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It concerns me that in the Order made at Court yesterday, limited funds have not been made available to Mr Dickie to draw upon for the benefit of the children. How does GBC think his children will be maintained? Has he abrogated his responsibility to provide for the girls from the assets available administered through his POA? Or are the available assets targeted to pay for for his Defence Attorney? Maybe the Dickie's need to make another application to the Court for funds to be made available for the maintenance of the children.
My opinion only.

I think in all of this, that is the real question. Everything else that has been asked is all caught up in that evil web woven by the BC clan, which hopefully is being unravelled strand by strand to weave the rope for the noose that will be the strands of circumstantial evidence enough to hang him in the court of justice.

But it is totally clear to me that none of the BCs include that @rsehole have given any thought to how the children will be provided for, or even if they would benefit from having familiar things around them. Apparently all taken by the BCs.

I am sure that the prosecution will take some of what has transpired as further evidence of Motive.

What an evil, sick, sad scenario. How must Allison have suffered all those years, living and dealing with those kinds of people. What a contrast it must have been to her thoroughly principled, beautiful and gracious parents.

This article also appears in The Brisbane Times this morning with a video clip from Channel 10 news.
Commenting on this article, reported in MSM (link above) a search of a business data base presented to the Supreme Court Brisbane showed that, last month from behind bars at Arthur Gorrie, Baden-Clay had been changing Company names and had removed Allison as a Company office holder. Reportedly, Justice Glen Marten agreed on the importance of the assets of the estate being protected. It seems that GBC's 'actions speak louder than words'. My opinion only.
This article also appears in The Brisbane Times this morning with a video clip from Channel 10 news.
It was reported in MSM (link above) that a search of a business data base presented to the Supreme Court Brisbane showed that, last month from behind bars at Arthur Gorrie, Baden-Clay had been changing Company names and had removed Allison as a Company office holder. Reportedly, Justice Glen Marten agreed on the importance of the assets of the estate being protected. It seems that GBC's 'actions speak louder than words'. My opinion only.

I hope this shows very clearly why the forensic accountants needed all that time that was given to them, and what an horrendous job they have trying to unravel this everchanging financial mess.

What is clear is that GBC, even from behind bars, is starting to display ever increasing characteristics of a true psychopath.

The Baden-Clays are such low life. The one thing is though, they seem to be pretty crap at whatever they turn their hands to. They get caught. Now if only he had botched up actually murdering Allison like he does everything else. Though god knows, with the allegations of violence in the home, how many times it took him to get it done. I only take comfort in that the facade has been ripped off them and they are seen for what they are. I hope their lives are ruined.

Hopefully the forensic analysis of the finances will assist the Dickies in unravelling Allison's estate.
This article also appears in The Brisbane Times this morning with a video clip from Channel 10 news.
Commenting on this article, reported in MSM (link above) a search of a business data base presented to the Supreme Court Brisbane showed that, last month from behind bars at Arthur Gorrie, Baden-Clay had been changing Company names and had removed Allison as a Company office holder. Reportedly, Justice Glen Marten agreed on the importance of the assets of the estate being protected. It seems that GBC's 'actions speak louder than words'. My opinion only.

Hi guys I have been on Websleuths for a couple of years, and havent been commenting on this case, though I have been watching it unfold on the tele.....

However after seeing/reading this on the news today I just had to say something....

Ack this would be one of the most downright sleaziest guys I have read about.

I cant beleive he has done this from he not thinking about his childrens futures....
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the "buyer" is one of GBC's mates or even another BC company. "Oops! Sorry Mr Dickie! We only JUST sold that property, what a shame..."

I hope this shows very clearly why the forensic accountants needed all that time that was given to them, and what an horrendous job they have trying to unravel this everchanging financial mess.

What is clear is that GBC, even from behind bars, is starting to display ever increasing characteristics of a true psychopath.


How true is this? "We have a long road ahead of us."

"We are extremely grateful for the support of the community, the people of Brookfield, the SES and the police who have gone beyond the call of duty," they said.

"We love Allison and will always miss her dearly.

"We have a long road ahead of us coming to terms with this horrific crime."
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the "buyer" is one of GBC's mates or even another BC company. "Oops! Sorry Mr Dickie! We only JUST sold that property, what a shame..."

Didn't someone look up the property on onthehouse and it was valued at approx $650 000? But they sold it for 400 000. Sounds like they just wanted to get it pushed through asap to get the money. I agree, possibly sold it to a mate so it could be done even quicker, and waiving that right to cooling off etc.

Makes you realise all in that family are willing to do amoral things for money. Only a couple of steps further to murder for money.

Surely this won't look good, both in the murder trial and in the court of public opinion!
Now, while I can see the source of the desperation by the BC clan for the need to raise money to pay for the defence, I would have thought that the house involved would have had Allison and her brother's names on the title deeds. Or if not, and it was all in the name of WOTS, then how can it be said that the house was bought for Allison and her brother?

Exactly Doc, we are on the same page here.

