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DNA Solves
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I can't help but keep thinking that if GBC had just told police that fateful morning that he and his wife had had a huge row and that she had attacked him and scratched his face and then stormed off threatening to harm herself that the police officers may not have been quite as suspicious and things could have turned out very differently. With a history of depression that was well known..... Why would he not have thought to use that to his advantage? When you put yourself in his position it's hard to imagine how you would think that those scratches would not ring alarm bells when your wife has gone missing. Try as I might I can't understand what his thinking was and how the blunt razor story to him seemed more believable.
Timmy I neglected to add in my last post another matter which may explain "I can't understand what his thinking was and how the blunt razor story to him seemed more believable"
The other factor here may be one very sleep deprived person's ramblings. Ask any shift worker the state of their thinking at anywhere after say 7.00am or whatever time the natural adrenaline starts to fade. IMO This is a most important factor. When I read the police recorded interview, this was the first thing that uh, ah, uh, uh, stood out. Stood out like a sore thumb. Some really stupid dumb *advertiser censored* things were said. Or waffled. (I think any shift worker or ex shift worker would recognize this as a SLEEP DEPRIVED interview.)
I did not do all of the calls to Message bank or the Internet except for the 18th and
A big Thanks again to Mountain Mist and Makara for sharing the phone numbers.

Gerard had 4 phones registered and examined
1 x Apple 3GS iPhone – Telstra
1 x Apple 2G IPhone no sim card
1 x Apple 4S Telstra Sim
1 x Nokia - Vodaphone

22nd March 2012- Thursday
1410 Phone called 0418758468-Workshare Fire & Electrical,Enoggera from Indro S 18sec
1529 Phone called 0488242158 -Breeze photos, Pullenvale from Taringa Central 6sec
1536 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, 041149013,0400888300,(Kate R-0430413877),(Nigel-0400466100)0430844963 All from Taringa Central
1601 Phone called 0734552129 from Indooroopilly South 3min17(once)
1715 Phone called 0417889920-Kimmax St, Sunnybank from Indooroopilly South 6min37
1804 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, 041149013,0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), (Nigel-0400466100)0430844963 All from Taringa Central
1936 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield

23rd March-Friday
1437 Phone called 0421097903 from Taringa Central 1min21
1440 Phone called 0433325041-K Davis of Anstead from Taringa Central 52sec
1441 Phone called 0413894387 from Indooroopilly 34sec
1443 Phone called 0430240109(A lady Initials AM) from Indooroopilly 40sec
1445 Phone called 0417707678 from Indooroopilly 5min50 (Lady agent from LJ Hooker, Kenmore )
1453 Phone called 0414945942 from Kenmore 1min02
1456 Phone called 0733695466 from Mt Cootha 1min29(Stuartholme)

24th March - Saturday
0831 Text to 0431133639 from Kenmore
0840 Phone called 040046610 from Auchenflower 1min58
0852 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Bowen Hills 2min02
1030 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Kenmore
1048 Text to 0421097903 from Kenmore
1048 Text to 0421097903 from Kenmore
1048 Text to 0430151747 from Kenmore
1048 Text to 0430151747 from Kenmore

1103 Phone called 0421097903 from Kenmore 47sec
1136 Phone called 0413894387 Riverview West 1min42
1207 Phone called 0433325041- K Davis,Anstead from Riverview West 1min08
1219 Phone called 0433325041-K Davis,Anstead from Karalee 17sec
1219 Phone called 0433325041-K Davis, Anstead Mt Ommaney 2min6sec
1242 Text to 0400888300 from Pullenvale
1248 Text to 0400888300 from Pullenvale
1259 Text to 0400888300 from Pullenvale

1319 Phone called 0409892211-R Cheeseman from Kenmore 25min09
1403 Phone called 0413894387 from Mt Crosby 51sec
1515 Phone called 0412554274-Jody M from Taringa 4min47
1714 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from 1min04 from Lang Park

25th March –Sunday. No phone calls or texts made.

26th March - Monday
0708 Text to 0412871912 from Kenmore
0823 Text to 0412871912 from Mt Cootha

0909 Texts sent to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877),( (Nigel-0400466100)0430844963 from Taringa Central
1001 Texts sent to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877),( (Nigel-0400466100)0430844963 from Taringa Central
1157 Texts sent to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), (Nigel-0400466100)0430844963 from Taringa Central

1548 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Indooroopilly 59sec
1549 Phone called 0405102266 from Kenmore 1min1(C21 Underwood)
1551 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Kenmore 4min49sec
1557 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Kenmore 47sec

27 March - Tuesday
0819 Text to 0437569290 from Indooroopilly
0937 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Taringa Central 6sec
1012 Texts sent to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877) , 0400466100, 0430844963 from Taringa Central
1249 Phone called 0732793150 from Albert Park 1min31(Carpet Call)
1330 Phone called 0423263700 from Red Hill 37sec
1405 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Lang Park
1406 Phone called 0423263700 from Milton 3min17
1444 Phone called 0409570321 from Jindalee 1min25
1458 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Jindalee 05sec
1519 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Taringa Central 39sec
1623 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Taringa Central
1624 Texts to 0439707222, (Allison0401149013) 0400888300, 0430413877, (Nigel-0400466100) 0430844963 from Taringa Central

1636 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Taringa Central 2min12
1644 Phone called 0421097309 from Kenmore 59sec
1720 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Pullenvale 31sec
1721 Text to 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Pullenvale
1744 Phone called 0733743012-Brookfield home from Pullenvale 37sec
1805 Phone called 0733743012-Brookfield home from Kenmore 1min11

