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I was told this week that the "rookie" cops that were first on scene at GBC's saw all the scratches on his face and called for more senior police straight away. The senior guy said that they had to stop NBC as he was going down the outside stairs with a vacuum, he had a lot of questions about that. Very credible. IMO.

There was a lot of discussion back in earlier threads...the "unspecified observations", as it was reported, were most likely the scratches. Police could also have noticed signs of a struggle. As Makara has mentioned, once the case gets to the hearing, we'll learn more from police of what happened that night.

It's starting to seem such a long time back now...almost eight months!!

April 29, 2012

Asked why police responded in such force to a missing person's report on the Friday morning, Supt Ainsworth yesterday said officers who first attended made unspecified observations they reported to detectives
"Rookie" wasn't meant to offend, it was just a quicker way to explain that the first constables called in more senior police, I know that police are police.

The expression suggests the same as a probationary constable - in NSW for first year out of the Academy. First three years are general duties.
There was a lot of discussion back in earlier threads...the "unspecified observations", as it was reported, were most likely the scratches. Police could also have noticed signs of a struggle. As Makara has mentioned, once the case gets to the hearing, we'll learn more from police of what happened that night.

It's starting to seem such a long time back now...almost eight months!!

April 29, 2012

Asked why police responded in such force to a missing person's report on the Friday morning, Supt Ainsworth yesterday said officers who first attended made unspecified observations they reported to detectives

'Unspecified observations' - priceless :)
"Rookie" wasn't meant to offend, it was just a quicker way to explain that the first constables called in more senior police, I know that police are police.

My apologies AAAA. I typed that long waffle thinking that you were in the U.S. where the term rookie cop seems to be more prevalent. It doesn't really matter in the scheme of things and I shouldn't have been so pedantic. :blushing:
My apologies AAAA. I typed that long waffle thinking that you were in the U.S. where the term rookie cop seems to be more prevalent. It doesn't really matter in the scheme of things and I shouldn't have been so pedantic. :blushing:

No probs.
I was told this week that the "rookie" cops that were first on scene at GBC's saw all the scratches on his face and called for more senior police straight away. The senior guy said that they had to stop NBC as he was going down the outside stairs with a vacuum, he had a lot of questions about that. Very credible. IMO.

Thanks for this AAAA. If this is true, I am even more astounded as to why NBC has not been arrested also. There has to be a strategy on the prosecution's part - surely they have enough on him (hello face time call?) to at least force him to come in for questioning. I'm sure we will hear more about this. MOO.
Thanks for this AAAA. If this is true, I am even more astounded as to why NBC has not been arrested also. There has to be a strategy on the prosecution's part - surely they have enough on him (hello face time call?) to at least force him to come in for questioning. I'm sure we will hear more about this. MOO.

Thanks thinking, that's so very interesting as a vacuum bag was intact taken from one of the residences wasn't it? I'll have to go back through MSM reports now to check!!
Thanks thinking, that's so very interesting as a vacuum bag was intact taken from one of the residences wasn't it? I'll have to go back through MSM reports now to check!!

Mention of the vacuum bag came from member "itsthevibe" (verified insider)....I'm fairly sure her post was back in thread #17 which has, well, how shall I put it,...gone

itsthevibe said:
"Also from the same source was that when police were doing their searches, they wanted to seize the contents of a vacuum cleaner dust bag, and NBC refused to give it to them if they didn't have a search warrant. (I'm assuming this was at the NBC house but I dont know for sure)"
Thanks for this AAAA. If this is true, I am even more astounded as to why NBC has not been arrested also. There has to be a strategy on the prosecution's part - surely they have enough on him (hello face time call?) to at least force him to come in for questioning. I'm sure we will hear more about this. MOO.

I think I remember someone on here saying that none of the BC clan have to talk to the police if they don’t want to …. even if/especially if they are arrested.
Frustrating for us … even more frustrating for the police. Sometimes I think investigating officers have to work with one hand tied behind their backs!
Thanks for this AAAA. If this is true, I am even more astounded as to why NBC has not been arrested also. There has to be a strategy on the prosecution's part - surely they have enough on him (hello face time call?) to at least force him to come in for questioning. I'm sure we will hear more about this. MOO.

Thanks thinking, that's so very interesting as a vacuum bag was intact taken from one of the residences wasn't it? I'll have to go back through MSM reports now to check!!

Mention of the vacuum bag came from member "itsthevibe" (verified insider)....I'm fairly sure her post was back in thread #17 which has, well, how shall I put it,...gone

You wouldn't see a story like this on 13th Street :worms::twocents:
I think I remember someone on here saying that none of the BC clan have to talk to the police if they don’t want to …. even if/especially if they are arrested.
Frustrating for us … even more frustrating for the police. Sometimes I think investigating officers have to work with one hand tied behind their backs!

