Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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So is the 4th kidnapping Amanda's daughter? I don't have access right now. Is it kidnapping because she was held against her will? If she was born there and he is possibly her father, is it kidnapping?
he stopped the mother from taking the child from the house. which he had no right to do = kidnapping
The chief said there is no reason to think there were any other women.

So who's name was written under RIP in the basement...if that story was true or not. Was it an intimidation tactic? Inquiring minds want to know.

It's a bit hard to swallow that no one in his family knew he was keeping 3 women....right there at his house. It defies logic really, but this story shows that anything can happen.

What a sick, sick man.
Here is a google link to many sources reporting the writing on the wall.

And check the charley project or google missing in Cleveland to find at least 3 other names of missing local females.

Those aren't reports citing any source. Rumor and "someone close to the investigation". The errors in reporting in the last 72 hours have been driving me nuts. CNN and Fox News have made some HUGE mistakes, for instance, saying that Tito DeJesus is Gina's uncle. (As recently as this morning a Fox News Anchor repeated this) No. He has stated on TV several times that if they are related, it is distant, and he doesn't even know for sure.

ETA: Sorry lol. I get really worked up when MSM either sensationalizes stories or repeats rumor without stating that it is only rumor or speculation.
Yes, Charles is an awesome and wonderfully colorful hero. I want to send him a gift and a card. If any sleuthers have an address for the guy - as it seems he lives next door, its probably all over hte place -could you PM me please.

Yes, the Cleveland law enforcement agencies and even the FBI need to be investigated by an outside agency. Even if some of the neighbors stories do not click, there is at least a man who was/is in jail who was questioned himself about Gina and says he pointed them towards Ariel. FBI says not true. There was at least once Ariel's door was knocked on and no one responded and they left. Yes, they cannot just knock down a door but if someone has called police saying a little girl is in a window or whatever else it cannot be brushed off. Maybe patrol by the house a little more, maybe follow up somehow, so on. This is a lower socioeconimic neighborhood and sometimes things are brushed off. Much drama about this in Chicago neighborhoods. I am not a law enforcement basher but saying "we looked and there was no calls, we looked and he did not point us towards Ariel, so on." That is not a good enough answer, not everyone else can be lying.
Michele told police Ariel offered her a ride home

Amanda said Ariel offered her a ride home, and told her his son worked at Burger King

Gina was offered a ride to his house to meet up with his daughter

Michele told police she was pregnant at least 5X; AC didn't want the pregnancies

Amanda said delivery in pool so mess easy to clean; Michele delivered baby; Ariel told her if her baby died>she would die

Amanda said Ariel left one of inside doors unlocked; thought AC was testing her

^^Reporter speaking on Newsnet5
I don't know if the "RIP" story is true, but it could have been put onto the wall to keep the women in submission.
Yes, Charles is an awesome and wonderfully colorful hero. I want to send him a gift and a card. If any sleuthers have an address for the guy - as it seems he lives next door, its probably all over hte place -could you PM me please.

Funny thing is, he actually said his address out loud on Anderson Cooper last night as he read it off his paycheck. I'm sure someone else will post it before I can find it but if not, I'll post it in a minute.

edit - it's right on this page, I don't want to post it because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to.

OMG - Amanda was impregnated 5 times, and he forced her to miscarry by punching her in the stomach. Michelle ended up delivering the baby that was born in a kiddie pool

Edited to add- some are saying they read it to be that Michelle was the one impregnated five times. Sorry if I made that error.

Yes,appears to be Michelle pregnant multiple times. He let Amanda to keep a child but not Michelle.
Poor Michelle seems to have gotten the worst treatment of all of the girls.
Yes, the Cleveland law enforcement agencies and even the FBI need to be investigated by an outside agency. Even if some of the neughbors stories do not click, there is at least a man who was/is in jail who was questioned himself about Gina and says he pointed them towards Ariel. FBI says not true. There was at least once Ariel's door was knocked on and no one responded and they left. Yes, they cannot just knock down a door but if someone has called police saying a little girl is in a window. Maybe patrol by the house a little more, maybe follow up somehow, so on. This is a lower socioeconimic neighborhood and sometimes things are brushed off. Much drama about this in Chicago neighborhoods. I am not a law enforcement basher but saying "we looked and there was no calls, we looked and he did not point us towards Ariel, so on." That is not a good enough answer, not everyone else can be lying.

So there was a little girl in the window (if that even happened) there was no missing child and AC has grandkids. Not sure in that case exactly what the police are suppose to follow up on.

According to the victims there was no crawling naked in the yard on leashes so that would mean that there sure is some lying going on.

Gina's family are clearly saying LE never gave up- them I believe.
[ame=""]Charles Ramsey recounts heroic day - YouTube[/ame]
This man his a hero! Sure we will hear more negative info about him... It doesn't matter to me personally....

Multiple domestic violence, drug abuse, receiving stolen property, criminal trespassing, extreme cruelty, gross neglect of duty, unable to and has never paid child support that consists of a mere $51/mo?

Wouldn't you say some of these things are reasons why you spend time on this crime forum?

I am not necessarily trying to cast any stones myself, because he did help, but please do not dismiss his criminal past as "it doesn't matter". I am sure it matters to his victims and his children.
Yes I was referring to the same interview. She also said Amanda was wearing a wig. But maybe her niece who was translating for her got that wrong.

In any case, it's not really important.

I am so far behind here - but I did watch Charles explain to CNN's Anderson Cooper last night that Michelle had her hair in a pony tail, a while tank top, makeup and jewelry. I think AC was 'nicer' to her because of the daughter and maybe she played him too just waiting for her chance. Some of what I have heard could explain the posts that I read on AC's fb page. This morning, driving to work, I heard about the multiple pregnancies and how the women were beaten until they miscarried ~ It turned my stomach! And how Michelle had to deliver Amandas baby and was told if the baby died, she would die too.

At this point, the bottom line is the women are out and free - hearing Amanda speak with her grandmother last night I thought how brave and strong she must have been throughout this. Gina's family are saying she is in good spirits and now home ~ I worry about Michelle most. I am happy and excited that they are free - I am disgusted and saddened for the horror they have endured for the past many years. I hope and pray that they can continue being strong and gaining confidence to live free and happy lives.

eta: now off to read this thread
Has there been any "Big News" today?

I am shocked they haven't found any human remains yet. Has any info been released about what happened with the other pregnancies....were any other babies actually born there?
Michele told police Ariel offered her a ride home

Amanda said Ariel offered her a ride home, and told her his son worked at Burger King

Gina was offered a ride to his house to meet up with his daughter

Michele told police she was pregnant at least 5X; AC didn't want the pregnancies

Amanda said delivery in pool so mess easy to clean; Michele delivered baby; Ariel told her if her baby died>she would die

Amanda said Ariel left one of inside doors unlocked; thought AC was testing her

^^Reporter speaking on Newsnet5

It seems odd to me that Michele was forced to "miscarry" 5x but Amanda was allowed to carry the baby. I wonder what his rational was on that? Poor Michele. She must be so devastated to have lost so many babies in her life.

OMG - Amanda was impregnated 5 times, and he forced her to miscarry by punching her in the stomach. Michelle ended up delivering the baby that was born in a kiddie pool

Edited to add- some are saying they read it to be that Michelle was the one impregnated five times. Sorry if I made that error.

The report says that the police said this. Where did they say it? I haven't read it or heard it anywhere.
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