28th March – Wednesday
1023 Text to 0412555021 from Taringa Central
1027 Text to 0411228395 from Taringa Central
1027 Text to 0411228395 from Taringa Central

1137 Phone called 0438625251-Baden-Clay mobile from Kenmore7min04
1155 Phone called 0409892211- Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 1min48
1218 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Pinjarra Hills 1min12
1225 Phone called 0737200406 from Chapel Hill 8min22
1355 Phone called 0738590209 from Fig Tree Pocket 46sec
1417 Phone called 0438625251-Baden-Clay mobile from Fig Tree Pocket 24sec
1420 Phone called 0755091102-KRG conveyancing, GC from Fig Tree Pocket 3min11
1425 Phone called 0410123546 from Indooroopilly 3min4
1429 Phone called 0409892211- Rob Cheeseman from Taringa Central 7sec
1429 Phone called 0421610080 from Taringa Central 16sec
1450 Phone called 0411239090 from Exhibition 7min45
1522 Phone called 1300139613- Qld Pamphlet Distributors from Albert Park 1min30
1527 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Auchenflower 4sec
1528 Phone called 0410123546 from Auchenflower 1min55
1530 Phone called 0406301550 from Toowong 18sec
1555 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Chapel Hill 05sec
1557 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Kenmore 32sec
1620 Phone called 0406301550 from Pinjarra Hills 05sec
1724 Phone called 0406301550 from Pullenvale 01sec
1725 Phone called 0410123546 from Pullenvale 17sec
1739 Phone called 0412554274 –Jody M from Kenmore 40sec(Jodi M)
1740 Phone called 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield 16sec(Jodi M)
1833 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Mt Cootha 38sec

29th March-Thursday
0720 Text to 0411228395 from Kenmore
0847 Phone called 07 3859 0200-Century 21 Office fax from Chapel Hill 2min26
0905 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Auchenflower
0926 Text to 0400888300 from Spring Hill

1124 Phone called 0733695455 from Spring Hill 6min59
1144 Text to 0417623723 from Spring Hill
1223 Text to 0400466100-Nigel from Taringa Central

1359 Phone called 0417623723 Spring Hill 56sec
1515 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Spring Hill 2min05
1619 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Spring Hill 3min01
1622 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Lang Park 32sec
1622 Text to 0410123546 from Taringa Central
1624 Text to 0410123546 from Taringa Central

1633 Phone called 0434104669-P.Dunstan(Chamber of Commerce)from Toowong 1min58
1624 Text to 0410123546 from Taringa Central
1634 Text to 0410123546 from Taringa Central
1635 Phone called 0732793150 from Toowong 11sec
1636 Phone called 0423263700 Toowong West 26sec
1640 Phone called 0421055955- C21 Sydney from Chapel Hill 4min33(? Charles T?)

30th March-Friday
1127 Phone called 0409570321 from Taringa Central 26sec
1200 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Jindalee 55sec
1223 Text 0400466100-Nigel from Taringa Central
1340 Phone called 0411239090 from Taringa Central 9min29
1351 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Herston 8sec
1408 Phone called 0411578677- M. Bowden, Jesmond, NSW from Valley Central 03sec
1422 Text to 0410123456 from Taringa Central
1424 Text to 0410123456 from Taringa Central
1434 Text to 0410123456 from Kenmore

1531 Phone called 0412554274-Jody M from Fig Tree Pocket 26sec
1532 Phone called 0411239090 from Jindalee 46sec
1547 Phone called 0421097903 from Chapel Hill 25sec
1625 Phone called 0738590212 from Taringa Central 1min28

31st March-Saturday
0832 Phone called 0405710750- Dr A Burmester (UQ school of psychology) from Auchenflower 29sec
0833 Phone called 0402884572 from Milton 27sec
0835 Phone called 0435763692 from Lang Park 10sec
0836 Phone called 0448025160 from Spring Hill 26sec
0837 Phone called 0415065402 from Herston 08sec
0927 Phone called 0419676567- Jim Laird, Chelmer (landscaper) from Spring Hill 10sec
1001 Phone called 0417623723 from Taringa Central 19sec
1005 Phone called 0412554274-Jody M from Indooroopilly 3min20
1014 Phone called 0412554274-Jody M from Fig Tree Pocket 1min12
1021 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Kenmore 6min22
1035 Phone called 0419676567- Jim Laird, Chelmer (landscaper) from Pullenvale 29sec
1045 Phone called 041967657 from Pullenvale 10sec
1054 Phone called 041967657 from Pullenvale 01sec
1112 Phone called 041967657 from Kenmore 23sec
1116 Phone called 337783181 from Kenmore 1min23
1158 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Kenmore 04sec
1208 Phone called 0421097903 from Fig Tree Pocket 2min40
1344 Phone called 0409892211- Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 21sec
1345 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Pullenvale 23sec
1348 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Pullenvale 1min10
1452 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Oxley 04sec
1453 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Oxley 1min28
1453 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Oxley 55sec
1535 Phone called 0409892211- Rob Cheeseman from Oxley 55sec
1541 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Oxley 36sec
1617 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Indooroopilly 1min22
1707 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Indooroopilly 38sec
1723 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield
1723 Text to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison0401149013), 0400888300(Kate R-0430413877), (Nigel-0400466100) from Brookfield

1746 Phone called 0733782043 from Kenmore 17sec
1747 Phone called 0733782043 from Mt Cootha 51sec
1808 Text to 0430844963 from Taringa Central
1808 Text to 0430844963 from Taringa Central
1809 Text to 0439707222 from Taringa Central
1809 Text to 0439707222 from Taringa Central
1811 Text to 0439707222 from Taringa Central

1815 Phone called 0733782043 from Taringa Central 49sec

1st April – Sunday
No phone calls or texts made.

