All Things Britney Spears Part 2

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I didn't realize that was the case, about the child support. I didn't follow them too much in the beginning, so I didn't know. Sounds like neither of them will be too great as a single parent. Hopefully not having the kids will be good for Brit to get her act together.
I am hearing mixed reports as to whether Britney handed the kids off to KFed's body guard already or if she still has until Wednesday.
Good Night...this news makes my heart sad. I so want Britney to do well as a parent. I was never a fan but I do want Mothers to be good parents asmost are. I hope this makes Brit aware and to get help.
I would have thought just the threat and a drug test ordered by a judge would have been enough- guess not----------
kfed should be drug tested too---- bet he should. I really thought that her KNOWING that she has to be tested would have worked too. I guess some things aren't as important as drugs to her.
TMZ is reporting why Britney lost the boys:


TMZ knows exactly why Britney lost custody -- she ignored the Commissioner at every turn.

Rewind to last month. L.A. County Commissioner Scott Gordon ordered Spears to do a number of things in order to maintain 50/50 custody.

Spears was ordered to meet with a drug counselor -- she didn't do it.

Spears was ordered to submit to drug testing -- she didn't do it.

Spears was ordered to enroll in parenting classes -- didn't do it.

Spears was also required to sign the judge's order -- again, she didn't.
This has just sickened me........those 2 little fellas are adorable.

She thought her star status would be enough to wooooo the judge.
She also thought no judge would take them from her.

I am certain Kfool don't want the boys he is after her money. He was & is a big looser too. I jumped for joy when she dumped him for parading women around like she was a nothing & a nobody.

Now she has proven he is correct! Come on Britt pull your head out of your azz.........take control of yourself & prove to the world who you really are!!!!
I wasn't even born when Elvis died but I am a huge fan, nonetheless. Britney reminds me so much of him at this point. Drugged up, overweight, silly costumes that don't fit well. She is a parody of herself, just as he turned out to be. He couldn't remember song lyrics and she can't remember how to lip sync. It's almost like she doesn't care. Like she is numbing herself. If she is bi-polar, she may be so numb that she has lost the ability to feel any emotions. Supposedly, she handed her children over to the bodyguard with a smile on her face. She has obviously lost touch with reality. I feel awful for her that she didn't have a childhood but I didn't have one either and I'm not out drugging around and abandoning my children. At some point you just gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get on with it already. No sense crying over the past when you have 2 innocent children to raise. They didn't ask to be born and she is helping to destroy them a little at a time. What a mess!!!
I wouldn't doubt....
What do you think it is with her?? Is it she just doesn't give a ??

Jubie...I love your fur babies!! They are beautiful!!

Hi. I think Britney is an immature woman who experienced stardom and all is frills too young. I have a feeling she is addicted to 'something'. So rehab and counseling may be just what she needs.
TMZ is reporting why Britney lost the boys:


TMZ knows exactly why Britney lost custody -- she ignored the Commissioner at every turn.

Rewind to last month. L.A. County Commissioner Scott Gordon ordered Spears to do a number of things in order to maintain 50/50 custody.

Spears was ordered to meet with a drug counselor -- she didn't do it.

Spears was ordered to submit to drug testing -- she didn't do it.

Spears was ordered to enroll in parenting classes -- didn't do it.

Spears was also required to sign the judge's order -- again, she didn't.
They forgot to add one thing-
Britney was suppose to wear undies whenever she went clubbing:p
She didn't do that either. There was a picture of her in some rag mag that was taken the night of the MTV awards...She was exiting a car underwear less again!!:loser:
I personally can't stand this piece of trash,, but it's always interesting to watch what fame does to people,, from a psychological point of view.
Someone has got to say this.. so it may as well be me: Britney S. has done MORE for the cause of pedophilia and encouraging sex peverts than probably anyone else show biz, in recent memory. So,, what comes around goes around,, doesn't it?

