Anthonys Seek Private Jail Visit With Casey

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there is no way that jb would allow them to meet for them to confront her....I think they are still on the happy bus that kc is innocent...they had their time alone with her before Oct. 14th--after that she is the States and should remain there. They will never confront her --- why? they are just as afraid of the truth as jb is of kc reveiling it...(if she hasn't already)

I think this is just to garner sympathy for that family sine they have been through so much...oh well--get over it and move forward---see her at court--perhaps you can chit-chat there....other than that quit asking for the rule change for the A's.....:twocents:
I think the A's are upset over KC's statement about not wanting a public memorial and they want to do what they have always done, go and placate her and smooth things over and calm her down.

KC must have been really really mad to make that statement. Over all these months and of all the press statements she could have made and she finally breaks her silence to rag on her parents for disobeying her.

They know she must ber super mad and are going in to explain why they did what they did and make her happy again. After all it's how their entire lives have been. They tip toe around her and do everything to avoid making KC mad.
It looks like they just don't want the video released to the public to be viewed and discussed on Nancy Grace - I think it is fine as long as there is someone there monitoring it - maybe someone from the Sheriff's office.

It is obvious that other inmate video visits are not released to the media or public, but because this is the CASEY ANTHONY CASE (sorta like the Catalina Wine Mixer) - it is a big deal and the media wants to get their hands on the emotional visit to dissect and tear a part.

I say give them their privacy.

ITA, Mendara. I really think that the Sunshine Law in Florida will be at least reviewed and possibly revised after this trial. What would be the point of a made for tv movie or a true crime book of this case? Between the doc dumps, the jail videos, e-mails, text messages etc... and the trial we will definately have seen and heard just about everything- most before the trial.

I would rather the jail visit not be aired and dissected (but definately monitored by LE). Maybe they will say more, use less code, and help the Prosecution with their case.
typically when someone visits a perp in jail, that person has a past relationship with the perp. in many cases, a co-conspirator visits. in other cases, people who the perp is known to have close relationships with visit. these people are often who the perp would confide in if given the option. these visits become "transactional" in that information could be passed from one party to the other. it is sad, but true. in the case of the anthony's, it is also very likely. (that last little bit isn't probably part of the law, though. i guess that goes into the "my opinion" category.)

Thank you. That helps - some. But perhaps you (or anyone else) could answer another question for me.

If these visits then become "transactional" - as you put it - doesn't any video of this meeting then become "criminal investigative information" in an active investigation? And isn't there an exemption which allows LE the discretion on whether or not to release "criminal investigative information" in an active investigation? (Not that it prevents them from releasing it but that it allows them the discretion not to do so until the prosecution of this person is completed - meaning that they could agree not to disclose it - at least until after the trial?)
Thank you. That helps - some. But perhaps you (or anyone else) could answer another question for me.

If these visits then become "transactional" - as you put it - doesn't any video of this meeting then become "criminal investigative information" in an active investigation? And isn't there an exemption which allows LE the discretion on whether or not to release "criminal investigative information" in an active investigation? (Not that it prevents them from releasing it but that it allows them the discretion not to do so until the prosecution of this person is completed - meaning that they could agree not to disclose it - at least until after the trial?)

Yes-I think all the things you pointed out are true. LE can indeed exempt this stuff from release under the active criminal investigation provisions. Note that the August jailhouse video of the family where Casey loses it had NOT been previously released. Then JB started spouting spin about misconduct on the part of the jail during that visit, and implying that is why the video was not released.

Consequently, the video was released.

O/T so I ask myself, did he intentionally get the video released that showed his client in the most naked emotional state to date in order to taint the jury pool, or prove the ineffective counsel strategy???

Back on topic-Regardless of what happens, I hope that the visit is at least videotaped itself rather than simply monitored. Saves the SA having to subpoena the staff if something transpires during the visit which is useful to either side....JMO.
SNIPPED: "...They're asking for the same treatment all other inmates receive."

