All things swine flu (H1N1)

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Can I ask what area of Arizona? My son goes to a charter school and I do not think they have any safety precautions in place, so I am very concerned.

Two family members here just diagnosed w/ SF. Both have 102 temp, terrible headache, cough, etc etc. Started on steriods and prednisone. School now has warning on website other cases reported, so it is in this state but not much local news about it. One has bad asthma, so I'm glad the dr. got them right in.
I hope I'm not off topic here but I'm thinking it may help if we all started to do our best to get our immune systems in the best shape posssible.

Eating lots of fruits, vegetables ,beans, grains, seeds, nuts. Also try to use herbs as much as possible, especially oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage. I've also read in the past that garlic, onions and hot peppers might help.

It would be a good time for anyone who smokes to quit or cut down.

We need to try and get more excercise also.

I'm just trying to say I hope the people think about this ahead of time to be better able to fight off any bad illness that may come along.
It might be wise to go to Walgreen's or wherever and stock up on Sambucol (elderberry extract) which is supposed to help. I have an elderberry bush, have some drying berries and some vodka, so I'm going to make a tincture, Just in case. Also, I read that smoking could help prevent cytokine storm since it does something to the lungs. Of course, that might only work in the young adults who are otherwise healthy smoker instead of the older sickly ones. Who knows.
on the Swine Flu scare of 1976. Just type "1976 swine flu vaccine and neurological problems" into Google for a plethora of articles.

Many of you probably do not remember this - I do. The mass inoculations given during the '76 Swine Flu scare caused many deaths and serious illnesses. I have a family member who fell seriously ill from the vaccine and I firmly believe that it was the ultimate cause of his death.

Of the few cases I have seen thus far of this 2009 H1N1 flu, it is no worse than any other flu; the duration is just longer. Treat it as you would any flu. Push the fluids (pedialyte, gatorade, etc.), get plenty of rest, and use Tylenol for fever and headache. Also, have some Robitussin DM on hand for the coughing and chest congestion.

I do not post often, however, I have been here for years reading. And I care about my fellow WSers. So, please, do not panic over this flu; be informed and be safe.
on the Swine Flu scare of 1976. Just type "1976 swine flu vaccine and neurological problems" into Google for a plethora of articles.

Many of you probably do not remember this - I do. The mass inoculations given during the '76 Swine Flu scare caused many deaths and serious illnesses. I have a family member who fell seriously ill from the vaccine and I firmly believe that it was the ultimate cause of his death.

Of the few cases I have seen thus far of this 2009 H1N1 flu, it is no worse than any other flu; the duration is just longer. Treat it as you would any flu. Push the fluids (pedialyte, gatorade, etc.), get plenty of rest, and use Tylenol for fever and headache. Also, have some Robitussin DM on hand for the coughing and chest congestion.

I do not post often, however, I have been here for years reading. And I care about my fellow WSers. So, please, do not panic over this flu; be informed and be safe.

Thank you for the advice. May I ask if you are a medical professional?
I'm pretty scared about Swine Flu this year :( I'm still debating about the swine flu anyone on here getting one?

Yes, I am...I am worried about the quickness of it's development (as others have cited), but I work in a very large hospital and with my immune problems, I will have to take the risk of the vaccine....I can't take the risk of getting it...for my sake and patient's sake.
on the Swine Flu scare of 1976. Just type "1976 swine flu vaccine and neurological problems" into Google for a plethora of articles.

Many of you probably do not remember this - I do. The mass inoculations given during the '76 Swine Flu scare caused many deaths and serious illnesses. I have a family member who fell seriously ill from the vaccine and I firmly believe that it was the ultimate cause of his death.

Of the few cases I have seen thus far of this 2009 H1N1 flu, it is no worse than any other flu; the duration is just longer. Treat it as you would any flu. Push the fluids (pedialyte, gatorade, etc.), get plenty of rest, and use Tylenol for fever and headache. Also, have some Robitussin DM on hand for the coughing and chest congestion.

I do not post often, however, I have been here for years reading. And I care about my fellow WSers. So, please, do not panic over this flu; be informed and be safe.

