All Things LKL Interview **Merged**12/10/2008

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GREAT IDEA, we should all do that. Only, who would tell the true side? (I am serious) KC's former friends, employers, CA's brother maybe, but I don't think LE could say anything with case pending.

The only person who could do that at this point would probably be Leonard P. I'd much rather Larry King not have ANY of them on right now, wait until after the conviction so the SA and LE can speak freely about the case.
I wonder if they will be doing this from a local studio or traveling to NY or LA ? Maybe they should request they be interviewed from Puerto Rico, where they know Caylee is being kept hidden away.

Questions I will be submitting to Larry. (and if they aren't asked, I will never watch his show again and will advise of such in my email of questions)

- Why haven't you traveled and spent time SERIOUSLY searching in NY, NC, KY, PR, and all the other places where she has been spotted.
- How bad do you feel about putting other parents through the pain and fright of having their 3 yr. old daughters splashed across the tv as a potential "missing Caylee". Have you followed up and apologized to those families ?
- Whose dead body do you think it was in your daughters trunk ?
- Did you ask the Tow Yard owner to view their CCTV camera footage for the period the car was in the tow yard, if you are convinced someone put a dead body in it while parked there ? If not, why not ?
- Why haven't you asked/demanded a meeting with the Body Farm forensic scientists to thoroughly explain their findings to you?
- Did either of you (or LA) drive the Pontiac in the month of May, June or first week of July. If so, when and where did you go ? Time of day ? Was anyone with you in the car ? Do you have proof of your travel whereabouts in that car (like camera shots from atms, other businesses, toll booths)?
- Have each of you (and LA) provided your cell phone records to LE for the months of June and first part of July so your ping analysis can be viewed ?
- CA, what were you thinking when you washed the pants and knife?
- GA, why are you accusing the FBG of using the family pc, when we know the pc searches for chloroform, neck breaking, etc. was done long before the FBG was assigned to watch your daughter ? Do you realize that computer forensics will prove this ?
- Have each of you (and LA) now taken a polygraph test ? If not, why not, if you have nothing to hide and believe Caylee has indeed been kidnapped?
- What will you do if KC is convicted of Murder 1, and sent away for life ? Will you be publicly blasting the decision of the jury of yours and KC's peers ?

AND finally, what do each of you have to say to the public that will CONVINCE US 100% that Caylee is alive, and it was someone else's dead body in the trunk (keep in mind when answering this one, you have to explain away the hair with the "death band" that matches Caylee's, yours, KC's and LA's DNA profile, and the public knows that 3 of the 4 of the abovenamed are alive right now).

(stopping now before I run out of room)...
YES!!!! I want to see an answer about the hair sooo much! Whose body was in the trunk!! Thanks.
I think I understand what you are saying.

I don't believe Zanny exists. I believe Casey used the name "Zanny" to refer to whomever she was leaving Caylee with whenever she went out on her own. CA even stated she thought that Casey used the term "Zanny" to refer to whoever was babysitting Caylee at the time. It is weird to do that...why not just say who really has her? But perhaps she was afraid it would look bad if she was always dumping her daughter on her mom or other people. Also - since she was pretending to work, she needed to pretend Caylee was somewhere...and a nanny wouldn't raise eyebrows. Certainly if she didn't have a nanny, her parents would ask her what she did with Caylee went she went to work. Since they were working during the day, Casey needed a "nanny" to take Caylee. I believe that Caylee was actually with Casey much of the time during the day when her parents thought she was with Zanny.

But here is what is wrong with Casey's story and why I would ask the question I did - Casey stated that she left the child with Z. F.-G.. A specific person. She says that ZFG is Zanny. If she isn't Zanny the nanny, then why would she leave her daughter with her? If she is the nanny, why can't anyone verify she exists?
Over time Casey had people believing that a Nanny then a Zanny then a Zanita was a caregiver for Caylee. She evidently could never say that "she is at my mothers". She had people believing that she had the money to pay a sitter. She had people believing she had a job. She tried to look independent. Besides Casey, CA or GA took care of Caylee. There is no proof that someone other than the family set for Caylee in 2008. Saying there is a Nanny made Casey look good to others. Evidently to her it didn't look good to say her folks had the child.

The story about the Nanny named by Casey as ZFG did develop over time. So how to determine whether Casey is using ZFG as a scapegoat to cover for a crime or rather that Casey is so lost in her fantasy mind she believes that whenever she is absent from Caylee it registers or is communicated as Caylee being with another labeled always as the Nanny, now as ZFG and not as with her mother, CA. When I say fantasy mind I also relate that to the kind of problem many in this country have for leaving their kids in a car, forgetting to drop them off at a sitter and the kid fries in the heat. They had not been aware of their failure to attend to what they were suppose to do.
Not too surprising for me to think that Casey could have done the same kind of thing. Out of sight, Out of mind. Could Caylee have been asleep in the car, Casey went into Tony's apartment and forgot about her. Not hard to fathom. She was so use to saying that the child was with a sitter.

