Anthony Family Opposition to Tim Miller/TES

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We should keep a scrapbook...........If Mallory is pregnant what I christening gitft. "Lies My Father Told"............. Please pray for this child that she does not take after the A's............. I do hope the A's are charged with something due to this case.

IF Mallory is pregnant she should run as far away from the Anthony's as possible. I would NOT put LA name on the birth certificate, sorry I would leave it "unkown." Better to think of me as a tramp cause I dont know than have HIS name on it. I would not give him any legal reason to visit the baby. I would not want any child support or anything else from any of them. I hope she is not pregnant so she can move on with her life & I hope it does not include any of them.
:poke: uh hummmmm shouldn't you be on the phone:dj:, getting donations for the TES search. Break's over for you!:blowkiss:

Apologies :eek:fftopic: but important....I'll behave now.:angel::blush:

:blowkiss: I might not need as long of a break IF I had some REALLY GOOD cake:) I have been on the phone & fax most of the day looking for donations of supplies for TES. I have made donations to TES in the past but today I sent in my application to become a member.
I gotta put the laundry in the dryer that I started this morning before I got on the phones. Oh, & I did go to make a quick trip to the store that turned into forever. As I was going up the street in my neighborhood, someone's house alarm was going off. I had just gotten a couple emails from our association about a bunch of break ins in the past wk. Anyway, stopped in the front of the house, called 911. Who ever was in there took off thru the woods. They broke a window to get in. Ya know, I had the shepard in the car with me, I should have turned her butt loose. Somehow I always felt better with my alarm system but it didnt stop the creep today at the neighbors house.
On the Rumor thread, someone posted an email they received from Todd Black. Part of the email he sent said this:

"We do not work for George and Cindy Anthony, and we know absolutely nothing about any claims that they are receiving funds, but if they did - they are not operating a "charity business" and By Law those funds would be considered private gifts to do with whatever they choose[/I]."

Kinda like we thought, huh?

I'm nowhere near an accountant or a tax expert by any means, but um, isn't there a limit to how much money any of us can receive as "a gift" before we have to own up to it on at least our tax returns as income though, correct? (?) Just thinking ahead here...
I'm nowhere near an accountant or a tax expert by any means, but um, isn't there a limit to how much money any of us can receive as "a gift" before we have to own up to it on at least our tax returns as income though, correct? (?) Just thinking ahead here...

It used to be a gift over $10,000 from a single person did not have to be reported. I think (not positive) that the amount went up to $12,000 last year. I know this because my parents have given us kids gifts in this amount. A married couple can each give a child that amount without it being taxable.
Fellow WS'ers-
PLEASE visit
A friend told me about this site a few weeks ago. I thought I'd have a look and see if TES is on there...AND THEY ARE!!! (you have to put in the full name in the search field).
Every time you use this search engine (powered by Yahoo) a small donation is made to TES...I know I'm a search engine addict, if there are others like me, it will REALLY add up!!!
I know I'm not the only one trying to find a way to send TES money every's a way without being left rubbin' pennies at the end of the month!!!
Such a great idea, I just had to share. :)

This is such a great find! I think I will make it even sweeter by searching KA's name on the yahoo link everyday....
It used to be a gift over $10,000 from a single person did not have to be reported. I think (not positive) that the amount went up to $12,000 last year. I know this because my parents have given us kids gifts in this amount. A married couple can each give a child that amount without it being taxable.

Dang.. Are your parents interested in adopting me? :crazy:
OH, wow, "illegible", huh? That doesn;t surprise me in the least!:doh:

I hate to say this, but incorporations forms are not that easy to do. States are very picky about them.Maybe Todd can type them for her.
TB: "The Orlando Sentinel and great majority of the media continue a nonstop feeding of false rumors, with a goal of only making money, by selling TV and radio commercials and selling commercials. Other's are also using Ms. Anthony's missing daughter, Caylee, to make money". :rolleyes:

A little hung up on the money issue, isn't he?

Would he even be known if it wasn't for Ms. Anthony's missing daughter? I think you would hve to add him to the list of people making money off Caylee.
I hate to say this, but incorporations forms are not that easy to do. States are very picky about them.Maybe Todd can type them for her.

I just have this image of her writing in the speedy, angry way she speaks. :)

Typing sounds like a good plan!
That A faimily is a piece of work, they should all be jailed JMO

GO TES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this email says to me is that they are trying to put road blocks out for TES. They are scared shiftless Caylee IS going to be found and the nearer to the date the search is to resume they are trying as they might to discourage funding and volenteers. CA did it, now LA is putting his two cents in.
IMO it is still another form of obstruction in this tragic case.
Gawd!!! This family is the lowest of the low, I'm not sure they are that much better than the piece of ^&#$ sitting in jail. All there little remarks do is make people donate that much more to TES and that is a good thing.
I wonder if LE will get a warrant to search the back yard again when TES gets here? I also want to know if they have searched LA house and yard?
Justice will not be done for this child until all people invovled with the death, cover up, and misleading of LE is convicted. I surely hope LE does not let this family get away with trying to derail this case. I know their main goal is getting KC at least LWOP. I just hope they wil not let the other players invovled get away with breaking the law.
Just simply amazing. I have never seen such disreguard for the life of a child.
I have also donated again to TES. Reading their sight brings joy and sadness, but closure to the real family of the truly missing.

I agree. The more I hear of the A's trying to discredit Tim and TES, the more I hope that a search warrant is obtained and the A home and backyard are searched with the high tech equipment that TES has available. Dig up the whole dam_ place and when they're finished there do the same with Lee's. The A's seem to get very antsy and combative when Tim is in or coming to town. Must be a reason for it and not the phony excuse that they don't support the search because they are looking for a live Caylee only.
I agree. The more I hear of the A's trying to discredit Tim and TES, the more I hope that a search warrant is obtained and the A home and backyard are searched with the high tech equipment that TES has available. Dig up the whole dam_ place and when they're finished there do the same with Lee's. The A's seem to get very antsy and combative when Tim is in or coming to town. Must be a reason for it and not the phony excuse that they don't support the search because they are looking for a live Caylee only.

There was a murder here where they dug up not only an entire back yard, but tore out all the patios and one building down on the alerts from the cadaver dog. They did find the body, but evidently the body had been placed in a number of places (or drug all over ) in the yard before they finally decided where to bury it. The found decomposition in dirt in a number of places before they started digging. It was under the foundation of the storage building in a plastic container from Walmart.

There was also one here where a body was put in a cistern, and the dogs alerted on that one immediately so the warrant for the entire yard was not needed.
Fellow WS'ers-
PLEASE visit
A friend told me about this site a few weeks ago. I thought I'd have a look and see if TES is on there...AND THEY ARE!!! (you have to put in the full name in the search field).
Every time you use this search engine (powered by Yahoo) a small donation is made to TES...I know I'm a search engine addict, if there are others like me, it will REALLY add up!!!
I know I'm not the only one trying to find a way to send TES money every's a way without being left rubbin' pennies at the end of the month!!!
Such a great idea, I just had to share. :)

That is a great idea. I just set it to my homepage so I'll remember to use it to search. :) Thanks!

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