All Things Britney Spears Part 2

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E! online is saying that Federline's lawyer called an emergency hearing today because Britney was seen over the weekend driving around town with both kids in her car.

Apparently she's NEVER had a California drivers license and her Louisiana one has expired so she's driving without a license.

E! online is saying that Federline's lawyer called an emergency hearing today because Britney was seen over the weekend driving around town with both kids in her car.

Apparently she's NEVER had a California drivers license and her Louisiana one has expired so she's driving without a license.


I heard that too. It strikes me funny though that Kevin is bringing this up now. Surely he knew she didn't have a CA license. Maybe he thought her LA one was still valid? is reporting the judge ordered the children to be handed over to K-Fed by Wednesday.
I heard that too. It strikes me funny though that Kevin is bringing this up now. Surely he knew she didn't have a CA license. Maybe he thought her LA one was still valid?
No...he was moving in for the kill. NOT to have the children...but to get money off of her. Like I said, a Child Support hearing will follow soon....REAL SOON. That judge was and is a fool. Those kids belong with some responsible...and that ISN'T K-FOOL.:loser:
I heard that too. It strikes me funny though that Kevin is bringing this up now. Surely he knew she didn't have a CA license. Maybe he thought her LA one was still valid?

It has something to do with the charges they brought against her last week for that hit and run in the parking lot - I think that's how everyone found out she doesn't have a LEGAL California drivers license and the Louisiana one being expired.
I wouldn't doubt....
What do you think it is with her?? Is it she just doesn't give a ??

Jubie...I love your fur babies!! They are beautiful!!

Aw thanks Czechmate.:blowkiss:

You know I really don't know if Brit will ever pull out of this... just because she has a seemingly endless amount of money doesn't mean she'll go on to live a charmed life or suddenly become an amazing mother. Many people before her (and many more will follow) have thrown away their lives for their addictions.

Is this her rock bottom? I hope so but I'm not going to hold my breath.

I don't know enough about K-Fed to say anything bad about him. His ex Char always maintained he was a good dad. I like to think, out of nothing but hope for those 2 children, that he truly has their best interest at heart. She's the one constantly in the news, not him.
I don't know enough about K-Fed to say anything bad about him. His ex Char always maintained he was a good dad. I like to think, out of nothing but hope for those 2 children, that he truly has their best interest at heart. She's the one constantly in the news, not him.
I guess you haven't been reading then. He is and was in the news all the time. That is one reason why they divorced...he was always running around cheating with other women...and not even trying to hide it. He was kicked out twice for partying with his friends in the house with the two kids. There is a BUNCH about him partying. Both are unfit at this time. It is a shame. Those kids are adorable.
I heard that too. It strikes me funny though that Kevin is bringing this up now. Surely he knew she didn't have a CA license. Maybe he thought her LA one was still valid?

I think it's just the period at the end of a lot of reasons the judge has. She had been ordered to go to parenting classes and submit to drug testing twice a week, if that had gone well she would still have custody. People don't lose their kids for not having a valid license. :confused: She's such a :loser: here, what she was asked to do is not very much at all. What she will have to do to get them back will be even bigger.

I'd still like to know how it's a safe decision to give her two days? How about 2 hours!
I guess you haven't been reading then. He is and was in the news all the time. That is one reason why they divorced...he was always running around cheating with other women...and not even trying to hide it. He was kicked out twice for partying with his friends in the house with the two kids. There is a BUNCH about him partying. Both are unfit at this time. It is a shame. Those kids are adorable.

Exactly. And Char didn't have very nice things to say about him until Brit helped him catch up with all that overdue child support.;)
I think it's just the period at the end of a lot of reasons the judge has. She had been ordered to go to parenting classes and submit to drug testing twice a week, if that had gone well she would still have custody. People don't lose their kids for not having a valid license. :confused: She's such a :loser: here, what she was asked to do is not very much at all. What she will have to do to get them back will be even bigger.

I agree, they must have something BIG on her like failing a drug test to get her custody taken away from her.
I think it's just the period at the end of a lot of reasons the judge has. She had been ordered to go to parenting classes and submit to drug testing twice a week, if that had gone well she would still have custody. People don't lose their kids for not having a valid license. :confused: She's such a :loser: here, what she was asked to do is not very much at all. What she will have to do to get them back will be even bigger.

I'd still like to know how it's a safe decision to give her two days? How about 2 hours!

Could be. I hadn't heard anything about her doing those things the judge ordered. Maybe she blew them off and that's part of his reasoning behind today's order.

I agree. If she's unstable enough to have the kids taken away - then get them out of there now! A lot can happen in 2 days. :(
Yikes. Well, I hope he can give them what they need. It is just temporary....

Fox News link:,2933,298818,00.html

LOS ANGELES — DEVELOPING STORY: A judge on Monday ordered Britney Spears to turn over custody of her two children to ex-husband Kevin Federline this week.
Superior Court Judge Scott M. Gordon ruled that Federline will take custody of Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, beginning Wednesday "until further order of the court." (more at link)

Sometimes you have to lose something important to straighten out your life.....

Then again, maybe they aren't important enough to her.
Exactly. And Char didn't have very nice things to say about him until Brit helped him catch up with all that overdue child support.;)
Yeah...funny how that works isn't it!
I agree, they must have something BIG on her like failing a drug test to get her custody taken away from her.
If she failed her drug test then she deserves to lose custody. BUT...why not test BOTH of them. BOTH are drug users. I swear, kids should have a decent life. :( They don't ask to get brought into this crazy world..much less to have parents like Brit and K-Fool. I used to like her...and try to defend her....not anymore. I am just disgusted.
I just have this horrible feeling that Britney is going to hurt her sons and then hurt herself. I hope I am wrong.
If this doesn't get her to straighten up and fly right, nothing will.

I would have thought just the threat and a drug test ordered by a judge would have been enough- guess not----------
kfed should be drug tested too----
If she failed her drug test then she deserves to lose custody. BUT...why not test BOTH of them. BOTH are drug users. I swear, kids should have a decent life. :( They don't ask to get brought into this crazy world..much less to have parents like Brit and K-Fool. I used to like her...and try to defend her....not anymore. I am just disgusted.
I just said the same thing about him beign drug tested- and I totally agree with the rest of you post
I just have this horrible feeling that Britney is going to hurt her sons and then hurt herself. I hope I am wrong.

Don't worry. The kids have already been turned over. She can only hurt herself now.
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