So now she has to come up with a scapegoat. Where LE probably will find a motive for intentional killing is the fact that Zanita filled in too well with the person who showed up at the Sawgrass apt. That will be the undoing. The evolution from Nanny to Zanny to Zanita to ZFG is the key as others have posted. It is the lack of quality of her lies. At the same time there was an evolution of a scapegoat.

Maybe she and her defense lawyer know that they couldn't blame it on an accident. There seems to be some elements of diminished capacity. I don't think the jury will accept those elements now. It is obvious that the parents are helping her look like a loony. I hope that it is determined to what extent Ca/GA has influenced Casey's choices. Who has made who crazy? It is so a state of mind issue for LE.
My questions for the Anthony's
- CA you say that Casey was a sociopath, you were obviously aware of the fact that your daughter was unstable so WHY did you ever let her leave your house with Caylee in the first place?

-CA & GA Knowing KC as you do, WHY do you continue to enable her by going along with her lies and deception?

-CA & GA Why is it everyone else's responsibility to find little Caylee. She is your granddaughter not the worlds. It was your responsibility to protect her, you failed and now you are rude and hateful to the media for what? Trying to help you find your granddaughter?

Before the commercial break I'd like to add, CA you've been hateful and rude from DAY ONE and if it wasn't for the innocence and beauty of Caylee, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE would be helping YOU! This isn't about helping YOU it's about JUSTICE for CAYLEE who you all failed!

BTW Not one of you CA, GA, or LA has ever said Thank you to all the people who HAVE looked for Caylee. You are all very defensive and ungrateful. Now, she IS the worlds baby, they have shown their love for her!
wouldn't it be fun if lets say Larry got the flu/cold (not wishing bad on him)--and NG just showed up for the taping??? and she actually showed no sypathy for them?????


Or Joy Bahar? She wouldn't put up with any of their carp! I'm even more p'ed off. I went to that site and saw the siting picture again that is sooooo not Caylee. It is at the bottom of the page and that is NOT her nose or chin. Caylee had much more delicate features! What a farce!! :furious:

I so agree with you...its not her nose or chin and you know if we can see that C & G being family have to know this, just more bs to try and get people to believe theres a chance she's still out there some where.
My questions for the Anthony's
- CA you say that Casey was a sociopath, you were obviously aware of the fact that your daughter was unstable so WHY did you ever let her leave your house with Caylee in the first place?

-CA & GA Knowing KC as you do, WHY do you continue to enable her by going along with her lies and deception?

-CA & GA Why is it everyone else's responsibility to find little Caylee. She is your granddaughter not the worlds. It was your responsibility to protect her, you failed and now you are rude and hateful to the media for what? Trying to help you find your granddaughter?

Before the commercial break I'd like to add, CA you've been hateful and rude from DAY ONE and if it wasn't for the innocence and beauty of Caylee, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE would be helping YOU! This isn't about helping YOU it's about JUSTICE for CAYLEE who you all failed!

BTW Not one of you CA, GA, or LA has ever said Thank you to all the people who HAVE looked for Caylee. You are all very defensive and ungrateful. Now, she IS the worlds baby, they have shown their love for her!

Cindy could not have legally done anything to prevent Casey from taking Caylee with her when she left. While I find it strange that they did not see Caylee in that month, I suspect that they had no real suspicion that anything was wrong except Casey being stubborn about letting them see or talk to her. Not many grandparents would actually think of their daughter doing something to cause a child's death, would they? So... blaming them for what happened to Caylee is not really fair. Everything since then... maybe. But they did not ask for or deserve their grandbaby's death.

And I am pretty sure that Larry King is NOT going to ask the tough questions... that's not his style. Sending him a list of questions to ask would probably get about as far as some low-level secretary's desk. He couldn't care less. Besides that.... we all have the option to change the channel if we don't want to see or hear them.
Or Joy Bahar? She wouldn't put up with any of their carp!

can't stand Joy...but would love that guy from Greta named Ted---he wouldn't put up with the early days called them "liars"--go figure!~:liar::doh:

haven't read all the posts but they will be flying to CA on a more or less national blitz---they will also be looking for Caylee (per sightings of course!:waitasec:)---if LK asks about the tapes recently released she will say that they just prove that kc is a caring saw it on the videos...:waitasec::liar::doh:

oh dear....

