DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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you would probably have to use a dead animal of similar weight - gross but closest to reality unfortunately

OMG that has just jogged my memory. When I was about 11 or so and I was staying with relatives for school hols in the most southern part of Holland in between Belgium and Germany, we were swimming in the river Meuse having a great time contemplating crossing the river which was quite wide.

All of a sudden my uncle shouts out for us to get out of the water, and we said 'no, why' he insisted and when we got back on the bank we saw this dead pig floating past. It was bloated (sorry) but moving very rapidly.

I am sure they could do some tests with animal carcasses tom and get pretty close to realistic results.

BTW after taking that first look on Google Earth of the Ugly Creek crossing I have not been able to open up any more pics of that site. Very eerie!
On another matter does anyone know if the appeal against the bail decision has been lodged yet, like the LEs said they would??
OMG that has just jogged my memory. When I was about 11 or so and I was staying with relatives for school hols in the most southern part of Holland in between Belgium and Germany, we were swimming in the river Meuse having a great time contemplating crossing the river which was quite wide.

All of a sudden my uncle shouts out for us to get out of the water, and we said 'no, why' he insisted and when we got back on the bank we saw this dead pig floating past. It was bloated (sorry) but moving very rapidly.

I am sure they could do some tests with animal carcasses tom and get pretty close to realistic results.

BTW after taking that first look on Google Earth of the Ugly Creek crossing I have not been able to open up any more pics of that site. Very eerie!

yes there are regularly dead animals in the brisbane river - and yes u would to get one dead for a similar amount of time - if they are setting somthing like that up there would be a lot more activity than 2 detectives IMO and they would have to monitor it somehow surely
I know it's been said before, but I think we need to keep in mind that GBC's ability to be rational and logical in his thinking/reckoning might not be of the highest order, especially in the face of the deadline, failing business etc, without even considering domestic pressures." People make stupid decisions all the time", (this is a quote from a policeman friend of mine), and GBC certainly seems to have made more than his fair share of them to be in this position, and, to a large extent he seems to have "got away" with them by acting the part of the successful businessman, family man etc. Perhaps he was just stupid, (without doubt he was, I know, but I mean perhaps there was no "method" at all), and just thought he could get away with it, as he always had......

What has happened to the money, is there any clue how he accrued such large debts?

Thank you all so much for this site, and for all your imputs- thoughtful, interesting, and sometimes funny- it goes a long way to restoring one's faith in human nature that can so easily be lost when reading about the likes of GBC!
Has any thought ever been given on threads to have 'poster of the week' or 'poster of the thread'?

If not, for me Marly is the poster of this forum, she gets us out of trouble regarding linking all the time.
Makara for poster of this thread for all her screenshots, pictures and keeping the media thread up to date; and
Possumheart for the belly laugh of the week, closely followed by Makara's Caterpillar!
Can only be because the initial responding police reported something suspicious right away ???

If they were checking water levels they could be thinking of sending their photographers out tomorrow...if the rain turns up.

I wonder if they left something of appropriate weight up stream in anticipation on the rain tomorrow?
to do that you would need to know allison's height and weight plus exact clothing cause that could make weight difference also. dont think it would be too accurate
Squizzey1 - UT sent you this post about a week ago.

squizzey1, thanks for your posts. Regarding NBC, can you tell, if you know, whether there is any possibility of him having any degree of dementia? I only ask as its a thought that went through my mind last night when another poster mentioneed seeing him and his wife out and about the otherday and the posters description of him, and I was remembering the post about him sitting at the bus shelter of the roundabout in the middle of the night. Just asking of the possibilities..

I'm sorry, I can't find your reply - even with Marly's excellent instructions on how to search. Do you have any idea if NBC has Dementia?
Kholo creek at high tide ( I hope i linked it properly)

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#16[/ame]

there is so much vegetation in the spot where Allison was found! It looks like it goes right under the bridge and to the other side...looks so different now
I wonder if they left something of appropriate weight up stream in anticipation on the rain tomorrow?

SES use dummies for training purposes...I'd think if police are planning on doing some testing tomorrow they may use something like that.
Has any thought ever been given on threads to have 'poster of the week' or 'poster of the thread'?

If not, for me Marly is the poster of this forum, she gets us out of trouble regarding linking all the time.
Makara for poster of this thread for all her screenshots, pictures and keeping the media thread up to date; and
Possumheart for the belly laugh of the week, closely followed by Makara's Caterpillar!

Squizzey1 - UT sent you this post about a week ago.

squizzey1, thanks for your posts. Regarding NBC, can you tell, if you know, whether there is any possibility of him having any degree of dementia? I only ask as its a thought that went through my mind last night when another poster mentioneed seeing him and his wife out and about the otherday and the posters description of him, and I was remembering the post about him sitting at the bus shelter of the roundabout in the middle of the night. Just asking of the possibilities..

I'm sorry, I can't find your reply - even with Marly's excellent instructions on how to search. Do you have any idea if NBC has Dementia?

More likely he's as sharp as a tack.
Has any thought ever been given on threads to have 'poster of the week' or 'poster of the thread'?

If not, for me Marly is the poster of this forum, she gets us out of trouble regarding linking all the time.
Makara for poster of this thread for all her screenshots, pictures and keeping the media thread up to date; and
Possumheart for the belly laugh of the week, closely followed by Makara's Caterpillar!

Someone must be thinking about it...I just went in to edit my Kholo Creek picture, and there was a vote now button, next to the quote button....oh the fun we could have........ I should have pushed it
Legal eagles?

Ooops! I thought it was Law Enforcement!

Ps not sure if I should be using asterisks, as this is OT.
Thank you for all the well wishes while I have been sick. You are truly a wonderful bunch; it's good to be back, though I think it will take me a week to catch up on what I have missed!
Ooops! I thought it was Law Enforcement!

Ps not sure if I should be using asterisks, as this is OT.
Thank you for all the well wishes while I have been sick. You are truly a wonderful bunch; it's good to be back, though I think it will take me a week to catch up on what I have missed!



glad you are feeling better, and yes it will take you a while I think haha
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