What's interesting her is that everyone seems SO surprised at what has become of this little pop-tart, throwaway child-superstar. Come on people,, has the story ever been any different?? It's the same script,, they are pushed into stardom, to become a money-making machine for not only themselves but everyone who is 'parasiting' off of them. They quickly lose their soul (especially those like Britney,, who are pretty empty to begin with).. and when they lose their sparkle,, they get used up and burned out fast. Then, everyone gets to watch the spectacle of them flaming out... and they want to help throw logs on the fire. Why not blame the pigs who do this to children?? They might as well be prostituting them. And anyone who bought into that 'Lolita' act of hers way back when,, are just as guilty for participating in it.
Anyway.... she obviously gave up her kids happily because she is bored with them... the novelty has already worn off. She just wanted to have them to prove she was 'all grown up'. After ths proved that, who cares? She seems to have the attention span of a flea anyway.
Anyway... if she had half a brain she would just retire and go away. There's really not enough there to begin with, to keep people interested for long. But in her defense, I would go ballistic too if I had paparazzi hounding me every second of every day. The most sane thing she ever did was shave her head and attack the paparazzi with the umbrella. I though that was brilliant!!! She needs to take that a step beyond!

p.s. Philamena-- all the counselling and rehab in the world can't help someone who has sold their soul.
This chick is so bi-polar it's not funny. She is very manic depressive. IMO.:doh: :(
This has just sickened me........those 2 little fellas are adorable.

She thought her star status would be enough to wooooo the judge.
She also thought no judge would take them from her.

I am certain Kfool don't want the boys he is after her money. He was & is a big looser too. I jumped for joy when she dumped him for parading women around like she was a nothing & a nobody.

Now she has proven he is correct! Come on Britt pull your head out of your azz.........take control of yourself & prove to the world who you really are!!!!

I agree checko!
This chick is so bi-polar it's not funny. She is very manic depressive. IMO.:doh: :(

I don't think it's manic depression. I think it's drug and alcohol addiction, and not being taught self discipline. Seems to me like she had to rely on others to apply the moderation, to act as buffers to keep her going. Those ups and downs are drug/alcohol induced. That also explains the bizarre behavior. I really don't think she's mentally ill, just stunted emotionally and mentally from being a child star and not having to grow and be an independent, self reliant, problem solving individual. ETA: That's a different kind of "sick in the head" than being born with brain chemistry that isn't like other people's brain chemistry. Sez the bi-polar person. Nurture in this case, not Nature is what I am saying.

And, Shar Jackson stood up for KFed and said he is a great father and loves his children. She had a chance to denigrate him and didn't. (She did say though, that she wouldn't let her children be alone with Britney.) Not only does that show she's got class, but I get the feeling she'd have refused to comment at all if she didn't hold that opinion. The idea that KFed is a better parent is backed up by the fact that he doesn't use his kids like chum in a papparazzi feeding frenzy, and AFAIK he's got a legal California driver's license. :twocents:
I honestly think (and hopefully I am wrong) that now without the kids in her custody she will just get worse.. Now she can do whatever she wants. She did whatever she wanted yes I understand that is the reason she lost her kids but now she will do even more...It is sad and I feel sorry for her because I think deep down she is a sweet soul and I know she loves her ''boo-boo's'' I just think she is in too deep right now for whatever reason.
This chick is so bi-polar it's not funny. She is very manic depressive. IMO.:doh: :(

I disagree. The up's and down's she exibits in public are so obviously chemically, not psychologically induced! She is an addict with huge entitlement issues. She is selfish, spoiled, lazy and irresponsible.

Sure, some of the above can be symptoms of Bipolar disorder but they are also symptoms of MANY other things as well... including being a normal human being choosing to make bad choices!

