Angelina Jolie

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Just because they have money doesn't mean they have the best doctors. There are tons of suits against the doctors of the wealthy. Anyway, I hope the babies or baby(I don't think we know for sure) will be ok.

Just ask Dennis Quaid!
I was borderline for gestational diabetes with my first child and was put on a diabetic diet, which I followed religiously, along with walking. He was fine - a normal weight - almost 8 pounds - but interestingly, my other two babies were only 6.8 and 6.10. Perhaps my condition did affect his weight a bit, although who knows? I gained about the same with all 3.

Glad all turned out well for you and your family.:blowkiss:
I don't even know if I believe this about diabetes..because aren't medical records private..the last time I checked they were.

As far as them being married and the kids..well if they part ways they would have anyway...divorce one way or the other is hard on kids. But not being married, to me, does not lessen their commitment to their family. When they feel comfortable I am sure they will marry. For manyyears Goldy Hawn and Kirk Russell didn't marry..actually are they married now?..anyway they managed to raise their kids in a very loving environment.
I don't even know if I believe this about diabetes..because aren't medical records private..the last time I checked they were.

As far as them being married and the kids..well if they part ways they would have anyway...divorce one way or the other is hard on kids. But not being married, to me, does not lessen their commitment to their family. When they feel comfortable I am sure they will marry. For manyyears Goldy Hawn and Kirk Russell didn't marry..actually are they married now?..anyway they managed to raise their kids in a very loving environment.
No, they are still not married. I do think it would be considered common law though. They have been together for years. Still, I think couples with children should marry. JMO
I have never been a BP fan but I LOVE LOVE LOVE AJ!! How can you not admire someone with her beauty, compassion, and commitment? I mean, come on, her and Brad are trying to single handedly save the world.
Don't forget her low morals.....
No, they are still not married. I do think it would be considered common law though. They have been together for years. Still, I think couples with children should marry. JMO
Actually, they have only been together for a few years. She got pregnant with Shiloh at the beginning of their relationship. If you believe the recent stories, she and Brad were trying to get pregnant before his divorce....since Shiloh is only a couple of years old they will have been together less than 3. I believe common law in most states is 7, so they do have a ways to go.
Actually, they have only been together for a few years. She got pregnant with Shiloh at the beginning of their relationship. If you believe the recent stories, she and Brad were trying to get pregnant before his divorce....since Shiloh is only a couple of years old they will have been together less than 3. I believe common law in most states is 7, so they do have a ways to go.

Not many States recognize Common Law anymore. If you want, I can take a quick look for the stats. :)
IMO, They really should think about getting married and making the kids more secure knowing mommy and daddy are married. I'm just sayin....
I have never been a BP fan but I LOVE LOVE LOVE AJ!! How can you not admire someone with her beauty, compassion, and commitment? I mean, come on, her and Brad are trying to single handedly save the world.

Between them, they donated around 10 million last year.
I have to totally admire the good work the do for the people that need it the most. They are action takers, not the usual ones that usually bemoan, "oh, if I could only do that." Hey, they have the time and money but are either too lazy, too cheap or just running their mouths.

Brad and Angie deserve some awards for all they do! IMO
Yep, no doubt in my mind anymore.
That being said, I just want to say that I think it is WONDERFUL that they adopt needy kids....
BUT, (yall knew there was a but, right) Angie has been called out on statements she made about the couple's bio daughter...And although Brad has made no much statements I believe he is just as much to blame...
What I really mean is you ALWAYS see the couple (most recently snow-tubing) with ALL their kids EXCEPT Shiloh. Brad is NO better, IMO. Rarely is he pictured with Shiloh (and lets admit the paps stalk them like mad!)
Maybe a baby shouldn't be snow-tubing? Yeah, BUT there have been MANY other sitings where it seems like Shiloh COULD have been involved and wasn't.
Anyway, no matter the fame, money, etc...there's only two of them...and how many kids CAN they possibly have before attention to each starts wearing thin?
Shoot, I was a single mom of only two and they both could NOT get enough of my attn....I could listen to one kid for 1 min and feel like I was betraying the other and etc....
Kids VIE for attention, and need it, imo. With 4 kids, yeah maybe between the two of them they can split attn. to where it seems like enough, but much more than that, and I just don't see it happening. Not with their lifestyle.
All of the above is MOO....I don't mean to disrespect or put down anyone with more than 4 kids!