2nd April – Monday
0855 Text to 0400888300 from Taringa Central
1058 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Taringa Central 16sec
1059 Phone called 0438312334 from Taringa Central 31sec
1247 Phone called 0732790071 from Toowong 1min41
1557 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Kenmore
1557 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877, (Nigel-0400466100) from Kenmore
1557 Text to 0430844963 from Kenmore

1646 Phone called 0410314652 from Kenmore 23sec
1650 Phone called 0410314652 from Kenmore 40sec
1650 Phone called 0410314652 from Brookfield 05sec
1710 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Kenmore 1min36

3rd April – Tuesday
0809 Phone called 131155-Suncorp from Brookfield 8min41
1044 Phone called 0738590202 from Taringa Central 26sec
1107 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Valley West 31sec
1128 Phone called 0738590200 from Fortitude Valley 31sec
1129 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Fortitude Valley 55sec
1135 Phone called 0738702990-R Cheeseman from Lang Park 33sec
1140 Phone called 0738702990-R Cheeseman from Toowong 35sec
1150 Phone called 0437569290 from Indooroopilly 6min39
1546 Phone called 0437569290 from Taringa 3min05
1627 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Taringa 11min20
1657 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Taringa 05sec
1657 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Taringa 18sec
1754 Phone called 0409896541 from Indooroopilly 45sec
1816 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Chapel Hill 50sec

4th April – Wednesday
0843 Phone called The Dickies from Mt Cootha 2min42
1102 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Valley Central 19sec
1119 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Valley West 1min48
1121 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Valley Central 1min18
1557 Text to 0427247275 from South Brisbane
1734 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from South Brisbane 41sec
1735 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from South Brisbane 59sec
1816 Phone called The Dickies from South Brisbane 4min38
1822 Phone called 0409020039 from Milton East 11min12
1833 Phone called 0478841943 from Indooroopilly 1min08
1835 Phone called 0409020039 from Chapel Hill 4min10
2023 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield 3min55

5th April – Thursday
0754 Phone called 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield 1min47
0816 Phone called 0410123546 from Kenmore 1min16
0902 Text to 0427247275 from Fortitude Valley
0940 Phone called 0410314652 from Valley Central 2min23
0958 Text to 0427247275 from Valley Central
1023 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Valley West 43sec
1027 Phone called 0410123546 from Spring Hill 18sec
1032 Phone called 0738590209 from Herston 2min09
1133 Phone called 0409570321 from Pullenvale 2min27
1137 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 07sec
1137 Phone called 0421610080 from Pullenvale 4min58
1143 Phone called 0410123564 from Pullenvale 12sec
1144 Phone called 0419676567- Jim Laird, Chelmer (landscaper) from Pullenvale 1min29
1205 Phone called 0738590212 from Pullenvale 2min50
1210 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Kenmore 20sec
1309 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 22sec
1326 Phone called 0417623723 from Indooroopilly 58sec
1349 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Brisbane CBD 1min02
1444 Phone called The Dickies from Coomera 1min
1701 Phone called 0430413877-Kate R from Elanora 5sec
1701 Phone called 0430413877-Kate R from Elanora 03sec
1741 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Palm Beach 38sec
1742 Phone called The Dickies from Palm Beach 1min47

6th April-Friday Good Friday
0852 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Elanora 03sec
0916 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0439707222 from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0439707222 from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0401149013-Allison from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0401149013-Allison from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0400888300 from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0400888300 from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0430413877- Kate R from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0430413877- Kate R from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0400466100-Nigel from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0400466100-Nigel from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0430844963 from Palm Beach
0916 Text to 0430844963 from Palm Beach

1428 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Palm Beach 14sec
1432 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Palm Beach 15sec

7th April-Saturday
1141 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Palm Beach 58sec
1143 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Palm Beach 06sec
1143 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Palm Beach 05sec
1202 Text to 0478841943 from Palm Beach x 3 texts
1203 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Palm Beach 57sec
1335 Text to 0409020039 from Palm Beach

8th April- No calls made. – Sunday Easter Sunday
1000 Text to 0478841943 from Palm Beach
1001 Text to 0478841943 from Palm Beach

9th April-Monday
1453 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Kenmore 3min36

10th April-Tuesday
0635 Text to 0412554271 from Brookfield x 2
0636 Text to 0400888300 from Brookfield x2
1335 Text to 0409570321 from Taringa Central x2
1403 Text to 0409570321 from Taringa Central
1411 Text to 0409570321 from Taringa Central
1446 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013) 0400888300, 0430413877, (Nigel-0400466100)from Taringa Central
1446 Text to 0430844963 from Taringa Central
1531 Text to 0478841943 from Pullenvale

1532 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 17min47

11th April –Wednesday
0849 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Taringa Central 2min17
1250 Phone called 0430040644 from Southbank 03sec
1451 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Turbot St 30sec
1613 Phone called 0412554274-Jody M from Alice St 17sec
1614 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013), 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), 0400466100, from Kenmore
1614 Text to 0430844963 from Albert Park

1642 Phone called 04386255251 from Valley West 1min25
1655 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), (Nigel-0400466100) from Kenmore
1614 Text to 0430844963 from Alice St

1655 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), 0400466100, from Albert Park
1655 Text to 0430844963 from Albert Park
1658 Text to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), (Nigel-0400466100) 0430844963 from Lang Park
1700 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), (Nigel-0400466100) 0403844963 from Milton

