni was seen with that night by JT. None have reached out.

Per LE, the last ping from Danniella’s GPS on her car was at the shell gas station.

Perhaps initial plan was to go to Ollie's, but after first 2 left plans changed? If that story is correct.

ETA: I'm not sure where the info regarding going to Ollies came from, maybe VI knows? If DW says he was going home, but one of the other 2 says the plan was to go to Ollie's...clearly someone in the trio isn't on board with the story.
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Can somebody with more expertise weigh in...
How much of a success rate is billboards/buses those sorts of things at this point in the game? Almost 10 weeks later....

If almost 5k has been raised, her apartment should’ve been kept.
One of many aspects of DW's story that irks me is why, oh, why did he not go back to that Shell station?
Here he is, has gone all the way back to help this gal (he supposedly hardly knows & has no idea why she was following him *yep sarcasm intended) find said phone - and she never appears, she should be right behind, but nope. AWOL.
It's HER phone for goodness sake. There is simply no reason at this point for DW to not be very aware that something must have happened...and that something is more than likely not a good something.
But - according to DW, he never goes back to the last place he saw her.....mmmkkay

so: why doesn't he? - once again, I figure because he knows very well she isn't going to be there, he has a good idea what's happened to her OR......

He did go back to the Shell (he said waited at Dublins 20 minutes for her, @ the amount of time to return to Shell)....but he has reason to lie about which case, why lie?


Maybe they pulled into that Shell to meet up with either friends who are DNVs, or perhaps for drug purchase from someone DNV knows....she realizes she left her phone behind - DW says he'll get it, makes more sense for her to stay & meet up with people of Car 3# & meet her back at the Shell - he does indeed return - but she's vanished...

Now, I have tons of scenarios wherein DW doesn't figure in her disappearance...his lies are to cover his booty for being out & about with a young woman when he's married with child...and possibly to cover his booty that they were doing illegal things: buying drugs.....

So - why would he lie about going back to Shell if he indeed did (btw want to be clear this is speculative)? Because he was there with another woman, buying drugs.....presumably planning to move on somewhere to enjoy more of the night together. Makes sense once he's there & she's vanished & he's got her phone...and, well, heck - sticky situation from him, huh?

Now this is utterly hypothetical speculation...

Fact is: I don't like that he didn't go back to Shell - makes no sense unless you figure in the above scenarios...(also isn't Shell not all that far from his home? easy enough to drive by on way home at least...but then, he'd decided to return a rental at guess busy night for him)

Also don't like that it would appear he downplayed situation when called JT

What I am hoping is that DW did indeed come clean to police.......doesn't mean he was involved with her disappearance...but we need to know what they were really up to that night when they left Dublins
Okie Dokie....another rambling post of musings ;)
We don't know that Car 1 & Car 3 aren't the same, either.

If Car 1 and Car 3 are the same, then we have the following:
  • DW turned out of the Shell station and then essentially pulled a u-turn and drove back into the Shell station
  • He assisted Danni with disabling GPS
  • DW arrived at The Dublin to collect the phone at 11:30 (he left at 11:07) or at 11:50 (he left at 11:24) - should be easy to exclude DW as Car 3 based on witness statements
  • If Car 3 is DW, why hasn't he been charged with tampering with the GPS?
So, Car 1 leaves, Car 2 sits there for a minute, and when Car 3 pulls in continues to hang out? In the lost phone theory- she should have seriously been right behind Car 1 because it's not like she was looking down at anything and didn't realize Car 1 had left already. From what I've read, Car 3 wasn't blocking her in, so if it was a stranger- why sit there? I think in the fight or flight instinct- flight takes over.

If there's a weapon involved, freeze is just as likely as flight.
Can somebody with more expertise weigh in...
How much of a success rate is billboards/buses those sorts of things at this point in the game? Almost 10 weeks later....

If almost 5k has been raised, her apartment should’ve been kept.

Just curious...why should her apartment have been kept? I realize that, if she returns safely, she'll need somewhere to live. But let's, hypothetically, say she ends up being missing for 8 months (which I hope and pray we find her before then), the $5k will have been exceeded. How is it supposed to be paid for after that?
Why it is possible that they went toward Ollies, I can't see it being very feasible for them to head to the Interstate to go to the Shell station as there are plenty of side roads to get you there much faster.

This route works as well, and the timing of 20 minutes at 11PM works. Danni followed DW for some unknown reason, and they are on the interstate when she realizes that her phone is missing. She flashes her lights, he knows she's following, and he pulls into the Shell station - which he presumably knows is there and is a safe place to pull over.

That route completely excluded Ollies, and would that assume that DW and Danni never intended to go to Ollies?

