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Is it true that Hollinger was turned into LE by his family because of the most popular sketch released in Jareds case? Because we have now found Jareds abductor (DAH), of whom doesn't look like that sketch at all.
Is DAH Jared's abductor?

Where did you get the info re Hollinger?
human, the podcast is public and posted on her website for others to listen.
human, the podcast is public and posted on her website for others to listen.

I know about that. I do not understand why he did not id him back 20 some years ago.

I am wondering where SAS heard that Hollinger was turned in by family
I wonder if LE ever looked at the guy that abducted and murdered Jimmy Ryce in 1995. That guy also used a gun and was very brazen (middle of the day in public, although the neighborhood sounds like it was remote). Same age range as Jacob and a sexual motive.

This happened in Florida but he certainly could have been in MN back in 1989.
Thinking again about radios - radio geek here. In those days there were really three types easily available for eavesdropper types. Police scanners, CB radios and ham radio type setups.

If the Wetterling kids made the call to obtain parental permission to rent that video that night and made the call via a cordless telephone (I've never heard that they did but those devices are still very common among land line users) those devices frequently used the 46-49 mhz band at the time.

You can monitor cordless phones of that type with both programmable police scanners and some ham transcievers.

In those days, nothing was encrypted (the technology was too expensive) and unlike the 900 mhz cordless phones of recent years if a neighbor's cordless phone was using the band you were on you'd press a button and it would select the next available open frequency. I'm sure some people had fun monitoring their neighbors telephone calls.

The other thought is baby monitors also frequently use the same 46-49 mhz band. Frequently cordless phones didn't really have the greatest range (picture a circle of 700 feet from the transmitting antenna) so whoever was listening (if there indeed was a listener) either was very near by or they used a booster to amplify weak signals.

CB radios are an entirely different band altogether 11 meters (26 to 27 mhz) band. I'm doubting that CB was used here although CB can be kind of like a no-mans land with spotty reinforcement of regulations and I've heard all kinds of things on CB that make me wonder sometimes. It would be interesting if any amateur radio types were monitoring the bands that terrible night. After the news broke I sure bet that was the case.

Ham radio (2 meter) is typically up in the 144-148 mhz range - Hams tend to reinforce the rules and keep each other in line and make all the i's are dotted and t's crossed - the rules must be followed. In those days you could listen to the local 2 meter phone patch and monitor the conversation if you were inclined. I never heard much that was weird while listening there. I'm sure in those days if someone had heard anything odd or questionable or criminal it would have been recorded and reported to the appropriate authorities.

All of this makes me think that it was very possible or even likely that someone with a portable, programmable police scanner or ham transciever was at work that night and was listening.
1. Has anyone seen a ham radio tower in the neighbor hood?

2. A booster would be about zero help. The signal cannot be boosted through trees and hills. There are more than enough in that neighborhood. Even if a booster was on a roof, it would have very limited range because of trees.

3. If someone was using a ham radio, who could listen in to talk on it?

4. If there is a cordless phone, how close would someone have to be to pick up a conversation?
4. If there is a cordless phone, how close would someone have to be to pick up a conversation?

When my sister and I were younger, a girl from our school lived down the block (about 1/2 a block away) and we would eavesdrop on her phone calls. Somehow our phone would pick up her phone, but she couldn't hear us.

Not at all an expert opinion, but that's how far away we could pick up calls. It seemed random though, we had no control of when it picked them up. I'm not sure if there was a way to control this back then?
Re: Human's questions:

1. Not so much a tower but an antenna on a car. Magnetic mount antennas are available that can be stashed and placed on any vehicle that has a metal surface roof or trunk. A 2 meter ham antenna can look similar to an 11 meter cb antenna to the untrained individual.

2. Probably not a booster then. But you'd be surprised at how far the signals on some of these carry despite what they say they can do versus what they actually do.

3. Anyone with a police scanner / monitor / type setup. The 2 meter ham bands are on the lower end of what most radios and scanners call "Police Band 2".
My wife has an old multiband radio she grew up with that has "Police 1" and "Police 2" and you can monitor everything I've discussed on this thread.

4. I was able to hear neighbors phone calls from several houses away. As propagation conditions changed sometimes I'd hear adjoining neighborhoods cordless phones.
Like up to 2 city blocks or even farther. It just depended on conditions.

Makes me wonder: did someone have a portable programmable police scanner and was on foot with an earphone or headphones? How did the person who did the deed know where to be, at what time, in the dark, in a neighborhood that sounds like you'd have to be familiar with it beforehand to know where anything is?
I live in a place not in the US now where I cannot get internet. My neighbor has an antenna on his roof and he wanted to get an extender to reach our house and his rellie's houses so we could all get internet from his. He lives on a hill and it would be sent to us below.

While in the US my hubby called all over even to an expert company in the New York. Not possible because of trees and not that many trees.

My neighbor in the US is a ham radio operator. He has several towers on his property. One metal one and then a few white pole things. He had a big fat antennae on his car. One time we were going to a meeting but the building was locked. He used his radio in the car to track down where a key was. He said it was not ok to use it as a phone, but this was necessary as it was a public meeting and the doors had to be open. I did not understand why he could not use it as a phone.

I lived rurally in the US and always had cordless phones . I had always heard about people being able to hear conversations but I never heard one ever.

When my hubby was on call years ago, he had a pager. The cordless phone did not have enough range back then to reach our back yard so he had a pager with a service . I remember having a buzzer or a bell on the outside wall maybe to alert when we had a phone call. Can't remember what years those were but in the 80's for sure,
Imo the investigation has been bungled. Sadly the perp is out there and still committing crimes. Very sad.
Imo the investigation has been bungled. Sadly the perp is out there and still committing crimes. Very sad.

I don't think the perp is still out there commiting crimes. Have there been any similar crimes commited anywhere or anytime after Jacob? My guess is that the perp is locked up or dead. Unless he died shortly after Jacob, which is possible but not probable, the perp is locked up. Moose Lake is a good possibility. Any way to get a list of inmates at that facility? Thete are over 1,000. I know you can search the MN inmate site but you can't get a list of inmates that way.

Do you think the Moose Lake sickos brag about their offenses? If someone there admitted to abducting Jacob would it stay in those four walls or would word get around? What if one of the correctional officers heard rumors? Would they be obligated to report or just the opposite and they would not be allowed to say a word? Even if not allowed to talk about what is heard or shared within the facility I would hope that if there was talk one of the employees would call in a tip.

Anyone know if a prisoner can collect reward money?
BethAnn777, I tried to get info on people who were committed to Moose Lake, but since it is a hospital/prison, no inmate info is online nor can they give out the info over the phone to verify if they are there. They are considered patients.
BethAnn777, I tried to get info on people who were committed to Moose Lake, but since it is a hospital/prison, no inmate info is online nor can they give out the info over the phone to verify if they are there. They are considered patients.

When they are released to the neighborhoods, you can go ask them about their buddies.

If anyone ever bragged about Jacob, people would know and tell. I had a relative that worked there. No word on Jacob that she ever heard. BTW, my relative said not one of those monsters should be released ever. And no, she does not work there anymore. The average someone lasts with those monsters is two years

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