All Things Britney Spears Part 2

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Sorry Hoppy, didn't mean to insult the fleas!
Here's another thing I have also wanted to say for so long, about her and those like her-- being a manufactured "pop product" does NOT equal TALENT. And being cute, blond, with the 'all-American girl' look, and having a flat stomach that you show off (big deal, lots of people do, especially when they're young)... and being able to follow choreographed dance moves and lipsynch to a song you didn't write.. does NOT mean you have talent.

I also strongly disagree with the 'diagnosis' of manic-depression or bipolar disorder. Whoever said she is just selfish, lazy, undisciplined and spoiled is right on the money. That kind of behavior does NOT have anything to do with true mental illness. There is no way you excuse away her bad behavior by blaming it on a chemical imbalance, or post-partum, or whatever. Let's save those diagnoses for the people that really are deserving of it. She's just a spoiled, trashy, talentless little jerk who sold her soul for fame. I would feel sorry for her if she was someone worth feeling sorry for.. but she did it all to herself.

Wanna know why she is smiling now? Because-- she is so used to getting her way having by a HUGE crowd of paid servants who buy her way out of (and, into) EVERYTHING.... ENABLING her on a larger-than-life scale,, in everything she does... BUYING HER WAY OUT OF RESPONSIBILITY. Nothing but excuses for her behavior,, all the time. Notice how she was able to drive around like some kind of demigod with no license.. WTF... any of the rest of us peons would have been put in the slammer by now!! And notice how the lawyer says "ohh,, due to 'scheduling conflicts' and a 'misunderstanding in communications' she didn't comply with the judge's orders.. but everything's fine now..." Oh,, OK.. ex-cuuse US,, Miss Queen. Again,, WTF?? The law should apply to her the same as it does to everyone else. The only way she would ever hit 'rock bottom' is the day her MONEY runs out.. which is the main thing cushioning these pampered celevrities from reality. Once all your 'yes-men' and 'yes-women' are gone,, everything hits you in the face. But even when it happens, she may be too far gone, too dimwitted to understand or care. And IF it does, she will probably end up just like Michael Jackson years from now... stumbling her way through life growing ever more and more bizarre, getting a bunch of weird plastic surgery... and no matter what she does... she could EAT her children and she would still have crowds of fanatic freaky people worshiping her everywhere she goes. And for what?? She didn't really do that much in life except play a sexy underage Lolita, show her stomach, do a bunch of herky-jerky dance moves someone else came up with... what has she done with her fame? Has she REALLY done anything that unique..? Invent a whole new style of music? How about be a good or inspiring example for young people? Has she shown gracious gratitude to her fans? (Except for the grown male pervert fans,, of which there are probably way too many).. Has she given millions to charity? Geez.. at least MJ has done that!

The other reason she's smiling is probably because she probably doesn't care that much about the kids in the first place... secretly she is bored of them and would probably be fine without them. When you have a million servants being paid to raise your kids anyway.. you don't have much time- or, reason-- to bond with them or get to know them.
She's just a spoiled, trashy, talentless little jerk who sold her soul for fame. I would feel sorry for her if she was someone worth feeling sorry for.. but she did it all to herself.

I somehow doubt that she drove herself to her own auditions as a child after also having sold her soul for fame, as a child. There have been people "helping" her along through this whole process.

I feel that one day soon we will hear that Britney is no longer living.
I somehow doubt that she drove herself to her own auditions as a child after also having sold her soul for fame, as a child. There have been people "helping" her along through this whole process.

I feel that one day soon we will hear that Britney is no longer living.

I agree with you. Her mother drove her there, just like she's driving her little sister now. One would think that mom has had enough, but no, needs one more child ruined by the Machine.

I hope you're wrong about Britney, but even if she kills herself in a car wreck, it will be senseless and a shame, but unfortunately, no surprise.
Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse for Britney Spears, they always do! Much much worse.

In Touch Weekly is reporting that there is a new sex tape in existence featuring Britney Spears, not counting the one she allegedly made with Kevin Federline.

A guy who met Britney while she was on vacation in June tells In Touch that he made a video of them having sex and that the tape might become public.

The 28-year-old man, who was living on Hawaii’s Big Island at the time, says he left his camera rolling without Britney’s knowledge as they did the sucky ****y at a bungalow at the Four Seasons hotel on the Kona-Kohala Coast on June 7th.