1741 Phone called 0738590225 from Brookfield 50sec

12th April-Thursday
0840 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Fig Tree Pocket 29sec
0901 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Kenmore 1min05
0904 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Pullenvale 28sec
0907 Phone called 0437569290 from Pinjarra Hills 39sec
0912 Phone called 0410123546 from Kenmore 36sec
1056 Phone called 0282950600 from Milton East 2min37
1119 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Valley West 21sec
1119 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Valley West 04sec
1133 Phone called 0414732621 from Valley Central 1min38
1533 Text to 0417754441 from Indooroopilly1649 Phone called 0410123546 from Indooroopilly 39sec
1748 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield
1920 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield
1922 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield
1946 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Brookfield
2108 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Brookfield

13th April-Friday
0957 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 23sec
1000 Phone called 0737201879 from Brookfield 1min14
1206 Phone called 0733781933 from Chapel Hill 42sec
1423 Text to 0439707222 from Brookfield
1546 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877), (Nigel-0400466100) 0430844963 from Brookfield

1626 Phone called 0414724301 from Brookfield 2min18
1657 Phone called 0798590212 from Brookfield 1min32

14th April-Saturday
0759 Text to 0412554274 -Jody M from Brookfield
1019 Phone called 0400888300 from Brookfield 38sec
1126 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Brookfield 04sec
1618 Text to 0401149013 – Allison from Kenmore

15th April-Sunday
No calls made
1950 Text to 0412871912 from Brookfield

16th April-Monday
0814 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Brookfield
0837 Text to 0400888300 from Kenmore

0916 Phone called 0412871912 from Kenmore 44sec
0959 Phone called 0412871912 from Indooroopilly 09sec
0959 Text to 0412871912 from Indooroopilly
1101 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Chapel Hill 17sec
1238 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Kenmore 35sec
1239 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Kenmore 20sec
1245 Phone called 0421055955- C21 Sydney from Pinjarra Hills 1min48
1247 Phone called 0421610080 from Pullenvale 06sec
1458 Texts to 0410123546 x 2 from Indooroopilly
1459 Text to 0410123546 from Indooroopilly

1514 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Taringa Central 29sec
1525 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Taringa Central 2min46
1528 Phone called 131155-Suncorp from Toowong 72min42
1543 Text to 0412554274 - Jody M from Valley West
1548 Text to 0412554274 - Jody M from Valley West
1549 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Valley West
1555 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Valley West
1556 Text to 0412554274-Jody M from Valley West
1558 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Valley West

1734 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 11min06
1746 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Kenmore 42sec

17th April-Tuesday
0738 Text to 0401019243-Olivia from Kenmore
0753 Text to 0401019243-Olivia from Kenmore
0753 Text to 0401019243-Olivia from Kenmore
0753 Text to 0401019243-Olivia from Brookfield

0803 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Mt Cootha 4min08
0807 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Fig Tree Pocket 2min51
0812 Phone called 0400888300 from Chapel Hill 48sec
0813 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Chapel Hill 47sec
1030 Text to 0421941352 from Taringa Central x 2
1201 Phone called 1300478141 from Taringa Central 1min13
1536 Phone called 0437569290 from Indooroopilly South 6min02
1603 Phone called 0437569290 from Taringa Central 1min47
1618 Phone called 131155-Suncorp from Taringa Central 29min43
1756 Text to 0437569290 from Kenmore
1756 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Kenmore

2107 Phone called 34038888 from Brookfield 3min47

18th April-Wednesday
0941 Phone called 0410314652 from Indooroopilly 2min13
1107 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Valley Central 11sec
1149 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Wharf St 14sec
1151 Phone called 0418740639- Pearson Sellwood(appliance repairs)from BNE CBD 1min45
1201 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Taringa Central 07sec
1202 Phone called 38590212 from Taringa Central 52sec
1203 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Taringa Central 55sec
1353 Call diverted to Message bank.
1411 Phone called 0409570321 from Taringa Central 4min10
1418 Texts to 0412554274, 0439707222, (Allison 0401149013) 0400888300, (Kate R-0430413877),0400466100, 0430844963 from Taringa Central
1518 Text to Canada
1525 Phone called 0410314652 from Jamboree Heights 3min49
1538 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from 17Mile Rocks 2min07
1356 Message retrieved from Taringa Central
1600 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Pullenvale 1min03
1637 Phone called 0738590200-Century 21 office fax from Pullenvale 2min12
1637 Call diverted to Message bank.
1640 Message retrieved from Pullenvale
1640 Phone called 0488242158- Breeze photos, Pullenvale from Pullenvale 8min16
1649 Phone called 0410123546 from Pullenvale 1min19
1653 Phone called 0733743012- Brookfield home from Pullenvale 15sec
1654 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Pullenvale 1min45
1756 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Pullenvale 06sec
1757 Call diverted to Message bank.
1757 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 6min50
1806 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 14min54
1809 Call diverted to Message bank.
1818 Call diverted to Message bank.
1822 Phone called 0733743012-B’field home(Last recorded call to home)Mt'Cootha 1min07
At 1856 Internet was accessed from Mt Cootha
1945 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield 1min28
1947 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield 1min30
2048 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield 4min27
2153 Call to Canada 42sec
2158 Texts to Canada x 2

