AL AL - Danniella Vian, 24, Mobile, 17 Jul 2018 #2

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Is there a news article or something that list the names of the party train? Just curious how folks can see FB pages. TIA

I haven’t seen a news article with names.
But after JDT posted initials, it wasn’t hard to go cross match with DNV Facebook friends (before her account was compromised by whoever) and see who they are! Especially with all the details - married, kids, age.
I haven’t seen a news article with names.
But after JDT posted initials, it wasn’t hard to go cross match with DNV Facebook friends (before her account was compromised by whoever) and see who they are! Especially with all the details - married, kids, age.


How can we confirm this info? There has been nothing publicly stated by LE.
I’m gonna say JDT being clear is pure speculation at this point as LE has not said anything regarding that fact.

I was asking cedgison how she was able to confirm since she stated in an earlier post JDT was cleared. I was curious where she received the information.
Link to still image of the surveillance video (!!!)

Not sure what this is showing...

ETA: thumbnail photo in post #175 below with link added
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I agree with you and @whatinthekentuckyhell - more needs to be released publically with regards to who has been cleared. I know JDT has been cleared but still think that needs to be said publically by LE.
LE has not made a public statment about JDT being cleared. Until such time as that happens we cannot assume either she or anyone has been cleared and this is why access to the SM accounts appears profoundly shady IMO.
Is there a news article or something that list the names of the party train? Just curious how folks can see FB pages. TIA
No media articles have named the party train/fair weather friend group. The media has seemed to make zero effort to track down anyone associated with the night that DNV went missing which has been strange from the beginning of the case. The initials were ascribed to the party train by the JDT group and have never been confirmed by LE unfortunately so what we are spending so much time chatting about is largely speculative. The names of the people behind the initials are not difficult to figure out if you have access to social media. But LE, the press and so far as I can see JDT family have never publicly called out any of the individuals involved for whatever reason. As has been discussed elsewhere not one of the party train has stepped forward to speak to the press or made a public statement or discussed the case on social media.

Like the Chief of Police said in his press conference where he shared next to no information (but worth a listen to see someone talk about very little for a prolonged period of time IMO) this is not a typical missing persons case. So far as I have seen the identites of the Car 3 individual/s still is a mystery. Theories for these folk/s include: lojack disabling, drugs, additional members of party train known to DW and maybe DNV, car jackers, human traffickers etc.
Whenever I think about DW's fishy story I cannot help but think he's complicit in her disappearance...
& then....I try to implicate his part in her disappearance - and it's not all that difficult but it starts to be...convoluted versus a nice simple occam's razor kinda thing

Occam's razor would be his car the third one....he has an accomplice, DNV is (or has been) incapacitated...GPS perpetrator drives her car to unknown location, DW goes back for phone & more or less sets up his alibi, timeline, makes appearance at Ollies etc.

OR: DW is fibbing, not because he has anything to do with her disappearance, but that he doesn't want his wife to know he's been out, not just drinking with the other male marrieds with kids...but a young single cute gal - and there's some flirtation (at least) going on there...let's assume he drives out of Shell assuming she followed....
who is third car?
* some previous jealous boyfriend or other person who is ill disposed to her...they see her at Dublin's whooping it up and drinking with a bunch of other guys...follows her, takes their opportunity when DW pulls out of Shell...
* Someone she does not know who has been following/stalking her - again, takes their opportunity
*Criminals/predators taking advantage of a gal, a bit tipsy and worse for wear, on her own and in the wrong place/wrong jack, kidnap, god knows what else

Back to DW - we are to assume he was spying at Dublin's to see what her phone passcode was? Skeezy...
Why did he not go back to Shell - DNV never appears....he has her phone, what happened to her? Instead he goes to Ollies (why not text friends there & ask if she is there?).... Why not leave phone at Dublins and let friends at Ollie's know - if she shows up, that's where her phone is...?

We do know that it was important enough to DW to drive back upwards of 25 minutes to look for some gal's phone....and to hold onto it....

Unfortunately, he may not have gone back to Shell because he knew very well she wasn't there anymore....went to Ollies to make an appearance versus staying at Dublins, or leaving phone there, because he knew she'd never show up....
He never did drop phone off at her work because he had a good idea that she'd never show up for that shift.....

When I first heard she had to go back for phone, assumed it was left inside Dublins....leaving a phone in a parking lot suggests someone who is definitely not quite with it...very distracted..maybe she dropped her purse? or fell?

If DW is involved in her disappearance - he clearly has accomplices.......question is, what went wrong that night?
Was she targeted? Was it planned to meet at Shell to disable GPS and take her somewhere?
Did DW go back for phone then get 'cold feet' about it?

Or simply DW & DNV out to party more - get separated after Shell station & she's in wrong place/wrong time?

I keep coming back to a simple point: something has happened that necessitates a stop at that Shell station (whether planned from get go, or to decide who goes back for phone), her phone is important enough to DW (& accomplices) go back for it, and disable her GPS and take her away...and whomever did all this: they are all mum on the subject...
I don't think DW was just helping or knight in shining armor - he had a motive to get that phone......
That GPS was disabled so no one could know where she went....someone drove her car from that Shell lot (not convinced it was her).....

I can only imagine that LE has information they are sitting on for good reasons.....I am sure hoping that only a piece or two needs to fit for the puzzle to come together....
Curious what you see and if you can ID number of cars and number of people?

I can't see anything. The original video was a video of someone's computer screen or monitor that was playing the tape, so you could see reflections from the screen. Like if you are trying to take a picture of your laptop screen on your phone while in a well-lit room and you see your own reflection. It was hard to see but much better than this screenshot.
Danniella also has a mother who also wants her home. This is older but it’s the only time her mother has spoken out.
Thank you for posting this to remind us all that another mother exists in this sad case that doesn't know where her daughter is located! You always do such a brilliant job of bringing us back to what is truly important in these cases!

DNV was supposedly not close to her birth family and by all accounts had left home at 17. She had been with TT on and off for nearly 6 years or so in a very tumultuous and complicated relationship. Perhaps the JDT insider can comment on some of the family dynamics to give us a better idea of what DNV's 'family' in Mobile was like?

It is sad that the press other than an early skype call in the case with Joy Vian (JV) hasn't kept her as part of the narrative in this case as no matter what the relationship status is currently with DNV she is still very much a mom that has a missing daughter. She also is the only blood kin/relative that DNV has and as such most likely is the only possible legal representative to protect the rights of missing DNV and her daughter CT.

Initially JV tried to set up a go fund me acct to get the money to come to Mobile from her home in NC. The details of this effort were sketchy and the fund didn't raise much money but there was some kind of outcry about the situation from the T family and no more has been heard from JV since. It is unconfirmed by LE but it is believed that JV was threatened in some way associated with this case and she then reported said threats to LE. Beyond this I don't believe much else is known about JV and not much has been reported about DNV life pre-Mobile. So, we have a missing DNV with no local blood kin/relatives to look out for her in this case and to protect her legal interests.
I can't see anything. The original video was a video of someone's computer screen or monitor that was playing the tape, so you could see reflections from the screen. Like if you are trying to take a picture of your laptop screen on your phone while in a well-lit room and you see your own reflection. It was hard to see but much better than this screenshot.
Its hard to see I agree. Do you see a car with an open trunk and a male standing next to the car?

I was asking cedgison how she was able to confirm since she stated in an earlier post JDT was cleared. I was curious where she received the information.
My understanding is that an insider they don't have to post a source. But as stated previously LE has not cleared anyone in a public statement as is seen in other cases.
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