All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS Part#3

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Was reported on Fox today regarding LP's search @ Blanchard that he's working on a timeline w/ 6/25 being key date for disposal alleging virtually an entire day of no cell activity. This may or may not be attributed to erroneous reporting, but, thought it worthwhile to post in a few places the filtered cell activity that shows the 6/15-7/17 period and all times >8hrs that are framed by cell actions that required someone to be in attendance of the phone (e.g. includes outgoing & answered calls, excludes incoming texts, etc.)

The line that contains the TBA (time between attendance in hours) entry in the far right-hand column starts the period of potential unattended activity and the line that immediately follows it ends the period. The cell ping entry shows where the phone was located for these markers.

Also posting on the cell log sticky thread FWIW. Just providing some granularity to compare to the broad statement reported regarding cell inactivity.

Was reported on Fox today regarding LP's search @ Blanchard that he's working on a timeline w/ 6/25 being key date for disposal alleging virtually an entire day of no cell activity. This may or may not be attributed to erroneous reporting, but, thought it worthwhile to post in a few places the filtered cell activity that shows the 6/15-7/17 period and all times >8hrs that are framed by cell actions that required someone to be in attendance of the phone (e.g. includes outgoing & answered calls, excludes incoming texts, etc.)

The line that contains the TBA (time between attendance in hours) entry in the far right-hand column starts the period of potential unattended activity and the line that immediately follows it ends the period. The cell ping entry shows where the phone was located for these markers.

Also posting on the cell log sticky thread FWIW. Just providing some granularity to compare to the broad statement reported regarding cell inactivity.


Wasn't there some number we were thinking was an AT&T number that would show up only if her service had been disconnected (for nonpayment)? Do these numbers show up in any pattern close to extended periods of nonactivity?
Wasn't there some number we were thinking was an AT&T number that would show up only if her service had been disconnected (for nonpayment)? Do these numbers show up in any pattern close to extended periods of nonactivity?

There's a # for AT&T account that was involved in notification of account status. I checked for the period 6/14-7/16 and there are 4 calls involving this #. The longest period of inactivity following one of them is 27mins on 7/15.
There's a # for AT&T account that was involved in notification of account status. I checked for the period 6/14-7/16 and there are 4 calls involving this #. The longest period of inactivity following one of them is 27mins on 7/15.

So how was she continuing to use her phone if her service was disconnected? Or do you think that was an incorrect assumption?

Can you give us the four dates and times?
Cell Phone 'Dead Zones' May Hinder Investigation In Casey Anthony Case

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone analyzed hundreds of text messages and phone calls placed and received by Anthony in the two weeks after Caylee disappeared and used a database program to determine how much time passed between each ping.

There were 24 times when three or more hours passed with Anthony's phone remaining silent, Pipitone reported.
Cell Phone 'Dead Zones' May Hinder Investigation In Casey Anthony Case

Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone analyzed hundreds of text messages and phone calls placed and received by Anthony in the two weeks after Caylee disappeared and used a database program to determine how much time passed between each ping.

There were 24 times when three or more hours passed with Anthony's phone remaining silent, Pipitone reported.
I wonder how many of these were at night while she was sleeping???
I wonder how many of these were at night while she was sleeping???

Dead zones need to be considered in the context of the various interviews, weather conditions, and understanding what KC was like.

For example, one of the dead zones highlighted is during a period of time that Chris S. says Casey popped in unexpectedly for a visit lasting about 2 hours. His mom was there and saw her as well. There were also thunderstorms in the area at that time. I think it is safe to eliminate that dead zone as a period of interest.

The dead zone I am referring to is June 19 from ~5:45 PM to ~9:00 PM.
Here is my understanding of how the last digit of the CID in the cell records maps to a direction of the cell tower. I am fairly confident in this when CID=1,2,3. I am less confident when CID=4,5,6. The evidence for the latter seems strong. However, I have been unable to find a definitive reference on the web to help me decode this.

The following image is for last digits of 1,2,3:
1 = red (north), 2 = green (southeast), 3 = blue (southwest)


The following image is for last digits of 4, 5, 6:
4 = green (northeast), 5 = red (south), 6 = blue (northwest)


I a person is within a couple hundred feet of a cell tower, I think it is possible for a cell on the opposite side to handle the call, because the towers are so tall.
Here is my understanding of how the last digit of the CID in the cell records maps to a direction of the cell tower. I am fairly confident in this when CID=1,2,3. I am less confident when CID=4,5,6. The evidence for the latter seems strong. However, I have been unable to find a definitive reference on the web to help me decode this.