19th April – Thursday
0704 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Mt Cootha 1min08
0803 Call diverted to Message bank.
0819 Call diverted to Message bank.
0821 Call diverted to Message bank.
0902 Message retrieved from Kenmore
0903 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Brookfield 40sec
1125 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 04sec
1125 Phone called 0738590200-C21 office fax(Last call to this number) from Brookfield 27sec
1207 Text to 0431748553 from Taringa Central
1225 Phone called 0430125332 from Indro South 2min29
1436 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Taringa Central 01sec
1439 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Indro 1min03
1441 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Indro 59sec
1443 Phone called 0732333988-TM from Kenmore 5min03
1454 Phone called 0421610080 from Mt Ommaney 3min32
1458 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 47sec
1542 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Pinjarra Hills 2min47
1546 Phone called 0421610080 from Kenmore 1min43
1618 Phone called 38784044 from Brookfield 1min57
1643 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Brookfield 1min01
1701 Call diverted to Message bank.
1703 Call diverted to Message bank.
1704 Call diverted to Message bank.
1705 Call diverted to Message bank.
1706 Call diverted to Message bank.
1708 Call diverted to Message bank.
1710 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Kenmore 05sec
1711 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Kenmore 06sec
1712 Call diverted to Message bank.
At 1752 Internet was accessed from Pullenvale
At 1812 Internet was accessed from Kenmore
At 1821 Internet was accessed from Brookfield
1854 Call diverted to Message bank.
At 1856 Internet was accessed from Mt Cootha
1944 Text to 0400888300 from Brookfield
1946 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Brookfield
1946 Text to 0439707222 from Brookfield
1946 Text to 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield
1946 Text to 0430413877-Kate R from Brookfield
1946 Text to 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield

1946 Text to 0430844963 from Brookfield
2022 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Brookfield
2022 Text to 0439707222 from Brookfield
2022 Text to 0401149013 from Brookfield
2022 Text to 0400888300 from Brookfield
2022 Text to 0430413877-Kate R from Brookfield
2022 Text to 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield
2022 Text to 0430844963 from Brookfield
2023 Text to 0412554274- Jody M from Brookfield
2023 Text to 043970722 from Brookfield
2023 Text to 041149013 from Brookfield
2023 Text to 0400888300 from Brookfield
2023 Text to 0430413877 from Brookfield
2023 Text to 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield
2023 Text to 0430844963 from Brookfield

20th April - Friday
0632 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 34sec
0638 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 10sec
0645 Phone called0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 08sec
0646 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Mt Cootha 2min30
0653 Phone called 0733779422 from Brookfield 09sec
0655 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Brookfield 43sec
0702 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 12sec
0703 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 08sec
0706 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Brookfield 1min33
0709 Phone called 0430413877-Kate Rankin from Brookfield 03sec
0711 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Brookfield 2min38
0715 Service call to 112 for 3min31 from Brookfield
0715 Phone called 131444(QPS) from Brookfield from Brookfield 20sec
0719 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Brookfield 1min16
0735 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Brookfield 17sec
0739 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Brookfield 2min39
0951 Phone called The Dickies from Brookfield 03sec
0952 Phone called 0439820631(Family) from Mt Cootha 1min33
0955 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Brookfield 5sec
0955 Phone called 0421610080 from Brookfield 1min18
0957 Phone called 0412871912 from Brookfield 35sec
0958 Phone called 0413086884 from Brookfield 23sec
1001 Phone called 33747333 from Mt Cootha 1min59
1052 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Mt Cootha 06sec
1117 Text to 0428871912 from Mt Cootha
1138 Text to 0431748553 from Brookfield

At 1157 Internet was accessed from Brookfield
1200 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Mt Cootha 7min38
1225 Phone called 0433742088-Brookfield showgrounds maintenance from Indro 1min29
1229 Phone called 0755030128 from Indooroopilly 25min43
1255 Phone called 0755030128 from Indooroopilly 1min07
1306 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Indooroopilly 3min45
1311 Phone called 0746381133 -Office of solicitor Robyn Ratcliffe in Toowoomba from Indro 43sec
1312 Phone called 0746381133-Office of solicitor Robyn Ratcliffe in Toowoomba from Chapel Hill 19sec
1323 Phone called 0412372016 from Brookfield 2min11
1357 Message retrieved from Brookfield
1401 Phone called 040832199 from Brookfield 7min19
1409 Message retrieved from Brookfield
1432 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Mt Cootha 1min58
1435 Phone called 040832199 from Brookfield 5min08
1508 Phone called 040832199 from Brookfield 3min19
1511 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield 1min35
1514 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Brookfield 03sec
1522 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Kenmore 2min29
1529 Phone called 0421610080 from Kenmore 54sec
1530 Phone called 0738590209 from Kenmore 50sec
1532 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Kenmore 04sec
1533 Phone called 0408321999 from Kenmore 1min12
1539 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Kenmore 1min48
1545 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from (Last registered call to Allison) Kenmore
1557 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Kenmore 08sec
1558 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Kenmore 47sec
1603 Text to 0402405574 from Brookfield
1607 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Kenmore 1min18
1608 Phone called 0439707222 from Kenmore 27sec
1609 Phone called 0430844963 from Chapel Hill 21sec
1610 Phone called 0430413877 Kate Rankin from Chapel Hill 52sec
1620 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Indooroopilly 05sec
1620 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Indooroopilly 13sec
1626 Phone called 0408321999- from Indooroopilly 19sec
1634 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Fig Tree Pocket 05sec
1634 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Jindalee 28sec
1639 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Richlands 05sec
1640 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Wacol South 05sec
1655 Text to 0417333547 from Meadowbrook
1657 Phone called 0421610080 from Edens Landing 52sec
1702 Phone called 040832199 from Yatala 04sec
1707 Phone called 0411276236 from Yatala 1min14
1714 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Yatala 05sec
1718 Text to 0439701108 from Yatala
1722 Text to 0419724743 from Yatala
1723 Text to 0414733114-Toni M from Stapylton x 2

1730 Phone 040832199 from Yatala 04sec
1732 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Yatala 36sec
1735 Phone called 0409020039 from Yatala 1min13
1839 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Yatala 1min09
1841 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Yatala 2min27
1713 Text to 0418332975 from Yatala
1716 Text to 0401019243-Olivia from Yatala
1717 Text to 0401019243-Olivia from Yatala