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Well guys, yes I agree... it's mostly the mother's fault she sold her own child's soul.. as I said in an earlier post, prostituting your child out like that for fame at any cost, appealing to the lowest common denominator.. is a sure way to get rich quick,, but ruin your child's life. I do blame the parents for what they do to these children.. there should be laws against it,, but there is too much money to be made in our society with stuff like this,, and too much concern with freedom of expression at ANY cost.

However.. if a person is intelligent and with-it enough, they can possibly reverse some of what was done to them, when they come of age. She could have quit show biz (or at least changed her slutty style and done something with a bit more substance).. and gone to school,, educated herself, developed herself as a person,, she could have done anything she wanted. But I honestly don't think she's got much upstairs to begin with. Whoever said "come on and show up the person you really are!" Well... I think, she is already doing that. This is really all there is. So that's why I think SHE is guilty too, in selling her own soul out for fame.. she's just continuing what her mother started.
Well guys, yes I agree... it's mostly the mother's fault she sold her own child's soul.. as I said in an earlier post, prostituting your child out like that for fame at any cost, appealing to the lowest common denominator.. is a sure way to get rich quick,, but ruin your child's life. I do blame the parents for what they do to these children.. there should be laws against it,, but there is too much money to be made in our society with stuff like this,, and too much concern with freedom of expression at ANY cost.

However.. if a person is intelligent and with-it enough, they can possibly reverse some of what was done to them, when they come of age. She could have quit show biz (or at least changed her slutty style and done something with a bit more substance).. and gone to school,, educated herself, developed herself as a person,, she could have done anything she wanted. But I honestly don't think she's got much upstairs to begin with. Whoever said "come on and show up the person you really are!" Well... I think, she is already doing that. This is really all there is. So that's why I think SHE is guilty too, in selling her own soul out for fame.. she's just continuing what her mother started.

You're right. She doesn't have much up stairs to work with. That's probably why she decided to stay in the business and not try to get into college.
Ok flame me all you want guys but here goes....
I feel VERY sorry for Britney...Why???? Because in my own way I think that she had a life growing up that she wasn't ready for...she especially was not ready for kids, marriage, etc...but maybe she wasn't ready for the fame like she and her mom thought she were. I do believe her mom pushed her somewhat...not all the way but somewhat.
I had my first at a very young age...17....I managed to graduate and attend SOME college, with my babies dad by my side...yep it was hard, even with my parents and ex's parent's/grandparent's by our sides...but we made it, even financially we were pretty good...decided at 19 to have another....6 mos. after 2nd baby was born hubby had an affair and we split, and he abandoned his kids.
Although I had told myself from the time I had the first I would never be one of the ones who regretted having a baby early, I did. It wasn't till after hubby and I split...I would think of him with his new gf out partying and not a care in the world, while I was the one up all night alone with the kids sick, throwing up, etc.. and STILL have to go to work the next day. I alone had to deal with the tantrums, getting the kids on the bus when it's pouring down raining, running out in the freezing cold in the morning to warm the car for them, getting one dressed only to see that the other has stripped off their clothes/shoes, trying to go grocery shopping and kids doing cartwheels down the aisles no matter HOW many times you threaten them, having them CLING to you and cry so hard when you leave them at daycare and feel like the WORST mom in the world, etc...and when I met new friends my age who could go out anytime they wanted, without loading up diaper bags and car seats and worrying about baby sitters, etc I did feel resentful (just being honest) not of my kids, but that I didn't have more help, that my friends weren't dealing with it, etc...
So for awhile I pawned my kids off to the grandparents while I went out and drank, clubbed, and eventually got into drugs, and what do you know, eventually due to my wild ways I lost custody to my ex who lived many states away, (ohio vs ga) who re-appeared on the scene after 5 yrs.
Then guess what? Suddenly none of the crap I was doing was worth it anymore and I cried myself to sleep at night wishing that I had every single minute I spent out at the clubs back with my babies and that I could have them back even if it meant I could NEVER party again...but it doesn't work like that...and thats why I feel sorry for day she will look up and see that none of this crap was worth the time she will be losing with her two sons, and the guilt and depression she will feel and the explaining she will have to do to them. I know first hand, and to this day (nearly 3 yrs later) I beat myself up about it every single day of my life.