When someone acts weird or shows changes in mood or is irrational or doesn't wear panties or goes out clubbing too much, or plain ol' doesn't make the best choices, it doesn't mean they have Bipolar disorder. Trust me, there is a lot more to it than that!
I don't think it's manic depression. I think it's drug and alcohol addiction, and not being taught self discipline. Seems to me like she had to rely on others to apply the moderation, to act as buffers to keep her going. Those ups and downs are drug/alcohol induced. That also explains the bizarre behavior. I really don't think she's mentally ill, just stunted emotionally and mentally from being a child star and not having to grow and be an independent, self reliant, problem solving individual. ETA: That's a different kind of "sick in the head" than being born with brain chemistry that isn't like other people's brain chemistry. Sez the bi-polar person. Nurture in this case, not Nature is what I am saying.

And, Shar Jackson stood up for KFed and said he is a great father and loves his children. She had a chance to denigrate him and didn't. (She did say though, that she wouldn't let her children be alone with Britney.) Not only does that show she's got class, but I get the feeling she'd have refused to comment at all if she didn't hold that opinion. The idea that KFed is a better parent is backed up by the fact that he doesn't use his kids like chum in a papparazzi feeding frenzy, and AFAIK he's got a legal California driver's license. :twocents:

I agree!!
I am glad for the boys' sakes, although I don't know that they're all that better off with their father. At least he's tried to cultivate a relationship with her parents, so for what it's worth, lets hope they will keep an eye on their grandsons. You would think Family Court will also be checking on them carefully.

As for Britney, I would say her life is at rock bottom right now. Her career is trashed, she's in the tabloids for all the wrong reasons and she has suffered the very public humiliation of losing her children. I don't have any respect for her, but I hope she pulls herself out of the toilet before it's too late.
Ok flame me all you want guys but here goes....
I feel VERY sorry for Britney...Why???? Because in my own way I think that she had a life growing up that she wasn't ready for...she especially was not ready for kids, marriage, etc...but maybe she wasn't ready for the fame like she and her mom thought she were. I do believe her mom pushed her somewhat...not all the way but somewhat.
I had my first at a very young age...17....I managed to graduate and attend SOME college, with my babies dad by my side...yep it was hard, even with my parents and ex's parent's/grandparent's by our sides...but we made it, even financially we were pretty good...decided at 19 to have another....6 mos. after 2nd baby was born hubby had an affair and we split, and he abandoned his kids.
Although I had told myself from the time I had the first I would never be one of the ones who regretted having a baby early, I did. It wasn't till after hubby and I split...I would think of him with his new gf out partying and not a care in the world, while I was the one up all night alone with the kids sick, throwing up, etc.. and STILL have to go to work the next day. I alone had to deal with the tantrums, getting the kids on the bus when it's pouring down raining, running out in the freezing cold in the morning to warm the car for them, getting one dressed only to see that the other has stripped off their clothes/shoes, trying to go grocery shopping and kids doing cartwheels down the aisles no matter HOW many times you threaten them, having them CLING to you and cry so hard when you leave them at daycare and feel like the WORST mom in the world, etc...and when I met new friends my age who could go out anytime they wanted, without loading up diaper bags and car seats and worrying about baby sitters, etc I did feel resentful (just being honest) not of my kids, but that I didn't have more help, that my friends weren't dealing with it, etc...
So for awhile I pawned my kids off to the grandparents while I went out and drank, clubbed, and eventually got into drugs, and what do you know, eventually due to my wild ways I lost custody to my ex who lived many states away, (ohio vs ga) who re-appeared on the scene after 5 yrs.
Then guess what? Suddenly none of the crap I was doing was worth it anymore and I cried myself to sleep at night wishing that I had every single minute I spent out at the clubs back with my babies and that I could have them back even if it meant I could NEVER party again...but it doesn't work like that...and thats why I feel sorry for day she will look up and see that none of this crap was worth the time she will be losing with her two sons, and the guilt and depression she will feel and the explaining she will have to do to them. I know first hand, and to this day (nearly 3 yrs later) I beat myself up about it every single day of my life.
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