AL AL - Lisa Altimari-Wallace, 35, Eufaula, 27 Oct 2012

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She was a serious drug abuser. Using while pregnant with both boys. Her rights were terminated. She was not and I believe still isnt allowed to see the boys or have a relationship with them. I believe she was just starting the process of rebuilding and reestablishing contact. The relationships she had with both fathers were not healthy ones and not long term. She started fresh in a new state and was living near her mother for awhile. She loves those boys and she felt the pain of her mistakes and the reality of her wrongdoings. Her life really does revolve around Daryn and unless under serious distress, she wasnt leaving her behind. Also, there is a history of domestic violence within her marriage. Not saying that means he killed her or any other scenario, just a fact.
She was a serious drug abuser. Using while pregnant with both boys. Her rights were terminated. She was not and I believe still isnt allowed to see the boys or have a relationship with them. I believe she was just starting the process of rebuilding and reestablishing contact. The relationships she had with both fathers were not healthy ones and not long term. She started fresh in a new state and was living near her mother for awhile. She loves those boys and she felt the pain of her mistakes and the reality of her wrongdoings. Her life really does revolve around Daryn and unless under serious distress, she wasnt leaving her behind. Also, there is a history of domestic violence within her marriage. Not saying that means he killed her or any other scenario, just a fact.

Not buying it ... custody is never written in stone. If she was denied access to her children because of drug abuse and she then cleaned up her act, she would have every reason to resume contact with her children. Losing custody due to illegal activity is not a reason to skip town and start up a new life somewhere else, it`s a reason to clean up and be there for her children.

If there was domestic abuse (which usually happens behind closed doors and without witnesses), what was the room mate doing during the domestic abuse? If there was domestic abuse, and her husband was coming home drunk, what did she normally do in those situations?

I hate to say it ... but first we heard that she would never abandon a child ... not true. Then we heard that her husband`s truck was mysteriously missing at 8 AM ... not true. Then we heard that Lisa`s mom has seen for herself where he claimed the truck was stuck and she said it didn`t happen ... not true. Are there complaints that were filed ... photos documenting the domestic violence?
Not buying it ... custody is never written in stone. If she was denied access to her children because of drug abuse and she then cleaned up her act, she would have every reason to resume contact with her children. Losing custody due to illegal activity is not a reason to skip town and start up a new life somewhere else, it`s a reason to clean up and be there for her children.

If there was domestic abuse (which usually happens behind closed doors and without witnesses), what was the room mate doing during the domestic abuse? If there was domestic abuse, and her husband was coming home drunk, what did she normally do in those situations?

I hate to say it ... but first we heard that she would never abandon a child ... not true. Then we heard that her husband`s truck was mysteriously missing at 8 AM ... not true. Then we heard that Lisa`s mom has seen for herself where he claimed the truck was stuck and she said it didn`t happen ... not true. Are there complaints that were filed ... photos documenting the domestic violence?
Today 07:59 PM

All I can tell you is that these "rumors" your hearing are just that, people speculating. THat is what people do in these situations when there is no solid leads to go on. Whether or not you "buy it" or not isnt my concern. I know of these things first hand, personally. As of right now, they do not suspect any foul play, just that she is missing. Her parental rights are terminated. This wasnt nor is a custody issue or visitation issue with her boys. She isnt allowed any of that. Reversing termination of parental rights is an entirely different set of standards and laws. What you rhearing is second, third hand knowledge. What Im hearing is coming right from family, directly from them!
Termination of parental rights is usually permanent thru the court system. You can give up your parental rights or they can be taken away from you. It means you are no longer the parent and cannot have any contact or say of the minor children. Before children can be adopted, parental rights must be terminated. There are some instances for appeal if parental rights were taken from you.

Lots of information on the web; different from state to state
Termination of parental rights is usually permanent thru the court system. You can give up your parental rights or they can be taken away from you. It means you are no longer the parent and cannot have any contact or say of the minor children. Before children can be adopted, parental rights must be terminated. There are some instances for appeal if parental rights were taken from you.

