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DNA Solves
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After you mentioned this TGY, I went for a drive in my Google Mobile and took some pics. It is indeed a camera outside of the Coles entrance. I would never have picked it unless you mentioned it. The images below are from Google Maps and they are dated 2009, so the cameras were definitely there when Allison was reported missing two years ago.

Click images to enlarge.

The first pic below is a view of the roundabout at the intersection of Brookfield Road and Moggill Road at Kenmore. I've noted the cameras on this image for anyone not familiar with the area and also for new members who will hopefully get a better understanding of what we're talking about when we mention the roundabout. I've also numbered the two most prominent bus shelters in this image. No. 1 outside Coles and No. 2 on the opposite side of the roundabout. There is also another bus shelter in Cedarleigh Drive, as indicated by the little blue bus icon on the far right of the image. Ironically this bus shelter is opposite the Kenmore Fire Station building and I'm wondering if there is also a CCTV camera installed there. Could NBC have been sitting in this bus shelter?

View attachment 43801

Below is a screencap of the camera near the entrance to Coles. You could be forgiven for thinking that it was a street light until you compare it to the street light behind it. And on the far right of the image is bus shelter No. 1 as noted on the first image above.

View attachment 43796

A closer view. It's definitely a camera.

View attachment 43797

Below is a full view of both cameras in relation to bus shelter No. 2.

View attachment 43802

Another view of bus shelter No. 2. Heading this way along Moggill Road will take you out to where Allison was found.

View attachment 43795

This is brilliant thanks Makara! Just one thing though - I always thought the "camera" in the middle of the roundabout was a cluster of street lights - is this definitely a camera? Fascinating if so.
Sign of relief this article is from September 2012
I thought WTH?

Be still my heart. :facepalm:

Should have noted the date.
Just thought 32 computers and phones.
We have been given some information but what else is to come.
There has also been a delay in the results of the 32 computer and phone exhibits believed to be seized from Baden Clay's home and office.

Wonder if a white i phone is one of those exhibits.

Should have noted the date.
Just thought 32 computers and phones.
We have been given some information but what else is to come.

No problems Great find! 32 computer and phone exhibits! Crikey.
Oh yes. Justice is close.
I guess no one else is going to be arrested as co-conspirators or assisters? I am convinced more than one person is involved. But perhaps I am wrong.
Certainly there are some people part of this tragic story who are not, well, good people.
This is brilliant thanks Makara! Just one thing though - I always thought the "camera" in the middle of the roundabout was a cluster of street lights - is this definitely a camera? Fascinating if so.

Thanks Thinking. Good point about the camera in the middle of the roundabout. I'm only going on what I've read here from some of the locals that it is a cluster of cameras.

Can any of the locals verify if it is a camera or cluster or cameras in the middle of the roundabout please?

Oh yes. Justice is close.
I guess no one else is going to be arrested as co-conspirators or assisters? I am convinced more than one person is involved. But perhaps I am wrong.
Certainly there are some people part of this tragic story who are not, well, good people.

I'm also convinced that there was an accomplice (after the fact) and also another that had full knowledge of what transpired the night Allison died and what happened after. Unfortunately I don't think there is enough evidence yet to arrest and convict them. I'm fully expecting some jaw-dropping revelations at the trial that may well reveal who these people are. Perjury comes to mind.
Oh yes. Justice is close.
I guess no one else is going to be arrested as co-conspirators or assisters? I am convinced more than one person is involved. But perhaps I am wrong.
Certainly there are some people part of this tragic story who are not, well, good people.

Thanks Thinking. Good point about the camera in the middle of the roundabout. I'm only going on what I've read here from some of the locals that it is a cluster of cameras.

Can any of the locals verify if it is a camera or cluster or cameras in the middle of the roundabout please?

I'm also convinced that there was an accomplice (after the fact) and also another that had full knowledge of what transpired the night Allison died and what happened after. Unfortunately I don't think there is enough evidence yet to arrest and convict them. I'm fully expecting some jaw-dropping revelations at the trial that may well reveal who these people are. Perjury comes to mind.