The following image is for last digits of 1,2,3:
1 = red (north), 2 = green (southeast), 3 = blue (southwest)


The following image is for last digits of 4, 5, 6:
4 = green (northeast), 5 = red (south), 6 = blue (northwest)


I a person is within a couple hundred feet of a cell tower, I think it is possible for a cell on the opposite side to handle the call, because the towers are so tall.

This is great. Talk about finetuning the maps Thank you so much for doing this.

I also want to know if I am interpreting this correctly. By looking at the CID number for each call we can now tell to what side of the tower Casey was on when pinging off that tower. That will give us a better idea of where she was on the ground. In using the radius of tower coverage. (Do we know what that is for each tower?) with a reference direction to the each tower we can figure out a ground sector.

Let me try that again. We have a tower. The tower has a single strength of x amount of miles. According to the CID number attached to the call we can place an imagery circle around the tower to mark the area of coverage of that tower, divide that tower coverage into six basic quadrants of direction and now be able to see where each call was pinging from off that tower placing the call in a certain quadrant. That gives us a more narrow ground location that Casey was in while using the phone.
Do I have that correct?

I have such a problem with the CID numbers and anything that is techno. I am sooo not a technical person. Now if I can only figure out where the CID numbers are on the spreadsheet I will be good to go.

I was also wondering if there might be a way to make each CID number portion of the circle a different color and then put those 2 CID Circles on the ping maps for reference when we look at each days pings with an example of the Cid number for us tech challenged folks.
Each tower has a different strength, unfortunately. And I am not 100% certain they are all oriented as I described, because there are so many different owners of those towers.

From looking at enough pings on cell towers, I am pretty sure I know the orientation of the towers we care about. I do question tower 56 sometimes because Casey's driving patterns on several days almost seem she is to the north of the tower. For other reasons, however, I am convinced she was to the south, and took an oddball route to JG's from there.

As an aside, Google has a database of cell towers and their LAC-CIDs and tower strength that they use for there mobile "GPS" capability. That is, for cell phones without GPS. However, there does not appear to be a way to search it. Right now we are left guessing.
Casey’s phone activity starting June 30th - July 5th

In looking at patterns of Casey’s use of the phone I see a huge change in her activity starting with June 30 becoming more frequent and furious to a frantic calling and texting on July 3 and then a gradual slowdown and back to normal usage by the evening of July 4th and it does not match Wills statement on July 5.

Look at Casey cell phone use and pattern starting with June 30th and then go to July 1 and go through July 4 up to the time she was with Will at the fireworks. Look at the call log and then look at the pings.
Casey used the phone a lot but she stuck to a pattern of calling. She would make the rounds with calls and texts until she got someone to reply and then she would stick with that person for however long they would text or talk to her; she would focus on this same person calling and texting back and fourth then she would move on to someone else calling and texting them repeating the same pattern. A lot of times these calls and text where to extract information from people if you use her conversation with Amy as a guide as to what her conversations where with other people.
June 30th it appears that maybe Casey got herself locked out of Tony’s apartment and discovered the car was towed. There is a lot of phone activity that is not her norm from about 5:00PM on. It not so much the people, with the exception of the one call to Matt C. that stands out but the locations. Some of it is from near the tower of Tony’s apartment and then moves toward the Amscot location, back to Ricardo’s, back to Amscot and then to JB Park, Fusion, Amscot, JB Park all evening long. There are a few calls to Clint possibly to see if he is at the apartment but it doesn’t appear he answers the phone.
Starting with July 1 the pattern changes somewhat as well as her movements. Some of the pings are not in her normal 'comfort' zone. She is contacting some of the same people she always does but starts to include some that she rarely if ever bothers with. [at least they are not names that we are familiar with over the month] She only took a two-hour break from about 2:00 to 4:00AM before back on the phone again and by the early morning hours of the July 2 she is hunkered down in one area in the tower range that would include Ricardo’s place and appears to stay put but is burning up her phone. By late afternoon she is into an even more erratic pattern of calls. It looks like she is repeating text to the same people she did in the morning and than another round of the contacting the same people again later at night. The later calls take place close to Fusion. And then back to the area of the tower by Ricardo’s place until about 11:30AM July 3 and then she is on the move again.
At this time that you can see the real change in pattern. Lots of people and lots of calls back and fourth, plus she is back and fourth on the ping map as well. By July 3rd I see almost a frantic use of the phone. She calls the same numbers over and over. Short durations, hangs up and calls back again. Then text, tTower location then more calls. It is like she is either attempting to find someone who can tell her something or find something. She is back and fourth down by the mall and near W. Landstreet from about noon to 3:00PM and then back there about 5:30PM to 5:45 with a dead spot to just a little after 7:00PM. Then she goes even further out down by the airport for another 30 minutes and then back up toward the A’s, Chris S. and then back to the tower close to Ricardo’s. Now we are into July 4th Then she goes totally wild with calls through 3:00AM and then back on the phone by 8:00AM and by the early evening her phone use seems to go back to her normal pattern of call making. One person for a period of time and then moves on to another one.
I thought of her making some type invite or a drug buy in connection for the Will W. party and then having to make arrangements to pick them up in small quantities but hello it can't be that hard to buy drugs that she needed to be contacting the same people over and over again. She also seems to be speaking to Annie D. who she has not talked to before or at least for awhile.
This is the same time period that she is ducking Cindy but she does have a good amount of back and fourth between Mallory and Lee, which is not her norm either.
Then you have Will's statement about how he spent the whole day with Casey on July 5th and that just does not jive with her phone use. Add the fact that she took Tony's jeep through the carwash before she picked him up at the airport.
This whole 5-day period is bizarre. Casey’s call patterns are different, her drive patterns are different and the people she is contacting are different.
The question is why.

