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DNA Solves
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Wakeskate you are an absolute gem :)
Wish I had been there to check it out.
Thank you
Being the big bwana scout family, wouldn't they have keys to the scout camp or was their interest in scouts just all for image??
I would also like to know how far from that part of the creek beside the parking area off Wirraburra Rd is it to Kholo creek. It can't be far. Hope Wakeside gets some good pics for us.

Alioop, I've attached a screencap of where the parking area is in relationship to Kholo Creek where Allison was found. If the creeks were swollen with floodwater IMO it wouldn't have taken much for Allison's body to wash down to where it was found.

Being the big bwana scout family, wouldn't they have keys to the scout camp or was their interest in scouts just all for image??

enthralled, I've always felt that bwana and co. would have had keys to the scout camp gates. Just because they can. :rolleyes:

Ok, here are some photos from the area.
Everything is commented on.

After visiting the bridge site, I can see how the body could easily be dumped there, however the only spot were you can park is very open to traffic.
Not somewhere I would go to do it, but hey, I would never be in the position that the person who did this was in so it's hard to know what someone would do in that situation.

In my opinion the site off wirrabara road is ideal.
It's secluded. No body would visit the area.

Thanks so much wakeskate for the pictures and notes, they have given me a new perspective.

A few threads back, westie provided this useful link:,153.025475&z=14&t=h&nmd=20110113
It’s to, a photo map site that is updated every few weeks and keeps historic photos going back a couple of years. You’ll need to register to use the website but it’s free if it’s for your own personal non-commercial use, eg for sleuthing or idle snooping.

If you login to, zoom in on the area around Wirrabara Rd where wakeskate has been investigating today, and click on the dots at the top of the page to change the dates of the photos, you’ll see the same view at different times. The photo for 14 January 2011, during the flood, shows how the area was covered in water during the floods - even the pipes across Kholo Creek at the bridge on Mt Crosby Road were completely submerged. Unfortunately there isn’t a nearmap photo for any time in the period 20-30 April 2012, when we think Allison’s body was thereabouts. The picture from January last year shows how high and wide the creeks can run, and I'm not suggesting that the water rose so high the last weekend in April this year, but it lends some weight to wakeskate's theory.
Sorry, for some reason the wrong link was posted when I was referring to points A and B. This is the right map.
This is a really helpful map. The visual of this area and its proximity to MtCrosby Bridge over Kholo Creek implies possibility IMO. Wakeskate thanks to your work, I think we're gettin somewhere. My opinion only.
... I am just wondering how she could find the time. From what we have heard gbc ... can't have been home as much as he should have. I imagine 3 young girls and a home to run would keep you pretty busy.

We can assume busy indeed: ...three children under 10 years of age, travelling to/from after school activities, cooking dinner, managing laundry, cleaning house, organising weekly shopping, preparing lunches, morning routines, homework supervision, bedtime routines, taking dance classes, taking care of self to perform in Part-Time work, planning for secondary schooling, financial management of household income/expenditure, part-time study, parent/teacher talks, having girls' friends over, taking/picking up girls to/from friends, managing relationship with In-Laws, managing communication and relationship with husband, family activities/outings, time/outings with own friends, etc. the list goes on for many multi-tasking mothers every day. You get up and do it all again the next day too ... and on it goes day after day.
If the creeks were swollen with floodwater IMO it wouldn't have taken much for Allison's body to wash down to where it was found.


Thanks Wakeskate for the awesome pics. Seeing just how close any car (even easier for a 4wd) could get to the creek via that route is very interesting. Makes me even more impatient for Sept 3rd.
Alioop, I've attached a screencap of where the parking area is in relationship to Kholo Creek where Allison was found. If the creeks were swollen with floodwater IMO it wouldn't have taken much for Allison's body to wash down to where it was found.

View attachment 25564
Holey Moley Makara that is amazing! It is only, what?, 600 metres? You could imagine a body being washed down that far by torrential rain.
Holey Moley Makara that is amazing! It is only, what?, 600 metres? You could imagine a body being washed down that far by torrential rain.