I am of the same opinion. If during the trial there is enough evidence of an accomplice, would that person be arrested immediately? TIA
who'd have thought a husband would kill for insurance

Even their name is uncomfortably close

SALT LAKE CITY — Are Josh Powell's mother and sister prepared to admit that he killed his wife, missing Utah mother Susan Cox Powell, in order to collect his life insurance policy?
"The Powells are prepared to try and prove that Joshua Powell killed Susan in order to further pursue their alleged entitlement to certain insurance proceeds. Such behavior is shocking. It demonstrates the Powells care not about Susan’s best interest, but rather will take whatever position maximizes their opportunity to benefit monetarily from Joshua Powell’s crimes," the court brief states.
I am of the same opinion. If during the trial there is enough evidence of an accomplice, would that person be arrested immediately? TIA

I have also formed the opinion that there is probably more than one person involved either before and/or after the fact.
The logical conclusion as to why Ms McHugh is a Prosecution witness is that is the price she has to pay for indemnity for something.. I don't know what, it could be a whole raft of things.. but being part of the Prosecution that is relentlessly working towards having Gerard nailed for the murder of his wife, Allison, with the consequence long prison term, is not something that Ms McHugh would choose to do.

Obviously, she hasn't chosen this. It is a consequence of the part she played in this murder, whatever that is.. lying to the police, perverting the course of justice, withholding information, any one of those and more is what she has bargained with , to avoid conviction. She is not a voluntary Prosecution witness. Whatever she did do, before or after the murder is obviously something that carries a provable charge, and highly likely conviction. Otherwise, the Prosecution would have had nothing to manoeuvre Ms McHugh into the position she is. But they must have , because there she is. States Prosecution Witness.

However.. all deals with the Prosecution would be instantly voided should she be not forthcoming or vague, or downright misleading in her upcoming episode of being a witness for the Prosecution.

One of the constrictions of being a witness for the Prosecution, naturally, is a complete embargo on any contact, of whatever sort with the accused, and associates, and family..
The logical conclusion as to why Ms McHugh is a Prosecution witness is that is the price she has to pay for indemnity for something.. I don't know what, it could be a whole raft of things.. but being part of the Prosecution that is relentlessly working towards having Gerard nailed for the murder of his wife, Allison, with the consequence long prison term, is not something that Ms McHugh would choose to do.

Obviously, she hasn't chosen this. It is a consequence of the part she played in this murder, whatever that is.. lying to the police, perverting the course of justice, withholding information, any one of those and more is what she has bargained with , to avoid conviction. She is not a voluntary Prosecution witness. Whatever she did do, before or after the murder is obviously something that carries a provable charge, and highly likely conviction. Otherwise, the Prosecution would have had nothing to manoeuvre Ms McHugh into the position she is. But they must have , because there she is. States Prosecution Witness.

However.. all deals with the Prosecution would be instantly voided should she be not forthcoming or vague, or downright misleading in her upcoming episode of being a witness for the Prosecution.

One of the constrictions of being a witness for the Prosecution, naturally, is a complete embargo on any contact, of whatever sort with the accused, and associates, and family..

BBM: As I said, perjury comes to mind.
BBM: As I said, perjury comes to mind.

and being a Prosecution witness doesn't mean she has bought her dignity and avoidance of probable criminal charges with being 'willing' to testify about some things.. noooo.. it will be all things.. Ms McHugh and perjury are bought and paid for.. no doubt,. there are others in the queue for insertion into that category. , others who probably didn't take the proffer of the prosecution or who's transgressions didn't make the cut , or who are ready to take their chances... .
As we approach the trial - I am thinking we need to make sure we have good WS member coverage and a good understanding of what is going to be happening in all stages of this trial. Esp as we get into the testimony from witnesses. Sorry guys this is such boring housekeeping stuff but I think we almost need to see a bit of a show of hands to see who can attend court. Everyone here will value the info and no doubt it will be needed for future discussions.

I am happy to attend court a when I can and provide any info that can be disclosed to the public- BUT, I am no good at the technical twitter side of stuff.

This trial is likely to attract quite a large audience initially so I think we need to be aware of the publicity and make sure we have our own eyes/ears at the trial and not pass up are chance for info. Since most of us have invested such a lot of our sleuthing interests into protecting Allison's memory and ensuring justice is completed, we need to be full aware of how this trial is likely to proceed? (Alioops??? - thanks in advance) While there are likely to be hiccups and changes to routine - I would love to know just an expected agenda that would of things that happen in a trial such as this and the general procedures that the courts follow.

