AL AL - Lisa Altimari-Wallace, 35, Eufaula, 27 Oct 2012

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for Lisa

and her family

and friends

Wow.. this was such a hot thread until her past came out ..

She's still missing ..

There are still people who care about her...

There is still a very real possibility that she met with foul play ...


Why do posts keep getting deleted

There are rules on WS about what can be posted or not. I don't know if I saw the deleted posts or not, but a case like this is hard because LE isn't saying anything, the news isn't carrying it, and except for verified insiders (I think) we can't post "rumours" ...

Unless you're verified, or it's stated by LE, or is covered by MSM, everything we say is speculation .. and rumours aren't allowed.

I'm worried about her ...
Wow.. this was such a hot thread until her past came out ..

She's still missing ..

There are still people who care about her...

There is still a very real possibility that she met with foul play ...



May not be due to her past coming out, just that there is so little in MSM, and that seems to happen in a lot of cases lately. LE doesn't seem to be releasing any updates, so it appears they aren't doing anything, but that's not always the case, sometimes there is just nothing to report.
I hope people are still looking for her.
Wow.. this was such a hot thread until her past came out ..

She's still missing ..

There are still people who care about her...

There is still a very real possibility that she met with foul play ...



IMO or at least in my has little to do with her past but more to do with the fact her family and friends disagreements is making it very hard to follow her story. The one person that I would think would be looking the hardest is also the one that is upset about people searching, vigils, etc...I believe it may be the same reason LE and MSM has also backed off or really never bit on this case....Very difficult to help a family when the do not appear to want it..I really felt like something had happened to Lisa but it seems to me the ones closest to her do not appear to have much urgency ......:banghead:
IMO or at least in my has little to do with her past but more to do with the fact her family and friends disagreements is making it very hard to follow her story. The one person that I would think would be looking the hardest is also the one that is upset about people searching, vigils, etc...I believe it may be the same reason LE and MSM has also backed off or really never bit on this case....Very difficult to help a family when the do not appear to want it..I really felt like something had happened to Lisa but it seems to me the ones closest to her do not appear to have much urgency ......:banghead:

My feelings exactly. I do feel there is a chance that something happened to her, but the situation being as it is makes it very difficult to put the focus on that.

I was gone most of the day yesterday so I am sure I missed out on some deleted posts. It seems those are the only info we are getting- if we happen to see them.

I do know if I was a mom in this situation I would be moving heaven & earth to find my daughter and fully cooperating with LE and any layperson gracious enough to offer to help search.
IMO or at least in my has little to do with her past but more to do with the fact her family and friends disagreements is making it very hard to follow her story. The one person that I would think would be looking the hardest is also the one that is upset about people searching, vigils, etc...I believe it may be the same reason LE and MSM has also backed off or really never bit on this case....Very difficult to help a family when the do not appear to want it..I really felt like something had happened to Lisa but it seems to me the ones closest to her do not appear to have much urgency ......:banghead:

The family/friends dynamics seem to be like fireworks. If I recall, I thought Lisa's mom was coming to the area either over the weekend or the beginning of the week (thought it depended on work schedule and transportation). I don't know, perhaps money is an issue. Hopefully, she will be able to calmly meet with LE and obtain information to the whereabouts of her daughter.

I still wonder about her hubby's actions after Lisa disappeared. I mean, if true, he is going on with his life as if she never even existed. I don't know, he could be sitting at home crying over her.

As far as the husband's reactions-

Assuming he is going on as if he doesn't care-We don't know what their relationship was like behind closed doors. It could have been very unhappy. He might be at the point to where he just no longer cares and is glad he has some peace and quiet.

And because none of us really knows, we can't blame him for that if he feels that way. He might be just feeling relief that a miserable relationship has ended and is ready to rebuild his life since she left.

But, OTOH, she might be at the bottom of a pond or in the woods somewhere. None of us knows, or is privy to information that would let us know.
I feel bad for Lisa either way. Whether she left on her own and walked away from her daughter or if there has been foul play.

I have went back and forth on this one. I first didn't understand why ppl are not searching for her. It has been said she left on foot, also has been said this is a small town, why hasnt every stone been turned over to find her :waitasec:

Then it was said that she has done this before, I don't know if this is true or not true.

It breaks my heart to think Lisa is deceased somewhere out there and no one seems to care :(

If she was on foot she didn't go that far without help.

This is a very very sad case :(
Well, this is speculation here, which I told myself I was not going to do. But FWIW...

THe stress in Lisa's life could have built to the point to where she took a way out that she was familiar with.

Do we know that she didn't meet someone online and was picked up by them when she left on foot.

however, if she left on foot and no one picked her up for a prearranged meeting, then that points the finger back to the husband IMHO.

Because we have family that can't or won't help in a rational way, it hurts the case more than helps it.

Times have changed since the previous times she walked away. We have the internet now and the possibility someone she met there helped her walk away.

I really believe that what it will take to find out the truth of what she really did- left voluntarily or was harmed will take a member of LE to sit down and take a close look and compare the times she left before to this time.

If she walked away this time and has not left an electronic trail of any kind then it had to take careful planning on Lisa's part, and it was not done on the spur of the moment after an argument. And she had to have had help in the form of someone picking her up.

These questions will not be answered until a member of LE cares enough to dig deep into Lisa's life in the weeks before she vanished. I am afraid unless she turns up- dead or alive, they will not be answered.
I have read through a lot of the recent posts, but not all of them, so forgive me if I get anything wrong.

