Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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If this is not the handiwork of Lee then I would expect a statement in 3...2...1...
I think there's a good reason why so many people immediately believed LA wrote this email. Firstly, David Lohr is a very credible source and he works with TM and reports on the search, which he personally is a part of. Secondly, it is not farfetched to believe this email came directly from LA because the family has been on record as disliking TM. It's not like this is out of left field. If it was reported that Natalie Holloway's mom, for example, had written an email asking people NOT to donate to TES everyone would think it was a hoax, because of her past behavior. We are all logical people and the A's past behavior makes it plausible that this email came out of their camp.

We obviously can't be certain, but our willingness to believe the source of the email and to believe it exists is reasonable.
My understanding is TES is also coming to search for Jennifer Kesse, I have been following her case since she disappeared as well. I don't know if this e-mail is real or not, but we do know how the Anthony's feel about Tim Miller and we also know how the spokesman feels about TES. The comments being made about TES are hateful at best, and it makes me worried that some people might see these comments and believe them, and not donate. What a tragedy that would be for the Kesse family, Caylee, and other missing people. I have many words swirling around in my head that I would like to say about the Anthony family, but they aren't worth my bother. For Caylee and Jennifer I hope there is closure, and I will be thinking about all the wonderful people who will be searching.
I think there's a good reason why so many people immediately believed LA wrote this email. Firstly, David Lohr is a very credible source and he works with TM and reports on the search, which he personally is a part of. Secondly, it is not farfetched to believe this email came directly from LA because the family has been on record as disliking TM. It's not like this is out of left field. If it was reported that Natalie Holloway's mom, for example, had written an email asking people NOT to donate to TES everyone would think it was a hoax, because of her past behavior. We are all logical people and the A's past behavior makes it plausible that this email came out of their camp.

We obviously can't be certain, but our willingness to believe the source of the email and to believe it exists is reasonable.

ITA! :clap:
I'd love to know how Lee A got a hold of the email addresses of the people who donated money to TES?

I didnt know who the email was sent to. I have donated to TES & I didnt get his email. I just thought he wrote it to those on the Caylee site.
If this is not the handiwork of Lee then I would expect a statement in 3...2...1...

I think there's a good reason why so many people immediately believed LA wrote this email. Firstly, David Lohr is a very credible source and he works with TM and reports on the search, which he personally is a part of. Secondly, it is not farfetched to believe this email came directly from LA because the family has been on record as disliking TM. It's not like this is out of left field. If it was reported that Natalie Holloway's mom, for example, had written an email asking people NOT to donate to TES everyone would think it was a hoax, because of her past behavior. We are all logical people and the A's past behavior makes it plausible that this email came out of their camp.

We obviously can't be certain, but our willingness to believe the source of the email and to believe it exists is reasonable.

ITA with both of you. I mean LP announced on NG about LA sending out this email thrashing TES and TM, I would think if it wasn't true, a statement would of been put out immediately (screaming slander)!

jennyb, your words say it all:blowkiss: Another example of how we can use past behavior and actions.
I'm just throwing this out here as an idea right now. Since we know the A's are doing what they can to stop people from donating to TES and clearly do not want TES there and searching, why don't we do something positive to offset their negativity. We all want Caylee home and we want her honored. The A's are not doing that, but we can. Instead of emailing Lee or anyone going off (believe me, I thought about it!) on them, we should all plan some type of fundraiser for TES donations. Of course, with Tricia's ok. I won't do a thing unless Tricia ok's it and we are all on the same page. I feel useless since I 'm so far away and can't search...but I want to do something! This is a positive thing and we will show Tim how very much we support TES!

Have you seen this thread:
I still want to see the actual "alleged" email. Hopefully this email will be scanned and posted on David's site for everyone to see. Until then, this "alleged" email can't be verified.

I see the comments and post about the email on David's site and found it interesting that anyone can post in anyone's name.

I think the lady who wrote the email to David was just confused about the names, the email was clearly written and sent under Lee's email address.

Can someone get the full headers to this email? Not just the To and From, but the stuff you can't see, and if you did it would cross your eyes.
Look these people are digging their own graves, which is more than they did for Caylee.

I say fight negative with positive, don't let them get to you. Support TES, PRAY Caylee is found and see what comes out of the woodwork at the trial.

