Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL* #2

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I have always believed Knox is guilty. And highly manipulative.
I agree with you as usual, DGC. :seeya:

Amanda and her ex-bf are, at the very least, guilty of lying about what really happened that night. Why lie at all? Why so many contradictions? I'm not even going to take into account her bizarre behaviour post-murder. Just the numerous lies = huge red flag for me. I think she was present at the house when the murder took place. I'm not sure to what extent she actually participated in it.

I've noticed also that in her recent interviews she really doesn't show any genuine emotion while speaking about Meredith. See the contrast in emotions when she talks about her pain, her family, her ordeal. You can see genuine sadness. Of course this is not evidence but it's very revealing. Something is clearly off with that girl regardless of her innocence or guilt.

:seeya: Hi rose ! Nice to see ya here !

BBM: Exactly ... IF -- IF Knox were innocent and telling the "truth," then why did her "stories" change so much ?

The TRUTH does not change ... it remains consistent ...

When Sollecito was brought into the police station on Nov 5, 2007 and was told by investigators that his "story" did not match his computer records and phone records, Sollecito immediately said that Knox was NOT with him at his apartment that night !

Whoa ... so why did Sollecito throw Knox "under the bus" ? Was he distancing himself from her to cover his own butt ? First Sollecito said that they were together then a few days later, he changes his story ? Oh right, he said that Amanda told him what to say ... ding ding ding !

:twocents: I have no doubt that when the upcoming Appellate Court upholds the Trial Court's guilty verdict, an order for extradition will be issued for Sollecito ...

And then it is going to get real interesting because an extradition order will be issued for Knox who no doubt will fight extradition, of course, through the PR Team and U.S. media ...

So ... when Sollecito goes back to Italy and Amanda has not made it back there, WILL Sollecito "roll over" on Knox ?

So true, DGC!

Why do you think Rudy did not rat out Amanda and her ex from the very start?
So true, DGC!

Why do you think Rudy did not rat out Amanda and her ex from the very start?

:twocents: IMO, because Amanda and Rafaelle did not "rat" Rudy out at the start either ...

See, Rudy fled to Germany a day or two after Meredith's murder ... he was "on the run" until he was finally caught and brought back to Italy ...

Amanda and Rafaelle were in Perugia ... BUT according to Amanda, she stayed to "assist in the investigation" ... but actually, the Italian police told her NOT to leave Italy ...

But this is what is very "telling" about Amanda IMO :

Amanda KNEW that an African man was involved in the murder, so to throw investigators off of her and Raf's track -- AND -- Rudy's track, she blamed another African man, Patrick Lumumba, who was innocent!

So WHY would an "innocent person" BLAME another "innocent person" ? Makes NO sense at all IMO ...


All JMO and :moo:
:twocents: IMO, because Amanda and Rafaelle did not "rat" Rudy out at the start either ...

See, Rudy fled to Germany a day or two after Meredith's murder ... he was "on the run" until he was finally caught and brought back to Italy ...

Amanda and Rafaelle were in Perugia ... BUT according to Amanda, she stayed to "assist in the investigation" ... but actually, the Italian police told her NOT to leave Italy ...

But this is what is very "telling" about Amanda IMO :

Amanda KNEW that an African man was involved in the murder, so to throw investigators off of her and Raf's track -- AND -- Rudy's track, she blamed another African man, Patrick Lumumba, who was innocent!

So WHY would an "innocent person" BLAME another "innocent person" ? Makes NO sense at all IMO ...


All JMO and :moo:

That makes sense, DGC. I've only recently really become interested in this case. The KC and JA trials have kept me busy for ages. I feel so, so sad for Meredith.

It's going to be an interesting week. I'll follow the trial this time around. Nice to read your posts. :seeya:
Guede should have gotten a longer sentence but he used the system by taking advantage of the fast track trial. Without the deduction for the fast track trial his sentence is just as long as for Knox and Sollecito after their conviction.

Good summary of the 'innocent' case. Just keep repeating no DNA and no evidence. Even Guede's fingerprints all over the room? Amazing. Then throw in the old 'satanic ritual' claim and blame the prosecution even though it came from the defense lawyer. If there was an actual case for innocence you wouldn't have to make any of this stuff up.

