Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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Please read the sentence that begins with
The Orlando Sentinel.....

When all else fails, you always accuse the media of only reporting the story to sell newspapers or make ratings or sell ads.

Right. Newspapers and television stations are businesses just like PR firms and lawyers are businesses. The motives for what they do to make money - report the news - are certainly no more suspect or slanted than PR firms or lawyers and probably quite bit less.

And I have to add, even using the term PR firm in a sentence referring to this highly unprofessional person is painful and an insult to real PR professionals. Did you see that logo? Something else that looks like it was done by a child who was trying to be clever.
What a GREAT idea. I have followed your lead and sent not only a donation but a quick thank you email to TM for the work TES does.
Monetary support is important, but when a person is faced with mean people tarnishing his name and his life's work then I think it's appropriate to send emotional support too. Right?

I did just the same earlier after the LA email, thank you email/support to Erin and donation
Fellow WS'ers-
PLEASE visit
A friend told me about this site a few weeks ago. I thought I'd have a look and see if TES is on there...AND THEY ARE!!! (you have to put in the full name in the search field).
Every time you use this search engine (powered by Yahoo) a small donation is made to TES...I know I'm a search engine addict, if there are others like me, it will REALLY add up!!!
I know I'm not the only one trying to find a way to send TES money every's a way without being left rubbin' pennies at the end of the month!!!
Such a great idea, I just had to share. :)
Blame shifting. :clap::clap::clap:

Team Anthony want the 'system that is failing a missing 3 year old girl and her loved ones' to bring back Caylee to them 'alive'. Fix it for me!!! Don't we all?

The 'system' cannot put the genie back into the bottle, the 'system' cannot pull a Caylee out of the hat. The 'system' cannot fix what KC did.

It is incredibly frustrating for Team Anthony what KC did to Caylee but, the 'system' cannot fix that for you and you can blame them for the rest of your days but --- guess what, it won't bring Caylee back.

Team Anthony: You have the perpetrator within your midst -- it is not the 'system' or the rest of the world. Look within.
nuff said.....AMEN !!!
Fellow WS'ers-
PLEASE visit
A friend told me about this site a few weeks ago. I thought I'd have a look and see if TES is on there...AND THEY ARE!!! (you have to put in the full name in the search field).
Every time you use this search engine (powered by Yahoo) a small donation is made to TES...I know I'm a search engine addict, if there are others like me, it will REALLY add up!!!
I know I'm not the only one trying to find a way to send TES money every's a way without being left rubbin' pennies at the end of the month!!!
Such a great idea, I just had to share. :)
That is AWESOME !!! I will certainly use it. Thanks for the info and link !!! :)
Fellow WS'ers-
PLEASE visit
A friend told me about this site a few weeks ago. I thought I'd have a look and see if TES is on there...AND THEY ARE!!! (you have to put in the full name in the search field).
Every time you use this search engine (powered by Yahoo) a small donation is made to TES...I know I'm a search engine addict, if there are others like me, it will REALLY add up!!!
I know I'm not the only one trying to find a way to send TES money every's a way without being left rubbin' pennies at the end of the month!!!
Such a great idea, I just had to share. :)

Wow! This is so awesome! Thank you for finding it. I will use it as much as possible, esp. now, as I am doing research for a new business!
Would it be really tacky of me to say that when Caylee's remains are recovered the Anthony's will be asking for donations for a proper burial?
Okay, I won't say it....

No it is not tacky for you to say it.

In fact, they have already made a provision for Caylee's burial in the trust agreement. That is when I stopped thinking that they were in denial and do not believe a word that comes out of thier mouths.

Tee hee hee.....not everyone falls over for you Cindy.'s my question....with the comments they have made about Tim Miller...and all the mistruths that they have said...the person who has Caylee is being watched...blah blah.....

Has anyone thought about or done this - write them a letter - in big 30 point font and ask them those questions?? I mean keep the name calling out but - just say---you have said all this in the past....well...time to buck up?? Because I'm about ready to!!

1. You said you the person(s) who had Caylee were being watched for fear of danger..

2. and so on..

what goofs. I certainly can't go up to their door ask them (I'm in Texas but may drive over if they keep bashing Tim Miller) but has anyone thought of this or done this?? Do they not see the different freaking things they've said????