That's true: all they're asking for is that they get the same treatment as all others awaiting trial, which is that corrections CONSIDER their request for a private, non-videotaped meeting.

(IMHO, it won't be granted.)
Yes-I think all the things you pointed out are true. LE can indeed exempt this stuff from release under the active criminal investigation provisions. Note that the August jailhouse video of the family where Casey loses it had NOT been previously released. Then JB started spouting spin about misconduct on the part of the jail during that visit, and implying that is why the video was not released.

Consequently, the video was released.

O/T so I ask myself, did he intentionally get the video released that showed his client in the most naked emotional state to date in order to taint the jury pool, or prove the ineffective counsel strategy???

Back on topic-Regardless of what happens, I hope that the visit is at least videotaped itself rather than simply monitored. Saves the SA having to subpoena the staff if something transpires during the visit which is useful to either side....JMO.

to be quite honest with you, i really believe this video was released to show the dynamic of casey pleading with her parents for one thing and them completely ignoring it in favor of what they want. again, yes the information they needed was to find Caylee. but she'd asserted quite a number of times she could not talk about it, was not even supposed to meet with them. her 'frushtration' was that no one was listening or letting her talk. she picked george because george wouldn't keep digging at her and was her best hope for someone to just listen. same, too, with the release of the statement about casey not having wanted this grand public memorial but that she 'couldn't stop her parents doing what they want to do and (she) hopes it gives them what they need.'

i understand how everyone says that casey is selfish, and she truly truly is. but the dynamic is what i am looking at and casey has always had to go to extremes to get her needs met, imo. that's what i saw on the august 14 tape and that's what i heard in the statement before the memorial. i think the toxicity of that family is palpable, and i cannot yet decide whether i grieve more that it came down to Caylee being killed because of it, or being glad she has been released from a lifetime more of it.
I just don't think that JB is going to allow this to happen and since it was broadcast on TV I imagine he is aware of the Anthony's request. I don't think KC would do it either, in that statement JB read it sounded like she was a little angry with them. I think she, KC, is going to listen to whatever JB has to say and right now I don't think she's looking to do anything for her parent's.

In the jailhouse visit tapes before Caylee was found, KC kept her parents at bay with the "I'm so frustrated" (because) "they won't let me" (talk to anyone) about anything. She then goes on to say that about the only person she sees is JB.

We posted at the exact same time about the exact same thing.
If the intention is number 2, and I can hope for that, I don't think Casey will accept the private meeting. It will be like George showing up and her denying to see him. She is under the arms of Baez, he is her new man, and Baez has total control. He has isolated her and frankly I don't think he cares whether she is convicted or not. He just wants this to last as long as possible.

I can only think of one reason why Baez and KC would accept a visit. That would be to ensure the A's funnel money into the defense when their new uh, business gets underway. If they see KC she will pull at every heartstring (pursestring) they have. She's 100% mercenary. Baez needs money. The trial is months/years away.
I am praying that Cindy and George want to talk to Casey about the facts that are known at this time.
And maybe, just maybe, they can get through to her. And she will confess.
I am praying that Cindy and George want to talk to Casey about the facts that are known at this time.
And maybe, just maybe, they can get through to her. And she will confess.

Have we seen yet where the A's are at all willing to admit that KC could have been the perpetrator?

IMO, I don't think this will ever change. If it does, I will fall off of my chair.

My guess is that they want to tell her that they support her "unconditionally" - (the pact?) Caylee's gone and she is their next priority.
Have we seen yet where the A's are at all willing to admit that KC could have been the perpetrator?

IMO, I don't think this will ever change. If it does, I will fall off of my chair.

My guess is that they want to tell her that they support her "unconditionally." Caylee's gone and she is their next priority.

ITA. There's no foundation to believe this visit would be in any way helpful to LE (Lee's investigation anyone?) and why would the authorities intentionally pizz off an already pizzed off public so the A's can have a meet & greet? They can visit anytime they want and say hello (if KC allows) so let them do it on the State's terms -- like every other inmate does. Like I said earlier, this is not a ticking time clock scenario. No reason to change existing rules of the State of Florida.