The thing that concerns me the most is two main things. The alleged argument and the truck stuck in the mud. These two things combined just strike me as bad news and which is why I am leaning towards something bad happening.

We have seen it too many times when there is a known argument around the time a person goes missing and then combine that with a truck in the mud. What are the odds of that happening. Someone mentioned there was not an unusual amount of rainfall, so why in the world would someone just happen to get stuck in the mud the very day she goes missing. Unless it was common that the route always caused a possible stuck in the mud, that just really bothers me.

I hiope LE knows exactly where the truck was stuck and then hope the searches focus around that area and maybe the direction in which it was headed or coming back from.
I don't like coincidences in these sort of cases. But that is just me and my simple opinion for now.
I think it's more likely that husband's truck got stuck in the mud after something went down rather than on his way home. JMO. I pray Lisa's found! :please:
Well, this is speculation here, which I told myself I was not going to do. But FWIW...

These questions will not be answered until a member of LE cares enough to dig deep into Lisa's life in the weeks before she vanished. I am afraid unless she turns up- dead or alive, they will not be answered.

This is what really ticks me off. LE coming out and saying they have no evidence of foul play.....SO she must have just left on her own because she has done it before. In other cases, ie: Gail Palmgren, that wasn't even the case. WELL....if your not looking for any evidence of possible foul're sure not going to find any. I hope LE if following through and digging. The mother being so far away doesn't help her either....and with Lisa's past it may be hard for her to find assistance; but for some reason the mother's gut is telling her...her child is missing and there is something wrong. I'll go with that.

Agree, the do need to go back and compare the last time she left with this time. She was younger, could have been drug related, or intimidation with lots of fear, etc. No doubt there is dysfunction here either...and that can interfere in so many ways. Mainly taking the focus off of the real concern.....Just finding "LISA" .

IMO, JMO, etc.
Sometimes people revert to past behavior in times of stress, i.e. taking up bad habits, etc. It is possible this happened here. But if she did not have access to a lot of cash at home, without using a bank card, how would she be managing on her own? Sounds like overall she had a settled lifestyle in recent years, which probably included bank accounts, credit cards, etc. rather than pockets full of cash. So that is worrying. I also worry anytime a person disappears who has had arguments with people in her life.

I hate to day this but it came to my mind!

her Husband said they were financially drained could she have been hiding the money hubby gave her for Dr.s and stashing it?

Did hubby go with her to these Doctor visits?
Her mom was suppose to make the trip today, that is what she told me Sunday. I am waiting to catch her online later or my other Aunt to see if they have any updates. At this point she is still missing and there has been no leads at all. LE doesnt believe it was foul play (mainly because of her past).

Regardless of her past, she is till a missing person. Maybe it is by her own doing, maybe not. But something is VERY WRONG either way. Family wants all the help they can get. Everyone is worried about her and wants her to be found safe and sound. Her daughter really needs her mama!
Her mom was suppose to make the trip today, that is what she told me Sunday. I am waiting to catch her online later or my other Aunt to see if they have any updates. At this point she is still missing and there has been no leads at all. LE doesnt believe it was foul play (mainly because of her past).

Regardless of her past, she is till a missing person. Maybe it is by her own doing, maybe not. But something is VERY WRONG either way. Family wants all the help they can get. Everyone is worried about her and wants her to be found safe and sound. Her daughter really needs her mama!


As previous posters said, LE needs to compare this time "leaving" with the others.

I mean if she packed clothes, used her bank cards, took her cell phone, communicated with family the other time(s) she left......then why didn't she do that this time.....

if she left with nothing and didn't talk to anyone or use her bank cards the other time(s) she left....then possibly she did leave on her own this time also

BUT if there are differences, LE needs to investigate this as a true MISSING person's case.

Can you please tell us details about the other time(s) she left and what she did/didn't do....

Thanks and (((hugs))) to Lisa's family and friends
how long ago was the previous time she disappeared?

IMO its too easy for her disappearance this time to be treated as if she left by choice, her husbands actions also make me question. If he had got his truck stuck after being out drinking its highly unlikely that he would go get it early in the morning.

As previous posters said, LE needs to compare this time "leaving" with the others.

I mean if she packed clothes, used her bank cards, took her cell phone, communicated with family the other time(s) she left......then why didn't she do that this time.....

if she left with nothing and didn't talk to anyone or use her bank cards the other time(s) she left....then possibly she did leave on her own this time also

BUT if there are differences, LE needs to investigate this as a true MISSING person's case.

Can you please tell us details about the other time(s) she left and what she did/didn't do....

Thanks and (((hugs))) to Lisa's family and friends

I agree. But they should be treating this like a missing persons case anyway.
Also, we don't really know what she packed, we only have the hubby's word for it. What husband would know what was missing out of a wife's closet, unless she cleaned it out and took everything? Was he standing right there as she packed? IIRC, he left and took the baby to his mother's, and she was gone when he got back, so how does he know what she took with her?

Even if she has disappeared before, and the circumstances seemed to be the same, there is always the chance that this time was different, and she may not have left voluntarily.
4menandalady has been verified as an insider.

Elizabeth White from WTVM is looking into Lisa's case. Does anyone have a number for her mom/family? If so, please send me a private message.
Elizabeth White from WTVM is looking into Lisa's case. Does anyone have a number for her mom/family? If so, please send me a private message.

I hope so; Lisa is missing and it would be :great::great: to have media coverage.

Lisa, we are trying to find out what happened; we care!!!!

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