Anthony Home And Floor Plans

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Anyone know if the Anthony's home has an alarm system on it? If they do, is it operable/functional? Anyone know if the home alarm monitoring company's records have been sought? I ask b/c these alarm monitoring companies sometimes keep records of when the exterior doors are opened/closed (accessed,) along with the codes being used to do it...some system's come with a way to give different family members different codes, too, so...

I have ADT. All doors and windows are connected to the main control panel which is located by the front door. I have it set so that each time a door or window is open the system alerts with a voice message stating which door or window in which "zone" is opened. I can hear this throughout my house, so if I am in a room where I cannot see who has opened a door/window, I can hear the alert. As for keeping records, I was told ADT only keeps the monitored records for 30 days and those are when my system is activated to secure my home and the system alerts the monitoring center when there is a breach.

You are correct that several different codes can be personalized. I don't do that.
I'll use my alarm system capabilities....My alarm system when "on" will sound an alert when breached(obviously that's the purpose) also if the system is not activated(alarm not set) my system will still give me a tone/beep anytime a window or door is opened, so if I'm in another room, in the garage, etc...I still know if entry has been made.

The alarm company also keeps records of the codes that are entered into the key pad. So if four people in my house have their own code...the alarm company can tell me which code was used to set or deactivate the system. Having said that, that doesn't prove anything because sometimes people know other peoples codes.
Since no one knows for sure yet, my thoughts on this are relevant to several different pieces of the Caylee case.

(1) I've asked in the George and Cindy/Morgan Questions ONLY LIST LIST thread about this. The sound of an alarm system beeping when doors/windows open interests me. I awaken when my alarm system beeps, so...maybe they do, too.

(2) as far as different codes, etc., as our WSers here have already demonstrated, some systems have capability for different codes for different family members, some do not. We've narrowed doen Casey's, George's and Cindy's movements considerably for key dates. I'm simply looking at this as another layer to further pin down Casey. Even if there were different codes for different family members, and Casey had used someone else's, there are times we can eliminate people other than Casey from being at the home.

(3) as far as whether/if and, if so, in what manner alarm companies keep logs for entries re: when doors/windows/etc. are accessed, different companies do it differently. Some keep the last so-many-entries, some keep for the last so-many-days regardless of the number of entries, etc.

I do believe that if there was such an alarm system that LE would have invesitgated this angle already...but we haven't seen any info. on it either way...nor have we been told "that's it folks" re: doc dumps/discovery.

:waitasec: Just piques my interest...

O/T, I represented a wife who'd lost her husband to a terrible accident. He was found one morning floating in their swimming pool lying face down. We had both civil and criminal matters at the same time. In addition to all of the criminal forensics, we also had a meterologist/weather expert and an expert for the home's alarm was very helpful. Very helpful... So that's why I have been wondering about this...kind of hoping that LE has some info. of this nature and that we just haven't seen it yet...
Since no one knows for sure yet, my thoughts on this are relevant to several different pieces of the Caylee case.

(1) I've asked in the George and Cindy/Morgan Questions ONLY LIST LIST thread about this. The sound of an alarm system beeping when doors/windows open interests me. I awaken when my alarm system beeps, so...maybe they do, too.

(2) as far as different codes, etc., as our WSers here have already demonstrated, some systems have capability for different codes for different family members, some do not. We've narrowed doen Casey's, George's and Cindy's movements considerably for key dates. I'm simply looking at this as another layer to further pin down Casey. Even if there were different codes for different family members, and Casey had used someone else's, there are times we can eliminate people other than Casey from being at the home.

(3) as far as whether/if and, if so, in what manner alarm companies keep logs for entries re: when doors/windows/etc. are accessed, different companies do it differently. Some keep the last so-many-entries, some keep for the last so-many-days regardless of the number of entries, etc.

I do believe that if there was such an alarm system that LE would have invesitgated this angle already...but we haven't seen any info. on it either way...nor have we been told "that's it folks" re: doc dumps/discovery.

:waitasec: Just piques my interest...

O/T, I represented a wife who'd lost her husband to a terrible accident. He was found one morning floating in their swimming pool lying face down. We had both civil and criminal matters at the same time. In addition to all of the criminal forensics, we also had a meterologist/weather expert and an expert for the home's alarm was very helpful. Very helpful... So that's why I have been wondering about this...kind of hoping that LE has some info. of this nature and that we just haven't seen it yet...

Hummmm, if there is a monitored alarm system and records were kept and obtained by LE I would suspect that a) either they weren't usable or b) they are being held back and still being investigated.

Agree about each family member having their own code and if there is a record, time can narrow down each family members activity - coming and going.

Keep in mind with ADT, the code is only used to activate and de-activate the system. Or to change zones, passwords as well as deactivating the voice messaging options. I can turn on or off that option as well as change zones and how they respond to the main panel.

