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Thanks KG...what I'm really curious about though is, his finances are still under investigation by forensics accountant...this is still ongoing. Why would he be allowed anywhere near anything to do with the finance side of it??

Say for example, computer/phone is still being tested by forensics, he wouldn't be allowed to use it while this testing is still ongoing...why then with finance??

Hi Marly, I think the difference is that the computer/phone, Captiva are all items of evidence for prints, searches etc and held by QPS as such.The financial situation is being documented, not confiscated or held for evidence. Of course all of the financial information will be notated and the total status ascertained, such as income, assets, liabilities, mortgages, guarantees, personal debts etc, but that doesn't stop the operation of the finances, say via a Power of Attorney. Any movement or change in finances would be noted only.
If I recall correctly, and I think KTK stated this - jail rules or legislation preclude GBC from financial activity whilst inside jail, but again there is nothing to stop him appointing a Power of Attorney, as he has done with OW.
A familiar name - Michel Bosscher - see below link story-e6freon6-1226465392176
A familiar name - Michel Bosscher - see below link story-e6freon6-1226465392176

Kay Dibben
The Sunday Mail (Qld)
July 22, 201212:00AM

On July 9, in a Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Mr Bosscher was granted a stay of the Law Society executive committee's recent decision to refuse his application to renew his practising certificate this year. But if his upcoming appeal in QCAT is unsuccessful, he will not be able to practise as a lawyer.

Anyone know if this appeal is scheduled? Or if it has been heard and approved already?

Kay Dibben
The Sunday Mail (Qld)
July 22, 201212:00AM

Anyone know if this appeal is scheduled? Or if it has been heard and approved already?

The QCAT lists are only posted daily and some of the names of the parties on the daily list are 'withheld', so it is unlikely that we will find out anything in advance. I don't think that it has been heard yet though, as it would likely be reported in MSM if so.
Today's postings are the biggest movement in pages for weeks!
I just don't understand how he could sell a property jointly owned by Allisons brother (and sister in law?). Don't all parties have to agree to a sale? Can a sale be halted once an offer is accepted? I'm so angry and frustrated at this man and his family and their levels of deceipt, their audacity and arrogance takes my breath away! All MOO MOO of course
Hey. I haven't had time to read since thread 31 so will have to go back and read a bit, but I just saw the article on GBC selling Allison's property and had to come on here and rant!! He obviously rid this so he could continue paying his legal fees or something. This is just shocking and how has it possibly happened with Allison's brother as a joint owner? This doesn't seem right. I wonder if the agent will now be getting in trouble for this...
Investment property bought for Allison Baden-Clay secretly sold by accused murderer husband

From his prison cell at Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre, Baden-Clay wrote to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission advising his wife was no longer alive, making him sole director and secretary of the business, according to documents lodged in the Supreme Court.


This is truly unbelievable! The fact that this <modsnip> can do this with the assistance of his sister and partner in crime who apparently is also his Power Of Attorney. I sincerely hope that the sale of this property has not gone through even though an offer may have been made and accepted. There is usually a cooling off period with a property sale and I fervently hope that the legal eagles can step in and declare it null and void.

Instead of trying to prove his innocence GBC and his greedy family are busy taking care of business, as usual no doubt. The <modsnip> notified ASIC (from jail) that Allison was deceased so that he could take on the role of sole director and secretary of their company. IMO the sale of that house was solely to finance his legal costs and has nothing to do with the future welfare of his children. And as his Power Of Attorney, his sister Olivia Walton would have been doing his bidding. It's a wonder that GBC and OW didn't have a Face Time chat to sort out the finer details!
I just don't understand how he could sell a property jointly owned by Allisons brother (and sister in law?). Don't all parties have to agree to a sale? Can a sale be halted once an offer is accepted? I'm so angry and frustrated at this man and his family and their levels of deceipt, their audacity and arrogance takes my breath away! All MOO MOO of course

Daisy, the property was bought for Allison and her brother under the umbrella of Allison and GBC's company WOTS – WORLD OF TOP STEP PTY. LTD.

ACN 096695546
Organisation Type Australian Proprietary Company
Organisation Status Registered
Organisation Locality Suburb TOOWONG
Organisation Locality State QLD
Organisation Locality Postcode 4066
Australian Business Number 71096695546

Certainly the couple were facing new challenges in 2008 relocating the family real estate firm to more expensive premises in a bid to ramp up the business.
That same year a house they owned at the Gold Coast through their company Wots World of Top Step was listed as having been mortgaged and late last year they took out a $300,000 mortgage through another family company.
Read more:


"AN investment property bought for murdered Brookfield mother Allison Baden-Clay and her brother Ashley has been secretly sold by her husband, accused murderer Gerard Baden-Clay...

Morning all. Thanks Strangeworld for this article.
This article alleges that the property was secretly sold before auction, that an offer had been accepted confirmed by the Real Estate Agent. I wonder if there is some Legal intervention available in a Court of Law to remedy this situation and/or confiscate the proceeds of the sale for further deliberation of the other interested parties? IMO
I thought I'd reached my disgust level for GBC & his clan long ago - but NOW after the news on the sale of the property, I've reached a never before level of disgust and general skin crawling. BRAVO !!! :(

All MOO.
Oh my, he did this while in jail pretending, allegedly, to be depressed and needing psychiatric care!...

Seems like it was 'business as usual' - even from Arthur Gorrie. My opinion only.