This link talks about the right to remain silent in Qld

Nobody has to assist police or answer questions, but many states are changing legislation in this manner -

ACCUSED criminals in NSW will have the most limited right to silence in Australia following proposed changes by the O'Farrell Coalition government.
NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell said yesterday alleged offenders would retain the right to refuse to speak to police, but that refusal could be taken into account by judges and juries in assessing any evidence the defendant subsequently presented to court.

The changes, based on British law, come after a spike in gang-related drive-by shootings in Sydney in which police say they have been confronted by a "cone of silence" on the part of victims and alleged perpetrators.

Mr O'Farrell also unveiled a revised caution to be given to alleged offenders by police, based on a British model the Premier said would be familiar to viewers of long-running police drama The Bill. It will read: "You are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to do so. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say and do may be given in evidence. Do you understand?"
Imre Salusinszky, NSW political reporter From: The Australian August 15, 2012

New South Wales Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione says changes to the right to silence will make it harder for alleged criminals to spring surprise defences on prosecutors in court.

The Government has foreshadowed changes to the Evidence Act allowing jurors to draw negative inferences if a defendant refuses to answer police questions then provides a new alibi or evidence in court.

Attorney-General Greg Smith says for too long criminals have exploited their right to silence. "Too many accused people were beating the serious cases, where victims suffered enormously, by coming up with late alibis," he said.
Speculating - sounds like those Constables (aka rookies) recognised the scratches on GBC's face as being indicative that a 'murder' may have taken place and called senior Police. Well done Constables. Good call.
NBC going down the outside stairs with a vacumn cleaner :furious:
IMO indicates his potential involvement in more areas than just at the roundabout that night. It was also alleged that he refused to hand over the content of the vacumn when asked by Police [posted in an earlier Thread]. If there was nothing to hide, he would have no trouble handing over the contents of that vacumn cleaner at that time.
Sadly, the girls as witnesses - if the girls were home at that time, then they would know if NBC vacumned mummy's bedroom and/or the car that morning.
All in my opinion only.

Attempting to Pervert Justice is a Criminal Offence:

Sections 140 of the Criminal Code Queensland states:
A person who attempt to obstruct, prevent, pervert or defeat the course of justice is guilty of a crime.

According to QLD Law for the charge of Attempting To Pervert Justice, The Maximum penalty for the offence of Attempting to Pervert Justice is 7 years imprisonment.

If NBC allegedly refused to hand the vacuum cleaner bag over shouldn't he have been charged? I mean seriously, if a Policeman asked me to hand over my vacuum cleaner bag, I would give it to them. Think of it this way, what would the Police think if I said "No you can't have my vacuum cleaner bag"
That would be incriminating in itself don't you think, just the fact that I wouldn't hand a vacuum cleaner bag over. I should be taken in for questioning and charged I would think. That vacuum cleaner bag is potential evidence.

Yes, and there are many more incidences for want of a better word that NBC is potentially involved this case.
So he was in Beechworth Prison. Nice cushy gig he had there then. :furious:

Oh yes Makara, nothing but the best for Mr. Ramage.
He drives around in a Porche convertible, General Manager of Dimmeys it is alleged as well.
He used a ruse to lure his wife (who had left him about 5 weeks earlier) back to the matrimonial home. He was having it renovated to try and lure her back along with telling her he was reformed. He paid the builder and told him to have the rest of the day off. Julie then went to meet him at their home and he strangled her. He couldn't handle the fact she had found another man and left him, after years of physical and verbal abuse. He was losing his control over her and he couldn't handle it.

Apparently Dimmeys are denying he works there and when the Herald Sun called to speak to him, he hung up on them I read in msm.
I wonder how he got the General Manager position at Dimmeys, did he use his alias James Stewart on his Resume? Wouldn't his potential Employers want proof of who he was before giving him his job?
What about bank accounts etc. Did he falsify those as well, what about his Driver's Licence?

Remorseless wife killer James Ramage finally owns up to his bloodstained name

In an email sent to all Dimmey's staff yesterday, Ramage, whose status is given as "general manager", wrote simply: "Please note my change of email address."

The name that appears on the email is James Ramage; previously, it had been James Stuart, the alias the Sunday Herald Sun reported the 53-year-old had been using for about a year, possibly in breach of parole conditions.

Ramage faces the Adult Parole Board this week to explain his actions. If found to have breached parole, he can be returned to jail to serve his remaining parole period of about 18 months.
Paul Steven Haigh
[ame=""]Paul Steven Haigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Victoria's worst serial killer has been described in court as helpful, approachable and extremely sociable but the partner of one of his victim's believes he's a monster who will kill again

The 54-year-old has argued that he should be given a minimum term on his life-with-no-parole sentence for the murder of six people, including a 10-year-old boy.
Haigh has told the court he is a changed man who should not be denied his freedom.
On 19 April 2011, at a hearing before Victorian Court of Appeal justices Peter Buchanan, Geoffrey Nettle and Emilios Kyrou, Haigh won the right to have his sentence reviewed to determine whether he should be entitled to parole.

