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As we approach the trial - I am thinking we need to make sure we have good WS member coverage and a good understanding of what is going to be happening in all stages of this trial. Esp as we get into the testimony from witnesses. Sorry guys this is such boring housekeeping stuff but I think we almost need to see a bit of a show of hands to see who can attend court. Everyone here will value the info and no doubt it will be needed for future discussions.

I am happy to attend court a when I can and provide any info that can be disclosed to the public- BUT, I am no good at the technical twitter side of stuff.

This trial is likely to attract quite a large audience initially so I think we need to be aware of the publicity and make sure we have our own eyes/ears at the trial and not pass up are chance for info. Since most of us have invested such a lot of our sleuthing interests into protecting Allison's memory and ensuring justice is completed, we need to be full aware of how this trial is likely to proceed? (Alioops??? - thanks in advance) While there are likely to be hiccups and changes to routine - I would love to know just an expected agenda that would of things that happen in a trial such as this and the general procedures that the courts follow.

There is also likely to be a slew of media coverage - so Marly will there be a new media thread as well ? OR will we just add to existing threads?

In relation to the procedure of the trial - will there be any publication of the witnesses and any legal processes that need to occur?

I am a legal moron so if anyone can help me out with this - it would be great!
Thanks in advance everyone!

Lets make sure justice is done for Brookfield's Allison! (hey it rhymes!)

Just an aside, acknowledging our Trooper who provides valued comments about legal processes, I am also looking forward to hearing from Hawkins. Together, Trooper, Alioop and Hawkins will be very beneficial to the Thread by providing education and guidance in what sometimes appears as convoluted criminal court processes which we struggle to interpret. There were a couple of other legal WS members who may come out of obscurity and reappear on the Thread.

On the topic of subjudice maybe one of our legal commentators could expand on this for us as we prepare for Trial.

Don't under estimate yourself Fuskier….your commentary and insight is second to none, and an absolute pleasure to read.
As we approach the trial - I am thinking we need to make sure we have good WS member coverage and a good understanding of what is going to be happening in all stages of this trial. Esp as we get into the testimony from witnesses. Sorry guys this is such boring housekeeping stuff but I think we almost need to see a bit of a show of hands to see who can attend court. Everyone here will value the info and no doubt it will be needed for future discussions.

I am happy to attend court a when I can and provide any info that can be disclosed to the public- BUT, I am no good at the technical twitter side of stuff.

This trial is likely to attract quite a large audience initially so I think we need to be aware of the publicity and make sure we have our own eyes/ears at the trial and not pass up are chance for info. Since most of us have invested such a lot of our sleuthing interests into protecting Allison's memory and ensuring justice is completed, we need to be full aware of how this trial is likely to proceed? (Alioops??? - thanks in advance) While there are likely to be hiccups and changes to routine - I would love to know just an expected agenda that would of things that happen in a trial such as this and the general procedures that the courts follow.

There is also likely to be a slew of media coverage - so Marly will there be a new media thread as well ? OR will we just add to existing threads?

In relation to the procedure of the trial - will there be any publication of the witnesses and any legal processes that need to occur?

I am a legal moron so if anyone can help me out with this - it would be great!
Thanks in advance everyone!

Lets make sure justice is done for Brookfield's Allison! (hey it rhymes!)

The bolded line is truly what it's all about...seeking justice for Allison!

No need to stress about the's all under control :)

We'll have dedicated threads, (similar to the Committal Hearing threads), for each day as the trial progresses, along with other topical threads, for example, photos,witness testimonies.

And no doubt we'll have more than enough members who will happily help out with the twitter feeds/news reports. :)

If any members haven't visited our trial section before you could always have a peek in any of the case threads to get an idea of how we'll be operating.

[ame=""]Trials - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
In relation to the procedure of the trial - will there be any publication of the witnesses and any legal processes that need to occur?

I am a legal moron so if anyone can help me out with this - it would be great!
Thanks in advance everyone!

Lets make sure justice is done for Brookfield's Allison! (hey it rhymes!)

I'd sure love it if we were given a published list of witnesses but that won't

There's mountains of info on all these links...

Going to court

Media and the public

Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts

Supreme and District Court virtual tour

The following illustration provides you with a virtual tour of the Supreme and District Court.
Supreme Court and District Court

The trial

If the defendant pleads not guilty the trial may proceed as follows:

Prosecution case

The prosecution will start first in a trial. This may include:

•the Crown prosecutor will stand and outline the evidence against the defendant

•the bailiff will often call out the name of witnesses from outside the courtroom, escort them to the witness box and ask them to swear an oath on a holy book or make an affirmation to tell the truth

•the prosecutor will obtain evidence from each witness by asking questions. This is known as the evidence in chief

•the judge may also ask each witness a few questions.

