Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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The first blot shook me up really bad. The second I opened it, I felt sick. It is a remarkable inkblot, to say the least, but I hate seeing it. I had to walk away. The images it conjured up in my mind make me want to cry. I don't even want to describe it except to say I don't see that as being two men carrying one child they love, I see it more as one person in front of a mirror or filming what he is doing.
So then I have to wonder how can some of us look at the exact same inkblot and see 2 totally different things? I believe it's possible that some of us are seeing "before" and some of us are seeing "after" in the same inkblot.
If you think about it, the sole purpose of the inkblots is to encourage us to think and to give our psychic impressions a way to express themselves.
I feel we are seeing different events in a timeline.
I will admit though, I have never, ever seen an inkblot that disturbs me as deeply as the 'two men' one. Don't get me wrong, that is what they are here for, but it's just not very user friendly!

You may be right about this being a timeline of sorts. My 12 year old would have no "point of reference" to what you saw with the two men, and could never pick up that same sight. He would have a "point of reference" to the Ark of the Covenant being carried by angels, and maybe that was what he was shown as where she was now.

One thing some see besides him is a "crying elephant" in different ones. What COULD a crying elephant possibly mean?
I just asked what a "crying elephant" my son and others here saw could mean.............I found it !

When a death occurs, it is very sad for elephants.

They will cry and make howling noises for days after the
death of a fellow elephant!

Yes, elephants CRY TEARS!
go to this link of the camera outside of the Anthony home.

Look at the tree to the right of the garage,,,,,towards the front walkway up to the house,,,,,,,,,now follow the tree trunk going up just above the eaves............I see a pair of eyes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,is my mind working over time????????

It is the Lion of Judah getting READY to pounce on all of them.
Funny you should say that, because below the eyes, I see a cats muzzle/whiskers area, split by the tree.

Evidently Casey has had some dreams.....even IF she was telling the truth about thier content, maybe she is psycic as well.
She told TonE that she was having nightmares about thier relationship....which is now OVER.
Evidently Casey has had some dreams.....even IF she was telling the truth about thier content, maybe she is psycic as well.
She told TonE that she was having nightmares about thier relationship....which is now OVER.

I hope Caylee is haunting her bony butt.
I was watching a great indepth documentary on the Discovery channel about psychics involved in crime cases the other night.

My opinion is that while I do entirely believe in the realm of psychic ability, I don't believe that all the people who profess to have such abilities actually do. For instance, in cases like this where there is a lot of emotion and the case plays on your mind [particularly if you have been doing a lot of sleuthing] it's extremely easy for your mind to create what you perceive to be some form of psychic ability. And there is so much anger directed at Casey, and frankly, a lot of frustration, that people are also trying to cold read Casey and her actions. And if you do that, 9 times out of 10 you're going to come up with 'MURDERER'.

For example, Brian at that other site, proffesses to have all these amazing abilities - to a point I believe he does - however I also strongly believe he has an overactive imagination, and when he is dreaming, he is doing just that dreaming. He's not always dreaming psychic revelations. His overactive imagination just puts it all together vaguely and he then assigns his dreams to a particular case, and more often that not he is wrong. Unfortunately, just like many psychics in this world are.

And as the quote above me references regarding Casey's dream: I don't think that's any kind of psychic ability. I'd put that down to more of a form of insecurity on Casey's behalf that manifested into her subconscious and therefore into her dreams.
I can't normally see what anyone sees.........but this one is terrifying to me. I see a woman with a shovel looking down to strike someone again and I feel like it is Caylee's blood dripping off the shovel.

My bold

I agree,
So I have felt really stupid posting this on here... but here I go anyway. Like so many I have had dreams about Caylee. The one I had a week ago was really creepy and has haunted me since.
I had a dream that I was going with YM to check on a tip he had recieved. We went to a house that was brown and was an a lake or pond. In the back of the house facing the water was a large deck on the second level and a patio underneath the deck. When we walked aroung the back of the house there was a man, woman, and male child on the patio. They were smoking some drug. I do not think it was just pot. Could have been laced with something. But for some reason it really bothered me in my dream and I felt it was really bad. (I don't think pot is a horrible drug). The woman was trying to get me to try it and teling me it was okay. At that the time the young boy turned to me to say there was nothing wrong with it and that he even smoked it. When I loked at him his eyes had a white film covering them (the thought gives me the heeby jeeby's). I then noticed that the man and womans eyes were the same. I really got creeped out so I turned and walked over by the driveway where a small patch of grass that was soaking wet was. When I looked down there was Caylee laying face down in a puddle in the grass. I lost it and ran.
Evidently Casey has had some dreams.....even IF she was telling the truth about thier content, maybe she is psycic as well.
She told TonE that she was having nightmares about thier relationship....which is now OVER.

psychic? umm do you believe what she said? why? it was more pressure on him and convenient lie. my opinion. : )
getting life in jail is haunting her boney azz. my opinion.

Sorry to be quoting myself here. Honestly, KC does not nor has ever given a rat azz about her daughter. What she dreams about is money, pleasure, fun, guys, recognition, etc.

For example, a person who fbombs her own mom and dad, skips around from guy to guy, fakes and lies, is not about to be psychic. don't confuse psychic with psychotic, they both read people really well. KC is a mere beginner.
Laneymae, see you tomorrow. Same gestures per cartoon emoticons really tired after reading docts, taking notes, etc. In a way, being knowledgeable (sp) doesn't help. Every one wants to be first instead of right. Aren't you East Coast? WTH! Mr. Steed is getting impatient. He says he has a new lead...Heard that before, but okey.

Laneymae, see you tomorrow. Same gestures per cartoon emoticons really tired after reading docts, taking notes, etc. In a way, being knowledgeable (sp) doesn't help. Every one wants to be first instead of right. Aren't you East Coast? WTH! Mr. Steed is getting impatient. He says he has a new lead...Heard that before, but okey.


It is 2:00 a.m. central time and I really need to go to bed. I keep saying, "I'll just read one more post" or "I just need to check out one more thread". Anyway, I am going to bed and will see you tomorrow.
That web site you posted I found interesting since he saw The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Look what it says............

The Lion of Judah is a fascinating one. A lion, or wild cat, is courageous and fearless, yet silent in its pursuit of its goal. It also spends much time watching and waiting with patience for the right circumstances to arise before it attains its goal.
Is Casey the lion then? I see alot of key words in this little paragraph.
I can't normally see what anyone sees.........but this one is terrifying to me. I see a woman with a shovel looking down to strike someone again and I feel like it is Caylee's blood dripping off the shovel.
Wow, I never thought of a shovel rather than a guitar. Somehow though, I don't think Casey did the act. I think someone else did and she is covering up out of fear, or in the alternative, is so wacked out from the experience that she has blocked it out. According to everyone who knew her, including ex-boyfriends, this Casey is not the Casey they all knew. Who are we seeing?

The shrinks on Nancy Grace always refer to her as a sociopath and a narcissist. They are very seasoned at what they do. Casey didn't just snap now . . . she had been doing other things that were not nice for awhile, including lying to JG about him being the father. That was 3 years ago people. But I still am confused as to everything Casey. No one in her family said "This just isn't like her. She's so responsible. She's such a good mother. This doesn't make any sense." It's all about a cover up with her family and the more we learn from the released documents, the more lies we uncover.
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