The Gold Coast unit jointly owned by the siblings and their partners was held in the name of World of Top Step Pty Ltd, the company owned by the Baden-Clays.

Joined owned but not even in their name, rather a business name owned by the BC's. If what we are reading is correct then the Dickies (including Ashley) will have no rights to the house. Only Allison and GBC will. How can they prove its their investment property if its not even in their own names.

For GBC to be able to sell the property then there are clearly no deeds with any of the Dickies on them. The company belongs to GBC and Allison's estate. Whilst what he has done is skeazy and lacking any morals its appearing to be legal.
My 1st post is today I have been reading from the early stages of this case have learnt so much from the people who know more than I do to make any comments.

After reading what GBC & his family have done in the selling of a house which is next door to Allison's parents I am filled with disgust for them I am speechless to say anymore!
For GBC to be able to sell the property then there are clearly no deeds with any of the Dickies on them. The company belongs to GBC and Allison's estate. Whilst what he has done is skeazy and lacking any morals its appearing to be legal.

I think that there needs to be some changes to the law. This case highlights just how low some people will stoop.

I think when someone is under investigation for murder any business and financial dealings should be frozen from the time of victims death, until the alleged culprit is proven innocent. Whilst this may be harsh for innocent people connected to that business and person, it will in the long run prove to be fairer for all concerned. As for the guilty person, if they suffer from this decision, well who cares!!!
My 1st post is today I have been reading from the early stages of this case have learnt so much from the people who know more than I do to make any comments.

After reading what GBC & his family have done in the selling of a house which is next door to Allison's parents I am filled with disgust for them I am speechless to say anymore!

Oh Venus, agreed! I am speechless too :sick:
This cynical ploy to delist Allison as a director, and then to sell a property presumably via OW as his Power of Attorney, will damage any residual sympathy vote there may have been in the community at large.

Presumably it is legal (Alioop - any thoughts?) but hardly ethical.

And my question from an earlier post remains - how does GBC being on remand affect his obligations as a guarantor for that $300,000 odd? Does the person he (and presumably Allison) guaranteed have a problem now with their mortgage being guaranteed by a prisoner on remand? Would the bank involved be pushing the borrower to get a new guarantor? Would Allison's estate be liable for that if the borrower defaults?
Then when you read Courier Mail report it states...

"On September 4, at approximately 10.10am, I spoke with Mr Zampech by telephone. He confirmed to me that an offer on the property was accepted."

Which was the day prior to Geoff Dickie being given the interim order. Here's hoping this order was able to block the sale from going through.

It all seems a little too convenient. It WAS due to go to auction in 2 weeks. but an offer was made on the property AND the offer was accepted the day prior to Geoff Dickie going to court... I'm leaning towards what others are saying about the buyer being known the BC's.

All MOO.
It all seems a little too convenient. It WAS due to go to auction in 2 weeks. but an offer was made on the property AND the offer was accepted the day prior to Geoff Dickie going to court... I'm leaning towards what others are saying about the buyer being known the BC's.

All MOO.

Oh well looks like the bc clan isnt as smart as they think they are. The Dickies are on to them.

Intelligence and class beats stupidity and sleaze !!!!!!!!:woohoo::rocker:
Hang on.... Back up a bit. How can GBC be entitled to 100% profit from the sale of the property ?
My understanding is that the house was divided amongst 4 people - Allison, her brother and their respective partners.
Wouldn't that mean that GBC at most was entitled to 50% (including Allisons share) ?
At this point-with Allisons father protecting her assets, I cannot see how GBC can claim more than 25% from the sale of the property.

All MOO.
Oh well looks like the bc clan isnt as smart as they think they are. The Dickies are on to them.

Intelligence and class beats stupidity and sleaze !!!!!!!!:woohoo::rocker:

They're just so darn conniving.
The Dickies are (apparently) in Brookfield looking after their grand daughters, so whilst they've been away from their home, the BC's have been trying to sell the property right next door to the Dickies that was part of Allisons estate. MY GOD - really !!! How underhanded and sneaky !
I'm just sooooo glad that The Dickies found out before it was too late.
Right now I'm murderously angry at the BC clan -<modsnip> ! Grrrrrrrr

All MOO.
I actually think that we will see a file for bankruptcy in the not too distant future from GBC as there is no bottomless pit of funds as this latest stunt attests to.
Hang on.... Back up a bit. How can GBC be entitled to 100% profit from the sale of the property ?
My understanding is that the house was divided amongst 4 people - Allison, her brother and their respective partners.
Wouldn't that mean that GBC at most was entitled to 50% (including Allisons share) ?
At this point-with Allisons father protecting her assets, I cannot see how GBC can claim more than 25% from the sale of the property.

All MOO.

I don't think anyone was saying that he was going to get 100%.
The information is all a bit confusing and I have read so many news items and other forums that I am even more confusedThe way some are worded leads me to think the owners of the property might be Allison, GBC, OW and Allison's brother who I thought was not married.
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