According to:

G & C will be appearing on Larry King, but at the end of the above video link it says, "They are flying to California to tape a show with LK". This seems to indicate that the show will not be live when shown.
So, now they are being flown around the country like celebs!:furious:
IMO they will.:furious:

Not that I envy them,it's just not right......Getting paid for spreading lies.....and defending murderers.....and.......and......ok,I will stop here....

...may I take over?
And obstructing justice, and destroying evidence and exploiting children and showing a blatant disregard for the common sense rules that make us human?

Obviously, I think they will be getting paid as well.
YES!!!! I want to see an answer about the hair sooo much! Whose body was in the trunk!! Thanks.

This would be priceless. To hear Larry King ask CA and GA "whose body was in the trunk?" That is THE question...

It would be worth a million dollars just to see the expression on their hypocrite faces.

DAMN I wish we had Larry King here in the Netherlands on the same night as you do (it has to be subtitled and usually comes a lot later after airing).
YES!!!! I want to see an answer about the hair sooo much! Whose body was in the trunk!! Thanks.

This would be priceless. To hear Larry King ask CA and GA "whose body was in the trunk?" That is THE question...

It would be worth a million dollars just to see the expression on their hypocrite faces.

DAMN I wish we had Larry King here in the Netherlands on the same night as you do (it has to be subtitled and usually comes a lot later after airing).
YES!!!! I want to see an answer about the hair sooo much! Whose body was in the trunk!! Thanks.

This would be priceless. To hear Larry King ask CA and GA "whose body was in the trunk?" That is THE question...

It would be worth a million dollars just to see the expression on their hypocrite faces.

DAMN I wish we had Larry King here in the Netherlands on the same night as you do (it has to be subtitled and usually comes a lot later after airing).
The A's are scheduled to travel to California to follow up on a tip they received, and while there, will also appear on the Larry King Show.

Meanwhile, Cindy Anthony told Local 6 News that she and her husband will be traveling to California after receiving a tip about Caylee, and they will appear on Larry King Live.

Makes me wonder if they are going to see the Marine guy to see what he knows about KCs plans to travel and see him in person to tell him something that she had to tell him in person...
hmmm...I never thought about that. Interesting! I do believe there's something to their tip sighting visit statement. Afterall, if it were like all of the other, I mean, tips...then wouldn't the lovely spokesperson MB make that announcement?
Speaking of which, if MB is in California, then why wouldn't she have immediately jumped all over this tip? She's least according to one of her profiles / information. Nuts...this case, these people are NUTS!
The A's are scheduled to travel to California to follow up on a tip they received, and while there, will also appear on the Larry King Show.

Meanwhile, Cindy Anthony told Local 6 News that she and her husband will be traveling to California after receiving a tip about Caylee, and they will appear on Larry King Live.

Makes me wonder if they are going to see the Marine guy to see what he knows about KCs plans to travel and see him in person to tell him something that she had to tell him in person...

This is BS. They are going to CA to appear on LKL, the tip part just got thrown in the mix by Cindy to make it appear they are only doing LKL as an afterthought. The purpose of the trip was to get their mugs on tv again and spread more lies.
Maybe this should be merged with the LKL thread.
hmmm...I never thought about that. Interesting! I do believe there's something to their tip sighting visit statement. Afterall, if it were like all of the other, I mean, tips...then wouldn't the lovely spokesperson MB make that announcement?
Speaking of which, if MB is in California, then why wouldn't she have immediately jumped all over this tip? She's least according to one of her profiles / information. Nuts...this case, these people are NUTS!

I can see them coming out here to California. We have MANY McDonalds out here!
hmmm...I never thought about that. Interesting! I do believe there's something to their tip sighting visit statement. Afterall, if it were like all of the other, I mean, tips...then wouldn't the lovely spokesperson MB make that announcement?
Speaking of which, if MB is in California, then why wouldn't she have immediately jumped all over this tip? She's least according to one of her profiles / information. Nuts...this case, these people are NUTS!

Since she is in Calif. and represents the A's, you "would think" she could follow up on this without the A's having to go out there. That said, how much you want to bet that MB will be on the LKL show with them ... Yuk !

I hope the FBI or OSCO is following the A's travels very closely, as I would hate for them to slip into Mexico, never to return. Oh wait, on second thought, maybe not a bad idea. Then we don't have to listen to their BS any more..
This is BS. They are going to CA to appear on LKL, the tip part just got thrown in the mix by Cindy to make it appear they are only doing LKL as an afterthought. The purpose of the trip was to get their mugs on tv again and spread more lies.
Maybe this should be merged with the LKL thread.

That's the way I see it too.
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