In cases where the court is closed, members of the public are not be allowed in the courtroom while a witness gives evidence. The jury will be present.

Defence case

After the Crown prosecutor has questioned a Crown witness:

•the defence lawyer or the defendant may then question (cross-examine) the witness to confirm or contest their evidence

•the Crown prosecutor may re-examine their witness to clarify anything said.

When there are no more Crown witnesses, the defence lawyer or defendant may call defence witnesses and repeat the whole process.

The defendant is not obliged to call or give evidence
The bolded line is truly what it's all about...seeking justice for Allison!

No need to stress about the's all under control :)

We'll have dedicated threads, (similar to the Committal Hearing threads), for each day as the trial progresses, along with other topical threads, for example, photos,witness testimonies.

And no doubt we'll have more than enough members who will happily help out with the twitter feeds/news reports. :)

If any members haven't visited our trial section before you could always have a peek in any of the case threads to get an idea of how we'll be operating.

Trials - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Oh my that site is scary. I don't know where to start.
I'll need help I think.
Oh my that site is scary. I don't know where to start.
I'll need help I think.


Can any of the locals verify if it is a camera or cluster or cameras in the middle of the roundabout please?

Hi Makara - the pole in the middle of the Kenmore roundabout is just the cluster of lights illuminating the roundabout itself and the road around it. Not cameras as far as I can tell.

The main camera of significance is that one on the very tall pole at the Brookfield Rd junction with the roundabout, just outside the Kenmore Village car park. It is pointed eastwards (inbound) and down, with that bus stop shelter in full view of it.

I don't know if it can be remotely controlled and swivel, but I can't recall ever seeing it pointing in any other direction. But that may just be my lack of observation - it's an object of such familiarity as I drive past it every day, in both directions. So I take no notice of it most times.

I think there is a camera on the stop light at the Moggill Rd entrance to the roundabout, but this faces back along Moggill Rd away from the roundabout and away from the shopping centre - I think it's just used to check on traffic bank-up and to control the red light that faces back along Moggill Rd from the roundabout entrance.

I'll double check next time I drive past there in daylight if there are any other cameras that I've missed.
Hi Makara - the pole in the middle of the Kenmore roundabout is just the cluster of lights illuminating the roundabout itself and the road around it. Not cameras as far as I can tell.

The main camera of significance is that one on the very tall pole at the Brookfield Rd junction with the roundabout, just outside the Kenmore Village car park. It is pointed eastwards (inbound) and down, with that bus stop shelter in full view of it.

I don't know if it can be remotely controlled and swivel, but I can't recall ever seeing it pointing in any other direction. But that may just be my lack of observation - it's an object of such familiarity as I drive past it every day, in both directions. So I take no notice of it most times.

I think there is a camera on the stop light at the Moggill Rd entrance to the roundabout, but this faces back along Moggill Rd away from the roundabout and away from the shopping centre - I think it's just used to check on traffic bank-up and to control the red light that faces back along Moggill Rd from the roundabout entrance.

I'll double check next time I drive past there in daylight if there are any other cameras that I've missed.

Thanks Doc. Man, now I feel stupid! For the last two years I've believed that there is a camera in the middle of the roundabout!

I need to modify my post with the pics of the roundabout. Mods can you help please?
Thanks Doc. Man, now I feel stupid! For the last two years I've believed that there is a camera in the middle of the roundabout!

I need to modify my post with the pics of the roundabout. Mods can you help please?

I responded in awe to the pics and the research. I'll ask again, how'd you do that?

Don't you ever feel stupid Makara. That's my job. :blushing: :)
Why in all hell would you think that's a bad post girl! I responded in awe to the pics and the research. I'll ask again, how'd you do that?

Don't you ever feel stupid Makara. That's my job. :blushing: :)

Agreed tgy - your input is highly valued here Makara :loveyou:

Not that you should ever feel silly either tgy - we love you too! :loveyou:
Why in all hell would you think that's a bad post girl! I responded in awe to the pics and the research. I'll ask again, how'd you do that?

Don't you ever feel stupid Makara. That's my job. :blushing: :)

Yeah but I've led others to believe there is a camera in the middle of the roundabout! :blushing:

The pics are screen captures taken from Google Maps. Your keyboard has a PrtScn (print screen) key. When you have a page open that you want to copy, click the PrtScn key and the image is stored in your clipboard. You can then open it by pasting it into any image editing software. I use Photoshop to re-size the image, add text and reduce the file size to post onto the www.
Yeah but I've led others to believe there is a camera in the middle of the roundabout! :blushing:

The pics are screen captures taken from Google Maps. Your keyboard has a PrtScn (print screen) key. When you have a page open that you want to copy, click the PrtScn key and the image is stored in your clipboard. You can then open it by pasting it into any image editing software. I use Photoshop to re-size the image, add text and reduce the file size to post onto the www.

