Found Deceased AL - Paighton Houston, 29, left bar with 2 men, Birmingham, 20 Dec 2019

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I thought the “in trouble” could be referencing a relapse as well. Although if she had just relapsed and went on a bender of sorts I believe she would have resurfaced by now, especially on Christmas. Something bad has happened with this much time passed IMO.

I think LE has talked to these heavy set black men or at least identified them. I don’t think they are bar security. I think they left with her and she went willingly at least at first. After this, something went awry. Drugs, sexual assault, something that ended up in her unable to come home. I sadly feel this is a Savannah spurlock type of incident and that took a long time for LE to make an arrest. Savannah’s body was found on the property of the parents of one of the men she left a bar with. His cell phone was traced there the next day after Savannah went missing yet she was not discovered until 6 months later.
I thought it was in the Hannah Graham case that LE purposefully released a false description of someone seen with the victim on video to surface the suspect actually seen, but I cannot find anything on that aspect. Maybe it was another case. Maybe someone recalls.
Just a few thoughts/opinions/questions...

  1. What exactly is heavyset for a man? Like what size/weight/waist? Husky, fluffy or DAMN??? Inquiring minds want to know. This term for women can mean anywhere from a size 12-34 (& beyond). Though if you ask me, a size 12,14 & 16 is NOT heavyset imho. Maybe it’s bc I’m a size 12, Idk. Maybe it’s bc I was a size 26 & lost 129LBS, so I think that size 16 & below isn’t considered to be heavyset. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯....IF a man is a size 36 waist that is equivalent to a size 16 in women’s & is NOT considered “heavyset” but in some people’s eyes they may think a woman’s size 16 is heavyset. It’s hard for me to decipher what is considered heavyset for a man.
  2. Speaking of using shorthand/slang text like idk/idek, btw, bc, etc...I do this all the time. Maybe it’s bc I have a 21 year old. Maybe bc I’m a teenager at heart or maybe it’s bc I’m both or even some other unbeknownst reason to me. My point is is that using “idk” isn’t necessarily a young adult thing.
  3. I used to volunteer in a drug/alcohol rehab center, so I know a little about what behaviors an addict had. Also it has been my experience (see my other posts about my mother who was an addict & the things she did to my brother, sister & I for reference) that someone who relapses does not care, nor do they generally realize what day it is, what holiday it may be, when they go back out. They aren’t thinking of anyone. They are only thinking about their drug/alcohol of choice, more specifically their drug of choice. What they do however care about is when/where/how they will get their next fix. They don’t think any repercussions. They only act impulsively & would pretty much do anything to get their next fix.
  4. Additionally I agree with an above poster, someone who is sober (drugs and/or alcohol), they generally do not go to bars. Even if their drug of choice was drugs. For the most part a lot of people at bars are not only drunk but they have also done some kind of drug before, after & during their trip to the bar. Which leads me to wonder what “friends” was she at the bar with? I CANNOT imagine that any of her friends in sobriety would condone her going to a bar. Let alone go with her to a bar.
  5. Are we sure that the text was even sent by her? I know that’s a long shot bc what criminal would want to shine light on themselves? But crazier things have happened. Just a thought...
  6. This case has been kept close to the breast...whyyy!? IMO it’s very odd. It kinda leads me to believe that the family knows much more than they are saying publicly & they have asked LE to lay low or rather to stop actively pursuing anything atm (slang for at the moment...Urban Dictionary) for reasons unbeknownst to us...I don’t really know I’m just merely thinking out loud.

All of this is MOO...not as in my dog Moo (Moo Moo Cow) but as in My Opinion Only.
Basically everything you said is what I believe is the case, as well. I feel it started as a relapse, but took a turn for the worse.

I think that if she was using the word trouble in reference to her sobriety, the person who she was texting would be someone she would normally have a conversation about her sobriety with. One of my close friends from childhood struggled with addiction, and would never have conversations with me that she would with others who’d known her far less, but understood her struggle, firsthand.

So, if this wasn’t the case in that particular friendship, I think she is more likely referencing her personal safety. Knowing more about that relationship would be very telling, IMO.
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I get the feeling the police actually don’t know squat and I wish that they would ask the public for help by releasing the video.

During the Aniah Blanchard case everyone kept giving the Auburn & B’Ham police all this credit and saying that they were just “sure” they knew more about the potential suspect(s) than they were letting on. Well it turns out that while they knew a lot about Aniah’s physical well-being, they actually had zero leads on a suspect.

I think it’s time for the police to release any available footage (if it exists) and get this ball rolling. JMO
I get the feeling the police actually don’t know squat

I tend to agree here. There's a lot of times that LE states they have no leads because the reality of the situation is that they really have no leads. The Tibbetts case seemed the same way; for many days they did not have anything (they had even called off all searches) -- and despite all sorts of theories that they had good reason to be playing it close to the vest -- they had zero until video from a home survellience camera had turned out to have caught the perp's car.
Paighton Houston, 29, was last seen Friday night leaving Tin Roof, a bar on the Southside of Birmingham. She was there with friends from work, enjoying live music and spending time together. Birmingham Police say she left around 10:45 p.m. with two men. The last text message she sent was to one of the friends she was with saying she thought she could be in trouble, said her mom.

