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I'm sorry to cause any confusion but I felt in necessary to edit the images I initally posted Here in relation to the cameras at the roundabout. As Thinking and Doc Watson kindly pointed out, (thanks guys) there is no camera in the middle of the roundabout, which my initial images indicated. There is only the one camera near the entrance to the shopping centre carpark.

It's just a small thing I know and it won't have any bearing on whether GBC is convicted or not but it was concerning me that I may have led people to think that there was a camera in the middle of the roundabout.

I hate that bloody roundabout!

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There appears to be two bus stops, one under the camera outside Coles and this third pic shows this one on the opposite side.

I hope it wasn't this one NBC allegedly was sitting at because the camera may not have captured him.
There appears to be two bus stops, one under the camera outside Coles and this third pic shows this one on the opposite side.

I hope it wasn't this one NBC allegedly was sitting at because the camera may not have captured him.

The thing is, apparently NBC was both seen and spoken to at a bus shelter late on Thursday night, 19 April 2012 by someone that knew him. This according to a WS verified insider (from memory). It has never been reported that he was actually captured on CCTV but it would certainly be a bonus if he was.

Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth in charge of the investigation, has been quoted in MSM asking for anyone who may have seen "something out of place" at the roundabout that night to please come forward. Whether the "something out of place" are Ainsworth's actual words or were paraphrased by the journalist isn't clear. In the link below Det. Ainsworth is quoted as mentioning anyone who was near the roundabout.

POLICE investigating the death of Brookfield woman Allison Baden-Clay have appealed for more information from the public.

“People who were near the roundabout during those times might have seen something that could assist police," he said. “Please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 with any information.”

If NBC was in fact at or near the roundabout on that Thursday night it still doesn't prove beyond reasonable doubt that he was involved in Allison's murder. He could have said that he was there for any number of reasons, if he was in fact questioned as to why he was there.

Maybe NBC was actually at the Rafting Ground Road roundabout. Now that would really throw a spanner in the works!
The trial of Gerard Baden-Clay

Date May 31, 2014 - 12:00AM

There are criminal cases we know, those etched in Queenslanders’ memories with a name.

The latest is that of GBC.

The three letters are murmured among friends across restaurant tables, colleagues walking along Adelaide Street and mothers on the morning school-run.

The letters are an acronym for Gerard Baden-Clay, who is charged with his wife's murder.

The former principal real estate agent, who prided himself on his lineage as the great-grandson of famed Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell, is scheduled to face trial in the Supreme Court in 11 days.

Mr Baden-Clay will plead not guilty.

At first it was just a missing person case.

But Mrs Baden-Clay’s parents Geoff and Priscilla Dickie would later tell media they knew “something was wrong” from the beginning.

Few crimes have grabbed the attention of Brisbane as much as the alleged murder of Mrs Baden-Clay. It is easier for us to believe that bad things don’t happen to nice people; harder for us to accept that nice people can get killed through no fault of their own. Because that makes us all vulnerable.

Throughout his trial, which has been set down for five weeks in Court 11 of the Supreme Court, seasoned Crown prosecutors Todd Fuller QC and Danny Boyle will attempt to unveil – or at least suggest – what happened during Mrs Baden-Clay’s final hours.

The trial before Justice John Byrne will begin at 10am on June 10.

Read more:
I will be in court each Wednesday while the trial is on. Plus maybe an occasional hour on some other days. I'll make sure I post here Now that the trial is upon us I have many thoughts resurfacing about the case. I too believe others were involved. There was a lot of movement that night with loved ones called to help out. All must be brought to justice not just GBC.
I just want to say to all of you regular posters on this thread - as somebody who has only recently come in, I'm so deeply struck by how respectful you all are to each other - and how much you all truly care about justice for Allison.

This thread feels very loving - I'm always struck by it whenever I pop in and I just felt to share that.

Thanks so much! Allison would be very moved - and it's what she deserves :loveyou:
I just want to say to all of you regular posters on this thread - as somebody who has only recently come in, I'm so deeply struck by how respectful you all are to each other - and how much you all truly care about justice for Allison.