1915 Phone called 0733743219 from Yatala 4min07
1919 Message retrieved from Stapylton
1922 Text to 0438312334 from Logan BP
1923 Text 0418332975 from Loganholme

1927 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Daisy Hill 1min21
1929 Phone called 0439820631(Family) from Springwood 07sec
1930 Phone called 0413086884 from Springwood 57sec
1931 Phone called 0413086884 from 8 Mile Plains 50sec
1932 Phone called 0439820631(Family) from 8 Mile Plains 07sec
1933 Phone called 0732881251 from Wishart South 1min51
1937 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Wellers Hill 2min16
1955 Phone called 0401019243-Olivia Walton from Kenmore 1min09
1959 Phone called 0733781933 from Kenmore 26sec
2017 Text to 0418750747 from Kenmore
2020 Phone called 0732881251 from Kenmore 5min05
2039 Text to 0418750747 from Kenmore
2127 Text to 0415783000 from Pullenvale

21st April-Saturday
0549 Text to 04316322292 from Kenmore
0549 Text to 0408321999 from Kenmore

0722 Phone called 0457771718 from Mt Cootha 1min46
0727 Phone called 0409892211-R Cheeseman from Kenmore 2min15
0737 Phone called 0732881251 from Mt Cootha 2min37
0740 Phone called 0418985806 from Mt Cootha 2min32
0748 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Kenmore 2min04
0750 Phone called 0404043225 from Kenmore 3min55
0755 Phone called 0733781933 from Kenmore 50sec
0759 Message retrieved from Kenmore
0824 Texts to 0414555002 x 3 from Kenmore
0824 Texts to 0430413877-Kate R x 3
0824 Texts to 0430844963 x 3
0824 Texts to 0733742514 x 3
0824 Texts to 0409892211- Rob Cheeseman x 3
0825 Texts to 0401352985 x 3
0825 Texts to 0438312334 x 3
0825 Texts to 0417333547 x 3
0825 Texts to 0421055955 x 3
0825 Texts to 0402405574 x 3
0825 Texts to 0431632292 Ben B x 3
0825 Texts to 0401019243-Olivia x 3
0825 Texts to 0428871912 x 3
0825 Texts to 0422093370 x 3
0825 Texts to 0400888300 x 3
0825 Texts to 0418332975 x 3
0825 Texts to 0408887040 x 3
0826 Texts to 0413086884 x 3
0826 Texts to 0439701108 x 3
0826 Texts to 0418985806 x 3
0826 Texts to 0414724301 x 3
0826 Texts to 0431133639 x 3
0826 Texts to 0403129695 x 3
0826 Texts to 0419645071 x 3
0826 Texts to 0439820631 x 3
0826 Texts to 0407216515 x 3
0826 Texts to 0432713227 x 3
0826 Texts to 0418750747 x 3
0827 Texts to 0409020039 x 3
0827 Texts to 0405102266 x 3
0827 Texts to 0433742088 x 3
0827 Texts to 0419725683 x 3
0827 Texts to 0732881251 x 3
0827 Texts to 0421610080 x 3
0827 Texts to 0431748553 x 3
0827 Texts to 0400466100-Nigel x 3
0827 Texts to 0412871912 x 3
0827 Texts to 0421345866 x 3
0827 Texts to 0412554274- Jody M x 3
0827 Texts to 0408321999 x 3
0827 Texts to 0439707222 x 3
0828 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Kenmore 07sec
0829 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Kenmore 1min11
0828 Texts to 0409896541 x 3
0828 Texts to 0400476100-Elaine x 3
0828 Texts to 0419724743 x 3
0828 Texts to 0408195622 x 3
0831 Message retrieved from Brookfield
0833 Text to 0417333547
0833 Text to 0422093370
0837 Text to 0438312334
0837 Text to 0402405574
0837 Text to 0421345866
0837 Text to 0421345866
0837 Text to 0400888300
0837 Text to 0403129695
0843 Text to 0439707222

0907 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Kenmore 1min25
0908 Text to 0410435483
0909 Text to 0428871912
0910 Text to 0418750747

0912 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Mt Ommaney 1min31
0915 Text to 0431748553
0920 Text to 0422438948 from Mt Cootha
0926 Text to 0431133639 from Mt Cootha

0934 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Kenmore 06sec
0934 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Kenmore 05sec
0948 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Kenmore 05sec
0949 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Kenmore 04sec
0950 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Brookfield 04sec
0951 Message bank – 0412916715-K Jensen from Chapell Hill
0958 Text to 0417703123 from Kenmore
1004 Text to 0433742088 from Kenmore

1017 Phone called 040832199 from Kenmore 06sec
1020 Phone called 040832199 from Kenmore 46sec
1042 Phone called 040443255 from Mt Cootha 05sec
1043 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Mt Cootha 05sec
1102 Text to 0439707222 from Kenmore
1104 Text to 0439707222 from Mt Cootha

1108 Message retrieved from Brookfield
1108 Text to 0439707222 from Mt Cootha
1121 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Mt Cootha 04sec
1121 Phone called 0400466100-Nigel from Mt Cootha 06sec
1122 Texts to 0400466100-Nigel x 2
1141 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Kenmore 57sec
He didnt have time to work out a believable story. ringing the police in regard to Allison missing at 7.15am was a forced error.. like in tennis.. some event , unforseen and unplanned, interrupted the flow of Gerards play.

