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06/19 Kyron Horman Search

PNW was asked as a local search agency to assist Mult. Co. in clearing a few more areas of interest in the continuing search for Kyron Horman. 22 PNW members responded, dividing into teams that had different but equally arduous areas to investigate. While one team clocked over 11 miles, another team with rope support team folks had over a dozen rappels of up to 165 ft.

No serious injuries to the team were reported, but hay fever continued to plague the teams in the field.

Kyron remains in the hearts of the team, and PNW will continue to respond in force whenever asked to by the hardworking Multnomah County Sherrif's Office.
Granted, I don't know how these things work, but that is something that has bothered me in this case.

You have a seven-year old child missing. Time is of the essence. Why not have everyone you can possibly scrounge up searching?

Kyron is SOMEWHERE. With all the time that elapsed before it was known he was missing, that 'somewhere' covers a very large territory. Why haven't there been/why aren't there now....calls for thousands of volunteers to literally beat the bushes looking for him?

I know there was talk in the beginning about trained searchers and preserving possible evidence, but...sheesh...what if precious time was lost? It almost feels to me that evidence preservation was more important than finding Kyron. Why? Was something know at the beginning?

And even - G-d forbid - if it is too late to save Kyron's life....isn't it still terribly important to find him? To provide answers to his family? To bring someone to justice?

I am sitting here with nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon and feel like myself and everyone else around here should be out looking for Kyron!
Just yesterday PNWSAR were doing rappels of 165ft. The terrain has been steep, covered in brambles, blackberries and stinging nettles. Definitely not for those that are not trained.
Just yesterday PNWSAR were doing rappels of 165ft. The terrain has been steep, covered in brambles, blackberries and stinging nettles. Definitely not for those that are not trained.

Do you know where that steep land is? I know in the forested area west of the school there are big cravases running thru it that have up to a 300' drop. I heard that on a newscast a couple of days into the case.
But surely groups of people could gather and search less dangerous areas? Maybe extend the area searched near the school by another mile or ground searches on SI? It does seem that as more time passes, it would not hurt and could possibly help. Civilians almost always find victims in these cases and in Oregon, where is seems almost everyone is outdoors so much of the time, there should be thousands upon thousands of eyes available on every hiking trail, field, vacant lots, off bike paths, etc...LE may not want to encourage it so as not to be liable, I guess, but it may be time to request volunteers to some extent.
There wasn't a lot of actual search activity apparent Saturday, but there was some. A KOIN Local 6 crew did see a couple of search and rescue crews near the school. Law enforcement officers refused to divulge where they were headed or what they were doing. However, investigators did confirm that they were still searching for Kyron Horman.
Thanks for all your input here Ruby. Your maps were great.
Do you know where that steep land is? I know in the forested area west of the school there are big cravases running thru it that have up to a 300' drop. I heard that on a newscast a couple of days into the case.

There wasn't a lot of actual search activity apparent Saturday, but there was some. A KOIN Local 6 crew did see a couple of search and rescue crews near the school.

That is about as specific as they got, near the school.

But surely groups of people could gather and search less dangerous areas? Maybe extend the area searched near the school by another mile or ground searches on SI? It does seem that as more time passes, it would not hurt and could possibly help. Civilians almost always find victims in these cases and in Oregon, where is seems almost everyone is outdoors so much of the time, there should be thousands upon thousands of eyes available on every hiking trail, field, vacant lots, off bike paths, etc...LE may not want to encourage it so as not to be liable, I guess, but it may be time to request volunteers to some extent.

*Check and look along road sides, back roads, fields,dump areas that you may know about in the county or in the towns or areas you drive to or live near. These may be areas that you routinely drive, walk, run, jog, etc. Check any ditches or areas that are typically hard to see when driving by at high speeds. Other potential areas to check are under bridges, in abandoned barns or structures that are not normally occupied, abandoned vehicles, etc.

*If you notice a suspicious odor in an area, or see activities in or around abandoned homes or property; if you happen to see circling birds or gathering predators, like coyotes in or around an area, check it out to see if it is safe, or contact the local law enforcement agency near you to have it checked out.

*If you own property that is not currently occupied, check it out to make sure it is still secure and that everything inside is in order and as you expect it to be. If you know your neighbor is not home and you have permission to go on their property, check for any broken windows, doors, or suspicious activity or things that may appear out of place to you.

