All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS Part#2

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Georgia PI

There is something wierd about that whole Universal & AT&T thing. The jail house call between Casey and Lee have some conversation about her 'work' and the missing phone and the AT&T store at the bottom left. I find it interesting that that number is Ap/Ar for this company.
Account Payable is not connected to Accounts Receivable. They are two different departments in a company that large. Except for a very small business that is the case. If Casey was calling about an her cell phone bill she would be calling customer sevice or with overdue bills a collections desk. Customer service is a general number that is internally transfered to random reps within that department. Collections department may have desiganated people to handle specific accounts until an issue is resovled and in that case you would have a one person connected to one phone number.
Can you please PM with the full number.

The Number is in the link that I provided
Can you please provide a link to the unredacted phone book of Casey? I know I saw it once but can no longer find it. I also remember seeing a handwritten list of numbers by LE but can no longer find that either. I'm drowning in docs! Thanks for the help.

Casey's Phone list - Just put up a little while ago by , in the Jury Room, missing docs thread.

I find it funny that the number she had stored for Universal -5096 is AT&T Accounts Receivables Department (orange county);

"The scheduled payment is due on or before your due date. You will need to contact our Collections Department to make payment arrangements to avoid suspension of your service. You can reach the Receivables Management Department by calling 1-800-xx7-5096."

I guess that way she can show people that Universal is calling, but it's really a bill collector.
Georgia PI

Last edited by Georgia PI; Today at 12:11 AM

I find it funny that the number she had stored for Universal -5096 is AT&T Accounts Receivables Department (orange county);

"The scheduled payment is due on or before your due date. You will need to contact our Collections Department to make payment arrangements to avoid suspension of your service. You can reach the Receivables Management Department by calling 1-800-xx7-5096."

I guess that way she can show people that Universal is calling, but it's really a bill collector.
Georgia PI

Last edited by Georgia PI; Today at 12:11 AM

OMG! This girl is too much!
My goodness! I bet none of us can even begin to imagine what else will be learned before this is all said and done! More than we could ever imagine!
So those pings were out near fusian? It seems she may have gone to fusian that night - without Tony? Surely someone else could say if she was there. Are there any other bars that she'd go to out there near fusian?

This girl talks on the phone all the time - so a movie would be a good guess as to why no calls during those couple of hours - not allowed. She'd be on the phone in a bar i think. Maybe gettin a little action at the time? She's probably even on the phone then - LOL.
Yes, I did more research and that seems to be the tower that pings at Fusion. But I thought she was supposed to be home with AL that night so I am confused. She was gone four hours. During this time she received text messages from and texted AH, called her mom, received a call from Troy, received a text from RM, and a number that I haven't found yet - #07-284-9829.

I find it funny that the number she had stored for Universal -5096 is AT&T Accounts Receivables Department (orange county);

"The scheduled payment is due on or before your due date. You will need to contact our Collections Department to make payment arrangements to avoid suspension of your service. You can reach the Receivables Management Department by calling 1-800-xx7-5096."

I guess that way she can show people that Universal is calling, but it's really a bill collector.
Georgia PI

Last edited by Georgia PI; Today at 12:11 AM

I'll bet that was just for her parents. heh
Yes, I did more research and that seems to be the tower that pings at Fusion. But I thought she was supposed to be home with AL that night so I am confused. She was gone four hours. During this time she received text messages from and texted AH, called her mom, received a call from Troy, received a text from RM, and a number that I haven't found yet - #07-284-9829.

Originally Posted by TexasLil
Ok... I've put together statistics of the most calls to/from any one individual since the 14th of June is the number *07-754-4088 and is only second to TonE in all the calls made/received.... even more than AH. That number, as I know is still unidentified... at least to WS. Any input appreciated.

This number sent one text to KC on 6/ more until 6/27 when a flurry of texts began between the two from 11:31 a.m. until about 8:50 p.m. on that day. Many more since that date and up until the first arrest was made.
It is a land line in Winter Park, Florida. Appears to be unlisted. Will keep searching

Can you create/send and receive texts from a land line? I'm clueless.