By doing this you only alienate yourself from what is going on in the real world. There is a real trial going on with lots of real evidence that all points to the participation of Amanda Knox and her boyfriend in the murder of Meredith Kercher. It is starting on September 30th.

Similarly, if Knox and Sollecito had bit the bullet, opted for the fast track trial option, denied murder but acknowledged that they were there ... just like Guede ... this would all be over for them at the same time that it will be over for Guede. If that had happened, Meredith's family could have put this behind them. Instead, this is an endless battle for the victims to see justice for Meredith. More than one person was involved in the murder, and the evidence points towards not only an inside job, but a cover-up by one room mate: Knox.
After reading through every post in this thread I just have to say that I find it appalling that for those who believe that Amanda and Raffaele are guilty of murder and who are crying out for justice for Meredith Kercher, have not a single word of outrage that Rudy Hermann Guede, Meredith's convicted murderer, may be paroled in 2014 to walk the streets a free man.

Remember Rudy? The man who's DNA was found in and on Meredith's brutally savaged body and throughout the crime scene? The man who left a bloody handprint on the pillow under Meredith's body and fingerprints all over Meredith's bedroom? His bloody shoeprint in the bedroom and down the hall and his feces in the toilet? The man who stole money and cell phones from Meredith's purse that night and then fled to Germany the next day? The same man who repeatedly told police that Amanda and Raffaele were not in the house that night only to change his story two years later during an appeal which successfully reduced his original 30 year sentence by half?

Do you truly believe his ridiculous story that he and Meredith had consensual sex that night? Where's the outrage over this man possibly being set free after serving a mere seven or eight years for committing such a despicable, savage murder? And even if he's not paroled next year, serving only sixteen years in payment for taking Meredith's young and innocent life from her is justice?

Not a single hair, not a single fingerprint, not a speck of DNA belonging to Amanda or Raffaele at the bloody scene of the crime. Not a speck of Meredith's DNA or blood on their clothing. Not a shred of evidence to place them at the scene. Only a desperate, unbelievable prosecution theory of a drug-fueled, satanic-ritual sex orgy gone wrong with not a single evidentiary fact to support it.

The prosecution's case against Amanda and Raffaele is laughable at best, and an absolute travesty of justice at its worst. Don't kid yourself if you believe that the retrial of their case with a possible finding of guilty equals justice for Meredith. If one truly cared about justice for Meredith you would be as outraged as I am that her convicted murderer Rudy Guede may be walking the streets, a free man, in a matter of months.

Another thing that struck me. During one of her interviews Amanda says that she was in shock in the days after the murder because it could have been her. She could have been the one who was murdered. Really, who says that when a friend has just been brutally murdered? I can understand saying this if a stranger has been killed but in this situation it was just cold. Maybe I'm just a sensitive soul but that was strange and selfish! It wasn't her. It was Meredith who was murdered! Everything about Amanda reeks.
Another thing that struck me. During one of her interviews Amanda says that she was in shock in the days after the murder because it could have been her. She could have been the one who was murdered. Really, who says that when a friend has just been brutally murdered? I can understand saying this if a stranger has been killed but in this situation it was just cold. Maybe I'm just a sensitive soul but that was strange and selfish! It wasn't her. It was Meredith who was murdered! Everything about Amanda reeks.

My experience of Amanda is that she seems to say things that we might be thinking but would not dare say. I think she just lacks a filter.

Honestly, both this and her comment about MK "f*ing bleeding to death" are both things I would be thinking in that situation but would know not to say. I don't think it's so odd for those thoughts to occur in the first place though.
I agree with you as usual, DGC. :seeya:

Amanda and her ex-bf are, at the very least, guilty of lying about what really happened that night. Why lie at all? Why so many contradictions? I'm not even going to take into account her bizarre behaviour post-murder. Just the numerous lies = huge red flag for me. I think she was present at the house when the murder took place. I'm not sure to what extent she actually participated in it.