I do agree with your thought pattern if there is an active alarm system. I don't really hold out hope knowing how ADT works though. Also, the A's were in financial troubles and ADT isn't cheap. Basic service is about $40.00/month.
Also, many people who install ADT or other alarm systems do not subscribe to the monitoring services, simply preferring to use the system as a deterrent and not to pay the additional monthly fee. Some services automatically call emergency services like LE or fire if the alarm is tripped. In some places if LE is called out unnecessarily there is an additional fee (they did where I lived in FL). It's easy for the alarms to go off sometimes if someone makes a mistake or if children are involved, so people often opt out of that to avoid extra costs as well.
I haven't been to this thread since January, but I see you are discussing alarm systems. We just put in a pool/in ground and we were required by law to have alarms on all the windows that face the pool, and doors. We used the kind with sensors on them, that go off if you open a door or window. We do not have kids, but in order to pass inspection we had to do this. Once it was over, we removed them. I remember a photo of KC and Caylee on the back patio area; maybe some one can zoom in on it and see if the sliding glass door has an alarm on it. I don't think GA and CA would have a pool and not an alarm on the slider with a 2 yr old. Just a thought.
I think the photos and the drawings of the Anthony Home Floor Plans are just great and I really enjoy viewing them.
The A's installed the alarm system when the protesters showed up - one key pad is on
the garage door frame closest to the front door . You can see them punching in the
code in some of the videos .
I used to work for a major alarm company as both a technician and a dispatcher. If anyone has any specific questions, I can try to answer them, although it's been a while.

Knowing what I know about alarm systems and their usefulness, however, I don't think there is anything that will be earth-shattering to this case relating to this topic. In fact, I don't think this would be relevant to really anything at all, and I don't think that LE would spend a lot of time on this subject as in my experience most of them view alarm systems as a nuisance.
I wish more drawings and/or information/photos would be posted of the Anthony Home -- I find them oh so interesting.
Does anyone know if there is some sort of basement/partial basment.. or crawl space/cellar.. whatever.. under this house?
How about an attic or other little used area of the house?
Does anyone know if there is some sort of basement/partial basment.. or crawl space/cellar.. whatever.. under this house?
How about an attic or other little used area of the house?

I think there is a storage shed, maybe even two.
Does anyone know if there is some sort of basement/partial basment.. or crawl space/cellar.. whatever.. under this house?
How about an attic or other little used area of the house?
Cinder block homes in Florida do not have basements or cellars or crawl spaces under them. The Anthony's home appears to be built like the rest of the homes in Florida, on a cement slab. They probably have a small crawl space or storage area accessed through the garage ceiling. That's the most Florida homes like theirs offer.
1) It is clear in the Greta video while the camera is focused on Cindy sitting at the table in the Dining room that there is a stub/short wall behind her extending from the rear wall of the home that only partially separates the Dining area from the kitchen. In this same view in the video you can see out the kitchen window looking out of the right exterior wall and you can see the fence that runs down the side of the house on the 'gas can shed' side of the house.

This is my first post, so please be gentle with me! I've lurked forever and really admire everyone here - you all really know your stuff when it comes to sleuthing!

If this isn't the best place to post this, please feel free to move it - I posted here because the video is mentioned on this thread (in the quote above).

I have been trying to locate the link to the video of CA being interviewed at her dining room table (the one with the cat sleeping on the table). I've spent hours searching the Media Links, Transcripts thread, and general Internet searching. I viewed it a few weeks ago and didn't save the link and now I can't find it for the life of me.

Would appreciate any info - I probably won't be able to open a link to another Websleuth's thread yet, since I don't have enough posts. Thanks again for your help!
This is my first post, so please be gentle with me! I've lurked forever and really admire everyone here - you all really know your stuff when it comes to sleuthing!

If this isn't the best place to post this, please feel free to move it - I posted here because the video is mentioned on this thread (in the quote above).

I have been trying to locate the link to the video of CA being interviewed at her dining room table (the one with the cat sleeping on the table). I've spent hours searching the Media Links, Transcripts thread, and general Internet searching. I viewed it a few weeks ago and didn't save the link and now I can't find it for the life of me.

Would appreciate any info - I probably won't be able to open a link to another Websleuth's thread yet, since I don't have enough posts. Thanks again for your help!

I think you can find here - scroll down close to the bottom:
Thanks so much, Sundance! I should have asked for help hours ago! LOL! Appreciate it!
The video I was searching for is on that link, on the left side entitled, "I have nothing to hide," with a photo of CA.
The A's installed the alarm system when the protesters showed up - one key pad is on
the garage door frame closest to the front door . You can see them punching in the
code in some of the videos .

I don't think that's an alarm system. I have a keypad just like that on my garage door. It's basically a garage door opener with a security code. You punch in the code and the door opens.

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