All things Prince William & Kate Middleton

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I'm not a romantic, don't care about wedding dresses and was slightly annoyed by all the fuss on the part of Americans about this wedding. (I can understand why Brits would be excited though but didn't get why Americans would be so excited). I also felt this royal couple are so much more accessible, modern and familiar that there was no mystique for me.

So, I didn't plan to watch at all! I thought I'd hear about it on the news later. In fact, I didn't even know when it was going to be on until the day before! Then, I watched Toy Story III with family and our roommate and after it was over, we turned back on the t.v. and the pre-wedding coverage was on. We started watching and ended up watching the entire thing! (Our roommate is a young guy who could care less about such stuff but he stayed up right with us!) I stayed up til' 4 in the morning (PST). I can't believe it! LOL. I guess I caught the fever a bit.

Anyhow, it was very traditional and lovely and I thought the couple looked wonderful. I was 12 when Diana married and looking back I had no clue she was so much younger than Charles and that they had only really known each other for a few months before they married. Clearly, he married Diana due to pressure and they were not in love. But her son and Kate have been together for years and obviously love each other. I'll admit, with all the sad news these days, it's nice to see two people who love each other have a fairy tale wedding. And it seems like the event is more than just a wedding.

The music was gorgeous and so was the church. Dress was nice. Looked like Grace Kelly's, according to commentators.

The hats trip me out, however. They always have. Bizarre. I saw satellite antennas, giant blue bananas, tarantulas, start trek inspired concoctions, and tons of dinner plates, punch bowls, etc.!

But, I admit. I enjoyed it.

Yes, this is quite different from poor Diana who was a young girl who didn't really know her husband. There was not much love there. This seems real.

It's actually sad all around. I guess he felt tons of pressure to marry but wasn't able to marry the love of his life due to protocol? So he picked the best alternate he could. Poor Diana. And also, poor Charles.

The person was quoting BadHorsie, not calling Kate horsey, if you know what I mean.

Anyhow, I guess it was worth getting four and half hours sleep for. It is history and it was happy news for a change. It's a wholly British moment - a real showcase of British culture and pride and that was nice to experience.

I kinda disagree with your post. I think Diana did love Charles but he loved Camilla who by then had married Andrew Parker Bowles. He married a young woman knowing he was in love with someone else and even at that point unbeknown to Diana was still having a affair with Camilla. Poor Diana yes..poor Andrew Parker Bowles yes..but poor Charles..noooooo way.
I guess Beatrice & Eugenie didn't get the memo about not upstaging the bride. And Posh's assistant forgot to remind her to smile.

Other than that, it was a lovely service.

Bless their hearts, they certainly are not pretty girls at all and their hats were just plain awful.
Bless their hearts, they certainly are not pretty girls at all and their hats were just plain awful.

Lol in the Abbey at one point Beatrice looked plain mum asked what was the matter with her eyes..they were really weird.
I remember watching Princess Di and Charles wedding with my mom and sisters 30 years ago. I was not sure if I would be that interested this time around.

Just in case I had a change of heart I set the alarm for 4:30am. Sure enough
I turned on the TV and once again became so enthralled that I almost forgot to wake my kids for school. :crazy:

I personally loved Kate's dress and veil. She reminded me of something right out of Camelot. It was so understated, yet so elegant and beautiful.

What a gorgeous couple and I wish them a lifetime of happiness.
I loved everything about the wedding. Especially the fact that the bride and groom seemed truly in love. The two kisses on the balcony were so much nicer than the forced kiss Diana got from Charles. I am a huge Princess Diana fan and you will never find one ounce of pity for Charles in me. I just dont care for the man at all.
Oh! To be British today!​


I am!

:heart: Best Wishes to the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge! :heart:


May I say Congrats to all the British citizens. How very impressive that hundreds and hundreds of people can march together with such pride and nobody gets out of sort. No pushing, and no shoving. Just joy and pride.

Such a lovely day. Such a lovely couple, and may I add some fierce hats.

I loved it! Watched with my elderly mom who id study fashion design. The minute the Princess got out of the car she started. Well she started with alot of the fashion even before that rattling off materials and dress styles.

Bam she says "Oh that dress is too matronly on a young girl, but she was smart to have picked that." and real loud "I told you there'd be a nod to Princess Grace's gown. Only that's different material, and she needs an illusion neckline" ohhhhhhhhh and "The woman's mane is her crown of glory. Why didn't they curl her hair. Well at least she looks like herself".

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. I was like "Ma, please shut UP". Now I got point-de-spri, silk tafetta, and a bunch of other fabrics stuck in my head.

Beautiful, regal, lovely and oh best of all a quick service IMO. Prayers for the couple and all of our British allies.

BTW, I have a crush on the Queens husband. Yeah I do.
Got up this morning and watched with a wonderful woman I'm lucky to have as a pseudo Mom =) Made mini blueberry muffins and watched it all. It was just amazing to watch living history. Won't ever forget it! Utterly exhausted, but glad I did it. Beautiful. I would have been so bored sitting there if I were Kate!! =D Lol. Then again, I'm the girl that said "it's just a day at the beach and we'll happen to get married" when I was young. Didn't last. lol. I wish them SO much happiness.