I wonder if The Power of Attorney can be legally challenged for exercising their power in a way which allegedly disadvantaged other parties who may have a legal claim over both the decision to sell and the proceeds from the sale? Maybe some financial/legal members could contribute to the discussion on this one. Maybe it is possible for an Urgent Hearing to be sought at QCAT, by the allegedly disadvantaged parties, to review the POA's decision as POA's are held accountable for their administrative decisions to QCAT aren't they? My opinion, not fact.
Seems like it was 'business as usual' - even from Arthur Gorrie IMO.

The horribleness of the BC family just grows and grows. How dare they sell a property that was bought for Allison and her brother- wouldn't Allison's brother had to agree to the sale?
Investment property bought for Allison Baden-Clay secretly sold by accused murderer husband

From his prison cell at Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre, Baden-Clay wrote to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission advising his wife was no longer alive, making him sole director and secretary of the business, according to documents lodged in the Supreme Court.


This is truly unbelievable! The fact that this <modsnip> can do this with the assistance of his sister and partner in crime who apparently is also his Power Of Attorney. I sincerely hope that the sale of this property has not gone through even though an offer may have been made and accepted. There is usually a cooling off period with a property sale and I fervently hope that the legal eagles can step in and declare it null and void.

Instead of trying to prove his innocence GBC and his greedy family are busy taking care of business, as usual no doubt. The <modsnip> notified ASIC (from jail) that Allison was deceased so that he could take on the role of sole director and secretary of their company. IMO the sale of that house was solely to finance his legal costs and has nothing to do with the future welfare of his children. And as his Power Of Attorney, his sister Olivia Walton would have been doing his bidding. It's a wonder that GBC and OW didn't have a Face Time chat to sort out the finer details!

Should GBC have given POA to OW then she can act for him re finances. She can sign financial papers for him. Looks like that is what has happened.
Hi Marly, I think the difference is that the computer/phone, Captiva are all items of evidence for prints, searches etc and held by QPS as such.The financial situation is being documented, not confiscated or held for evidence. Of course all of the financial information will be notated and the total status ascertained, such as income, assets, liabilities, mortgages, guarantees, personal debts etc, but that doesn't stop the operation of the finances, say via a Power of Attorney. Any movement or change in finances would be noted only.
If I recall correctly, and I think KTK stated this - jail rules or legislation preclude GBC from financial activity whilst inside jail, but again there is nothing to stop him appointing a Power of Attorney, as he has done with OW.

That is what happens KG1. It just shows a Mack Truck could not stop him as far as Allisons money is concerned.
I just don't understand how he could sell a property jointly owned by Allisons brother (and sister in law?). Don't all parties have to agree to a sale? Can a sale be halted once an offer is accepted? I'm so angry and frustrated at this man and his family and their levels of deceipt, their audacity and arrogance takes my breath away! All MOO MOO of course
Me either,this is just not right....The dude's in prison..How come he's able too access,and have the right too do this ....It's a joke ,unfortunatley at the Dickies and Girls expence....They shouldn't be having too worry about this happening....I thought ,and maybe I'm wrong, they should feel safe !
Every now and then, GBC and/or his clan do something that I find so wildly inappropriate that I just can't believe it. The arrogance is staggering! I start looking at other possibilities, maybe it's the way it's reported in the media? Perhaps there is another side to the story? Maybe I'm misunderstanding what I'm reading?

Each time I see a new BC manoeuvre (and to me, that's what these actions are - ducking and weaving, dodging and hiding) I go through all these steps and arrive at the same place: they/he really are/is as brazen in their selfishness as they appear to be. MOO
Hi Marly, I think the difference is that the computer/phone, Captiva are all items of evidence for prints, searches etc and held by QPS as such.The financial situation is being documented, not confiscated or held for evidence. Of course all of the financial information will be notated and the total status ascertained, such as income, assets, liabilities, mortgages, guarantees, personal debts etc, but that doesn't stop the operation of the finances, say via a Power of Attorney. Any movement or change in finances would be noted only.
If I recall correctly, and I think KTK stated this - jail rules or legislation preclude GBC from financial activity whilst inside jail, but again there is nothing to stop him appointing a Power of Attorney, as he has done with OW.

But wouldn't the life insurance policies form a part of the financial side of evidence also?? ...I think I'm just clutching at straws.... it just seems so wrong to me that he can be selling off assets while still under investigation!!
Investment property bought for Allison Baden-Clay secretly sold by accused murderer husband

From his prison cell at Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre, Baden-Clay wrote to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission advising his wife was no longer alive, making him sole director and secretary of the business, according to documents lodged in the Supreme Court.


This is truly unbelievable! The fact that this <modsnip> can do this with the assistance of his sister and partner in crime who apparently is also his Power Of Attorney. I sincerely hope that the sale of this property has not gone through even though an offer may have been made and accepted. There is usually a cooling off period with a property sale and I fervently hope that the legal eagles can step in and declare it null and void.

Instead of trying to prove his innocence GBC and his greedy family are busy taking care of business, as usual no doubt. The <modsnip> notified ASIC (from jail) that Allison was deceased so that he could take on the role of sole director and secretary of their company. IMO the sale of that house was solely to finance his legal costs and has nothing to do with the future welfare of his children. And as his Power Of Attorney, his sister Olivia Walton would have been doing his bidding. It's a wonder that GBC and OW didn't have a Face Time chat to sort out the finer details!


There is a five day cooling off period with property sales although I'm not sure if it applies to auctions. I'll check with Fair Trading Office.
Me either,this is just not right....The dude's in prison..How come he's able too access,and have the right too do this ....It's a joke ,unfortunatley at the Dickies and Girls expence....They shouldn't be having too worry about this happening....I thought ,and maybe I'm wrong, they should feel safe !

He would still have phone calls to family and special calls to legals.
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