Amy Winehouse dead at 27

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'Goodnight my angel, sleep tight': Mitch Winehouse's emotional goodbye to daughter Amy as Kelly Osbourne and Mark Ronson join family for her funeral

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Her poor family. I cannot even imagine watching my loved one go down the path that Amy did and not being able to help them, they must have felt so helpless. I am sure, even though it seems as if they did all the could to help her, they will live their entire lives wondering if the outcome would have been different had they done something differently. So, so sad.

It was reported early after she died that she and Reg Traviss had broken up but I noticed in this article, he was refered to as her boyfriend. I wonder what the deal is there.
My younger sister died a few years ago, after battling for years with anorexia and alcohol abuse...she tried rehab many times, but it just didn't work out for her, although she always had the best intentions and wrote such heartbreakingly optimistic letters about how well she was doing and how she was looking forward to her life...I imagine Amy's family endured much the same, as did Amy. Everything came rushing back to me this weekend hearing about Amy's death. My mom never really recovered and died just as heartbroken as the day it happened. I hope Amy's family can find a way.
My younger sister died a few years ago, after battling for years with anorexia and alcohol abuse...she tried rehab many times, but it just didn't work out for her, although she always had the best intentions and wrote such heartbreakingly optimistic letters about how well she was doing and how she was looking forward to her life...I imagine Amy's family endured much the same, as did Amy. Everything came rushing back to me this weekend hearing about Amy's death. My mom never really recovered and died just as heartbroken as the day it happened. I hope Amy's family can find a way.

:hug: I'm so sorry for your loss.
RIP Amy May your tortured soul be at peace.
[ame=""]‪Amy Winehouse - Rehab‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
:hug: I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thank you.
I just watched the "Biography Remembers" special on Bio Channel, what a sad story...her fame came so quickly but I think she would have been alright if she had not met that one wrong person...
I think this is a fantastic article. Thank you to all of you here who love and respect Amy, demons and all.

Amy Winehouse: An Artist, Not a Cliché
Charles Karel Bouley
KGO Radio and Syndicated Host, Stand Up, Entertainer, Author, Actor, Dog Walker
Posted: 7/25/11 03:46 PM ET

What people should be asking is, why artists? Since the dawn of time artists have left early, been addicted, been "not right." If Prozac existed a hundred or more years ago, would we have Van Gogh's work? If Joplin or Hendrix had Dr. Drew and didn't have their demons, would they have had their brilliance?

The general public looks at the powerful and privileged and say, "What a waste, if I had all that fame and money I wouldn't..." Trust me, you never, ever know.

Look at Whitney Houston. She seemingly had it all. Untouchable vocals, an acting career taking off, hit records only to let a substance in that devastated her life, and her voice. Now, she is the shell of the superstar she used to be; and it's tragic. But why? Because something in her, something private, something personal, hurt, and the drugs made it go away.

Everyone suffers. Everyone medicates that suffering with SOMETHING. Some take drugs, some drink, some collect little dogs or horde trash. Others eat themselves to death while the next person is starving themselves. Just because the addiction is legal (chocolate, shopping, lattes, diet Pepsi, ciggies etc) doesn't mean that the person is not addicted and using it the same way. Just that society doesn't look down on them for that addiction and it will probably take longer to kill them. None of us are perfect. None. Some simply hide it better than others.....

RIP Amy. I will greatly miss your talent. :rose:
IWannaKnow, The article you posted reminded me of one in the LA Times several years back. It was about how psychiatric drugs were killing creative talent and featured a few cases in Hollywood. Basically the trade off was losing their careers to be more mentally sound. Some were ok with that, many were not and went off the drugs. Many were able to regain their creative side, others never got it back.
My younger sister died a few years ago, after battling for years with anorexia and alcohol abuse...she tried rehab many times, but it just didn't work out for her, although she always had the best intentions and wrote such heartbreakingly optimistic letters about how well she was doing and how she was looking forward to her life...I imagine Amy's family endured much the same, as did Amy. Everything came rushing back to me this weekend hearing about Amy's death. My mom never really recovered and died just as heartbroken as the day it happened. I hope Amy's family can find a way.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister and for all of the pain you had to endure. My sister got clean and sober over three years ago and things finally seem to be going in her direction. The news of Amy's death brought back all of those horrible feelings of when she was using. It was hell for all of us and she just as easily could have ended up where Amy is. I thank God every day that she didn't. And I pray to God every day that he helps her stay sober.

In my perfect world, all addicts become well. Most of them have such tremendously creative souls, the world would really benefit from their clean and sober minds.
Everyone suffers. Everyone medicates that suffering with SOMETHING. Some take drugs, some drink, some collect little dogs or horde trash. Others eat themselves to death while the next person is starving themselves. Just because the addiction is legal (chocolate, shopping, lattes, diet Pepsi, ciggies etc) doesn't mean that the person is not addicted and using it the same way. Just that society doesn't look down on them for that addiction and it will probably take longer to kill them. None of us are perfect. None. Some simply hide it better than others.....

RIP Amy. I will greatly miss your talent. :rose:

Snipped for space.