Could it be Tony's land line?
I'll bet that was just for her parents. heh

I have to wonder at some point in all these lies, if she didn't do it because she really, really believed it?

I suppose OneLostGirl could answer this best for us. She seems to have a grasp on that area by experience and understanding. (this is not meant as a jab--it's meant in respect of knowledge)

Maybe this portion of thread buys a right to

What's pretty interesting to me is contrasting what RP said that Cindy said.... and what Cindy said on Greta:
You know, she's not ill. So it's not like some of these other single moms that don't have family support, that doesn't have a way out.,2933,400001,00.html?sPage=fnc/ontherecord/caylee

At that time, who was accusing? says everything to me.
Hey, Passin and JBean -- Ok, I'm not good at sleuthing out stuff on the web; I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack; but I'm a h3ll of a good organizer! I know my weaknesses. But...I'm more than willing to put the weather info into the calendar. I love the calendar and want to see it as full as it can be! One of you please give me a good reference, and I'll start. At least this way I feel like I'm contributing something. Deal?

ETA: Ok, I found the link; sorry! But the info for the 29th is missing...I'm adding away.
It is a land line in Winter Park, Florida. Appears to be unlisted. Will keep searching.

I'm not seeing *07-754-4088 in the phone records, but see *07-754-4058. It's listed as Jenna on the report of her SIM card contents.
I've been on vacation and away from WS (a needed break on both counts!). I was wondering if the pinging and mapping many of you have done here (which is wonderful and kudos to you all) either supports that Casey left Hopesprings in a huff (per LP) on June 15th in the early morning hours into the 16th or if it supports the story that Casey and Caylee were still at Hopesprings in the a.m. on the 16th of June (GA's story). I would love to be able to sort some supported facts out of this mystery!
Wasn't it mentioned that GA worked there as security or something? (I could be way off on this one.)
I have a Word file that I created, matching incoming and outgoing text messages sorted chronologically if anyone wants to see it. I am not sure how to post it for all to access. It's 57 pages long. I don't want to use an outside posting site if I can help it.
Offer: Follow the Pings:

I'd be willing at some point this week or weekend to "follow the pings" on any given date of our calendar to see on the ground where she went and what it looks like (sometimes Google Earth just isn't up to date). Please let me know if there is any particular date and map you want me to follow. You can PM me the info. I can take pictures.

Offer: Follow the Pings:

I'd be willing at some point this week or weekend to "follow the pings" on any given date of our calendar to see on the ground where she went and what it looks like (sometimes Google Earth just isn't up to date). Please let me know if there is any particular date and map you want me to follow. You can PM me the info. I can take pictures.

While others have been working so hard on the numbers and towers, I have started a hard and fast spreadsheet showing where KC was in general each day. Would that work?
I have a Word file that I created, matching incoming and outgoing text messages sorted chronologically if anyone wants to see it. I am not sure how to post it for all to access. It's 57 pages long. I don't want to use an outside posting site if I can help it.

I can covert it to a PDF document, then the MOD's can post it.
Offer: Follow the Pings:

I'd be willing at some point this week or weekend to "follow the pings" on any given date of our calendar to see on the ground where she went and what it looks like (sometimes Google Earth just isn't up to date). Please let me know if there is any particular date and map you want me to follow. You can PM me the info. I can take pictures.


While others have been working so hard on the numbers and towers, I have started a hard and fast spreadsheet showing where KC was in general each day. Would that work?

Between the two of you, can someone track KC's movements on the ground for the 26th through the 28th of June? I'm still working on questions about her abandoning the car. Is that too long a time frame? If so, I'll be happy to take whatever I can get!! Thanks to both of you.

ETA: And if there's anything you want put on the calendar, I'd be happy to do that for you. Just let me know!
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