We'll all celebrate with a medicinal cyber red when GBC gets life (allegedly:) )

I'll copy that about how to do captures, a huge thank you.
I don't think the iPad will do so I'm off to the PC when necessary .
We'll all celebrate with a medicinal cyber red when GBC gets life (allegedly:) )

I'll copy that about how to do captures, a huge thank you.
I don't think the iPad will do so I'm off to the PC when necessary .

Whatever way this trial goes, I think I'll need a few medicinal reds.

If you need any help with the screencaps, let me know.
Whatever way this trial goes, I think I'll need a few medicinal reds.

If you need any help with the screencaps, let me know.

Whichever way this trial goes, my faith in humanity has been restored.
I know without any equivocation of doubt, that there are real genuine sincere people out there who care. And that makes me feel pretty good.
Honesty Integrity and Justice is alive and well. (What a wonderful revelation!)
These wonderful people can have a voice, thank God. (Thanks to the Internet too.)
I feel most fortunate in having "met" such wonderful people.
Yeah but I've led others to believe there is a camera in the middle of the roundabout! :blushing:

The pics are screen captures taken from Google Maps. Your keyboard has a PrtScn (print screen) key. When you have a page open that you want to copy, click the PrtScn key and the image is stored in your clipboard. You can then open it by pasting it into any image editing software. I use Photoshop to re-size the image, add text and reduce the file size to post onto the www.

When you look at Transport Dept traffic cam it's to the side of the roundabout. Looks like it could be in one of the pics you posted.

I much prefer "snipping tool" these days instead of PrtScn key.

A snipped shot of the cam.....

kbsy2u.jpg - Moggill Road - Kenmore Road (East)
When you look at Transport Dept traffic cam it's to the side of the roundabout. Looks like it could be in one of the pics you posted.

I much prefer "snipping tool" these days instead of PrtScn key.

A snipped shot of the cam.....

kbsy2u.jpg - Moggill Road - Kenmore Road (East)

Thanks Marly. Yes, it looks like that shot was taken from the camera near the entrance to the carpark. The same one TGY initially pointed out up thread.

The snipping tool is also a good way to capture images, thank you for the link. Here is another link to some of the best free screen-capture software available if anyone is interested.

ETA: That's a great shot BTW. I've saved it for future reference.
A reminder how wonderful freedom is -

Inside the prison where accused wife-killer Gerard Baden-Clay will be held for up to three years

A toilet connected to a sink, a single bed, a mirror, TV, shelf and desk make up a 3m x 4m cell where prisoners spend 12 hours a day inside the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre.

A small window overlooks the nondescript, high-security, prison grounds. Locked prison blocks remain under constant surveillance; thick, secure, doors slam loudly; guards walk freely through long, caged walkways; inmates workout with whatever they can find, pumping chairs like dumbbells.
Morning headcount begins at 6.45am, before a cereal and bread breakfast, followed by gym and activities such as football, tennis and volleyball.

Prisoners can smoke outside of their designated common area, watch TV or make a phone call.

The dinner menu over a week includes sausages in a curry sauce, fresh crumbed chicken, braised lamb chops, beef stroganoff and roast lamb, with meals served from 4.30pm.
Prisoners are allowed a total of 10 CDs and cassette tapes, sunglasses, a kettle, photo albums and photos.

They can receive socks and jocks, plastic hairbrush, singlets, court clothes and five magazines and books through the mail without a request form. Personal and legal visits are set down between 9am and 11am or 1.15pm and 3pm.

Prisoners receive an amenities allowance of $9.55 a week.

Photos included in link.
I'm sorry to cause any confusion but I felt in necessary to edit the images I initally posted Here in relation to the cameras at the roundabout. As Thinking and Doc Watson kindly pointed out, (thanks guys) there is no camera in the middle of the roundabout, which my initial images indicated. There is only the one camera near the entrance to the shopping centre carpark.

It's just a small thing I know and it won't have any bearing on whether GBC is convicted or not but it was concerning me that I may have led people to think that there was a camera in the middle of the roundabout.

I hate that bloody roundabout!



There's also the other couple of traffic cams I recall posting way back.

I wonder if police found anything on either of those...perhaps between Indooroopilly & ...hmmm...let's see...St Lucia?? :)

Indooroopilly - Western Freeway and Moggill Road (South) - Western Freeway and Moggill Road (South)

Indooroopilly - Western Freeway and Moggill Road (West) - Western Freeway and Moggill Road (West)
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