Yep, I know Rational, it's not far at all. And the seclusion of the parking area off Wirrabara Road IMO would have suited GBC perfectly. I'm just wondering if there are any caterpillars there? :floorlaugh:
Yep, I know Rational, it's not far at all. And the seclusion of the parking area off Wirrabara Road IMO would have suited GBC perfectly. I'm just wondering if there are any caterpillars there? :floorlaugh:

I hope for his sake there are not caterpillars there. after seeing pics of the house it doesn't look like he did gardening there. Maybe caterpillars are at tm house
Alioop, I've attached a screencap of where the parking area is in relationship to Kholo Creek where Allison was found. If the creeks were swollen with floodwater IMO it wouldn't have taken much for Allison's body to wash down to where it was found.

View attachment 25564

Many thanks Makara.
Talking to a guy I work with today - he is a member of the SES. Had to guide the conversation round to Allison (as you do), he was a member of the search team on several days. He was telling me their instructions were for a body search from day 1. He also told me she definitely was washed to where she was found as Kholo Bridge had already been checked! I was very surprised as I hadn't heard this already, had anyone else heard this?
Wakeskate, thank you for your great sleuthing, photos and commentary. Very helpful indeed.
Talking to a guy I work with today - he is a member of the SES. Had to guide the conversation round to Allison (as you do), he was a member of the search team on several days. He was telling me their instructions were for a body search from day 1. He also told me she definitely was washed to where she was found as Kholo Bridge had already been checked! I was very surprised as I hadn't heard this already, had anyone else heard this?

Good info Onlyone. He didn't happen to mention where she was washed from did he!! Also interesting that he says Kholo Bridge had already been searched as I understood it was well out of the defined search area.

The search for a body from day 1 is consistent with searching "to keep the coroner happy" comment that I mentioned on the previous page. I think QPS were pretty sure that she had been murdered but not sure they would find a body.
Good info Onlyone. He didn't happen to mention where she was washed from did he!! Also interesting that he says Kholo Bridge had already been searched as I understood it was well out of the defined search area.

The search for a body from day 1 is consistent with searching "to keep the coroner happy" comment that I mentioned on the previous page. I think QPS were pretty sure that she had been murdered but not sure they would find a body.

I did say "I thought they were searching a confined area" but he said several teams did check obvious drops... Creepy :-(
No, he had nothing to offer on where, I suspect I was beginning to look was too interested, as he kept trying to change the subject.
I did say "I thought they were searching a confined area" but he said several teams did check obvious drops... Creepy :-(
No, he had nothing to offer on where, I suspect I was beginning to look was too interested, as he kept trying to change the subject.

Thank you onlyone, you have done well :woohoo:
as for him trying to change the subject :banghead:
I did say "I thought they were searching a confined area" but he said several teams did check obvious drops... Creepy :-(
No, he had nothing to offer on where, I suspect I was beginning to look was too interested, as he kept trying to change the subject.

Also thanks :)
Talking to a guy I work with today - he is a member of the SES. Had to guide the conversation round to Allison (as you do), he was a member of the search team on several days. He was telling me their instructions were for a body search from day 1. He also told me she definitely was washed to where she was found as Kholo Bridge had already been checked! I was very surprised as I hadn't heard this already, had anyone else heard this?

I've been kidding myself that I wasn't going to post again until some new info came up. Well, Onlyone, you got my attention! I knew about the body search from day one but didn't know that Kholo Bridge had already been checked! Great sleuthing! Tick, tick, tick....IMO
Some awesome sleuthing here tonight - thanks wakestate for your renewed perspective of the area. Amazing that it has spurred such great discussion!

Interesting that the police and SES knew they were looking for a body! I think it also agrees with the way that GBC behaved that morning. Genuine distress is random and uncontrolled. (see Lundy utube video)In my opinion those text messages and his behavior is selectively grief stricken much the same way that Lundy decides his legs don't work. I can almost see GBC asking himself 'let's see; I know she is not coming back but hmm what ever did she do in the mornings for the kids ahh yes lunches,... how should I act to make it look like Allison is missing now that I have made the lunches.... hmmm yes need to send her text then to set the scenario .... now how can I kill (pardon the pun) some more time - can't call the cops yet after all she does walk once a year and comes back around 6:45am?' No mention of breakfasts - did the kids get these themselves? Did they have any early morning activities? Some schools offer tennis and swimming training before school starts - were the girls involved in these activities in the mornings? After all GBC was probably never there in the mornings when Allison was doing the kids school routine or barely functioning after his strenuous extra curricula night shifts servicing the C21 RE proteges. And no one would leave their normal walking routine so late if they had to leave earlier than normal to be at a business function. By all accounts, Allison was organised and prepared - no way she would have been less than ready for her day ahead.
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