This thread feels very loving - I'm always struck by it whenever I pop in and I just felt to share that.

Thanks so much! Allison would be very moved - and it's what she deserves :loveyou:

That's special coming from a clinical phycologist Isis. :seeya:


We are besties.
What will happen after the trial is over. That's a sad thought for me.

Spell check chose 'beasties' over besties! :floorlaugh:
Ten days out from the trial, and, at least, 2 things haven't changed...

(a) Olivia hasn't come forth with the 'real story'.. .. She claimed she had this , whatever that means, no hint of it over these 2 years. ..


(b) the charge against Gerard vis Interfering with a Corpse hasn't been dropped...

...... along with the murder of Allison, this one is Gerard's 2nd hurdle..

The mechanics of this repulsive crime under QLD law are reasonably straightforward and transparent.. nothing complicated about it. It's underlying premise is one of decency and
the unarguable foundation that an offence , an indignity to the dead , is an offence and an insult to the living.

The Crown is obliged to prove the interference,. the accused is obliged to defend whether it was improper interference.. ( proper, in this context would be, for example, organ transplant ) A high and difficult hurdle indeed for Gerard and his legal team to heave him over. The decision as to whether the interference was improper is up to the jury.

section 236(b)... Qld Law...
There are criminal cases we know, those etched in Queenslanders’ memories with a name.
The latest is that of GBC.
The three letters are murmured among friends across restaurant tables, colleagues walking along Adelaide Street and mothers on the morning school-run.
The letters are an acronym for Gerard Baden-Clay, who is charged with his wife's murder.

I can't speak for BT, the article is good but I suppose this bit I've quoted, portraying him like he some kind of bogey man is unnecessary and could be harmful to the case? Idk, jmo.
Hopefully the jury picked haven't read these stories.
To give everyone an idea of how the trial gets started on 10 June, below is a summary of the times and processes for day one of the trial of Daniel Morcombe's killer. For eg, jury selection took about 2 hours. You will also see the prosecutor read out the names of the people who would likely give evidence for the prosecution.
I've just uploaded Bruce Flegg's statement from the committal hearing. It would seem that he made his first statement to police on 25 April 2012. This was before Allison was found. Whether he chose to freely give that statement or he was paid a visit by the police is not clear.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*

what an amazing coincidence that when Flegg goes to sell his unit in St Lucia, Sue Heath organises it thru Gerards franchise , and Toni McHugh is the agent who does the sale....

Dec 11th 2011 ... Gerard is asking to borrow money from Flegg.. around $400,000.00 Flegg says no deal.

March 6th 2012..Gerard leaves a message on Fleggs phone, Flegg lets it slide, he's a busy man , dropkicks the callback to Gerard over to Sue Heath.. she returns Gerards call some days after this.. say, March 10th. 2012. well.. its high drama time.. Gerard is fearful, agitated and in tears.. so is Sue , on hearing this.. Gerard needs $300,000.00 now ,yesterday , right now, or he loses everything, and things are not good at home.

Flegg feels a bit ashamed of not ringing Gerard himself so he does now. . this is March 12th, 2012... and Gerard is calm, collected... doesn't really want to talk about financial matters...

I reckon its right there, March 11th 2012 ,when he comes up with the plan to access the $400,000.00 or $300,000.00....the $100,000.00 difference is irrelevant since he didn't have any hope of raising $ 10.00 .

Only a matter of opportunity, then..
would it be too cynical of me to propose that the surreptitious phone that Flegg supplied to Gerard could well have been organised by Sue Heath and Ms McHugh?? all in the cause of middle age romance and all that. . a not ignoble cause ....except in this context it's puerile..

... because its so full of coincidences ,.. here is Sue Heath and Fleggy in an illicit relationship, here's Gerard and Toni, ditto.. Sue has Toni as the agent to sell Fleggs unit... Gerard is in distress due to a lack of phone for .. well... for certain particular phonecalls, to a particular number.. let's say.. and Sue and Flegg provide this for him. but no one knows anything?

Sue knows Flegg, Gerard and Toni

Flegg knows Sue and Gerard..

Gerard knows Flegg, Sue, and Toni..