I feel sad for Britney too, I just don't make excuses for her bad behavior and poor choices! I'm so glad that you have changed your life and have gotten off of drugs, you should be very proud of yourself- I hope you get your kids back soon! I'm sorry for the things you and your kids have had to go through but even you admit that it was the loss of custody that woke you up- your "bottom". Hopefully this will be Britney's too!

However,I just don't see how you can compare your situation to Britney's.
She, unlike you, did not have her children when she was 17, she has a co-parent that has been very much in the picture (Of course he wasn't when they were married, we all saw that, but since leaving Brit he does spend time with them) and she does not hold a 9-5 job that she has to show up for every day AND she has nannies that care for her kids for her!
I disagree. The up's and down's she exibits in public are so obviously chemically, not psychologically induced! She is an addict with huge entitlement issues. She is selfish, spoiled, lazy and irresponsible.

Sure, some of the above can be symptoms of Bipolar disorder but they are also symptoms of MANY other things as well... including being a normal human being choosing to make bad choices!

When someone acts weird or shows changes in mood or is irrational or doesn't wear panties or goes out clubbing too much, or plain ol' doesn't make the best choices, it doesn't mean they have Bipolar disorder. Trust me, there is a lot more to it than that!
I so totally agree with this post!:clap:
I would really like to know why some girls like Britney, Paris and Lindsay Lohan go off the deep end while some like Amanda Bynes and Hillary Duff don't. I know having a well-balanced, supportive family is a big factor, as is making healthy choices about drinking, etc. But are Amanda and Hillary just smarter? Or is it because they aren't as well-known?
I feel sad for Britney too, I just don't make excuses for her bad behavior and poor choices! I'm so glad that you have changed your life and have gotten off of drugs, you should be very proud of yourself- I hope you get your kids back soon! I'm sorry for the things you and your kids have had to go through but even you admit that it was the loss of custody that woke you up- your "bottom". Hopefully this will be Britney's too!

However,I just don't see how you can compare your situation to Britney's.
She, unlike you, did not have her children when she was 17, she has a co-parent that has been very much in the picture (Of course he wasn't when they were married, we all saw that, but since leaving Brit he does spend time with them) and she does not hold a 9-5 job that she has to show up for every day AND she has nannies that care for her kids for her!

The only reason I compare myself to Brit is b/c I think we both had children before we were ready....maybe we probably both thought we WERE ready, but when you realize your friends don't have kids at the age you do and it's so easy for them to go out at night w/o hunting a sitter and packing up diaper bags and dragging in from the clubs at 2 am in the morning only having to get up with the babies at the crack of dawn while u r still hung over, and then to think of your ex our partying and having a good time and getting up only when they feel like it...well you see my's EASY for a person who was NOT ready to have kids to feel resentful...and to wish they had waited longer....
I now realize my mistakes and what i wouldn't give to have those days back with my babies...Brit will too, it may take awhile, but she will eventually.
I think Britney would probably have gotten addicted to substances whether she's rich and a celebrity or working as a waitress. Experts on Court tv also believe that she has depression or other mental issues as well.
I think Britney would probably have gotten addicted to substances whether she's rich and a celebrity or working as a waitress. Experts on Court tv also believe that she has depression or other mental issues as well.

I agree txsvicki.
Yes, I saw that show too. I'd like to think Dr. Phil got to some of those mothers, but frankly I don't hold out much hope. I didn't get the sense that any of those kids was too talented, so hopefully, they'll bomb out quickly and realize they need to go to school. Regardless of whether our kids are talented in the arts or sports, they most likely won't be able to make their living doing that, or if they do, it most likely won't last forever. I'm trying to make my kids see that sports will only take you so far, but an education will last forever. Too many of these stage parents feel that this will make their dreams come true, but that only happens for a very few people.

I saw the show and the mothers were unbelievable! Unbelieveable! I agree, too, that the kids' talents and appearance were very ordinary. I was shocked to see them describing their kids as so amazing. They were NOT. It was really delusional. I know a lot of kids - my kids, their friends and my students and see much more talent, ability and yes, just plain good looks, every day than I saw on those two shows Dr. Phil did.