Okay....I mean geeze louise.
Fellow WS'ers-
PLEASE visit
A friend told me about this site a few weeks ago. I thought I'd have a look and see if TES is on there...AND THEY ARE!!! (you have to put in the full name in the search field).
Every time you use this search engine (powered by Yahoo) a small donation is made to TES...I know I'm a search engine addict, if there are others like me, it will REALLY add up!!!
I know I'm not the only one trying to find a way to send TES money every's a way without being left rubbin' pennies at the end of the month!!!
Such a great idea, I just had to share. :)

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you!! :)
On the Rumor thread, someone posted an email they received from Todd Black. Part of the email he sent said this:

"We do not work for George and Cindy Anthony, and we know absolutely nothing about any claims that they are receiving funds, but if they did - they are not operating a "charity business" and By Law those funds would be considered private gifts to do with whatever they choose."

Kinda like we thought, huh?

so thats how they can afford not to work and pay the bills.
Who is donating to them ? its shocking anyone would.
My understanding is TES is also coming to search for Jennifer Kesse, I have been following her case since she disappeared as well. I don't know if this e-mail is real or not, but we do know how the Anthony's feel about Tim Miller and we also know how the spokesman feels about TES. The comments being made about TES are hateful at best, and it makes me worried that some people might see these comments and believe them, and not donate. What a tragedy that would be for the Kesse family, Caylee, and other missing people. I have many words swirling around in my head that I would like to say about the Anthony family, but they aren't worth my bother. For Caylee and Jennifer I hope there is closure, and I will be thinking about all the wonderful people who will be searching.

I am going to look at this a different way. NOTHING the Anthony's do or say make them look like decent, caring, loving people nor do they help KC. If people have heard of KC & Caylee, then they heard of the lies & mis information by the entire family. At this point I think most everyone knows not only do they lie without effort, they are just freaking nuts. If the Anthony's say it's raining outside, you know the sun must be shining bright because they don't seem to be able to be truthful about anything.

With that in mind, if the Anthony's say Tim Miller is a bad guy, don't donate, TES has done nothing..........people know it's a lie. If the Anthony's think he's bad, well, in reality, he must be pretty darn good. Let's also not forget LE threw their support 100 % behind Tm & TES, including confiscated drug money & asking for man power. Now, who are gonna go with here, LE or the Anthony's?

What has LE said? They have said they need Casey to tell the truth, that the truth lies with her. I have never seen nor heard LE be anything but respectful to all of them. Me, I would have lost it a long time ago.
What have the Anthony's said? KC would be MOTY, squirrels and pizza stunk up the car, KC's friends are all into drugs & know people who can make people disappear, LE isnt trying............and on and on.

Most of the time when anyone in the Anthony family opens their pie hole they pizz people off. This will not be any different. It ONLY serves to call more attention to Tim & TES and have article after article written about how wonderful this group is. In the end, I think it will cause donations to rise, so if it does, THANK YOU LEE ANTHONY. After all, how many of us made yet another donation to TES after reading that, I know I did & I will keep on doing it.

Remember to, if Lee did this, he has already stated he has a one way ticket to hell. I just hope hell has condo's cause this family couldnt live together even in hell.

Keep the faith & just keep educating people about TES & let's all keep giving of our time, money, talents & time.
I believe it has been moved more than once. I do believe LE has their number.

I think so to. I think the first time it was a quickie ditch. I think there is more than one set of dirty hands in this.
I am going to look at this a different way. NOTHING the Anthony's do or say make them look like decent, caring, loving people nor do they help KC. If people have heard of KC & Caylee, then they heard of the lies & mis information by the entire family. At this point I think most everyone knows not only do they lie without effort, they are just freaking nuts. If the Anthony's say it's raining outside, you know the sun must be shining bright because they don't seem to be able to be truthful about anything.

With that in mind, if the Anthony's say Tim Miller is a bad guy, don't donate, TES has done nothing..........people know it's a lie. If the Anthony's think he's bad, well, in reality, he must be pretty darn good. Let's also not forget LE threw their support 100 % behind Tm & TES, including confiscated drug money & asking for man power. Now, who are gonna go with here, LE or the Anthony's?