I've noticed also that in her recent interviews she really doesn't show any genuine emotion while speaking about Meredith. See the contrast in emotions when she talks about her pain, her family, her ordeal. You can see genuine sadness. Of course this is not evidence but it's very revealing. Something is clearly off with that girl regardless of her innocence or guilt.

They sure are. It is as though everyone has forgotten what Knox first said about the night that Meredith Kercher was murdered. After falsely accusing Patrick Lumumba and that not working out, and the lies about the timeline not working out, she claimed that because she was high on drugs and alcohol, she had a complete memory wipe. First a false accusation, then a pile of whopper lies, and finally "oops, I forgot."

She attempts to justify her refusal to attend the trial with rhetoric, admitting that there is circumstantial evidence, but her DNA was not in the bedroom. She even suggests that there's something wrong with the Italian justice system since it is possible to be convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence. I'd like Amanda Knox to explain why her "grapefruit juice" footprints are between the bathroom and Meredith's bedroom. Wouldn't that be an interesting story, right up there with I stand behind my accusations against Patrick!

Knox has always seemed emotionally screwed up. Remember the comments from Meredith's friends about how she would endlessly play the same three or four notes on the guitar, or sing loudly at inappropriate times (at a restaurant)? How could we forget comments like: "she f-ing bled to death" and "I could kill for a pizza" at the police station immediately after the murder?
My experience of Amanda is that she seems to say things that we might be thinking but would not dare say. I think she just lacks a filter.

Honestly, both this and her comment about MK "f*ing bleeding to death" are both things I would be thinking in that situation but would know not to say. I don't think it's so odd for those thoughts to occur in the first place though.

Would you also be thinking "I could kill for a pizza"?
Another thing that struck me. During one of her interviews Amanda says that she was in shock in the days after the murder because it could have been her. She could have been the one who was murdered. Really, who says that when a friend has just been brutally murdered? I can understand saying this if a stranger has been killed but in this situation it was just cold. Maybe I'm just a sensitive soul but that was strange and selfish! It wasn't her. It was Meredith who was murdered! Everything about Amanda reeks.


BBM: Yes, that was a cold statement by Amanda ... JMO, but she does not do herself any "favors" ... she does not come across as a compassionate person at all, IMO ...

What I would like to know is WHY Amanda did NOT attend the Memorial for Meredith that was held at the campus ?

WHY did Knox "distance" herself and NOT attend the Memorial for her "friend" ?

IF she was "in shock" AND "innocent", wouldn't Amanda have done anything and everything possible to help find the murderer -- as well as she would have attended the Memorial in support of her "friend" ?

Nah ... Knox was busy trying to throw the investigators off her trail and Raf's trail and Rudy's trail ...

And NOW, just days before Knox's re-try of the Appeal, she is asking the Kercher Family to give her a "chance" ?

Really ? Seriously ? The audacity of Knox continues ...

I have always believed Knox is guilty. And highly manipulative.

:seeya: Hi Cherry ...

Good point that Knox is manipulative ... afterall, she roped Raf and Rudy into doing her "dirty work" ...

All JMO and MOO

My experience of Amanda is that she seems to say things that we might be thinking but would not dare say. I think she just lacks a filter.

Honestly, both this and her comment about MK "f*ing bleeding to death" are both things I would be thinking in that situation but would know not to say. I don't think it's so odd for those thoughts to occur in the first place though.

Sonata... These comments in and of themselves don't mean much. Taken together with the evidence makes me believe that she is guilty.
They sure are. It is as though everyone has forgotten what Knox first said about the night that Meredith Kercher was murdered. After falsely accusing Patrick Lumumba and that not working out, and the lies about the timeline not working out, she claimed that because she was high on drugs and alcohol, she had a complete memory wipe. First a false accusation, then a pile of whopper lies, and finally "oops, I forgot."

She attempts to justify her refusal to attend the trial with rhetoric, admitting that there is circumstantial evidence, but her DNA was not in the bedroom. She even suggests that there's something wrong with the Italian justice system since it is possible to be convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence. I'd like Amanda Knox to explain why her "grapefruit juice" footprints are between the bathroom and Meredith's bedroom. Wouldn't that be an interesting story, right up there with I stand behind my accusations against Patrick!