With the new twins, they will have 6 children. I think Angie always wanted a dozen or so. Bless her heart!
Right now, they have Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shilo and to come are boy twin and girl twin.

I totally wonder what the names will be?
Marcheline for after her mom maybe? The boy, I haven't a clue. :)
No, they are still not married. I do think it would be considered common law though. They have been together for years. Still, I think couples with children should marry. JMO

California does not recognize common law marriage--and neither does Louisiana. They have homes both places. I remember reading that the adoptions were done through Calif. courts so that is probably their "legal" residence.

They haven't been together too many years--just three. Brad & Jen announced their separation in Jan. of 2005, and Brad and Angelina became an item shortly after that.

I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about them getting married. It is evident that they love their children and treat them well. I don't think getting married would make them love their children--or each other--more than they already do. JMO
This is one of the nastiest threads I have read in a while. Really mean and extremely judgemental. uck:mad:
Thank you!!! I can't believe what I'm reading. These children needed a home!!! Is everyone saying that Maddox, and his adopted siblings werent worthy???

I am mostly a lurker but this thread was starting to p@#% me off. If you want to rant on someone, try the tabloids or the US welfare system or the illegal immagration problem or the parents of the kids who are born drug addicted!!!!!

Enough is Enough!
Thank you!!! I can't believe what I'm reading. These children needed a home!!! Is everyone saying that Maddox, and his adopted siblings werent worthy???

I am mostly a lurker but this thread was starting to p@#% me off. If you want to rant on someone, try the tabloids or the US welfare system or the illegal immagration problem or the parents of the kids who are born drug addicted!!!!!

Enough is Enough!

As an adoptee, it would make me feel bad to know people could say such hurtful things. Espically since it comes from strangers.wth do they know?:confused:
Thank you!!! I can't believe what I'm reading. These children needed a home!!! Is everyone saying that Maddox, and his adopted siblings werent worthy???

I am mostly a lurker but this thread was starting to p@#% me off. If you want to rant on someone, try the tabloids or the US welfare system or the illegal immagration problem or the parents of the kids who are born drug addicted!!!!!

Enough is Enough!
I have read this whole thread and I don't see anywhere that these kids aren't cute nor that they shouldn't have a home.:rolleyes:
As an adoptee, it would make me feel bad to know people could say such hurtful things. Espically since it comes from strangers.wth do they know?:confused:
WHAT hurtful things!?!? WHERE did someone say anything BAD about those kids?
No, they are still not married. I do think it would be considered common law though. They have been together for years. Still, I think couples with children should marry. JMO

I still think with the rampant divorce rate, marriage simply doesn't mean a thing anymore. but that's just me. :)
Not many States recognize Common Law anymore. If you want, I can take a quick look for the stats. :)
IMO, They really should think about getting married and making the kids more secure knowing mommy and daddy are married. I'm just sayin....

How many divorced parents are in western society? i'm just sayin'.
I have to reply to the statements about Brad and Angie not being seen with Shiloh as much as the other children. I think this is because they are trying to shelter her more from the paps as they are really after her pics more than the others because she is their bio child and also because the other children all go to school so that means Shiloh has mom and dad to herself all day and then maybe when she is napping in the afternoon they take the others out to do something. Shiloh was pictured with them when they were snow tubing. Angie was holding her at the top of the hill while the others went down on one occasion. Also the newest pics on Just Jarred show them walking down to a local store for some snacks. Angie is holding Shiloh while the others walked. Shiloh then got a booboo on her knee when she was walking and Angie was very loving to her and Shiloh back. I think they are probably very bonded as Angie was all about breastfeeding. She would have had to spend lots of time with Shiloh alone. I think they are great parents and hope they can make it beyond the odds of most Hollywood couples.
Has there been confirmation that she's having twins?
I still think with the rampant divorce rate, marriage simply doesn't mean a thing anymore. but that's just me. :)
Oh Floh, I still think it means a lot. I haven't given up on the idea of love and a marriage that will last until death do you part.:blowkiss: Even though I am going through a divorce, he is the one that broke the vows. I believe in marriage, and hope to be married again one day.

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