My guess is a lot of stuff will come out and the A's have to live with it. Where will they hid? No money and no support from friends. You can't keep attacking and expect people to support and care about you. They have to believe Caylee is alive, the alternative is unbearable.
I have often wondered if they have moved the body. I wonder if LE had someone following him. The minute KC wanted out I worried about this. Please tell me this is not a possibility.

I believe it has been moved more than once. I do believe LE has their number.
"In regards to Caylee Anthony, do not let that influence your support of this group as they have done NOTHING to help find this little girl. She is alive and they are wasting time and money to support a system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones. Don't even get me started on Tim Miller personally."

OMG!! I am stunned... this family is really something... something horrible. Tim Miller is a blessing and available to help them and this is what is said? I don't get it but I am behind TES all the way. In fact, this motivates me to make another donation to TES.

I believe it has been moved more than once. I do believe LE has their number.

I am on the same page as you. I'm trying to be patient, because it will be only a matter of time, and there will be justice for Caylee.
That is a necessary observation. It does seem to always be about money, and attention. They seem to be be a very envious family.

What happened to make them like this? The parents are one thing(CA's crippling controlling and GA's a doormat.)
But those siblings, even if LA never says another word I believe his thinking is d@mn near in line with KCs. Which is a frightening thought.:eek:
Todd Black allegedly sent out a fax about Anthony's alleged correspondences with Scott Peterson and EquuSearch's involvement in the search for Caylee. That fax read in part:

"Casey Anthony and family members have maintained that Caylee is alive, which is why they have not participated in any search for remains. Authorities gave up on looking for Caylee, and have used the media to whip the public into a frenzy of hatred against Casey, making it all but impossible to get a fair trial. And insulting to any family who may suffer a missing child, the authorities refuse to mount an official search, and instead allow an out of state group to collect tens-of-thousands of dollars in a nationwide fundraising campaign, without a single accounting on where that money is going."

I so want to slap these people!! They continue to ignore the fact that it is KC that is the problem. If KC would tell the truth (like that's gonna happen) then TES and LE would search where she said. These people are horrible.
I'm just throwing this out here as an idea right now. Since we know the A's are doing what they can to stop people from donating to TES and clearly do not want TES there and searching, why don't we do something positive to offset their negativity. We all want Caylee home and we want her honored. The A's are not doing that, but we can. Instead of emailing Lee or anyone going off (believe me, I thought about it!) on them, we should all plan some type of fundraiser for TES donations. Of course, with Tricia's ok. I won't do a thing unless Tricia ok's it and we are all on the same page. I feel useless since I 'm so far away and can't search...but I want to do something! This is a positive thing and we will show Tim how very much we support TES!

I have been thinking of this also.
SM has put together a cookbook to sell as a fundraiser--I would love to be able to come up with an idea of something we can create and sell that would generate lots of fundage for TES!
I have been thinking of this also.
SM has put together a cookbook to sell as a fundraiser--I would love to be able to come up with an idea of something we can create and sell that would generate lots of fundage for TES!

Yes, and it is generating alot of support.
I think there's a good reason why so many people immediately believed LA wrote this email. Firstly, David Lohr is a very credible source and he works with TM and reports on the search, which he personally is a part of. Secondly, it is not farfetched to believe this email came directly from LA because the family has been on record as disliking TM. It's not like this is out of left field. If it was reported that Natalie Holloway's mom, for example, had written an email asking people NOT to donate to TES everyone would think it was a hoax, because of her past behavior. We are all logical people and the A's past behavior makes it plausible that this email came out of their camp.

We obviously can't be certain, but our willingness to believe the source of the email and to believe it exists is reasonable.

I think you're right, but we still aren't absolutely certain.
IF, if Lee did write that email it sure explains a lot about the
Anthony family and what they are made of.
That kind of attitude explains why the A family has NO friends or
relatives supporting them. The people that really know them well
are distancing themselves and not speaking out about "what wonderful
people they are".
When this case goes to trial, I predict that we will see and hear things from them that will literally make our hair stand on end!
LA email or no LA email, the press release from good old Todd is enough to make me give again to TM for the searches in Orlando. Why does PR guy take valuable time off from juicing Palmetto bugs for his breakfast smoothie or whatever to write this offensive drivel? I think they do protest too much.

:floorlaugh: Juicing Palmetto Bugs!

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