There is also likely to be a slew of media coverage - so Marly will there be a new media thread as well ? OR will we just add to existing threads?

In relation to the procedure of the trial - will there be any publication of the witnesses and any legal processes that need to occur?

I am a legal moron so if anyone can help me out with this - it would be great!
Thanks in advance everyone!

Lets make sure justice is done for Brookfield's Allison! (hey it rhymes!)
As we approach the trial - I am thinking we need to make sure we have good WS member coverage and a good understanding of what is going to be happening in all stages of this trial. Esp as we get into the testimony from witnesses. Sorry guys this is such boring housekeeping stuff but I think we almost need to see a bit of a show of hands to see who can attend court. Everyone here will value the info and no doubt it will be needed for future discussions.

I am happy to attend court a when I can and provide any info that can be disclosed to the public- BUT, I am no good at the technical twitter side of stuff.

This trial is likely to attract quite a large audience initially so I think we need to be aware of the publicity and make sure we have our own eyes/ears at the trial and not pass up are chance for info. Since most of us have invested such a lot of our sleuthing interests into protecting Allison's memory and ensuring justice is completed, we need to be full aware of how this trial is likely to proceed? (Alioops??? - thanks in advance) While there are likely to be hiccups and changes to routine - I would love to know just an expected agenda that would of things that happen in a trial such as this and the general procedures that the courts follow.

There is also likely to be a slew of media coverage - so Marly will there be a new media thread as well ? OR will we just add to existing threads?

In relation to the procedure of the trial - will there be any publication of the witnesses and any legal processes that need to occur?

I am a legal moron so if anyone can help me out with this - it would be great!
Thanks in advance everyone!

Lets make sure justice is done for Brookfield's Allison! (hey it rhymes!)

Great thinking Liadan. I, for one have invested a whole lot of time, tears and money in this case over the last two years and I want to see it through to fruition, in that GBC is sentenced to life behind bars for the murder of Allison.

I don't live in Qld so cannot attend the trial but I'm very grateful to you and others who may attend. You'll not only be there to hopefully witness justice for Allison but also as a silent support (from all of us here on WS) for Allison's family. I can't even imagine the toll this must be taking on Allison's parents and her three little girls.

I've tried to keep the Media thread up to date as much as possible over the last two years, even though some of those links are now defunct. I think it's a good idea to have a new Media thread for the trial. MSM will be running hot on a daily basis and I'll do my best to keep the Media thread up to date. I also ask that our other members do the same because I'm sure there will be things that I'll miss.
Great thinking Liadan. I, for one have invested a whole lot of time, tears and money in this case over the last two years and I want to see it through to fruition, in that GBC is sentenced to life behind bars for the murder of Allison.

I don't live in Qld so cannot attend the trial but I'm very grateful to you and others who may attend. You'll not only be there to hopefully witness justice for Allison but also as a silent support (from all of us here on WS) for Allison's family. I can't even imagine the toll this must be taking on Allison's parents and her three little girls.

I've tried to keep the Media thread up to date as much as possible over the last two years, even though some of those links are now defunct. I think it's a good idea to have a new Media thread for the trial. MSM will be running hot on a daily basis and I'll do my best to keep the Media thread up to date. I also ask that our other members do the same because I'm sure there will be things that I'll miss.

Just curious Makara, (hope this is allowed) what brought you to this case? For some reason I imagined you lived somewhere near Manly Brisbane. The amount of work you've put into this thread is amazing and has been very helpful to me. I for one thank you for your efforts! X
Speaking of politicians ...

In the meantime, the CMC may already be using its "Star Chamber" coercive powers to make people talk.

The public is never told about this and those appearing before these secret CMC interrogations must answer the questions put to them - on pain of major fines and jail sentences. If the police have conscripted the CMC to do this - in order to get admissions and confessions from anyone connected with the case - then we are likely to never know.
Just an aside, acknowledging our Trooper who provides valued comments about legal processes, I am also looking forward to hearing from Hawkins. Together, Trooper, Alioop and Hawkins will be very beneficial to the Thread by providing education and guidance in what sometimes appears as convoluted criminal court processes which we struggle to interpret. There were a couple of other legal WS members who may come out of obscurity and reappear on the Thread.