The bar is in the middle & can be accessed both inside & outside where the stage is. There was live music the night PH was there. The main band started at 10:30pm.

IMO, I think the simplest explanation is that she left with these first two guys b/c she somewhat knew them or trusted them. With her past addiction, it's possible she knew them from her old lifestyle and left to purchase or do drugs.

The text makes me think that she was with different people later in the night though. It seems that after leaving the bar, all was fine. It wasn't until 1.5 hours later that she began to get worried and didn't know the people she was with.

PH reportedly left the bar around 10:45pm which would have been only minutes after the band started. Was she going outside for a smoke? Did she intend to leave the establishment and/or area so early?

More than an hour later - PH texted a "heads up" warning message for a friend to take her phone call as she may be in need of help.

I also believe PH may have been with others when she sent the SOS text (not the two heavy-set men).

I'm hating the deja vu Savannah feeling here.... :eek:

LE has not named any POI after one week -- I don't think PH left the grounds with the two men.
I can't find the post I was going to reply to, but my thought can be applicable to several posts I've seen. Many of us (me initially too), find it strange she texts that she feels she might be in trouble, but doesn't actually to leave the situation, and many people have equated the text to her feeling unsafe. To me (all my own opinion), she felt safe, hence the lack of urgency. There are plenty of times I "feel in trouble" but I'm not worried for my safety. I've made a mistake, and my boss or a friend, or someone is going to get mad at me. I forgot to let the dog out, and I'm going to come home to an accident on the carpet. All trouble, not unsafe. Given we know this sweet girl is a recovering addict, I'm inclined to think she put herself in a position where she felt she may relapse. However, the pull of addiction is so strong, she wasn't ready to actually ask for someone to get her out of the trouble. I think her trouble was relapse, or something else that didn't feel unsafe for her, just felt more like a mistake of some sort. It's the only thing I can fathom that explains the lack of urgency in her text.

Thank you for this perspective, I hadn't thought of that until now and think it could well be the case. As someone else above said, it might have started out as a relapse and went south because possibly after being clean for some time her body couldn't handle the drug anymore.
If that had happened.....then that would've been reported from the beginning. The Tin Roof would be in no trouble for asking an unruly patron to leave. They have that right. All over America people are escorted out of bars on any given weekend. That is not what happened here according to all reports. These 2 men were not "bouncers" or "security" for that bar IMHO. They were also bar patrons or were in the Tin Roof hanging out for whatever reason.
Paighton rode to the bar with a friend, they had an argument and she possibly thought she needed a ride back to her car. She left with the two guys. If they were security employees then their identities would not be a mystery.

BPD has a very good reason not to release bar video AT THIS POINT. We have no idea what they know.
I know this sounds extreme, but you know how bars have signs in the bathroom sometimes listing ride services if you are too drunk to drive? I seriously ( sorry, but murders seem to happen more than laymen realize, obviously I am a layman, but with a unique perspective due to my interest in the subject,)think there should be a warning in all female or male bathrooms saying don’t leave intoxicated with strangers. If they seem appealing, just exchange numbers.
If that had happened.....then that would've been reported from the beginning. The Tin Roof would be in no trouble for asking an unruly patron to leave. They have that right. All over America people are escorted out of bars on any given weekend. That is not what happened here according to all reports. These 2 men were not "bouncers" or "security" for that bar IMHO. They were also bar patrons or were in the Tin Roof hanging out for whatever reason.
Paighton rode to the bar with a friend, they had an argument and she possibly thought she needed a ride back to her car. She left with the two guys. If they were security employees then their identities would not be a mystery.

BPD has a very good reason not to release bar video AT THIS POINT. We have no idea what they know.
This is an ongoing investigation and unless LE needs the public's help to identify individuals in the bar video then I see no reason why the video would be released. To my knowledge, there's been no request by LE.

My concern is that they have not identified the men on this hypothetical video.

In the Mackenzie Lueck case, the police stated that they had been in contact with the last known person to communicate with her. They knew very early on who she had been with and essentially were building a case against that person.

It’s concerning to me that this case is following the path of Aniah Blanchard where they actually do not have all of the persons identified and by simply asking for public assistance, they could identify these men quickly. I see no evidence that they actually know who she left with. All JMO.
Thank you for this perspective, I hadn't thought of that until now and think it could well be the case. As someone else above said, it might have started out as a relapse and went south because possibly after being clean for some time her body couldn't handle the drug anymore.
This is something to think about. I read somewhere that many overdoses happen after rehab because the user doesn't realize their tolerance has dropped and will use the same amount they used before getting clean.
This is something to think about. I read somewhere that many overdoses happen after rehab because the user doesn't realize their tolerance has dropped and will use the same amount they used before getting clean.
So true and borne out by medical studies. Treatment for addition overall reduces the death rate from use but can sometimes increase mortality transiently—for example, during the first few weeks of methadone maintenance treatment and among former opiate addicts after their release from treatment. The increase in mortality among treated addicts has been attributed to the loss of tolerance and erroneous judgment of dose when they returned to opiate use, Unfortunately, for a recovering addict, a “just this once” can lead to unintentional death.
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