Found Deceased AL - Jennifer Marshell White, 55, Moulton, 08 Apr 2018

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I’m so sorry and apparently so very bad at this. I tried to delete but can’t find a way to do so.
I hope that now the media has their eyes all over the handling of this, Marshell will soon be found. It's most definitely in the PD's best interest to get her found ASAP to get themselves out from under the microscope.

It might be a little late for MPD to find Marshell ASAP. And certainly, if she didn't self-harm, evidence of foul play will be a lot harder to come by.
No the post is within TOS. Inthegrass only directed us to a specific comment without discussing it. That is allowed.

My mistake. I read too fast and thought the post was referencing someone besides JMW’s fb. So sorry, grass!
When people and their vehicles go missing at the same time, bodies of water in an area need to be searched and cleared. WS has many cases of missing folks who were later found in their vehicles in water, because of accidentally driving into the lake, reservoir, pond, estuary, river, etc., where they are eventually found.

Of course, if Marshell was harmed by someone, then her vehicle may be well-hidden or destroyed in some other way.
My thoughts are with the girls' PI today. I am certain she is out "beating the bushes" and interviewing on the family's behalf. I hope every day she has collected more missing pieces to this puzzle. I am praying that today, also will be the day they find her vehicle. Someone DID see something but may not be aware that they did, I hope the realization smacks them in the face and they call into the PI. AMEN
When people and their vehicles go missing at the same time, bodies of water in an area need to be searched and cleared. WS has many cases of missing folks who were later found in their vehicles in water, because of accidentally driving into the lake, reservoir, pond, estuary, river, etc., where they are eventually found.

Of course, if Marshell was harmed by someone, then her vehicle may be well-hidden or destroyed in some other way.

I've posted this story many other places but will repeat here:

My cousin Lenny would likely be a missing person today as he inadvertently drove into a reservoir after getting lost and mistaking an unlit boat ramp for a two-lane country road. Only because a homeowner was letting her dogs out and heard the car hit the water was he found. His car went a hundred yards or so into very deep water. This was before cell phones- and so his family had no idea where he was either- as he was driving home from a distant city and there were a couple of ways to get home from there.

I wish the nation's fishermen would use their sonar in all of these little lakes, ponds, reservoirs- I bet we would find a great many MPs who disappeared with their vehicles!
I have questions. But I also want to add an amendment to my suicidal types post. (Others have stated similar things I just want to clarify my earlier statement.)

I previously posted that while Jennifer exhibited what could be perceived as suicidal markers, but that the markers fall in all different types of people who commit suicide.

That being said, IF JMW had recently started a new medication, namely if it was for her MS, she could have had a rapid onset of severe psychological symptoms that I can say is positively terrifying to watch from the outside; I cannot begin to imagine what it would feel like to live it.

Here's where that isn't jiving for me, I assisted a step-cousin who went through such an event due to a new med for a different but still neurologically based disorder. Three days before this woman was fine, was attending her nurse anesthesiologist classes and then BAM I get a phone call from my aunt saying my step-cousin is suicidal. What transpired took a couple of hours and don't matter to JMW's case except for one little nugget. This was my step-cousin, I stress that simply to point out that we knew each other well enough but weren't super close, raised together or anything like that. Yet I was seriously concerned for her safety. I was rattled and that takes a lot.

Here's the tie in, with as close as JMW is with her girls and her grandkids, with EBG seeing her only 12 hours and not noticing something extremely wrong with her mom, I'm still not *completely* sold on the suicide theory.

Then too, as I mentioned waaaaay back and others have mentioned, we are all only able to work with the facts that we have been given and being that there are so many inconsistencies (Thanks MPD) every single theory we have all presented could be completely wrong. It's frustrating. I hate to invoke this particular case but man does this remind me of what the old Boulder PD did with Jon Benet Ramsey's case. (I say old because they are quite on point now.)

re: transfer of jurisdiction
The issue is, unless MPD has violated a local, state or federal law, they would have to request assistance. And I hate to say this but I agree with everyone who has said, the South AND rural areas like where I live in PA can be and are good ole boys clubs. I really dislike lumping people in groups like that but there is no getting around the truth. I mean, just reading The Benefit of The Doubt FB post, the tone screams "simmer down now, ladies" almost as much as it disparaged JWM.

Someone will need to force MPD's hand to get them to agree to ask for help. At this point, there's a chance that assistance from the FBI could be deemed warranted but again MPD would have to request it. (The FBI doesn't take over cases and don't have jurisdiction over LE. They are a unique and separate entity.)

I apologize if I've repeated anything too much and hopefully I managed to stay on topic even when giving examples. Like everyone else I'm ridiculously frustrated that we're having to discuss what appears to be blatant mishandling to near disregard of JMW's case. *sigh*


I have a question regarding JMW's "earthly suit" statement but I'm concerned I might break the TOS (I can't find them on Tapatalk). That's obviously a very specific statement that I haven't been able to pin it down to a particular group. Deep South, people is that a phrase one might hear at a funeral?