Lots of information on the web; different from state to state

I don't know about the situation if you are talking about giving up a child for adoption. However, if you are just talking about custodial rights as between a mother and father (i.e. custody/visitation), that is not permanent. You can always go back to Court and petition to have one's rights expanded or reduced. In other words, assuming it does not involve giving up a child for adoption, simply being denied custody or visitation with a child does not prevent one from Petitioning a Court at a later date.

I have not read all of the posts in this thread, so I'm not addressing the situation at hand in this case, so fee free to disregard my post if not pertinent, but wanted address the issue of parental rights in general.
I don't know about the situation if you are talking about giving up a child for adoption. However, if you are just talking about custodial rights as between a mother and father (i.e. custody/visitation), that is not permanent. You can always go back to Court and petition to have one's rights expanded or reduced. In other words, assuming it does not involve giving up a child for adoption, simply being denied custody or visitation with a child does not prevent one from Petitioning a Court at a later date.

I have not read all of the posts in this thread, so I'm not addressing the situation at hand in this case, so fee free to disregard my post if not pertinent, but wanted address the issue of parental rights in general.

Thanks, ree,

Custody issues and termination of parental rights are really two separate issues. Something major had to have happened to have parental rights terminated (if it is even true in this case....)
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I still want to know if Lisa walked away or was taken away. I hope she contacts someone or LE can make a statement concerning their investigation findings. I think her family has a right to know.

no need to apologize; I was just throwing out another view based on Lisa's post and her past behaviors....she previously walked away and perhaps she was thinking about what would be best for her child. She seems to have a possible problem with dealing with life in general. JMO....

No problem... I think this is one of the strangest cases I've seen in a while, so you could be right.
I have been away all weekend, but it appears no news on Lisa still :(
Don't believe there will be much else to say about the situation other than speculation on our parts.

UNless she turns up. I do believe the posts that were deleted last night and they gave me some insight. Glad I got to see them. i do also understand the rules about them though.

And now, I also understand why LE has been silent. Their hands are pretty much tied.

Unfortunataly, with a past like Lisa's, it will affect her present, no matter how hard she has tied to overcome it.

And it is sad that this is so.....

I also understand what I am reading about her boys. I don't think she signed her rights away. Due to her drug problem, they were taken away.

THis is just some rambling musing on my part and I totally understand if it gets snipped or deleted by the mods...

ANd...I also believe that with this situation as it is, and the relationship between Lisa and her mother, and the way that her mother has probably interacted with LE that is why LE has been seen as less than cooperative.

I think a lot of us have been mislead about this situation out of concern for what we thought was a mom that was missing unvoluntarily.
I have read this thread from the beginning (I have read the "before" posts that were either snipped or deleted) and ONE thing stands out to me:

LISA is missing. Part of WS is to sleuth and try our hardest to find the missing.

So, I still want to try and find out where she is and more importantly, DID she leave on her own. There are many, many cases here on WS where the individual may have left before, may have had a substance abuse problem but we continue to look for them because we care about the INDIVIDUAL.

No matter about Lisa's past, SHE has not made contact with anyone for over 3 weeks (that we are aware) and to me that says, WHERE the heck is SHE???? If she is somewhere and has not contacted anyone, shame on her but if she is in a dire situation and needs to be found, shame on ????.

LISA has family and friends that care about her well-being and whereabouts, and I do TOO!!

We are a victim/family friendly site and that is what I enjoy about WS - all JMO/MOO keep a lot of our cases going!!!

Sometimes it is hard to know if the person really wants to be found, or even if they would hate to know their "case" was made public. So much easier to just make a quick phone call or send an email from a library, if that is the case. I hope she left on her own, but I hate it when people do that and don't let someone know, in just a quick, untraceable message. Not saying that happened here, but it seems to happen more and more.
Bumping .... for Lisa and all of the people who care about her!

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