Is it because…?.
Tony is not there and she does not know how to deal with that since she has pissed all of her friends for him and can’t stand to be alone.
The car has been towed and she is afraid that the A’s will find out?
Caylee’s body was not in a good spot and she has to move her and now she doesn’t have a car and will have to use Tony’s.
Caylee’s body is still in the back of the car [although I don’t know how she would get to it at the tow yard] and this is where she has to get someone to help her.
She has a party to plan and that includes inviting lots of people and supplying some party favors to make everyone extra happy.
This is the period of time when Tony is not around, she has his car to move whatever she needs to move and no one to inquire about her whereabouts. She has finally ‘finished’ with Caylee, gets her tatt on July 3 and is ready to party on July 4th. All is well. Tony gets her upset while she is watching the fireworks with his talking about not coming back [Buyer’s remorse so to speak, she had gotten rid of the ‘problem’ for Tony and now he may stay in NY.] as per Will W, statement so when she gets back to the party house she wigs out on Brandon because he is only there for a visit and will be going back to base shortly anyway. Casey later finds out tony is coming back to Florida and she calms down but just in case keeps dangling the carrot in front of Wills nose.

Trying to make sense of her calls and movements is like trying to nail jello the the tree.

As always, just my opinion as a possiblity.
Question...would KC's location in TonE's apartment or the A home have an effect on which tower she pinged from? Say for instance if she were in the bedroom would it ping a different tower than it would if she were in the living room?
Shadow - Which Sawgrass Plantation are you talking about???

Ping #39 July 3rd
Ping 39 @28.436317,-81.398585 to
Sawgrass Plantation 12649 Sawgrass Plantation Blvd., Orlando, FL 32824
6.4 miles further south.

I should have just typed W. Landstreet Rd. which is more accurate. I just have set in my head as the 'Sawgrass Plantation Tower'. Sorry, did not mean to confuse anyone with the direction.

It would be benificial is I had a list of address for the the tower numbers so I could get used to using the correct street names. Then I wouldn't make up my own location names for them to keep it straight in my head but end confusing eveyone else.
It would be benificial is I had a list of address for the the tower numbers so I could get used to using the correct street names. Then I wouldn't make up my own location names for them to keep it straight in my head but end confusing eveyone else.


Shadow...check the "PingLocTable" tab of the CellLogRev9 spreadsheet. It is the second-to-last tab on the far right. Just picking a tower @ random for an example you can cut & paste, "Tower 20: Cypress Grove Park, 4 mi E of JG Parents, 2+ mi SW of Sawgrass".
Question...would KC's location in TonE's apartment or the A home have an effect on which tower she pinged from? Say for instance if she were in the bedroom would it ping a different tower than it would if she were in the living room?

Maybe. It would be more likely to affect pings to the tower near Amscot. However, there is a high enough density of buildings in that area that I suspect it would make little difference. It is not something you could hang your hat on.
Does anyone recall any mention anywhere, from anyone, regarding KC possibly going to the movie on June 19th?

On la's handwritten list of reciepts that he gave le (jb has the originals) 7/13 Waterford Lakes "hellboy" (title of film) $8.00 cash at 5:10 pm.
Did anyone notice that on 6/16 the last commuication was from the cell tower located on Old Cheney Highway (ping 28 - 9:04 pm - 11:17 pm)

and on 6/17 the first ping of the day was from that same location on Old Cheney Highway (ping 1 - 10:52 am - 11.00 am).

It looks like she may have stayed in that area over night. That's the day that Brian B. saw Casey backed her car in the garage
Did anyone notice KC's incoming text messages in the docs released yesterday?

And the 5-digit phone numbers? Myspace alerts...
Did anyone notice KC's incoming text messages in the docs released yesterday?

And the 5-digit phone numbers? Myspace alerts...

I just down loaded them late last night, so I have not had a chance to go through them yet.

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