On the topic of subjudice maybe one of our legal commentators could expand on this for us as we prepare for Trial.
Just an aside, acknowledging our Trooper who provides valued comments about legal processes, I am also looking forward to hearing from our Hawkins. Together, Trooper, Alioop and Hawkins will be very beneficial to the Thread by providing education and guidance which enhances our understanding of the legal processes - so helpful for us non-legal people.

As we approach the trial - I am thinking we need to make sure we have good WS member coverage and a good understanding of what is going to be happening in all stages of this trial. Esp as we get into the testimony from witnesses. Sorry guys this is such boring housekeeping stuff but I think we almost need to see a bit of a show of hands to see who can attend court. Everyone here will value the info and no doubt it will be needed for future discussions.

I am happy to attend court a when I can and provide any info that can be disclosed to the public- BUT, I am no good at the technical twitter side of stuff.

This trial is likely to attract quite a large audience initially so I think we need to be aware of the publicity and make sure we have our own eyes/ears at the trial and not pass up are chance for info. Since most of us have invested such a lot of our sleuthing interests into protecting Allison's memory and ensuring justice is completed, we need to be full aware of how this trial is likely to proceed? (Alioops??? - thanks in advance) While there are likely to be hiccups and changes to routine - I would love to know just an expected agenda that would of things that happen in a trial such as this and the general procedures that the courts follow.

There is also likely to be a slew of media coverage - so Marly will there be a new media thread as well ? OR will we just add to existing threads?

In relation to the procedure of the trial - will there be any publication of the witnesses and any legal processes that need to occur?

I am a legal moron so if anyone can help me out with this - it would be great!
Thanks in advance everyone!

Lets make sure justice is done for Brookfield's Allison! (hey it rhymes!)

Fantastic idea in regards to your housekeeping Liadan. I was hoping to fly up for several days mid trial to pay respect to this wonderful lady. Unfortunately I do not have a legal or technical brain in my body !!! So wish there was more that I could do. Having read every single post on this forum - I just hope they nail this <modsnip>.
Just an aside, acknowledging our Trooper who provides valued comments about legal processes, I am also looking forward to hearing from Hawkins. Together, Trooper, Alioop and Hawkins will be very beneficial to the Thread by providing education and guidance in what sometimes appears as convoluted criminal court processes which we struggle to interpret. There were a couple of other legal WS members who may come out of obscurity and reappear on the Thread.

On the topic of subjudice maybe one of our legal commentators could expand on this for us as we prepare for Trial.

All you ever wanted to know about sub-judice....

For the media side of it...

From the time somebody is arrested, charged or a warrant is issued, up to the moment when the court finishes dealing with it, the case is said to be sub judice. This is a Latin phrase meaning "under judgment". While a case is sub judice, you are strictly limited as to what you can report.

You may only give details of what is happening officially within the legal process. In practice this means only information which is part of a charge or details which are part of actual court proceedings. You may also mention some details which are not likely to be contested in court.

Several kinds of reports while a case is sub judice may prejudice a fair trial. One has already been mentioned - publishing details of the defendant's previous convictions.


The law of sub judice has a long history from its common law base. Sub judice simply means 'under judicial consideration'.
Just adding this in as I've noticed a few queries about meeting up with other members. Please keep it behind the scenes in PM.

Please review Websleuths policy:

Posting Personal Contact Information (Address / Phone Number):

Members may not post personal contact information such as home address, work address, home telephone number, work telephone number, etc., in the public forums. ANYONE, including guests to WS, can read the public forums - this policy is in place for YOUR safety and protection.

Contacting other members to meet in Real Life:

While members are always free to contact each other to meet in person, via telephone, or in other ways, Websleuths will in no way be responsible for any actions or events arising from such contact. Websleuths staff does not read or otherwise monitor Private Messages and has no way to monitor private emails, telephone calls or other such communications. It is up to each individual member to decide if they desire such contact and the resultant loss of anonymity. Websleuths neither condemns nor condones such meetings and it is up to the individual members to decide if they wish to get together.

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