Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell's Disappearance from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015 #2

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Unless someone comes forward, it may not be possible to determine manner of death (accident, homicide, suicide or natural) Imo. I don't see how it can be proven that she died at the hands of another person.

I worry about this being the case. Time will tell and I hope whomever knows remembers "the truth will set you free" (but not WS since his shinanegans have put him where he should IMO).

I'm heartbroken for Zach and his girls. I'm heartbroken for AJ. RIP sweet angel.
I am still suspicious of Wes though. Did she really meet up with him at lunch time? Did he give her 200 bucks? If so, he probably knew what it was for. Did he know the dealer too?

Why all the planted evidence by Wes if this was a simple OD? I still believe he is involved in some way. JMO

Jumping ahead as I try and catch up but yes, I do still believe Wes is involved in SOME way. Far too much points right at him still, despite the ME report. Either he's the one who dumped her out there at the house & tossed her phone too, or someone who truly hates him and wants him to take the fall for it, set him up. She didn't walk out there and die in the grass, so SOMEONE in her very close circle put her there.

I'm really hoping by now, LE knows exactly who it was that put her there.
I have no doubt her friends, and wes, knew about the drugs. I have no doubt someone dumped her at the house. This is still murder IMO, no one injects themselves with hot shot who hasn't been a junkie for a long time. She was not alone when that happened.

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Functional addicts are surprisingly good at hiding their drug usage. If she was regularly or casually using heroin, no doubt she had some friends doing the same. Street drugs are of varying strength and unfortunately some people do OD when they get a unknowingly get a strong batch. Perhaps she was buying low strength in Farmville and got something stronger in Norfolk when she came home? Also, the police haven't said anything about injecting, there are other ways of ingesting heroin. Drug addicts will dump their friend's bodies. It happened to a friend of mine. His junky buddy found him long dead one morning and didn't want the cops at his house, so he loaded his body in his car and abandoned the vehicle behind the grocery store. Heroin is some bad ****.
The BringAJHome FB page has an updated message about the speculation from the recent news.

"...those on the outside don't see that a monster did this to her..."

IMO it seem that those thinking/commenting that AJ was a heroin user are making an assumption that the family doesn't feel is representative of what really happened to AJ. It seems they also hold someone else, "a monster", responsible for doing this to her.

Absent any evidence to the contrary, at this point I don't for a second believe she poisoned herself with heroin! In all the months we've followed this tragedy nothing has provided any evidence that she was a hard drug user. Drugs cost money and college students don't have much of that usually and most heroin users are not successful college students who play sports and are as vibrant a young woman as she obviously was (sadly...was).

Young people often drink and/or smoke marijuana but using heroine is a BIG leap for me to make in this case.
The COD doesn't change anything, in my mind, yet. AJ didn't shoot up, cut up her credit card, go drop off her jacket at CFs house, stop by Chesapeake to throw her clothing all over the place, hit the pond at IOW and then take a walk to Franklin where she fell over and died. Still need more info from LE. Not sure if we will ever know or not.

This. Right here... :goodpost:
The COD doesn't change anything, in my mind, yet. AJ didn't shoot up, cut up her credit card, go drop off her jacket at CFs house, stop by Chesapeake to throw her clothing all over the place, hit the pond at IOW and then take a walk to Franklin where she fell over and died. Still need more info from LE. Not sure if we will ever know or not.

That is the saddest part IMO. The COD sheds light on one thing we have all been wondering: why no POI or arrests? Obviously she isn't the one who discarded all of her things so someone is still involved with moving her body, etc. but I don't think we are going to see any charges directly related to her death. So sad.
My theories at this point are: (I know nothing about drugs, so my terminology might be off)

-AJ was doing heroin with Wes, or maybe other people, and she overdoses. Maybe it was a bad batch. Coverup begins.
-Wes gave AJ heroin in order to get her to go unconcicious so he could rape her and she didn't wake up. Coverup.

I don't think this is a case of premediated murder, where Wes decides he is going to kill AJ by forcing heroin into her. In a way, I feel some people, not just here but on FB, are saying "There is no way this extraordinary girl died an ordinary death".
How would someone force another person to do heroin?
Would a person be held down and shot up. You can't force someone to snort or consume drugs. You can't force someone to smoke drugs.