ETA: Am I the only one who was totally distracted by the um...middle portion of each bosom seam in the dress (and the next dress)? Why the conical boob shape? It distracted me the entire first I couldn't tell if she was cold or...oy. I feel awful saying that but they couldn't have curved it more!? Other wise, gorgeous.
I am not a fan of the outfits with all one color, shoes, hat and dress. Too matchy-matchy for me. Reminds me of Easter outfits when I was a kid...
ETA: Am I the only one who was totally distracted by the um...middle portion of each bosom seam in the dress (and the next dress)? Why the conical boob shape? It distracted me the entire first I couldn't tell if she was cold or...oy. I feel awful saying that but they couldn't have curved it more!? Other wise, gorgeous.
No that "stuck out" to me too.
No that "stuck out" to me too.

Lol!!! :floorlaugh:

Took me a second to giggle and get the pun =) But then again, when the rolls was on the way to the Abbey with Kate, I was still half asleep and BENT DOWN in front of the I'd be able to peek in. Too funny =)
The grocery store free sample ladies got me into the mood to watch parts of the wedding today. They were giving out the new biscuit type scones with cream cheese, and strawberries with some type of fancy cream. The wedding was very elegant and nice. The hats on all the ladies is a ridiculous custom, but sort of cute in a way. I thought the wedding dress was very pretty, but it something about it bothered me. Maybe it was "edgy" as some commentators were saying. The V of the neckline plunged past the lace on the chest in front, which made it look sort of off to me. It seemed modern and old at the same time I guess. Still, Kate looked beautiful and like a midievil queen. The veil was so simple and pretty, but looked sort of ghostly from behind due to being so sheer. The Queen looked cute in her yellow dress.

Can anyone tell me if Prince Charles is expected to become King when Queen Elizabeth passes or gets too elderly to function? I thought it was said years ago that William would be King due to the divorce or advanced age of Charles ?
As long as there is a breath left to breathe in his body, once Queen Elizabeth dies, Prince Charles will most definitely be the rightful heir to the throne. The question then is if he will abdicate and step aside to let William take over. Abdicating is very frowned upon in the British monarchy...
I guess Beatrice & Eugenie didn't get the memo about not upstaging the bride. And Posh's assistant forgot to remind her to smile.

Other than that, it was a lovely service.

I haven't watched the wedding coverage yet, however, looking at the pic's the bride was absolutely stunning...Wills as handsome as the Prince that he is.

I don't think I have ever seen Posh smile. I really don't see what is posh about her at all....and how on earth did they get an invite??

The hats are bizzare. Beatrice brought to mind a Sea Monkey.


No Fergie?
Prince Charles has said he will not abdicate; with the lifespan of this family, if he lives as long as his mother, Prince William will likely be in his forties before he becomes king, which is still young compared to his dad. The Queen just turned 85 last week and looks fairly game still.

I have a soft spot for Diana, and she certainly made a place for herself in the world for her way with the less fortunate. Kate has a lot to live up to, and will have to make her own way, but I don't think Diana will ever be forgotten. Whatever her detractors would say about her, her feelings and emotions were very close to the surface and you could see how she cared about the people she helped. I think Kate (Catherine...) will be very different and perhaps work more with William on his charities, unlike how separate Diana and Charles were, for obvious reasons.

On a more important note...the gown was stunning and just right. But she is way too skinny...and wasn't always this thin. Hope she only did that for today.
Definitely no Fergie... she is all but dead to the monarchy, ever since the big money scandal she got caught up in.
Prince Charles has said he will not abdicate; with the lifespan of this family, if he lives as long as his mother, Prince William will likely be in his forties before he becomes king, which is still young compared to his dad. The Queen just turned 85 last week and looks fairly game still.

I have a soft spot for Diana, and she certainly made a place for herself in the world for her way with the less fortunate. Kate has a lot to live up to, and will have to make her own way, but I don't think Diana will ever be forgotten. Whatever her detractors would say about her, her feelings and emotions were very close to the surface and you could see how she cared about the people she helped. I think Kate (Catherine...) will be very different and perhaps work more with William on his charities, unlike how separate Diana and Charles were, for obvious reasons.

On a more important note...the gown was stunning and just right. But she is way too skinny...and wasn't always this thin. Hope she only did that for today.

They say she went on the Dukan diet and lost 20lbs, is what I heard on Nightline, I think.
I thought the wedding dress was very pretty, but it something about it bothered me. Maybe it was "edgy" as some commentators were saying. The V of the neckline plunged past the lace on the chest in front, which made it look sort of off to me. It seemed modern and old at the same time I guess. Still, Kate looked beautiful and like a midievil queen. The veil was so simple and pretty, but looked sort of ghostly from behind due to being so sheer.

Respectfully snipped.

I agree, the top of the dress was "off". Not the lace, the top silk part.

Beautiful wedding, way over blown, but just beautiful. I really don't understand the whole British Monarchy thing, so I am sure some of it was lost on me.

I hope the young couple maintain their happiness and striving for humbleness and humanitarian efforts.

One very naughty observation on my part. Since I really have never heard of these people before, and the whole thing was quite surreal, the sisters, I think Beatrice and Eugenia are the names, IDK, immediately brought the following image to mind. (I apologize if this offends anyone, it is not meant to, just an observation.) Their outfits did not suit them or the occasion, and they stumbled out of the auto without the grace of the other guests. It was comical and surreal. The outfits did not display what are lovely young ladies otherwise. I hope they did not pay a fortune for those.

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