What has LE said? They have said they need Casey to tell the truth, that the truth lies with her. I have never seen nor heard LE be anything but respectful to all of them. Me, I would have lost it a long time ago.
What have the Anthony's said? KC would be MOTY, squirrels and pizza stunk up the car, KC's friends are all into drugs & know people who can make people disappear, LE isnt trying............and on and on.

Most of the time when anyone in the Anthony family opens their pie hole they pizz people off. This will not be any different. It ONLY serves to call more attention to Tim & TES and have article after article written about how wonderful this group is. In the end, I think it will cause donations to rise, so if it does, THANK YOU LEE ANTHONY. After all, how many of us made yet another donation to TES after reading that, I know I did & I will keep on doing it.

Remember to, if Lee did this, he has already stated he has a one way ticket to hell. I just hope hell has condo's cause this family couldnt live together even in hell.

Keep the faith & just keep educating people about TES & let's all keep giving of our time, money, talents & time.

I sent Lee A an email this morning after I read the email he'd sent out to people who'd donated to TES. This is part of what was in my email to him (the rest, I can't print here!):

"Just to let you know, the pathetic email you sent out in mass to the GOOD-hearted people who donate to TES has had the exact OPPOSITE affect that you intended. People are now RACING to donate to TES, just because of that asinine email of yours. So no, I won’t “save my money” as you suggest. I will, however, be doubling my donation to TES now, thanks to you."
When all else fails, you always accuse the media of only reporting the story to sell newspapers or make ratings or sell ads.

Right. Newspapers and television stations are businesses just like PR firms and lawyers are businesses. The motives for what they do to make money - report the news - are certainly no more suspect or slanted than PR firms or lawyers and probably quite bit less.

And I have to add, even using the term PR firm in a sentence referring to this highly unprofessional person is painful and an insult to real PR professionals. Did you see that logo? Something else that looks like it was done by a child who was trying to be clever.

:smoochiesmilie: Gardenhart , I haven't heard anyone blaming the media out here. The A's et Team, blame the media when they have news time...that's about it.
I have talked to quite a few people about the case (what with my obsession-addiction and all) and I haven't heard one negative word about the media. The only complaint I've heard is that the media failed to report on the case as I am not the only one addicted and obsessed. :hug:
We should keep a scrapbook...........If Mallory is pregnant what I christening gitft. "Lies My Father Told"............. Please pray for this child that she does not take after the A's............. I do hope the A's are charged with something due to this case.
I sent Lee A an email this morning after I read the email he'd sent out to people who'd donated to TES. This is part of what was in my email to him (the rest, I can't print here!):

"Just to let you know, the pathetic email you sent out in mass to the GOOD-hearted people who donate to TES has had the exact OPPOSITE affect that you intended. People are now RACING to donate to TES, just because of that asinine email of yours. So no, I won’t “save my money” as you suggest. I will, however, be doubling my donation to TES now, thanks to you."

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: I think we need to get letters to the editors going in force to the Orlando papers. Most papers you can do it on line.
I hate that they bash Tim & all the people who help him, but what really gets me is they don't give 2 shi!s about Caylee. If they did, they would want her found. Who on God's green earth would CHOOSE to leave a loved one to ROT. WHO DOES THIS..................:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
I sent Lee A an email this morning after I read the email he'd sent out to people who'd donated to TES. This is part of what was in my email to him (the rest, I can't print here!):

"Just to let you know, the pathetic email you sent out in mass to the GOOD-hearted people who donate to TES has had the exact OPPOSITE affect that you intended. People are now RACING to donate to TES, just because of that asinine email of yours. So no, I won’t “save my money” as you suggest. I will, however, be doubling my donation to TES now, thanks to you."

I think so to. I think the first time it was a quickie ditch. I think there is more than one set of dirty hands in this.

:poke: uh hummmmm shouldn't you be on the phone:dj:, getting donations for the TES search. Break's over for you!:blowkiss:

Apologies :eek:fftopic: but important....I'll behave now.:angel::blush:

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