Thank you for this sound advice. Like I said, I had that flu and it was just the flu - it was more painful than any flu I've had but I did not have stomach upset or vomiting.

My Question: I avoid taking Tylenol unless my fever gets above 102. I totally push fluids but I figure the fever has a purpose to kill the virus so I try to let it be as much as I can and stick it out. Is that a good idea?

This week, New Caney ISD’s Keefer Crossing Middle School has been averaging 100 absences a day, say officials. A number of students are sick with the flu and some parents are wondering if their children have the H1N1 virus.
“I had a little bit of stomach ache, coughing, sneezing, runny nose,” said the third grader at New Caney Elementary School.

The girls’ mother said both of her children tested positive for Influenza A.

“I don’t know if they have swine flu and I don’t have the benefit of finding out,” said Jill Barrera.

Also Online
Letter sent to parents (pdf)

Video Slideshows Blogs Right now, only the most sick and vulnerable are being tested for the H1N1 virus. Everyone else is getting a rapid flu test which will only tell you if you have Influenza A or not. The test does not identify if you have the swine flu which is a strain of Influenza A. But, according to a CDC spokesperson, the swine flu is the dominant strain right now, so people testing positive for Influenza A, more than likely, have the swine flu.

more at the link.

This school is the next district over (like 10 miles from us). So I'm sure it will be in our school within the next few weeks!!
BOSTON -- A new proposed bill designed to combat the threat of the H1N1 virus would allow the state to forcefully quarantine people in the event of a pandemic.

Anyone who refuses to comply with the quarantine order could face jail time or a $1000 per day fine.

The "Pandemic Response Bill" would also force health providers to vaccinate people, authorize forcible entry into private homes, and impose fines or prison sentences on anyone not complying with isolation or quarantine orders.

More at link:

BBM makes me squirrelly!

We have 3 confirmed cases in my daughter's grade, and 5 other kids in the same class out with flu-like symptoms. Out of 28. Including my best friend's son - and now her mom has it too, because they went to visit for Labor Day and spread it to FL before he had symptoms. :eek:

Interesting how the different states react. In GA they are only testing for the type, and assuming that if you have Type A then it is H1N1. In FL they are required by law to test for the type. Also, the CDC and in GA they say after 24 hours with no fever and no fever-reducing meds you can go back to school. But in FL, they told my friend that you are still contagious for 3 DAYS after the fever is gone, and that you can't return to school or a government job for 3 days. I wonder which is correct, and worry b/c everyone here is sending their kids back to school after 24 hours.

A nearby middle school had over 300 kids absent last Thursday - 22% of the school. They would close the school at 25%. One of the kids with the flu is in the hospital.

And the bummer - they told my friend that it is possible that having it now would help his immunity if the virus mutates later, but was no guarantee of not getting it again! We were kind of hanging onto that as the only upside.

Wash wash wash your hands!!!

ETA: My friend who lives in China said that they are required to take their kids' temp every day and sign a card saying it wasn't over a certain temp. Without the signed card the kids can't get on the bus or go into any public buildings without being scanned for fever. I think that's a darned good idea, especially after one kid here last week showed up with a fever b/c it would be "sad" if he missed the fun thing they were doing that day.
The Mobile County Public School system is overflowing with sick children.

My 9 year old daughter just recovered from H1N1 and my 13 year old son came down with it yesterday. He is running fever, chills, headache, sore throat, basically the whole 9 yards.

Although my daughter was sick, it seems to be hitting my son particularly hard. He seems very lethargic and his fever is spiking more quickly when the fever reducer wears off. I am rotating acetemenophine and ibuprofin, overlapping them slightly, to keep his fever at bay.

The doc said if symptoms can be controlled at home, it is best not to bring them into the office. If breathing difficulties arise, then get them in quickly!

I have been very fortunate not to be sick. Only thing is, if I become sick, we have no family here and it will be very rough on us. I'm saying extra prayers and washing my hands x 10.

Stay well sleuthers! H1N1 is serious.

