All things swine flu (H1N1)

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It's been confirmed that swine flu is now in Lubbock, Texas and it's very early for flu season here.
angelmom, that teacher should be reported. I doubt the principal would approve of her little speech.
angelmom, that teacher should be reported. I doubt the principal would approve of her little speech.

Oh, you have no idea. Talking to our principal is like :banghead:

This is the least of my problems at the moment. I will get her in my own way, mostly by mentioning her tirade to the school nurse. You know, the one the teacher basically accused of lying? Yeah, she has much more power than me to make that teacher's life difficult.

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but ABC news mentioned the other day that ONLY ONE SHOT will be needed now for the Swine Flu, and today it's on the internet that Kathleen Sebelius is saying that some of the vaccines will be available first week in October, a little earlier than recently stated.

My daughter has a 16-month-old and has been concerned about him, but her pediatrician was reassuring, saying that she has already seen lots of cases of it, but they have all been mild.

Evidently it is not likely to mutate into a worse strain, as it is multiplying to fast for that.
Yesterday I went to the emergency room at a MN hospital (soft tissue injury while biking - seeing an ortho specialist this week). There was a big sign in the waiting room, "If you think you have the flu, notify the desk immediately."

While I waited (approximately 20 minutes), two women separately entered with obvious flu symptoms. They were given barf bags. One wore a mask. One threw up, was given water and pills. Fortunately, there were two parts to the waiting room, but who sat in the same seat as me before I sat there? I'm paranoid. They looked REALLY sick, but both were young.
Yesterday I went to the emergency room at a MN hospital (soft tissue injury while biking - seeing an ortho specialist this week). There was a big sign in the waiting room, "If you think you have the flu, notify the desk immediately."

While I waited (approximately 20 minutes), two women separately entered with obvious flu symptoms. They were given barf bags. One wore a mask. One threw up, was given water and pills. Fortunately, there were two parts to the waiting room, but who sat in the same seat as me before I sat there? I'm paranoid. They looked REALLY sick, but both were young.

That sounds awful. I don't think you always have intestinal symptoms with it. I think the pediatrician I mentioned was referring to what she's seen in children.

My husband did think he had it a few weeks ago, and he had severe headache, weakness and stomach tenderness. He took Tamiflu
and got well quickly.

“What makes it go from the bronchus to the alveoli is the $64,000 question,” said John Nicholls, associate professor of pathology at the University of Hong Kong, who has studied how cells interact with viruses like the H5N1 bird flu strain and SARS. Previous bouts of flu, particularly caused by strains similar to the H1N1 virus, may give some protection, he said."

They just don't know, which is very frustrating and scary! It makes me feel a little better to hear that the vaccine may be out earlier than expected and more may be available since only one dose will be needed, at least for adults. That at least is something.
What worries me, at least in Texas, is that the swine flu is here yet the vaccine won't be available til mid October. Then, after that, it takes 10 days for it take effect for the ones who are brave enought to accept it. My middle daughter in another Texas town is very ill with fever, chest pain, and chills. I'm extremely worried except that she reports being a little better since yesterday. I've ordered her to chop up a garlic clove and swallow it like a pill and go to the ER tomorrow if any worse at all, and I've told my elderly mother that I will do all her grocery shopping and she is to stay home for awhile.
This flu makes me very nervous.

I work in a hotel, and 60% of our guests are from other countries, such as Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Australia, Netherlands-

I believe the Swine Flu will walk right through the front doors of the lobby, and be handed to me on a passport or credit card, lol.

I just come in contact with so many people from all over the planet, I will be shocked if I don't get it.
We had the scare back in the 70's. The same situation with shots,we didnt get them.Dick Van Dyke has a son living here in Ohio.Dicks grandson died from G.B. after having the shot.I know my Dr. will want me to have one, get the regular every year as I have COPD ~asthma.I am older than dirt so may have already had one of its strains.We had Hong Kong already years back.I work with the public so watch I will! I've bought masks.Our 9 yr. old is allergic to eggs so no shot. I am edgy over all this.Everyone take care.We do have cases in Ohio.

I read something about this recently. There is a special vacine for those with the egg allergy. There is one for the chicken pox too. My 5 year old grandson also has the egg allergy and did fine with the alternative chicken pox shot. It just took a few days for the pediatrician to get it in.

Some flu vaccines are produced which are not egg-based, and some manufacturers are already working on non-egg based Swine Flu vaccines. However the majority of vaccines that become available are likely to be egg-based, with egg-free vaccines following at a later date. It is not clear at the moment how easy it will be to specifically obtain egg-free vaccines.

more at the link:
Anyone going to up their daily intake of Vitamin D? According to Dr. Oz it may help ward off the swine flu.
I read something about this recently. There is a special vacine for those with the egg allergy. There is one for the chicken pox too. My 5 year old grandson also has the egg allergy and did fine with the alternative chicken pox shot. It just took a few days for the pediatrician to get it in.

Some flu vaccines are produced which are not egg-based, and some manufacturers are already working on non-egg based Swine Flu vaccines. However the majority of vaccines that become available are likely to be egg-based, with egg-free vaccines following at a later date. It is not clear at the moment how easy it will be to specifically obtain egg-free vaccines.

more at the link:
This is good news for me, as I am allergic to eggs.

About 12 years ago, I received a regular flu shot (my first and only one), that was created in an egg-based culture.

Within an hour, I began to feel achy all over, and could no longer stand upright. I was shivering and sweating, and basically felt as if I were dying. That night, just a few hours later, I had to be driven to the emergency room, then admitted into the hospital overnight.

