Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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Doesn't TES also look for LIVING people? Didn't Tim ask for an item of Caylee's to use to find her? Didn't Cindy refuse?
Personally, I think the whole Anthony clan are totally WACKO... I wish that everyone that has been slandered by them would file defamation charges against them like ZG has done. CA, GA and LA should also be charged with obstruction for all of the crap they have been pulling.
Tim Miller is a saint for putting up with all of the mud the Anthony's have been slinging at him and the entire TES organization.. I wish him and all of the searchers God Speed..
Todd Black allegedly sent out a fax about Anthony's alleged correspondences with Scott Peterson and EquuSearch's involvement in the search for Caylee. That fax read in part:

"Casey Anthony and family members have maintained that Caylee is alive, which is why they have not participated in any search for remains. Authorities gave up on looking for Caylee, and have used the media to whip the public into a frenzy of hatred against Casey, making it all but impossible to get a fair trial. And insulting to any family who may suffer a missing child, the authorities refuse to mount an official search, and instead allow an out of state group to collect tens-of-thousands of dollars in a nationwide fundraising campaign, without a single accounting on where that money is going."

I so want to slap these people!! They continue to ignore the fact that it is KC that is the problem. If KC would tell the truth (like that's gonna happen) then TES and LE would search where she said. These people are horrible.

This is an out and out lie. The family has steered LE with lies about ficticious people and then claims that LE is not doing their jobs? If the family would be truthful, then maybe a live Caylee can be found. A credible story might help LE a lot.

I see Todd Black and Jose Baez and Cindy on the media FAR more than LE. Has LE gone on 20/20? Has LE gone on the Today Show? LE has released information available under the Sunshine Law and they have even held back on that. Has anyone seen the sheriff in a "little black dress" in a limousine in NY?
I think they protest too much also. Do you think the money being given to Tim is driving them crazy because they want people to send money to their "foundation"? Or maybe LA got ticked off because people were researching and questioning his involvement in handling the "donations to help find Caylee" and asking for accountability?
I think there's a good reason why so many people immediately believed LA wrote this email. Firstly, David Lohr is a very credible source and he works with TM and reports on the search, which he personally is a part of. Secondly, it is not farfetched to believe this email came directly from LA because the family has been on record as disliking TM. It's not like this is out of left field. If it was reported that Natalie Holloway's mom, for example, had written an email asking people NOT to donate to TES everyone would think it was a hoax, because of her past behavior. We are all logical people and the A's past behavior makes it plausible that this email came out of their camp.

We obviously can't be certain, but our willingness to believe the source of the email and to believe it exists is reasonable.

I don't know whether it has already been shared but David Lohr shared the email example that he reported on and full context in his Blog Comments, see: Posted by: David Lohr | October 30, 2008 at 10:53 AM
this is outrageous
its all LE and TM fault
Casey is the victim
Poor Caylee
Alot of times when you see a case where someone kills someone else the victims family, fights to make sure justice is done
In this case the family is not fighting for Caylee, they are fighting for Casey
LE, TM, and strangers that care, are the ones that will make sure justice is served and Caylee's murderer is held accountable
I still want to see the actual "alleged" email. Hopefully this email will be scanned and posted on David's site for everyone to see. Until then, this "alleged" email can't be verified.

I see the comments and post about the email on David's site and found it interesting that anyone can post in anyone's name.

Posting submissions are moderated before publication so while they cannot verify most people, I would expect any posting that claims to be from David would not be allowed if it was not. Thoughts?
Doesn't TES also look for LIVING people? Didn't Tim ask for an item of Caylee's to use to find her? Didn't Cindy refuse?

Yes, and I wish someone would go on the Today show with that info. I just watched the show on You Tube 10-22-08 with George and Cindy and Cindy stated "If people believe Caylee is no longer here then they SHOULD help Tim Miller with TES". What a HYPOCRITE! She just said that, again to get sympathy and support for her sorry a$$. I'm emailing Meredith Viera of the Today Show. Who know's if she will listen, investigate, look into it or whatever. I just feel I have to do something for the respect that Tim Miller so rightly deserves.
Yes, and I wish someone would go on the Today show with that info. I just watched the show on You Tube 10-22-08 with George and Cindy and Cindy stated "If people believe Caylee is no longer here then they SHOULD help Tim Miller with TES". What a HYPOCRITE! She just said that, again to get sympathy and support for her sorry a$$. I'm emailing Meredith Viera of the Today Show. Who know's if she will listen, investigate, look into it or whatever. I just feel I have to do something for the respect that Tim Miller so rightly deserves.
Cindy appears to have done everything she can to drive TES away from there searching. She almost succeeded at one point. I hope people will counter her negativity and convince TES to continue. I feel so BAD for Tim and TES. They have given of their time and money so generously and all they seem to get from Caylee's family is trashing. Maybe you can convince the Today Show to do a program on TES and have people that TES has helped come forwarde and sing their praises.
First, they will say it's not really Caylee.
THEN they will blame someone else.
THEN, when Casey is convicted, they will say it was wrongly so and they will support her appeals and stand by her until they are all dead and buried.