As for the vaccine? You could not pay me to have my children take it! Yes, I'm very worried. :eek:
I'm so worried. It seems that swine flu is creeping up on us quickly with warnings about taking the vaccine. I'm not taking it, and don't plan to let kids take it either due to Guillaine Barre and neurological worries. How can we find out the truth or what we should do? I'm already homeschooling an 8th grader but have others to worry about who still go to public schools. They are packed in like sardines at the school despite all their attempts to wipe down desks and handwash.
What is this about families with a history of Guillaume-Barre not getting the vaccination? Mr. Mr. E's mother had G-M; I had planned on getting Baby Mr. E the H1N1 vaccine. But I hadn't heard about this G-M warning.
I'm so worried. It seems that swine flu is creeping up on us quickly with warnings about taking the vaccine. I'm not taking it, and don't plan to let kids take it either due to Guillaine Barre and neurological worries. How can we find out the truth or what we should do? I'm already homeschooling an 8th grader but have others to worry about who still go to public schools. They are packed in like sardines at the school despite all their attempts to wipe down desks and handwash.

We had the scare back in the 70's. The same situation with shots,we didnt get them.Dick Van Dyke has a son living here in Ohio.Dicks grandson died from G.B. after having the shot.I know my Dr. will want me to have one, get the regular every year as I have COPD ~asthma.I am older than dirt so may have already had one of its strains.We had Hong Kong already years back.I work with the public so watch I will! I've bought masks.Our 9 yr. old is allergic to eggs so no shot. I am edgy over all this.Everyone take care.We do have cases in Ohio.
I think my husband and myself did have swine flu in 1980. We didn't know each other that year but compare how sick we were. It was absolutely horrible and I don't believe I've ever been as sick. Hopefully we have some immunity, but not to the bird flu aspect and the kids sure don't because none of mine, my kids or grandkids, have ever had the actual flu.
I had a terrible flu in 1981 when I was 11. I wonder if that could have been a swine flu variant of some kind? I sort of hope it was and could confer some kind of immunity, but I haven't heard that any swine flu was going around then. Oh my gosh, sicker than a dog for the entire 2 weeks of Christmas vacation. Toward the end of the 2 weeks I was feeling better but was still weak and tired for several days. Could not eat and everything smelled and tasted like bug spray to me. Throwing up, vivid dreams, no rest.
This is a novel H1N1 flu virus, meaning this particular virus has not been in circulation before, therefore there is no one with immunity. I've heard that the flu virus that circulated in 1959 may confer partial immunity, but I really don't know whether it's true or not. I had that flu, but I'm not letting my guard down. The risk is that this virus could mutate into a more lethal form.
2,600 suspected cases of swine flu (H1N1) reported at Washington State University

A large outbreak of swine flu is showing no sign of abating at Washington State University.School officials had been waiting to see if the incidence of the ailment would ease after the Labor Day long weekend, when the numbers dropped with many students leaving campus for the break. But Health and Wellness Services reported 169 students contacted them Tuesday to report symptoms consistent with swine flu — similar to the daily numbers reported last week.


In GA they are not doing the blood test for H1N1, only the swab for flu type. So the kids who are out only know they have flu type A.

Last week a teacher yelled at the kids that, "No one here has Swine Flu, and I don't want to hear anyone talking about it anymore!" Basically calling all of their doctors and parents liars for telling them that's what they had (even the school nurse has said if you have the flu right now, that's what it is!).

Well, my friend and her son who got it got sick in FL where they are required to do the blood test, and it IS H1N1. Wish I could have seen the look on the teacher's face when she got that email (he is in her homeroom!). I wonder if she apologized to all those kids she yelled at. Right.
This is a novel H1N1 flu virus, meaning this particular virus has not been in circulation before, therefore there is no one with immunity. I've heard that the flu virus that circulated in 1959 may confer partial immunity, but I really don't know whether it's true or not. I had that flu, but I'm not letting my guard down. The risk is that this virus could mutate into a more lethal form.

Yeah, I know this is novel, just wishing that there could be some kind of partial immunity, however small. I'm actually attending school now (at the ripe old age of almost 40) and one of my classmates has already had it! She was required to stay away for 7 days and is now back and fine. None of the rest of us has gotten it so far. Probably just a matter of time. This semester could be a complete disaster but I am hoping against hope that it will be otherwise.

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