From everything I've read (and the fact that the Shell Station is in another part of town) I don't think Ollies was their intended first stop. I'm guessing that Ollies was where they were going to all meet back up.
Can somebody with more expertise weigh in...
How much of a success rate is billboards/buses those sorts of things at this point in the game? Almost 10 weeks later....

If almost 5k has been raised, her apartment should’ve been kept.

She is currently a missing person, but it has been two months since she disappeared. On the one hand, it makes sense to keep the apartment for a few months, but on the other hand maybe there is little hope that she will be found alive so they are letting the apartment go.

A PI would probably be more helpful than a picture on a bus. Questions I have are
  • at what time did DW retrieve the phone (this excludes or includes him as Car 3)
  • who owned Car 2 prior to Danni
  • did the GPS have an exterior antenna - thus tipping off Car 3 that there was a GPS, if not, how did Car 3 know about the GPS
  • what can be learned about Car 3 from the CCTV footage
  • which direction did Car 2 and Car 3 go when they left the Shell station
  • has anyone searched that route for Danni's belongings (potentially tossed out the window of a moving car)
Just curious...why should her apartment have been kept? I realize that, if she returns safely, she'll need somewhere to live. But let's, hypothetically, say she ends up being missing for 8 months (which I hope and pray we find her before then), the $5k will have been exceeded. How is it supposed to be paid for after that?
I would have assumed with an ongoing investigation that most things would have needed to be left in tact in case something came to light that maybe they hadn't noticed before?
This route works as well, and the timing of 20 minutes at 11PM works. Danni followed DW for some unknown reason, and they are on the interstate when she realizes that her phone is missing. She flashes her lights, he knows she's following, and he pulls into the Shell station - which he presumably knows is there and is a safe place to pull over.

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This route does not go on the Interstate. There isn't a on ramp at Cottage Hill. the route that you are seeing takes the service road next to the Interstate.
I would have assumed with an ongoing investigation that most things would have needed to be left in tact in case something came to light that maybe they hadn't noticed before?

I can see that; that's probably happened before in other cases. I don't think MCSO would have allowed an eviction proceeding, though, without clearing/processing the scene for what they would have deemed sufficient evidence.
From everything I've read (and the fact that the Shell Station is in another part of town) I don't think Ollies was their intended first stop. I'm guessing that Ollies was where they were going to all meet back up.

My understanding is that the group of 4 were at The Dublin, and they intended to go to Ollies. Ollies is very close to Danni's home.

Danni pulls out of The Dublin parking lot. She was following DW. He knows that she is following him. Two of the group go directly to Ollies. Why wouldn't DW also drive to Ollies? At some point he decided to go home, but Danni continues to follow him.

She did two unusual things in roughly the same time frame - she lost her phone (may have left it on another car), and she followed DW as he was driving home rather than go to Ollies.

If it was never the intention to go to Ollies, where were they going? They weren't going to Danni's apartment, he appeared to be driving home, but it makes no sense that she was following him at the Shell station. The fact that DW went to Ollies to look for Danni supports the claim that they were going to meet at Ollies.

This route does not go on the Interstate. There isn't a on ramp at Cottage Hill. the route that you are seeing takes the service road next to the Interstate.

Thank you! That helps.

Would people who were drinking avoid the interstate?
My understanding is that the group of 4 were at The Dublin, and they intended to go to Ollies. Ollies is very close to Danni's home.

Danni pulls out of The Dublin parking lot. She was following DW. He knows that she is following him. Two of the group go directly to Ollies. Why wouldn't DW also drive to Ollies? At some point he decided to go home, but Danni continues to follow him.

She did two unusual things in roughly the same time frame - she lost her phone (may have left it on another car), and she followed DW as he was driving home rather than go to Ollies.

If it was never the intention to go to Ollies, where were they going? They weren't going to Danni's apartment, he appeared to be driving home, but it makes no sense that she was following him at the Shell station. The fact that DW went to Ollies to look for Danni supports the claim that they were going to meet at Ollies.


The area that DW lives in is the opposite direction than he went. Now he could have jumped on the Interstate I65 to go to I10 then head West to the Theodore area, but why go so far out of your way when he could have simply went straight down Hillcrest, past Ollies and ended up in Theodore. Almost a direct route.
Thank you! That helps.

Would people who were drinking avoid the interstate?

DW is the one that stated they were on the Interstate when DNV flashed her lights at him. That is when they got off the Interstate at Hwy 90 where the Shell station is.
The area that DW lives in is the opposite direction than he went. Now he could have jumped on the Interstate I65 to go to I10 then head West to the Theodore area, but why go so far out of your way when he could have simply went straight down Hillcrest, past Ollies and ended up in Theodore. Almost a direct route.

Does DW live in Theodore?
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