*If you live in a rural area and know your neighbors are gone for extended periods of time, drive by those areas and make note of any unusual cars, vehicles or things that appear out of place and are not consistent with what you are familiar with.

*If you live near an empty home or building, watch for any suspicious activity or unusual people or vehicles in or around the structure that are not normally there.

*Do NOT go in any buildings or homes that you do not own or trespass on private property, to search any areas.

*If you see or suspect anything suspicious, do not attempt to pick it up, touch it or contaminate the immediate surrounding areas. If you leave the area before authorities arrive try to leave the same way you came in so other potential items are not disturbed or contaminated.

*If a suspicious incident is in progress and you are concerned for public safety always call 911.

This is the most helpful article I have seen on how to help.
My partner was walking the dogs at Kelley Point Park yesterday (Saturday), which is just Southeast of Sauvie Island where the Willamette and Columbia rivers converge. He said there were several searchers there with Sheriff badges and orange search vests criss-crossing through the blackberry brambles adjacent to the shore. He noted also that the river is very high. We can usually enjoy at least 20 feet of beach after going through the blackberries, but yesterday it was only about 5-10 feet from the bushes.
My son just called and he went berry picking on the island yesterday. He didn't see any searchers at all. He said he and his friends went to a berry farm and then left. He's not familiar with that area, so he couldn't even tell me where he was out there.
Does anyone know if and where they are searching today?
Ok..this is kind of indirectly related to the search efforts. I noticed that Kryon is NOT wearing his glasses in one of the pictures in front of his science fair. Has this picture been doctored to show people what he looks like without his glasses or did he really not have his glasses on.
Ok..this is kind of indirectly related to the search efforts. I noticed that Kryon is NOT wearing his glasses in one of the pictures in front of his science fair. Has this picture been doctored to show people what he looks like without his glasses or did he really not have his glasses on.

LE released a copy of the original photo that was professionally changed to show what Kyron would look like without his glasses, IIRC.
Ok..this is kind of indirectly related to the search efforts. I noticed that Kryon is NOT wearing his glasses in one of the pictures in front of his science fair. Has this picture been doctored to show people what he looks like without his glasses or did he really not have his glasses on.

Yes, they doctored it to show what he looks like without glasses.
Does anyone yet know for sure WHY they searched the Sauvie Island area? Is there a confirmation of cell pings? Or is it because someone saw a white ford F250 around there? Or is it something else? I haven't heard any confirmation of anything other than, because of a tip(s) they received.
On the map provided in this forum it shows Jim Kelly (where he thought he saw a white truck) and shows the search at Sauvie. Jim's pinpoint is directlly across from the point at Sauvie Island. Maybe someone was sitting at this point on Jim's road thinking about what was directly across from them? Probably can not see across to the island.
I was on the island yesterday too and I didn't see any search activity either. We walked on the Oak Island trail (kind of in the middle, I think), and then we drove around the island using the main roads.
Do you know if they are searching any where today?
Why are LE or the FBI not calling in larger search efforts such as the National Guard, Texas Equusearch, etc?

I understand there are terrain issues but, there have to be many who are skilled that could be there if a call was just put out to help.

It seems like LE wants to do it all themselves and in the meantime...evidence could be evaporating into thin air, just like Kyron.
Why are LE or the FBI not calling in larger search efforts such as the National Guard, Texas Equusearch, etc?

I understand there are terrain issues but, there have to be many who are skilled that could be there if a call was just put out to help.

It seems like LE wants to do it all themselves and in the meantime...evidence could be evaporating into thin air, just like Kyron.
I agree.I want to know why this isn't a recovery effort with cadaver dogs now too if it is not.Where are they searching now for Kyron.
I haven't heard anything in the past few days about where they are searching, except that they are still following leads and that if those require a search effort they will follow up. Someone here said there were a couple of searchers at Kelly Point Park over the weekend. That's across the river from SI in North Portland.

I'm not sure what the strategy is for not calling out a greater search effort, it's frustrating.
Meanwhile, searchers continued combing the area around Kyron's school - from the air and on the ground - for any sign of the missing boy. "When they search through areas they’re looking for any kind of debris or clothing, or shoes, or shoeprints – something that would indicate that somebody’s been through there recently," said Mike Fulk a volunteer with Mountain Wave Search and Rescue.
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