Knox has always seemed emotionally screwed up. Remember the comments from Meredith's friends about how she would endlessly play the same three or four notes on the guitar, or sing loudly at inappropriate times (at a restaurant)? How could we forget comments like: "she f-ing bled to death" and "I could kill for a pizza" at the police station immediately after the murder?

Agree wholeheartedly. Did she really say that about pizza? Good heavens. The girl is nuts!

BBM: Yes, that was a cold statement by Amanda ... JMO, but she does not do herself any "favors" ... she does not come across as a compassionate person at all, IMO ...

What I would like to know is WHY Amanda did NOT attend the Memorial for Meredith that was held at the campus ?

WHY did Knox "distance" herself and NOT attend the Memorial for her "friend" ?

IF she was "in shock" AND "innocent", wouldn't Amanda have done anything and everything possible to help find the murderer -- as well as she would have attended the Memorial in support of her "friend" ?

Nah ... Knox was busy trying to throw the investigators off her trail and Raf's trail and Rudy's trail ...

And NOW, just days before Knox's re-try of the Appeal, she is asking the Kercher Family to give her a "chance" ?

Really ? Seriously ? The audacity of Knox continues ...


She is more manipulative than KC and probably as much as JA. I'm sorry but no one in shock is going to falsely accuse an innocent man. What BS!

Meredith died in a most brutal manner. If that doesn't tear the heart out of a person nothing else will. I bet that post-murder she was more concerned about cuddling with her bf, eating pizza and doing yoga. That silly police investigation got in her way.

And she's just like JA. Oh, everyone is out to get her. The jail guards, the lawyers, the Italian public. Give me a break! She is guilty, guilty, guilty. Let the Italian court decide to what extent and what way she is guilty.
They sure are. It is as though everyone has forgotten what Knox first said about the night that Meredith Kercher was murdered. After falsely accusing Patrick Lumumba and that not working out, and the lies about the timeline not working out, she claimed that because she was high on drugs and alcohol, she had a complete memory wipe. First a false accusation, then a pile of whopper lies, and finally "oops, I forgot."

She attempts to justify her refusal to attend the trial with rhetoric, admitting that there is circumstantial evidence, but her DNA was not in the bedroom. She even suggests that there's something wrong with the Italian justice system since it is possible to be convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence. I'd like Amanda Knox to explain why her "grapefruit juice" footprints are between the bathroom and Meredith's bedroom. Wouldn't that be an interesting story, right up there with I stand behind my accusations against Patrick!

Knox has always seemed emotionally screwed up. Remember the comments from Meredith's friends about how she would endlessly play the same three or four notes on the guitar, or sing loudly at inappropriate times (at a restaurant)? How could we forget comments like: "she f-ing bled to death" and "I could kill for a pizza" at the police station immediately after the murder?

Scott Peterson was sentenced to death based on 'circumstantial evidence'. She is either ignorant or is purposely trying to confuse the public. Most cases are solved using circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence does not equal flimsy or insufficient evidence.
Agree wholeheartedly. Did she really say that about pizza? Good heavens. The girl is nuts!

"Gallows humor" is how she tries to explain herself.

"Ms. Knox tries to explain some of the unusual behavior she displayed. In one highly publicized incident, after the body of Ms. Kercher was discovered, Ms. Knox stood outside the villa and repeatedly kissed Mr. Sollecito, drawing suspicion from the police. Watching the clip later, Ms. Knox said she remembered feeling “young and scared, in need of comfort.”

“Later, people would say that our kisses were flirtatious — evidence of our guilt,” she wrote.

At the police station, while Ms. Kercher’s British friends huddled together in grief, Ms. Knox wrote that she paced the hallways, dry-eyed, slamming the heel of her palm against her forehead in anger.

“First I showed not enough emotion; then I showed too much,” she wrote. Later, a journal entry from that day, in which Ms. Knox wrote that she would “really like to say that I could kill for a pizza but it just doesn’t seem right,” would make her appear even more suspicious. In the book, she dismissed it as “gallows humor.”
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