The real reason, in my opinion, is they want to collude in private. It would be ridiculous for LE to allow this.
I say why not. I'll prolly be tarred and feathered for that opinion but oh well. I think there might be a chance that Casey might open up to her family about what really happened to Caylee. Casey is going to be at a trial to answer for what she did so, I say let them talk to her and REALLY get some closure. Who knows something good might come from it. It says in the article that the visit will be monitored so others will no doubt hear what she might say. .....I don't know...thats just my opinion

after getting a rousing show of support from this more united than ever family, now seems not the time suddenly step into the confessional.
I would have no problem with a Judge making an exception to the Sunshine rule and keeping the video from the public (I don't like making exceptions for this family but if it's argued by JB that it is overwhelmingly predjudicial to the defense because of the high-profile, so be it.) But betcha dollars to donuts this would not be acceptable to the family. They're saying they don't want it taped because they don't want it released but IMO they don't want any video record of it period. They don't want anyone from LE monitoring it either.

I personally don't want to see the tape anyway. But I want LE to see it.
to be quite honest with you, i really believe this video was released to show the dynamic of casey pleading with her parents for one thing and them completely ignoring it in favor of what they want. again, yes the information they needed was to find Caylee. but she'd asserted quite a number of times she could not talk about it, was not even supposed to meet with them. her 'frushtration' was that no one was listening or letting her talk. she picked george because george wouldn't keep digging at her and was her best hope for someone to just listen. same, too, with the release of the statement about casey not having wanted this grand public memorial but that she 'couldn't stop her parents doing what they want to do and (she) hopes it gives them what they need.'

i understand how everyone says that casey is selfish, and she truly truly is. but the dynamic is what i am looking at and casey has always had to go to extremes to get her needs met, imo. that's what i saw on the august 14 tape and that's what i heard in the statement before the memorial. i think the toxicity of that family is palpable, and i cannot yet decide whether i grieve more that it came down to Caylee being killed because of it, or being glad she has been released from a lifetime more of it.

I disagree. That video gives the impression that she's not getting what she needs but it's not really about needs but what she wants and she wants them to stop asking questions. She uses that same ploy of "nobody's listening" on everyone, the poor deprived victim. For ex., she was whining to her parents that she's trying to help LE but they won't listen to her, they'd rather treat her like a suspect. What she "needs" in that video is to be thought a victim and to be bailed out of jail. Her statement about not wanting that kind of memorial is just another ploy to play victim, that her parents had done her dirt.
Isn't privacy one of the freedoms that you give up when you are a prisoner?
I would have no problem with a Judge making an exception to the Sunshine rule and keeping the video from the public (I don't like making exceptions for this family but if it's argued by JB that it is overwhelmingly predjudicial to the defense because of the high-profile, so be it.) But betcha dollars to donuts this would not be acceptable to the family. They're saying they don't want it taped because they don't want it released but IMO they don't want any video record of it period. They don't want anyone from LE monitoring it either.

I personally don't want to see the tape anyway. But I want LE to see it.

We are of the same mind. I figure it will be the same old same old, too. More fawning over the perp. I don't care if I see it. I believe they would want to collude. That's why I have wondered if they wanted a private, non-video meeting. I haven't anything that clarifies that. Drew P said on NG last night that it would be video meeting but I can't trust reporters to get it right any longer.
I disagree. That video gives the impression that she's not getting what she needs but it's not really about needs but what she wants and she wants them to stop asking questions. She uses that same ploy of "nobody's listening" on everyone, the poor deprived victim. For ex., she was whining to her parents that she's trying to help LE but they won't listen to her, they'd rather treat her like a suspect. What she "needs" in that video is to be thought a victim and to be bailed out of jail. Her statement about not wanting that kind of memorial is just another ploy to play victim, that her parents had done her dirt.

in dysfunction, need and want are the exact same thing.

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