What a great post. Thanks wasn't enough, imo. I've said many times that we all have vices. No one of us is better than the other.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister and for all of the pain you had to endure. My sister got clean and sober over three years ago and things finally seem to be going in her direction. The news of Amy's death brought back all of those horrible feelings of when she was using. It was hell for all of us and she just as easily could have ended up where Amy is. I thank God every day that she didn't. And I pray to God every day that he helps her stay sober.

In my perfect world, all addicts become well. Most of them have such tremendously creative souls, the world would really benefit from their clean and sober minds.

I am glad your sister seems to have made it...I know my sister really tried and she had tons of support but that is not always enough.

My mom, even though she was close to 80 when Amy became known in the US, took to her right away, as she heard about her problems. She also read Kurt Cobain's bio and others who died from addiction-based issues...she tried so hard to help others understand that it really is an illness, bless her heart.
To have that many demons at that young of an age is so very sad. She was a very tortured soul. May she finally be at peace.
Saw a staged pic of her bodyguards posing with her cremated remains outside of the crematorium. What an odd image... especially the guy on one end pointing at the box to bring attention to her name on it... and the other guy on the other end looking like he is cracking a polite smile as if it is a family photo op or something of that nature. I ponder how much was made off of the image, because no way did it get put into circulation on the tabloid market for free. (the guy holding her ashes is supposedly the one that found her)

TMZ carried it:

I'm interested in hearing everyone's opinion on this.


Mitch and Janis' appearance at the house comes as it has been claimed the singer's death on Saturday was because she stopped drinking.
It is thought that Amy had been told to cut down on her drinking gradually, but her cold turkey approach to quitting the booze gave her frail body a shock it couldn’t handle.
A source close to the family told the paper: ‘Abstinence gave her body such a fright they thought it was eventually the cause of her death.

Amy’s father Mitch gave a touching eulogy where he said that Amy had beaten her battle with drink and drugs and she hadn’t drunk for three weeks and hadn’t touched drugs for years.
However it has been claimed that the singer was drinking gin and red bull drinks at the Roundhouse.......

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Having checked in an alcoholic 5 times, I can say this. Each time they immediately put this colleague on an i.v. drip full of vitamins, and then some meds, usually barbiturates. I was told b/c he drank 24/7 he could not just detox himself by not drinking as all vital organs would shut down. This man was drinking 24/7 for years though, not for a few days. He also did not eat, just drink and some drugs on occasion.

IDK about Amy's drug or alcohol issues. It was clear she was not eating from the photos. I do know that if she used heroin, stopped, then went back to it and used her normal amount, it would be lethal. I saw heroin mentioned earlier in the thread. Different story on that issue.
21merc7, Thanks so much for weighing in. I was hoping some of our sleuths with insight and expertise in this subject would enlighten those of us who aren't familiar with it.

I do think AW was on 'something' three days before when she stumbled onstage at her god daughter's concert. Yet her dr gave her a clean bill of health the night before she passed. I wonder if she was being drug tested regularly as part of her contract with her record label? It would make sense because she was such a talent and moneymaker for them. Alot of peeps' earnings depended on her being well. MOO.

Detox sounds rough! I had no idea that vital organs would shut down by going cold turkey. Poor Amy....


I'm interested in hearing everyone's opinion on this.


Mitch and Janis' appearance at the house comes as it has been claimed the singer's death on Saturday was because she stopped drinking.
It is thought that Amy had been told to cut down on her drinking gradually, but her cold turkey approach to quitting the booze gave her frail body a shock it couldn’t handle.
A source close to the family told the paper: ‘Abstinence gave her body such a fright they thought it was eventually the cause of her death.

Amy’s father Mitch gave a touching eulogy where he said that Amy had beaten her battle with drink and drugs and she hadn’t drunk for three weeks and hadn’t touched drugs for years.
However it has been claimed that the singer was drinking gin and red bull drinks at the Roundhouse.......

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This makes a lot of sense to me. Alcohol is a very dangerous drug to withdraw from and improper withdrawal can, indeed, cause death.

True story:

A number of years ago, my father was drinking a LOT of booze on a daily basis and it was getting the better of him. On his own, he decided to cut back so that he would be in good shape for my sister's wedding.

In the receiving line after her ceremony, my Dad had a grand mal seizure and had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance.

His blood alcohol when taken at the hospital was .43......and even at .43, he didn't have ENOUGH alcohol in his dependent system and his body responded with the seizure.

Boggles the mind - the average person would be dead with a .43 BAC, but for someone conditioned with copious amounts of alcohol, .43 BAC isn't enough for the body.

Rest in peace, Amy.
It's frequently said of addicts that they "died clean, that's what killed them." This only and unwisely provides an excuse for living addicts to continue their addictions. And it is frequently poppycock, believed, and employed, for various reasons.

Inevitable headline below, SPOILER ALERT: according to record company sources, she left the "framework" for about a dozen unfinished songs, her studio achievement - besides the track on the forthcoming Tony Bennett album - in the last five years (almost five; Back to Black was released in October 2006). So that's the "trove" mentioned in the AP link below.

Amy Winehouse left trove of unreleased music

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