Any kid pushed in that manner, especially without a lot upstairs or not so much in the talent or looks department will end up a mess. Even if a kid is talented, self-motivation and passion for an art or ability is what sustains success and happiness in any field. Britney was made to be a circus dog and we can't be surprised at the result. It in incredible that her mom is now pushing her sister, while Britney goes down the tubes.

Yes it was very obvious the kids on the Dr.Phil show are not going to be your next Top Pop Star I mean they were just cute normal everyday spunk and nothing special. (not being mean at all but there is very few who make it big and the ones who do have ''IT''..) whatever the heck IT Not to mention there is one thing I always try and tell my daughter and that is that education is number 1 that should always be her first priority because if she is going to keep herself being pretty others are going to keep theirself getting educated and in the long run the education is what is going to get you where you need to be in life.

I saw the show and the mothers were unbelievable! Unbelieveable! I agree, too, that the kids' talents and appearance were very ordinary. I was shocked to see them describing their kids as so amazing. They were NOT. It was really delusional. I know a lot of kids - my kids, their friends and my students and see much more talent, ability and yes, just plain good looks, every day than I saw on those two shows Dr. Phil did.

Any kid pushed in that manner, especially without a lot upstairs or not so much in the talent or looks department will end up a mess. Even if a kid is talented, self-motivation and passion for an art or ability is what sustains success and happiness in any field. Britney was made to be a circus dog and we can't be surprised at the result. It in incredible that her mom is now pushing her sister, while Britney goes down the tubes.

Yes it was very obvious the kids on the Dr.Phil show are not going to be your next Top Pop Star I mean they were just cute normal everyday spunk and nothing special. (not being mean at all but there is very few who make it big and the ones who do have ''IT''..) whatever the heck IT Not to mention there is one thing I always try and tell my daughter and that is that education is number 1 that should always be her first priority because if she is going to keep herself being pretty others are going to keep theirself getting educated and in the long run the education is what is going to get you where you need to be in life.

You're so right! Education includes more than "book-larnin" too, y' all, something Britney never got. Most of us who were pretty, or in today's lingo, "hot," and are now older (and just "attractive" - lol!) know that it's the other things in life that matter more. Way too many kids don't get that and need their parents to instill it. It is so sad when parents fan that flame, setting their kids up for a lifetime of heartache and emptiness.

Yes it was very obvious the kids on the Dr.Phil show are not going to be your next Top Pop Star I mean they were just cute normal everyday spunk and nothing special. (not being mean at all but there is very few who make it big and the ones who do have ''IT''..) whatever the heck IT Not to mention there is one thing I always try and tell my daughter and that is that education is number 1 that should always be her first priority because if she is going to keep herself being pretty others are going to keep theirself getting educated and in the long run the education is what is going to get you where you need to be in life.

As they say, "Beauty fades, stupid is forever".
Well, it's only 8:15 a.m. on the left coast....I'm sure Brit is still snoozin' and I'm sure if she went out and partied it up last night we would have heard about it by now. Maybe losing her kids helped sober her up at least for one night.
Here's another perspective on Lynne Spears:

IMO, not all parents of kids "in the business" are pushing their kids into something the parents want. For every stage mom or dad, there are dozens of good, stable parents that keep it real for their kids. I know quite a few "Hollywood parents" and just a handful of them are the horrid ones the media plays up for a juicy story. One parent in particular is with her son on every set, at every acting class, etc in order to watch over what's happening with him. At home, they live what I'm sure everyone here would call a "normal life". This kid is pretty successful and the minute he tells his Mom he's not loving what he's doing anymore, they're done! The kid loves to act, doors opened for him pretty easily and he wanted to explore the opportunities that were in front of him. He's one kid that won't look back as an adult and say "I wish I had..." or "I wish my Mom would have supported my love of acting and let me explore the opportunities that were presented to me." This boy's Mom is nobody's fool. She's a savvy woman that would have no problem removing her son from anything that is damaging him. HE comes first.
Britney is mentally ill imo. Not sure if any type of career or education would have stopped that. The only difference is she has the $ to party on. She needs someone to step in.
Britney is mentally ill imo. Not sure if any type of career or education would have stopped that. The only difference is she has the $ to party on. She needs someone to step in.

I agree, julia, but who is going to? Britney pushes everyone away that tries to intercede. I hope she doesn't wind up dead.
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