Gerard has had a lifetime of deceit.. even his very name is a deceit. My opinion is he really had no idea that Constable Ash would ask him if his relationship with his wife was alright.. it just never crossed his mind that police deal with missing people every day, their experience tops his, they deal with people whose loved ones are missing every day, or whose unloved ones are missing. .. he thought he just had to report her missing, put on his shirt, tie and cufflinks and off to a meeting !! Business as usual!!

That unforseen forced error event Trooper: Been thinking about his list with all the "must do" things. Combined with a seriously sleep deprived author of events list:
1. Must make out like everything's normal. Texts will prove I am home, kids are home, I am expected to think wife is home. Yep, send texts.
2. Set the scene so as everything's normal. Zoloft on dash of her car.
Ooops, remove any evidence. Yep, done.
3. Just let Kate R know no need to meet with Allison. Yep, done, left a message, so all good there.
4. Get dressed extra specially good, cuff links and all, never know, might be a star or something today. Gotta look my absolute best. Bugger, blood or something on face, never noticed before, too busy. Phew, so much to do. So little time to do it. Where was I? Oh yes, be prepared. Yep, done all that.
5. Will need to make a missing person report some time. Let's see. There should be a fair bit of time between the initial phone call and when the police actually start to take any action. Well, I'll get that little detail out the way while I'm on a roll. Careful now, gotta act right.
OK. Done everything.
It is mind boggling trying to fathom how Gerards mind works!! Perhaps vulnerable women feed his ego. Perhaps he likes to take charge and feel needed???? He certainly did not take TM back for frequent sex. If TM is to believed, they were only intimate twice since the separation. For a different reason, because of her ongoing depression, Alison was vulnerable. Her friend Elise, admitted at committal, that it was Gerard who convinced Allison to go get help for her depression. I find it difficult to believe that he really wanted to be permanently with TM if he was also having affairs with two other women--that does not equate to the emotional committment and promise he gave TM. And he certainly wanted TM out of his office once Alison found out. He certainly was a weak character.

'my wife doesn't understand me' that is the time old line men use on lovers and apparently it has worked for eons. Women are born nurturers and some are more vulnerable/wanting/desperate than others. To the 'other women' if the men havent LEFT their wifes and are using that line on are usually being used and if they do come to you with an overnight bag with that silly blubbering look on their face its usually because the wife has kicked them out and don't want them back anyway.
Did GBC use that line with the blubbering bottom lip that we all saw? 'Wifey's mean to me', TM believes it hook line and sinker and leaves her hubby for a whim OR did hubby find out and got out.

One of the salespeople/partners in their statement that Toni had a bad temper and GBC did not make a sale for a year. WT?
In the agency I worked in the principle was hands-and guided his staff because he was the one who owned the business and the licence and wanted all to achieve. What a wonderful environment they all worked in and it's no wonder the business went down.
Friday, 20th April. Gerard calls Toni, on a phone he knows Allison will never check again... and on a phone he hasnt used to call Toni with because Allison checks it.. Allison has been missing , according to Gerard, for 10 hours . Toni has rung him, though, from the seminar shindig at lunchtime..

1514 Phone called 0414733114-Toni from Brookfield 03sec
I'm leaving you all to it. I can't look at it anymore :banghead:
I'll be back tomorrow as I have to work a night.
Hopefully some of you will find some kind of pattern and hopefully some of you don't find too many mistakes. ; )
Everyone else remembered it. In Ben Bassingthwaites statement that event had all the hallmarks of the Siege at Krishnapur about it. Terri , the office manager rang Ben to tell him Toni was dementedly crying and screaming and trying to have all her stuff removed from her office, what should she do? Ben rang Toni, Toni tells Ben Gerard is gutless for firing her and not leaving Allison, she doesnt understand, Ben tries to make arrangements to get this thing under control, Gerard is telling all the staff about his bonking Toni , Allison has found out, Toni must go, that very hour, ....

Surely this isnt an every day event in most workplaces??

Was she holding that over his head?
Thanks Curiousasacat. It must be 1.30am in Canada where you live. I love your spirit in keeping up with the kids and posting after they are in bed.
Ladybird, the thought crossed my mind, that he wakes up from an exhausted nap , its still dark, he thinks, my god.. to get a death certificate, to collect the insurance there has to be a body otherwise I have to wait 7 years, .....the body has to be found!!... I have to have the money by July 1st... THIS YEAR..not in SEVEN years.

there is a particular kind of murderer who actually wants the body found.. that is the over riding neccessity. .. some murderers never want it found, some are so nuts they dont care one way or the other, some want it found in a particular place to fit the narrative, some actually forget where they put it, some like to hang onto it secretly as a trophy...... but the ones who need it to be found are a particular sort...
Thanks Curiousasacat. It must be 1.30am in Canada where you live. I love your spirit in keeping up with the kids and posting after they are in bed.

Thanks Flinders. Not quite so late in my part. I thought it was a secret :blushing:
Yes have been updating all weekend but most productive work when the kids are in bed. I actually have to go to "work" a fundraiser at this time of night for their school. Theya re crazy here. Fundraising at casino's. Lots and lots of coffee for me tonight. Night :seeya:
Fantastic work CC, thank you very much for this.

I just wanted to point out that the call made at 2:43pm on Thursday 19 April was to 073233 3988, the office of Blocksidge and Ferguson, where TM was employed. GBC didn't call 0400476100 (EBC?).

