Amy Winehouse dead at 27

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I'm interested in hearing everyone's opinion on this.


Mitch and Janis' appearance at the house comes as it has been claimed the singer's death on Saturday was because she stopped drinking.
It is thought that Amy had been told to cut down on her drinking gradually, but her cold turkey approach to quitting the booze gave her frail body a shock it couldn’t handle.
A source close to the family told the paper: ‘Abstinence gave her body such a fright they thought it was eventually the cause of her death.

Amy’s father Mitch gave a touching eulogy where he said that Amy had beaten her battle with drink and drugs and she hadn’t drunk for three weeks and hadn’t touched drugs for years.
However it has been claimed that the singer was drinking gin and red bull drinks at the Roundhouse.......

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I can see this being the truth ("cold turkey" alcohol withdrawal can kill) but I can also see it as her parents creating it as their truth because it's easier to remember their beloved daughter this way- clean and sober at the time of her death... She beat her demons but they killed her anyway.

Either way my heart goes out to them...
I can see this being the truth ("cold turkey" alcohol withdrawal can kill) but I can also see it as her parents creating it as their truth because it's easier to remember their beloved daughter this way- clean and sober at the time of her death... She beat her demons but they killed her anyway.

Either way my heart goes out to them...

Maybe it was the alcohol withdrawal but she seemed to be falling all over a few nights prior at the concert. I doubt she was off drugs for years as her parents are saying. It has to be denial and I understand that.

Good pts. wfgodot. and all on the addiction part of the conversation. I agree.

That is so sad such a great talent gone. She should have listened to her own words and went to rehab.

She did....many times in fact. Actually she was being tested weekly by her Dr...and had been testing clean for drugs.
Do we have a reliable MSM source or a statement from her doctor that says she tested negative for drugs? Or an objective source in a position to know definitively that she was sober for the last 3 (your choice) weeks-months-years?

Alcohol is a drug, albeit a legal one, and thinking addictions are cured if the victim is still
drinking goes against much evidence that this will not for long be the case - if it ever was.
We're there earlier reports that she had pretty much binged the least few days? And I thought her mom had even said Amy was in a bad spot the last day or so. (Maybe now she's believing it's from going cold turkey?)

I'm going to guess (that's all I can do) that the parents are in denial. I guess that doesn't really hurt anyone else at this point, and if that makes it easier for them, maybe that's okay.

So sad. So very sad.
Just thought I would share as I heard this song last evening. I am familiar with Howard Tate because of his music and because he grew up here in Philly.

Tate IMO an accomplished Bluesman found himself addicted and homeless. After 25 years he recovered and went back to his music sharing his talent with the world.

Cut in 2008 the song about Amy Winehouse almost has a caustic edge. However, Mr. Tate said it isn't so. Probably just the opposite. He prayed and prayed for Amy Winehouse I suppose in a way only another addict could.

I'll see if I can find a YouTube clip of it. "Miss Beehive".
Do we have a reliable MSM source or a statement from her doctor that says she tested negative for drugs? Or an objective source in a position to know definitively that she was sober for the last 3 (your choice) weeks-months-years?

Alcohol is a drug, albeit a legal one, and thinking addictions are cured if the victim is still
drinking goes against much evidence that this will not for long be the case - if it ever was.

No, that would be she was clean for "'bout a month". If lost a pound for every addict I have ever heard say that I'd be looking like Christie Brinkley. Heck, I'd look like Twiggy.

In Filly world and again it's just from my experience that a person can get some clean time in. Then they pick up and go right back to drinking a bottle of vodka, or shooting five bags of dope just like they did pre clean time. Ultimately this is what kills people. Your tolerance obviously is not the same, but the nature of addiction dictates ya have to go big. Go more. No baby steps. So technically I believe people truly think their loved one was clean when they died. The "lapse" or "relapse" doesn't count.

Of course we don't know if this was the case with Miss Winehouse. Will we ever? The moral is don't mess with drugs and alcohol period. You usually wind up like Miss Winehouse or locked up.
Here's H-Tate's "Miss Beehive":
[ame=""]‪"Miss Beehive" A Song For Amy Winehouse‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I'm waiting on the ME's report and i really feel for the parents but the only dangerous time for an alcoholic and withdrawals is perhaps a few days after stopping cold turkey (from everything I know and have read). According to what i have heard, her parents are saying she was off alcohol for 3 weeks! She would be out of the danger zone at this point.
People are claiming she was pregnant. An ectopic pregnancy can be very dangerous..even early on.
Again, we shall see soon enough when the autopsy reports come back.
My younger sister died a few years ago, after battling for years with anorexia and alcohol abuse...she tried rehab many times, but it just didn't work out for her, although she always had the best intentions and wrote such heartbreakingly optimistic letters about how well she was doing and how she was looking forward to her life...I imagine Amy's family endured much the same, as did Amy. Everything came rushing back to me this weekend hearing about Amy's death. My mom never really recovered and died just as heartbroken as the day it happened. I hope Amy's family can find a way.

:hug: sorry for your loss :(
She did....many times in fact. Actually she was being tested weekly by her Dr...and had been testing clean for drugs.

When tox screen comes back, we will know what was in her system when she died. Until that comes back, I will take "alcohol withdrawal theory" with a grain of salt.
One news report claimed that a doctor told Amy that she needed to ease off of alcohol. That doesn't sound like very good advice. How can an alcoholic ease off drinking and be able to control it, and I've never heard of a rehab doing things that way. A friend of hers came on and said that she believed Amy got the drugs out of her system then did the same amount as she'd been doing, which was then way too much and killed her.
One news report claimed that a doctor told Amy that she needed to ease off of alcohol. That doesn't sound like very good advice. How can an alcoholic ease off drinking and be able to control it, and I've never heard of a rehab doing things that way. A friend of hers came on and said that she believed Amy got the drugs out of her system then did the same amount as she'd been doing, which was then way too much and killed her.