Have there been other such cases?
How would someone force another person to do heroin?
Would a person be held down and shot up. You can't force someone to snort or consume drugs. You can't force someone to smoke drugs.

Have there been other such cases?

This has to be the most popular theory on all the FB news sites. I really think the mentality behind it is "There is no way this extraordinary girl died an ordinary death" and "I did not get emotionally invested in a case for months where the victim overdosed"

There was this case:
How would someone force another person to do heroin?
Would a person be held down and shot up. You can't force someone to snort or consume drugs. You can't force someone to smoke drugs.

Have there been other such cases?

My initial guesses are forced injection, or she snorted it without knowing what she was in for. I think smoking it can probably be ruled out - it is hard to overdose from smoking heroin and it is much slower to act in general. The majority of overdoses are injections. If we ever get to see the autopsy report, I'm sure it makes the picture clearer.
My initial guesses are forced injection, or she snorted it without knowing what she was in for. I think smoking it can probably be ruled out - it is hard to overdose from smoking heroin and it is much slower to act in general. The majority of overdoses are injections. If we ever get to see the autopsy report, I'm sure it makes the picture clearer.

Why in the world would you guess it was a forced injection? Isn't the obvious scenario that she did some heroin, ODed and someone found her dead? My guess would be that she was doing heroin with someone else, they both passed out and she didn't wake up, the second person panics and dumps her body.
From the little bit I know about heroin, and there is a growing epidemic in my neck of the woods, someone "trying" it will initially snort or smoke it. I can't see a first time user shooting up. I may be wrong. Probably am.
One more thought about Wes. It would just be too coincidental that AJ had heroin poisening and he was using drugs again. IMO. I still feel he is involved.
They already knew on the day that they had the balloon release.

Heroin addicts do not clean up the house exceptionally well while doing laundry.

Aj was pretty and somebody wanted her in a passed out situation to make her unable to reject their advance.

She probably thought she wad sniffing coke as a upper to clean the house. But the drug kicked in before the laundry was done.

Btw. It is easy to smother a passed out person without leaving compressed marks on there nose in mouth. I think.
From the little bit I know about heroin, and there is a growing epidemic in my neck of the woods, someone "trying" it will initially snort or smoke it. I can't see a first time user shooting up. I may be wrong. Probably am.

You are very correct. The only way this would happen is if the experienced person comes along with the agenda to have you subdued; Kindly tells you that the best way is injection.

But the rapist misdiagnosed the amount that her body could handle. Jmo
Why in the world would you guess it was a forced injection? Isn't the obvious scenario that she did some heroin, ODed and someone found her dead? My guess would be that she was doing heroin with someone else, they both passed out and she didn't wake up, the second person panics and dumps her body.

Maybe. But then what about the jacket found at the neighbor's, and the cut up credit card and the clothing by the side of the road, and the gas station meeting at lunchtime?
Why in the world would you guess it was a forced injection? Isn't the obvious scenario that she did some heroin, ODed and someone found her dead? My guess would be that she was doing heroin with someone else, they both passed out and she didn't wake up, the second person panics and dumps her body.

The question was "How would someone force another person to do heroin?"
There is a range we are dealing with between overdose and poisoning. The fact that the are wording it that way is interesting, and Zach seems to think so too.

Here is a good study on the general heroin overdose "myth"(ie an overdose, perse, doesn't kill you, your organs shutting down do)

See also the info zapped posted upthread, the full paper here: Heroin Overdose.pdf

It is very possible she was drinking before she tried the drugs. Alcohol and heroin are a very bad combination.

My personal opinion may be very unpopular, and that is that anyone who supplies drugs, especially bad drugs, to someone who proceeds to die of them, is complicit in their demise. That guilt is compounded when the victim is a first time user or otherwise put in a position where they are not in full control of the outcome (hot shots, laced joints, peer pressure etc). We don't know what the circumstances are with AJ sadly, but we know some people who were her "friends" did not care about her enough to save her, and are lying or withholding the truth now to how she ended up in Franklin decomposing in an abandoned yard. I am truly so angry I can't really form a well-constructed response to everything yet.
Guys just love it when the pretty ones start using hard drugs. Especially the ones who wouldn't give them the time nor day if they were not using. The 80s was very telling of this.

Btw. You can force inject someone who is passed out drunk and they wouldn't feel the needle. Jmo
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