19th April – Thursday

1439 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Indro 1min03
1441 Phone called 0401149013-Allison from Indro 59sec
1443 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Kenmore 5min03
1454 Phone called 0421610080 from Mt Ommaney 3min32
1458 Phone called 0409892211-Rob Cheeseman from Pullenvale 47sec
1542 Phone called 0412554274- Jody M from Pinjarra Hills 2min47
1546 Phone called 0421610080 from Kenmore 1min43
1618 Phone called 38784044 from Brookfield 1min57
1643 Phone called 0400476100-Elaine from Brookfield 1min01
Ladybird, the thought crossed my mind, that he wakes up from an exhausted nap , its still dark, he thinks, my god.. to get a death certificate, to collect the insurance there has to be a body otherwise I have to wait 7 years, .....the body has to be found!!... I have to have the money by July 1st... THIS YEAR..not in SEVEN years.

there is a particular kind of murderer who actually wants the body found.. that is the over riding neccessity. .. some murderers never want it found, some are so nuts they dont care one way or the other, some want it found in a particular place to fit the narrative, some actually forget where they put it, some like to hang onto it secretly as a trophy...... but the ones who need it to be found are a particular sort...

Oh yes, the Insurance. The over-riding all important thought of the MONEY.
Think the best think to do here, is just act normal. Don't go out looking for her body either, in case you blow it. Act cool, act normal, act like business as usual.
I think his other mistresses may have got wise about him - can't see the excitiment lasting. Once the flattery of his attention was gone they probably thought that was definitely not worth the effort.

Or a safe fling.
Married women don't want to commit to a love lorn man who might come hammering on their door.
A married man is perfect for a fling.

Maybe TM was a safe affair for GBC UNTIL SHE LEFT HER HUSBAND FOR HIM! UHOH.

Or a safe fling.
Married women don't want to commit to a love lorn man who might come hammering on their door.
A married man is perfect for a fling.

Maybe TM was a safe affair for GBC UNTIL SHE LEFT HER HUSBAND FOR HIM! UHOH.

Exactly he liked to have the fling - no strings Allison and the girls were his family - see I'm a fine upstanding business man - no hinky deals going on - when he's over ole Tone - then on to the next bonk - I really think he just likes to have sex - probably with as many people as he can
THANK YOU so much CC, Makara and everybody involved in the phone call analysis!!!

What stands out to me is the number of texts on Saturday morning (could be a group text) to unknown (to us) numbers. By then this story was all over the news, so why was he so concerned to txt or inform so many people? Also, who did he contact before 6 am? ... very early for anybody on a Saturday. And, why was he using a 3GS when he also had a 4S, which is a newer and superior model of iPhone?

I agree, that contacting TM after Allison disappeared is a great give-away, i.e. no fear of Allison ever bothering him again about that!

As for TM being a witness for the prosecution, what if he did confess/hint something to her after the fact, which is very incriminating and hence was not presented at the Committal but which QPS are aware of? I feel that TM will not be able to hold it together (mentally) for another 6-12 months and may have a breakdown.
Getting close to the 1st year of Allisons death. Gonna be a sad day.
I can't help but keep thinking that if GBC had just told police that fateful morning that he and his wife had had a huge row and that she had attacked him and scratched his face and then stormed off threatening to harm herself that the police officers may not have been quite as suspicious and things could have turned out very differently. With a history of depression that was well known..... Why would he not have thought to use that to his advantage? When you put yourself in his position it's hard to imagine how you would think that those scratches would not ring alarm bells when your wife has gone missing. Try as I might I can't understand what his thinking was and how the blunt razor story to him seemed more believable.

Timmy I agree with you. Given the marital discord and Gerards infidelity it could be easy to understand if Allison lost her temper and lashed out in distress. It is interesting Gerard has not made a formal statement regards the events. Could he change his mind, say he was hugely embarrased about such a fight because he also lost his temperand told a "white lie" to protect his pride, or to prtect his daughters or some such garbage. Trooper is right, Davis set the scene in court when questioning TM that Gerard had lied about that morning in his admission of a "past" affair. If Gerard comes up with a plausible reason why he lied, they may take that line. BUT that would mean Gerard would have to take the stand, defend his story and why he lied and be open to cross examination........
I can't help but keep thinking that if GBC had just told police that fateful morning that he and his wife had had a huge row and that she had attacked him and scratched his face and then stormed off threatening to harm herself that the police officers may not have been quite as suspicious and things could have turned out very differently. With a history of depression that was well known..... Why would he not have thought to use that to his advantage? When you put yourself in his position it's hard to imagine how you would think that those scratches would not ring alarm bells when your wife has gone missing. Try as I might I can't understand what his thinking was and how the blunt razor story to him seemed more believable.

Yes I agree. Surely he couldnt have thought that digging at your face repeatedly with a rusty blunt Gillette while your beloved wife is missing would be more believable than searching frantically for her after they had a ding-dong row and she has fled into the night?
Which kind of makes me still wonder..(and I think I proposed this way back)...What if she did take off on foot after an argument? In anger/distress, maybe she caught TM and GBC together at the Brookfield house? Did she get back from the hairdresser earlier than they expected? and GBC has taken off after her on foot? TM has then followed?! Would explain the yells and various different neighbours who heard things at differing times.

Then therere has been a struggle between ABC and GBC (scratch marks on face) and a fall outside the property (hence Scraps yapping his head off), and she has died there? Was TM trying to pull him off Allison during the struggle - the bruising on his chest? He has had to drag the now deceased Allison back to the garage, put her in a car along with TM who is now flipping out.
Maybe thats why he needed NBC to come and help him at the bridge as TM was a hysterical mess by now - repeated sightings of vehicles, and who was driving what vehicle is still a mystery (yes that roundabout again!).

What is muddying everything is a lack of clear cause of death.Strangulation has not been completely ruled out, but is not convincing. No obvious head trauma, no broken bones...nothing. Decomposition was not helping the Coroner, but surely blunt head trauma with depressed fractures of the skull are easily determined. Very frustrating.:banghead:

The above scenario is all my own conjecture and opinion only.
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