Toni knows Gerard and Sue..
GBC phoned BF 6th March from the number 0400.....
BF asked NBC 25th March for his number as to not bother GBC . NBC he gave him the same 0400.... number. :waitasec:

Thank You Makara for the Statements :rocker:
Flegg..." I asked him did he want to borrow money or was he looking for an equity partner... he made it clear that he did not want or could not have an equity partner..'

( equity partner..= one who invests money in ones company, this enlarges the coffers. ..enabling more staff to hired, perhaps, or a business venture launched with the input of funds from the equity partner.. but equity means that partner has a stake in the company, in your business, and has input and probably over riding input relevant to the amount funded.. )

Equity partners usually tell you what to do with your own business. . a reasonable position since they have put money into it.. the partners Gerard had, Jocelyn Frost , etc had told Gerard what to do in his own business, and what to do about his own business, re Ms McHugh... they laid it on the line, and then got out and their money invested had to be refunded.. I can see why Gerard didn't want to have anything to do with the rigmarole of an equity partner any more.. nosy and demanding.. .. he just wanted to borrow the money.. thing is, he had nothing to offer as collateral for a loan.

What he really needed was for it , the $400.000.00 plus, to fall from the sky with no attachments , no strings, no pesky rotten sods asking for it to be repaid, his money his to do what he wanted and his to disperse as he saw fit, and on whatever he saw was the best way to use it.. none of this signing papers, and the dreadful tearful begging from acquaintances, the incessant juggling and dodging, the matter of Allison in the office perhaps seeing the accounts...
would it be too cynical of me to propose that the surreptitious phone that Flegg supplied to Gerard could well have been organised by Sue Heath and Ms McHugh?? all in the cause of middle age romance and all that. . a not ignoble cause ....except in this context it's puerile..

... because its so full of coincidences ,.. here is Sue Heath and Fleggy in an illicit relationship, here's Gerard and Toni, ditto.. Sue has Toni as the agent to sell Fleggs unit... Gerard is in distress due to a lack of phone for .. well... for certain particular phonecalls, to a particular number.. let's say.. and Sue and Flegg provide this for him. but no one knows anything?

Sue knows Flegg, Gerard and Toni

Flegg knows Sue and Gerard..

Gerard knows Flegg, Sue, and Toni..

Toni knows Gerard and Sue..

What a tangled little web.
The police were on to that loaned phone quick smart.
GBC's was seized 21 April.
I have an additional opinion of GBC now. He is so forgetful

He forgot he was married and had an affair or two or three
He forgot whether his wife went for a walk that night or the next morning
he forgot to mention that the kids were having a sleepover
He probably forgot to mention to Police that he was having an affair or two
He forgot to go to the search post at the Showgrounds
He forgot to drive down the right street on his way to the Police Station
He probably forgot to pay a few bills
He forgot to tell Century 21 about moving offices
He now seems to have completely forgotten his wife has been murdered - business as usual.

Funny how he managed to remember what she was wearing and the TV show she was watching and how to contact his lawyer and probably knows what she is insured for.

JMO of course

Mouse Dectective in thread #17 did such a great summary, just had to quote it for posterity.

Thanks for the statement, Makara - fascinating. Protocol all the way up to the Premier from Flegg.
would it be too cynical of me to propose that the surreptitious phone that Flegg supplied to Gerard could well have been organised by Sue Heath and Ms McHugh?? all in the cause of middle age romance and all that. . a not ignoble cause ....except in this context it's puerile..

... because its so full of coincidences ,.. here is Sue Heath and Fleggy in an illicit relationship, here's Gerard and Toni, ditto.. Sue has Toni as the agent to sell Fleggs unit... Gerard is in distress due to a lack of phone for .. well... for certain particular phonecalls, to a particular number.. let's say.. and Sue and Flegg provide this for him. but no one knows anything?

Sue knows Flegg, Gerard and Toni

Flegg knows Sue and Gerard..

Gerard knows Flegg, Sue, and Toni..

Toni knows Gerard and Sue..

OR Mr Flegg is protecting his own ar*e and throwing Ms heath under the bus -so to speak.
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