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May be why the family does not believe she sent the texts. <modsnip>
Correct me if i'm wrong. When Jennifer (note i used her name) went "missing". It was "reported" that she was on medication, for one thing and or the other.
I find it very convenient that the charector assasination released the other day was gave the go ahead by bw.
Since then, the focus, atm is not finding Jennifer, but her "illness".

If that was my Mum, and my Dad gave the go ahead to release that statement, well, lets just say, it would get messy.
Correct me if i'm wrong. When Jennifer (note i used her name) went "missing". It was "reported" that she was on medication, for one thing and or the other.
I find it very convenient that the charector assasination released the other day was gave the go ahead by bw.
Since then, the focus, atm is not finding Jennifer, but her "illness".

If that was my Mum, and my Dad gave the go ahead to release that statement, well, lets just say, it would get messy.

It was messy long before he gave the go ahead to release the statement imo. Which maybe is why he gave the go ahead. JMO
It was messy long before he gave the go ahead to release the statement imo. Which maybe is why he gave the go ahead. JMO

Messy, as in, i would not be happy. Strong words (i minimise) would be taking place.
Correct me if i'm wrong. When Jennifer (note i used her name) went "missing". It was "reported" that she was on medication, for one thing and or the other.
I find it very convenient that the charector assasination released the other day was gave the go ahead by bw.
Since then, the focus, atm is not finding Jennifer, but her "illness".

If that was my Mum, and my Dad gave the go ahead to release that statement, well, lets just say, it would get messy.

That happened yesterday. This is today;

The only drug mentioned in the beginning was they were concerned she may not have her Blood Pressure med with her.
I don't know where you're from but this is the deep south. I'm from the neighboring state of Georgia, so perhaps I can give a little insight into this situation.

For many years up until about 1940 or so, the LE of my state's counties and towns operated 100% independently of any kind of state oversight. Essentially, every county/town was its own little fiefdom at the mercy of the honor of whichever white men were in charge. In many (most?) counties, violence and corruption (bribery, etc.) were rampant and unless you were connected to a prominent family, you had to seriously watch your step. Being a politician DID mean something in this environment: the big fish in the small pond, holding all that power.

The state stepped in in the late 1930s and created the GBI and our state troopers but it took another good forty years to bust up that entrenched culture. It still lingers in some places even though nowdays it's more about racial profiling and quotas, in my experiences.

I don't know what the story is over in Alabama, but I'm seeing at least one PD where a city councilman has the power to just walk in and dictate what that PD says in public-- in effect, he took over the Moulton PD's PR for a day. That's just crazy, IMO. It's like something out of a TV show about backward southerners, something that before now I'd laugh at and say, "oh, that would never happen." Well, I've seen it happen...

A lot of this may be true but I feel like Mr. White was able to post that from the police fb because we really are a small town and everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows who Brent White is. In Moulton anyway. And that is partly because his personality. He really is a good dude IMO
A lot of this may be true but I feel like Mr. White was able to post that from the police fb because we really are a small town and everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows who Brent White is. In Moulton anyway. And that is partly because his personality. He really is a good dude IMO

Thank you for your post. I know it is hard to listen to us dissecting your community and people we really do not know at all. I, personally have questioned Mr. Whites choices and still have tons of unanswered questions. But I really don't want to Bash him. In my opinion, what happened to Jennifer Marshell is the focus...and her family's victimization is so sadly the by-product We try to be gentle but sometimes....
Thank you for your post. I know it is hard to listen to us dissecting your community and people we really do not know at all. I, personally have questioned Mr. Whites choices and still have tons of unanswered questions. But I really don't want to Bash him. In my opinion, what happened to Jennifer Marshell is the focus...and her family's victimization is so sadly the by-product We try to be gentle but sometimes....

It's definitely a lose lose situation
Please only discuss religion when / if it is germane to the case, without bringing our own individual religious beliefs into the discussion.

Regarding the side effects listed about “worsening of bipolar disorder.” This to me says that you wouldn’t prescribe it FOR bipolar disorder at all. Being that she is prescribed this medicine would tell me she is NOT suspected to be suffering from bipolar disorder at all. If so, perhaps that’s an avenue of lawsuit for the family when all is said and done (if she IS suspected of having bipolar or even diagnosed, they can sue the prescribing physician if deemed it caused her to remove herself from our world). It’s like giving a sugar pill to a diabetic. Wouldn’t be prescribed to a diabetic specifically because of its side effect (hyperglycemia). Think about it logically, would you treat someone with bipolar disorder with a drug that is known to have a side effect of worsening the condition, or choose from HUNDREDS of safer medications?
Just my opinion.

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Does someone have a link to her Facebook page?

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