If a Doctor told Amy Winehouse to "ease off" the alcohol I'd say he should be liable in some way. Of course it depends on how much she was drinking of course, but with all the other demons this poor young woman battled any Doctor that didn't care for her in a supervised setting had to be a rotten Doctor. Kicking heroin isn't going to kill you although I am sure people wish they would die during a kick. Crack well I'm not so sure, but alcohol? I'm pretty sure they still give librium to alcoholics in detox. Sout City Mom pretty much explained those dangers.

Her so called "friend" just may be right because after you kick and you go a little while clean when you pick up you go right back to what you were using before.

No matter how this poor young lady died it's a dang shame. I don't care if she was famous and could sing her *advertiser censored*s off and had enough soul in her pinky to put many artists out in the cold. She was human.

Like Cluciano's elderly mom I have to say my mom as well who is in her 70's flat out said "This kid has it. She's got that it. She's fiercely talented. You can't teach that.". She really enjoyed her voice. Of course she had to add that the Gaga ain't got a thing on Miss Winehouse.

On an aside many people believe that Billie Holiday met her death due to heroin use. That was not true. She beat the dope, but picked up alcohol and that killed her. God may she rest in peace as well.
Amy Winehouse duet with Tony Bennett to benefit drug charity (Guardian)
A duet between jazz great Tony Bennett and the late singer Amy Winehouse is being released as a single to benefit a charity established by her father, Bennett's spokeswoman confirmed.

The classic pop standard Body and Soul that Winehouse recorded with Bennett in March is one of her last works.
The song will also appear on Bennett's Duets II CD to be released on 20 September.
(more at link above)
I am glad your sister seems to have made it...I know my sister really tried and she had tons of support but that is not always enough.

My mom, even though she was close to 80 when Amy became known in the US, took to her right away, as she heard about her problems. She also read Kurt Cobain's bio and others who died from addiction-based issues...she tried so hard to help others understand that it really is an illness, bless her heart.
WOW, your Mom sounds like an INCREDIBLE person!!
If a Doctor told Amy Winehouse to "ease off" the alcohol I'd say he should be liable in some way. Of course it depends on how much she was drinking of course, but with all the other demons this poor young woman battled any Doctor that didn't care for her in a supervised setting had to be a rotten Doctor. Kicking heroin isn't going to kill you although I am sure people wish they would die during a kick. Crack well I'm not so sure, but alcohol? I'm pretty sure they still give librium to alcoholics in detox. Sout City Mom pretty much explained those dangers.

Her so called "friend" just may be right because after you kick and you go a little while clean when you pick up you go right back to what you were using before.

No matter how this poor young lady died it's a dang shame. I don't care if she was famous and could sing her *advertiser censored*s off and had enough soul in her pinky to put many artists out in the cold. She was human.

Like Cluciano's elderly mom I have to say my mom as well who is in her 70's flat out said "This kid has it. She's got that it. She's fiercely talented. You can't teach that.". She really enjoyed her voice. Of course she had to add that the Gaga ain't got a thing on Miss Winehouse.
On an aside many people believe that Billie Holiday met her death due to heroin use. That was not true. She beat the dope, but picked up alcohol and that killed her. God may she rest in peace as well.

Lol, Filly, I love your mom more every time you share stories about her!!! I bolded the above because my dear bf made the same comparison between Gaga and AW. Although I like Gaga because she studied her craft,writes her own music AND my baby sis called me Gaga when she was little, (I guess that makes me the original Gaga, LOL:D)her music doesn't hold a candle to AW's music, IMO.

I am so excited to hear the AW/Tony Bennet duet. It should be awesome!!!

I miss her although I am "playing catchup" with her music.

Regarding her many references in lyrics to "tears drying up" and "black"...

Do you think these lines were referencing her substance "experimentation"? Or does being black or going black refer to depression, down moods, or ?

What a phenomenal voice, writer and performer (and much more) addition to being physically beautiful and so young...

RIP Amy :rose:

Gone way, way too soon, IMO...
I miss her although I am "playing catchup" with her music.

Regarding her many references in lyrics to "tears drying up" and "black"...

Do you think these lines were referencing her substance "experimentation"? Or does being black or going black refer to depression, down moods, or ?

What a phenomenal voice, writer and performer (and much more) addition to being physically beautiful and so young...

RIP Amy :rose:

Gone way, way too soon, IMO...

Cazzie, I think it was a little of both. I do think that AW became a tormented soul as her career skyrocketed.

A 'friend' of hers discusses how Amy became isolated due to her fame in this article.

~snipped form article~

‘Before, she’d been excited by any attention from the paparazzi, but this night they hounded her everywhere we went. It seemed like the whole of Camden stopped and stared when she walked down the street.
‘Suddenly we couldn’t just pop to the pub and play pool because people would start acting weirdly around her. That really started to get to her.’
It was also difficult to miss the fact that Amy had developed a problem with drink and drugs. ‘She’d be at home on her own bored and having a drink because she couldn’t go out anywhere without the world staring at her,’ says Kristian.
‘Amy had developed into two characters. There was the person who most of the general public thought she was like: an alcoholic, addicted to drugs, a physical mess, prone to fighting – but behind closed doors she was not at all like that.

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I am not a tatoo fan, nothing against them....just personal preference, but I loved Amy's tatoos! :rocker: She was certainly one of the most uniquely talented performers of our time, IMO. AW exhibted an outward toughness, yet her vulnerability was apparant thru her music.



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