Without a doubt the worst case of the flu I have ever had. I was so sick.
It was the flu, but 50 times worse.

I was told I had such a bad reaction because of my egg allergy, and to avoid any future flu shots, which I have.

It's nice to know there may finally be something for people who are allergic to eggs and egg products, like me.
Anyone going to up their daily intake of Vitamin D? According to Dr. Oz it may help ward off the swine flu.

I am, and just took a Vitamin D3 and other stuff. I'm getting something, been feeling it come on for about an hour now. My grandbaby in another nearby town has the flu now. They gave her tamiflu, and of course it's probably swine flu since it's too early here for regular flu.
I wanted to chime in here to say something hopeful to some of you who are in my same age bracket, 60 give or take a few years. I had the flu in 1957 or 1959 which ever year it was, and which the CDC is saying may grant some people partial immunity to this swine flu.

A week ago, I went into a bank to change an account from one type to another which took about 20 mins. The person I had to sit across from actually had the flu right then. She was coughing somewhat, sniffling, using a hand sanitizer liberally. I asked her if she had the swine flu, and she said yes. I then asked how long she'd had it, and she told me 7 days. I was already aware that so long as someone is symptomatic, they are contagious. Had to wonder why she was allowed to be at work. She then informed me she was to go back to her doctor Tuesday of this current week. Well I came away from there totally positive I was going to get the flu. And I've worried about this flu because I have more than one underlying health conditions.

I did not come down with the flu, and it's been a week. Had I acquired some sort of immunity way back in the 1950s? It's possible. I also want to note that I had gotten a seasonal flu shot a few weeks prior to the exposure, and that I keep hand sanitizer in my car. I make my own sanitizer which is stronger than that being sold at stores. I mix aloe vera gel with 91% rubbing alcohol, and I did use it liberally as soon as I got to my car, even putting some on my face and arms as this person had breathed right on me since she was sitting directly in front of me, and I'd had to rest my arms on her desk. I declined to use one of the pens on her desk to sign the papers and used one of my own instead.

I know some of you have been as nervous about this flu as I was, and I'm hoping my report may have a calming factor for some. This does not mean I will let my guard down, because it could have just been a fluke that I didn't get the flu from that woman, but I must say, I have breathed more than one sigh of relief after that strong exposure.
Vaccine expected to arrive Oct 5.

Just wondering if anyone has read the priority groups for vaccinations? This is from MN Health Partners.

A vaccination for the swine flu is currently being developed and should be ready by mid to late October. The vaccine will be one shot for persons 10 years of age and older and two shots for children 6 months through 9 years of age. It will eventually be available to everyone, but at first just to these priority groups:

This sure says a lot for the attitude toward senior citizens!

pregnant women
people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age
healthcare and emergency medical services personnel with direct patient contact
everyone 6 months through 24 years of age
adults 64 years of age and younger who are at high risk of complications from infection with H1N1
Just wondering if anyone has read the priority groups for vaccinations? This is from MN Health Partners.

A vaccination for the swine flu is currently being developed and should be ready by mid to late October. The vaccine will be one shot for persons 10 years of age and older and two shots for children 6 months through 9 years of age. It will eventually be available to everyone, but at first just to these priority groups:

This sure says a lot for the attitude toward senior citizens!

pregnant women
people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age
healthcare and emergency medical services personnel with direct patient contact
everyone 6 months through 24 years of age
adults 64 years of age and younger who are at high risk of complications from infection with H1N1

I think it has a lot to do with how the virus is spreading. It has gone through our school and those around us like wildfire, knocking down 10-14 kids in a class at a time (right now the 7th grade looks like a ghost town). Some have mild symptoms, some are pretty sick (like normal flu), and some are getting multiple illnesses (H1N1 plus strep, etc.).

The few people my age who have gotten it have gotten it from their child, and many are having mild to moderate symptoms. I did have one friend who was horribly ill, but it was still similar to a bad case of regular flu. One friend, sadly, miscarried during her illness.

Compare that to my parents and in-laws (who are 66-70) and live nearby. I haven't heard of a single one of their friends getting it yet. They aren't really around kids much except their own grandchildren, and we are so careful not to go over there if we even suspect illness. They stay home when they don't feel well instead of dragging themselves to work or school and infecting everyone around them. They are much more careful about handwashing, and they eat at home or in nicer restaurants.

Personally I don't want the vaccine, and you can have our doses! But I think the target is really aimed at the people who are spreading it. If it was an age-ism thing, they wouldn't prioritize/strongly encourage the elderly to get their regular flu shot.
Prayers to this family.

No mention of any preceding health condition and she certainly looks healthy. I am reading about all these pregnant and new moms dying.. I would be scared to be pregnant right now.
The reason for pregnant women's complications with the swine flu has been discovered. ALL pregnant women who get flu like symptoms need to have their IgA levels tested asap, on the double, pronto, you get my drift?

Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody which plays a critical role in mucosal immunity. Most pregnant women have abnormally low IgA caused by their pregnancy. This can be treated, but the testing needs to be done promptly because if IgA levels are low the swine flu virus can go viral inside a pregnant woman's body and it can quickly over power the pulmonary system and gut.

Please pass this around to all your pregnant daughters, friends or daughters or friends who are trying to get pregnant. I got this information on IgA and pregnancy from reading the H1N1 thread at Scroll down, it's the sixth topic there. It's one of my favorite best places to stay abreast of what's going on with this flu.

This is critical information that could save someone's life.

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