Excuse me but words fail me right now.
Paul Steven Haigh
Paul Steven Haigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...On 19 April 2011, at a hearing before Victorian Court of Appeal justices Peter Buchanan, Geoffrey Nettle and Emilios Kyrou, Haigh won the right to have his sentence reviewed to determine whether he should be entitled to parole.
The 54-year-old has argued that he should be given a minimum term on his life-with-no-parole sentence for the murder of six people, including a 10-year-old boy. Haigh told the court he is a changed man who should not be denied his freedom... Excuse me but words fail me right now.

Of course these killers are going to be sociable in a contained, structured environment. In the game plan of psychopaths/sociopaths convincing others is part of their drive. They have little or no empathy/guilt/remorse. That drive to get out and do it again is 'active' and gnawing away within him. Wake up Victorian Court of Appeal. Never to be released. He has killed 6 people. He has forfeited the right to live among us in civil society. My honest opinion.
Of course these killers are going to be sociable in a contained, structured environment. In the game plan of psychopaths/sociopaths convincing others is part of their drive. They have little or no empathy/guilt/remorse. That drive to get out and do it again is 'active' and gnawing away within him. Wake up Victorian Court of Appeal. Never to be released. He has killed 6 people. He has forfeited the right to live among us in civil society. My honest opinion.

One from NSW - another 'success' for the criminal justice system :furious:

A MAN who shot dead his estranged wife outside a family court in Sydney 16 years ago is back in jail over the alleged rape and indecent assault of a 13-year-old girl. Husein Majdalawi, 54, was arrested by child abuse squad detectives at a home in Ryde on Tuesday night.

In 1998, the former millionaire businessman was sentenced to at least 14 years in jail after being found guilty of murdering his wife on the steps of Parramatta Family Law Court two years earlier. During his trial, a witness said Majdalawi was smiling as he chased down his estranged wife before firing the fatal bullet into her head at close range.

The sentencing judge at the time described it as an execution murder that followed two years of breaches of apprehended violence orders and threats of suicide.

The current matter will return to Newcastle Local Court for a bail application on December 12.
Oh yes Makara, nothing but the best for Mr. Ramage.
He drives around in a Porche convertible, General Manager of Dimmeys it is alleged as well.
He used a ruse to lure his wife (who had left him about 5 weeks earlier) back to the matrimonial home. He was having it renovated to try and lure her back along with telling her he was reformed. He paid the builder and told him to have the rest of the day off. Julie then went to meet him at their home and he strangled her. He couldn't handle the fact she had found another man and left him, after years of physical and verbal abuse. He was losing his control over her and he couldn't handle it.

Apparently Dimmeys are denying he works there and when the Herald Sun called to speak to him, he hung up on them I read in msm.
I wonder how he got the General Manager position at Dimmeys, did he use his alias James Stewart on his Resume? Wouldn't his potential Employers want proof of who he was before giving him his job?
What about bank accounts etc. Did he falsify those as well, what about his Driver's Licence?

Remorseless wife killer James Ramage finally owns up to his bloodstained name

In an email sent to all Dimmey's staff yesterday, Ramage, whose status is given as "general manager", wrote simply: "Please note my change of email address."

The name that appears on the email is James Ramage; previously, it had been James Stuart, the alias the Sunday Herald Sun reported the 53-year-old had been using for about a year, possibly in breach of parole conditions.

Ramage faces the Adult Parole Board this week to explain his actions. If found to have breached parole, he can be returned to jail to serve his remaining parole period of about 18 months.

Umm, excuse me for asking a dumb question - but what on earth has his parole officer been doing for the past year??? Give me strength:notgood:

Excellent article by John Silvester

James Stuart Ramage should be shunned like a rabid dog. Julie's family and friends should not have to live with the risk of seeing him again. If there is one shred of decency in his rancid soul he should move interstate and live the rest of his life in anonymity. He deserves a chance to rebuild his life - but not with us.

Read more:
A lot of the early posters who are unfortunatley no longer with us here were pretty accurate about these things.
Kids saying something strange,vehicle seen in the driveway,the vacuum.

Personally I think the family are definately involved but I can't understand why they haven't been arrested or questioned.
A lot of the early posters who are unfortunatley no longer with us here were pretty accurate about these things.
Kids saying something strange,vehicle seen in the driveway,the vacuum.

Personally I think the family are definately involved but I can't understand why they haven't been arrested or questioned.

As I understand (Alioop - feel free to jump in and correct me)...

  • There is no legal obligation to answer any police questions (apart from to establish ones identity)

  • Arrests would only be made if there was sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.

  • They could be ordered to give evidence at the trial stage. They would have to appear but could refuse to answer on the grounds of self incrimination or lie under oath (which is a offence in itself)

In regards to your personal opinion of family involvement before and/or after the crime - I personally agree too!

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