That is why the A family and the SP family will live happily ever after in their own twisted reality of a world. Birds of a feather.:eek:
"Todd Black" can't be connected to any real pr agency so I'd discount anything he says. Someone gave this guy a fax machine and a manual typewriter never thinking he'd actually know how to use them.

TES deserves every cent they are given.

Someone on that blog where the email info came from said that Todd Black only exists in Jose Baez's fax machine. True that. Look at the grammar and way of speaking. I'm betting Todd Black = Jose Baez. We'll never see the 2 of them in the same place together.
Someone on that blog where the email info came from said that Todd Black only exists in Jose Baez's fax machine. True that. Look at the grammar and way of speaking. I'm betting Todd Black = Jose Baez. We'll never see the 2 of them in the same place together.

Considering that no one has SEEN Todd Black period is odd.
this is outrageous
its all LE and TM fault
Casey is the victim
Poor Caylee
Alot of times when you see a case where someone kills someone else the victims family, fights to make sure justice is done
In this case the family is not fighting for Caylee, they are fighting for Casey
LE, TM, and strangers that care, are the ones that will make sure justice is served and Caylee's murderer is held accountable

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. :)

Whether or not this story is true there has been an un-intended consequence in the favor of Justice for Caylee -- that there is increased momentum and stimulus to support TES and the search for Caylee.

Justice works in mysterious ways. :clap:

Even though people may be found not guilty, may make millions, may *seem* to benefit from their crime -- it isn't always obvious the price they pay and the suffering.

What goes around comes around. :blowkiss: Give with a good heart and you shall receive.
On the Rumor thread, someone posted an email they received from Todd Black. Part of the email he sent said this:

"We do not work for George and Cindy Anthony, and we know absolutely nothing about any claims that they are receiving funds, but if they did - they are not operating a "charity business" and By Law those funds would be considered private gifts to do with whatever they choose."

Kinda like we thought, huh?
I say this means we donate MORE to TES. How 'bout it everyone? Paypal makes it easy peazy.
Amen, I just donated and will again, it's a wonderful organization and I can't stand how the A's have mistreated Tim. His sincerity and goodness shine thru everytime I see him.
I agree 100%. And I think they will refuse the remains, saying they are not Caylee'!
And how sad will that be?

Sadly, you are probably right. They are in such denial, they will most likely refuse to believe whatever is found is Caylee..they do not believe in science, if it goes against KC, so why would they start now?

After all this time, it pains me to there any piece left of this precious angel? sorry to be so blunt.
On the Rumor thread, someone posted an email they received from Todd Black. Part of the email he sent said this:

"We do not work for George and Cindy Anthony, and we know absolutely nothing about any claims that they are receiving funds, but if they did - they are not operating a "charity business" and By Law those funds would be considered private gifts to do with whatever they choose."

Kinda like we thought, huh?

People making donations may not be aware of that. Apparently the A's can receive as much as $1M per person before they are liable for any gift taxes.
Considering that no one has SEEN Todd Black period is odd.

Extremely! I posted on the rumor thread a supposed e-mail from him, and he talks about how large his company is, etc. Uh huh, sure.
Sadly, you are probably right. They are in such denial, they will most likely refuse to believe whatever is found is Caylee..they do not believe in science, if it goes against KC, so why would they start now?

After all this time, it pains me to there any piece left of this precious angel? sorry to be so blunt.

Stupid question, but if GA and CA refuse Caylee's remains, what happens to them? I'm sure she would be given a proper burial, but it saddens me to even think about it.
O/T who was the "spokesperson" that the A's had that iirc showed up on TV just once. He was received as kind of a dork. I did a search and can't find his name anywhere. Does anyone remember?

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